A third of CPAC wants to cancel Trump

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Ron DeSantis is the man to watch.

He has better Constitutional fortitude than Trump, all the America First attitude and none of the ego.

Besides, in 4 years Trump will be too old and in bad health.

DeSantis 2024 !!!
If trump would put his money behind Desantis,he would have a good shot.yeah trump would be too old by then,people need to stop thinking about trump coming back thst year, I would take either him or the governor of SD,either of them would be great for the country.
As of Feb 24, the Dakota's rank one-two in per capita Covid infection despite that rural areas (which they are) typically fare better than the urban. The Governor of SD is stupid.
lmao 1/3 of the people there in the audience are like "nah, no thanks loser"
What % of Leftists prefer Sanders over Biden? 1/3?

Its par for the course in politics, mam.
It might be more than 1/3 for Sanders but the difference is that most of the Sanders Supporters voted for Biden. People who like a Mitt Romney will not again vote for Trump. They already have their SC Justices.

Properly played, many on the religious right will leave Trump to his prostitutes. What then?
what then what? you seem to be delusional like we're going somewhere. too fking funny. I'm right here, will be here. Trump changed politics. deal with it.
We did deal with it. We sent Trump packing. Deal with that.
lmao 1/3 of the people there in the audience are like "nah, no thanks loser"
What % of Leftists prefer Sanders over Biden? 1/3?

Its par for the course in politics, mam.
It might be more than 1/3 for Sanders but the difference is that most of the Sanders Supporters voted for Biden. People who like a Mitt Romney will not again vote for Trump. They already have their SC Justices.

Properly played, many on the religious right will leave Trump to his prostitutes. What then?
Trump isn't running in 2024? Unless I missed something? But if he endorses as softer candidate then both the old GOP and new Trump GOP could come together. Would that not be the plan?
When did Trump say that he's not running?

Certainly, a lot can change in three years. I'll probably be dead myself.
That's not enough.
It's not enough, and yet I'm a little surprised it's that much.

They must have been staying pretty freaking quiet at TPAC, in fear for their lives.
was BLM and antifa there?
At TPAC? Um, not that I know of.

What a weird question.
then yours was a weird question. you be confused at who destroys buildings and towns.
Oh, I see. Your universe didn't tell you about the Trumpster terrorist attack on our nation's capitol, our elected representatives, including our Vice President, and our very electoral process on January 6th.

I'm not surprised.
lmao 1/3 of the people there in the audience are like "nah, no thanks loser"
What % of Leftists prefer Sanders over Biden? 1/3?

Its par for the course in politics, mam.
It might be more than 1/3 for Sanders but the difference is that most of the Sanders Supporters voted for Biden. People who like a Mitt Romney will not again vote for Trump. They already have their SC Justices.

Properly played, many on the religious right will leave Trump to his prostitutes. What then?
what then what? you seem to be delusional like we're going somewhere. too fking funny. I'm right here, will be here. Trump changed politics. deal with it.
We did deal with it. We sent Trump packing. Deal with that.
naw, you committed treasonous election fraud. well not you exactly, the elitists of the country who couldn't deal with trump's policies of caring for Americans. It's why all the EO's to diminish american values when Biden went in. Gas prices up almost a dollar, that hits every american. cut jobs, cut benefits, cut all kinds of american values with a pen. wow. Nope, Trump took on the establishment and the establishment lost and made up its own rules to remove him and tell 75 million americans to fk off. yep, we're going nowhere. deal with it.
According to this reporter....

That doesn't seem like good news for the Obergruppenführer of the GOP.

It's certainly not good news for their presidential hopes. He's ru mont whether they want it or not, and with 1/3 of the party against him he will lose again.
That's not enough.
It's not enough, and yet I'm a little surprised it's that much.

They must have been staying pretty freaking quiet at TPAC, in fear for their lives.
was BLM and antifa there?
At TPAC? Um, not that I know of.

What a weird question.
then yours was a weird question. you be confused at who destroys buildings and towns.
Oh, I see. Your universe didn't tell you about the Trumpster terrorist attack on our nation's capitol, our elected representatives, including our Vice President, and our very electoral process on January 6th.

I'm not surprised.
never happened with Trump supporters. inside job. already explained in another thread. go read it. Portland Ferguson Chicago, Kenosha Seattle, LA. how many more cities you need for the BLM antifa crowd? oh yes, Minneapolis. I laugh at you,
That's not enough.
It's not enough, and yet I'm a little surprised it's that much.

They must have been staying pretty freaking quiet at TPAC, in fear for their lives.
was BLM and antifa there?
At TPAC? Um, not that I know of.

What a weird question.
then yours was a weird question. you be confused at who destroys buildings and towns.
Oh, I see. Your universe didn't tell you about the Trumpster terrorist attack on our nation's capitol, our elected representatives, including our Vice President, and our very electoral process on January 6th.

I'm not surprised.
never happened with Trump supporters. inside job. already explained in another thread. go read it. Portland Ferguson Chicago, Kenosha Seattle, LA. how many more cities you need for the BLM antifa crowd? oh yes, Minneapolis. I laugh at you,
holy crap
lmao 1/3 of the people there in the audience are like "nah, no thanks loser"
What % of Leftists prefer Sanders over Biden? 1/3?

Its par for the course in politics, mam.
It might be more than 1/3 for Sanders but the difference is that most of the Sanders Supporters voted for Biden. People who like a Mitt Romney will not again vote for Trump. They already have their SC Justices.

Properly played, many on the religious right will leave Trump to his prostitutes. What then?
what then what? you seem to be delusional like we're going somewhere. too fking funny. I'm right here, will be here. Trump changed politics. deal with it.
We did deal with it. We sent Trump packing. Deal with that.
As gas and energy prices rise and then Biden removes the tax cuts and high inflation on everything we do increases, we all will deal with it. You won!
That's not enough.
It's not enough, and yet I'm a little surprised it's that much.

They must have been staying pretty freaking quiet at TPAC, in fear for their lives.
was BLM and antifa there?
At TPAC? Um, not that I know of.

What a weird question.
then yours was a weird question. you be confused at who destroys buildings and towns.
Oh, I see. Your universe didn't tell you about the Trumpster terrorist attack on our nation's capitol, our elected representatives, including our Vice President, and our very electoral process on January 6th.

I'm not surprised.
never happened with Trump supporters. inside job. already explained in another thread. go read it. Portland Ferguson Chicago, Kenosha Seattle, LA. how many more cities you need for the BLM antifa crowd? oh yes, Minneapolis. I laugh at you,
holy crap
Shit that's blessed?
lol so go ahead and dump him; he will instantly have a Third Party larger than any in American History, and like the his win in 2016 he will need far less money than either Democrats or the GOP would have to hustle up and extort to run his race. Given the increasing dissatisfaction of the big unions with the likes of AOC and the other commies running the DNC now, he will be able to bite off a big chunk of the Democrats' labor vote s well come the mid-terms and 2024, whether he runs himself or merely endorses candidates.
Third Party? Excellent.
For the 33% maybe but the vast majority 66% prove it is still Trump's Party
lmao 1/3 of the people there in the audience are like "nah, no thanks loser"
What % of Leftists prefer Sanders over Biden? 1/3?

Its par for the course in politics, mam.
It might be more than 1/3 for Sanders but the difference is that most of the Sanders Supporters voted for Biden. People who like a Mitt Romney will not again vote for Trump. They already have their SC Justices.

Properly played, many on the religious right will leave Trump to his prostitutes. What then?
Trump isn't running in 2024? Unless I missed something? But if he endorses as softer candidate then both the old GOP and new Trump GOP could come together. Would that not be the plan?
When did Trump say that he's not running?

Certainly, a lot can change in three years. I'll probably be dead myself.
He never said he was. You’re that old? Jeeezuz
That's not enough.
Especially when you realize that events like CPAC are magnets for the pundit and campaign consultant crowd, who are nearly always wrong about everything.

Almost all other candidates wil have to shovel out a lot more money to bribe 'journalists' to spin fake news for them than Trump will, another major reason the media in general hate his guts and lie through their teeth about him; he proved candidates with genuine appeal to Americans don't need to throw billions at media companies to beat the Big Two. He forced them to resort to such massive fraud and election rigging no one left in the world believes Biden beat him.
That's not enough.
Especially when you realize that events like CPAC are magnets for the pundit and campaign consultant crowd, who are nearly always wrong about everything.

Almost all other candidates wil have to shovel out a lot more money to bribe 'journalists' to spin fake news for them than Trump will, another major reason the media in general hate his guts and lie through their teeth about him; he proved candidates with genuine appeal to Americans don't need to throw billions at media companies to beat the Big Two. He forced them to resort to such massive fraud and election rigging no one left in the world believes Biden beat him.
Funny,they sure were cheering for him when he made his speech yesterday.
And it's pretty obvious some people didnt watch it where he flat out said that he's not going to start a third party,in fact he called it fake news.
He went on to say that would be a stupid move because it would split the Republican vote.
lol so go ahead and dump him; he will instantly have a Third Party larger than any in American History, and like the his win in 2016 he will need far less money than either Democrats or the GOP would have to hustle up and extort to run his race. Given the increasing dissatisfaction of the big unions with the likes of AOC and the other commies running the DNC now, he will be able to bite off a big chunk of the Democrats' labor vote s well come the mid-terms and 2024, whether he runs himself or merely endorses candidates.
Third Party? Excellent.
For the 33% maybe but the vast majority 66% prove it is still Trump's Party

And now the unions in the Big Blue cities are pissed off at the commies like AOC costing their members lots of jobs by driving off business, particularly in NYC. The fallout from that will be seen in the mid-terms state wide there and elsewhere.
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