A tipping point in Australia

Like smoke from New Zealand makes a difference when half of Australia is on fire.
Ffs. It is smoke from Australian fires in New Zealand, which is 1600 miles away across a sea. What is it with you, dyslexia or dementia?

WTF difference does it make where the smoke is coming from?
The whole area is on fire and more than likely set ablaze by leftist and Muslimes.
Yep, 200 have been arrested so far. One muslim boy set 17 fires alone.
Like smoke from New Zealand makes a difference when half of Australia is on fire.
Ffs. It is smoke from Australian fires in New Zealand, which is 1600 miles away across a sea. What is it with you, dyslexia or dementia?

WTF difference does it make where the smoke is coming from?
The whole area is on fire and more than likely set ablaze by leftist and Muslimes.
Yep, 200 have been arrested so far. One muslim boy set 17 fires alone.

150 EnviroMaxist terrorists was the tipping point. Jihadis working with Climate Cult, wow, that's, nobody saw that one coming, right?
Some CO2 causes forest fires, others cause floods and hurricanes...are you writing this down?
Looks like we are seeing a tipping right now;

Oh my this still going on, AGW causes everything from pimples to terrorism!

Although it may be the people that are doing echo terrorism and setting the fires!
Looks like we are seeing a tipping right now;

I agree. All the bad management of their wild areas and wild life has come round to bite them in the ass just like California. They did this to them selves.

The Queensland state government has been accused of failing to meet its hazard reduction burn targets. Operation Cool Burn allows Queensland’s Fire and Emergency services to carry out hazard reduction burns, usually between April and August. There were 168 planned burns for 2019, but only 117 were carried out. The figures also showed the state government did not meet its targets for the past four years. Acting Fire and Emergency Services Minister Leanne Enoch has blamed the shortfall on the weather, drier conditions, a longer fire season and a shorter window to conduct the burns. Image: News Corp Australia

Qld govt accused of failing to meet hazard reduction burn targets

To some degree yes. Hold my beer as I kick a few assholes responsible for this!!!

Under no circumstances do I want to be negative at all to the way the Firemen and community have responded to the current challenges. I have been a tad angry at the less than satisfactory Hazard reduction outcomes of the last few years and the stupidity of some "green" orientations that have made the window of opportunity for effective hazard reduction smaller than it should have been and yes; if the window is getting smaller then efforts should intensify during those times. But that is a lesson to be learned and even though guys like me have been emphatic about "cool burns" it is now obvious that it must occur at double the effort. It is a harsh lesson but, from the expressions of those in control now the necessary need has now been recognised.

For those doing the job; they've been fantastic. This is after all a complication because of a bad drought, early fire season, late monsoon and late rains coupled with an Indian Ocean Dipole. As for "Climate Change"? It is NOT the answer to cause, probably at all imo, when far bigger proximal factors are involved.

This a good read. It asks the question how long will Australia be livable, or more accurately parts of Australia. Temperatures in Australia reached extremes never reached before. These temperatures may become the new norm and if they do, the question is will there be dead zones on land as there are in the oceans.

How Long Will Australia Be Livable?
As one of the the previous videos showed, Aussie farmers can sell their last cows to China before they close down. American firefighters have come. How many Chinese have come?

What are the details of Aboriginal practice? As this video states at the beginning, "Aboriginals were very aware of these fires" but does not go into any further explanation.

The Debate Over Hazard Reduction Burning

'@ 1:20: David Bowman, the director of the University of Tasmania's Fire Center, says that there's no reason to point a finger at green activists...."You could not do planned burning if you wanted to....that's why those areas have not been treated."
@2:25: National Park services have been cut back in just about every state in the territory.'
Climate Change creates Arsonists?

Who knew?
No, climate change creates fires. Listen to the Aussie fire expert starting at the 2 minute mark in the video.
No, climate change creates fires. Listen to the Aussie fire expert starting at the 2 minute mark in the video.
Ignore the 200 people arrested for arson and listen to the scary Climate Cult Jihadists


"We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public's imagination... So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts... Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest."
- Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology, lead author of many IPCC reports westwall
No, climate change creates fires. Listen to the Aussie fire expert starting at the 2 minute mark in the video.

It's just the luck of the draw that Australian wasn't hit by the CO2 that causes floods and hurricanes, right?
No, we're not ignoring 200 opportunists, otherwise we'd take Iran's (religious, and thus inessential) retaliation seriously. So one Aussie fire expert believes in climate change. Adding to the list of automatons, we must add actresses:

7 Jan 2020 Yahoo Entertainment: 'OITNB' Actress to give up green card and reside in Australia permanently: 'This is war.'
No, climate change creates fires. Listen to the Aussie fire expert starting at the 2 minute mark in the video.

It's just the luck of the draw that Australian wasn't hit by the CO2 that causes floods and hurricanes, right?

It's special kind of CO2 that does the opposite of regular CO2 ... the electrons spin clockwise down under ... that's why in Australian country music, your dog isn't runned over, your pick-up still runs and your wife is still at home ...

Maybe I'm the only one who bothered to look up what the climate is today in Australia ... about 80% is desert ... any change means the climate will be something other than desert ... THAT'S A BAD THING ... who could possible want more rain, more agriculture, more prosperity ... evil upon evil ...

Morons ...
Yael Stone, then, will be one to watch as an Aussie green activist who believes in climate change..
No, climate change creates fires. Listen to the Aussie fire expert starting at the 2 minute mark in the video.

It's just the luck of the draw that Australian wasn't hit by the CO2 that causes floods and hurricanes, right?

It's special kind of CO2 that does the opposite of regular CO2 ... the electrons spin clockwise down under ... that's why in Australian country music, your dog isn't runned over, your pick-up still runs and your wife is still at home ...

Maybe I'm the only one who bothered to look up what the climate is today in Australia ... about 80% is desert ... any change means the climate will be something other than desert ... THAT'S A BAD THING ... who could possible want more rain, more agriculture, more prosperity ... evil upon evil ...

Morons ...

I suspected that there's a left handed and right handed version of CO2: one for floods, the other causes fires

OCO floods

OCO fires

The O switched places
'Make no mistake, the tragedy unfolding in Australia is climate change-based."
(Jennifer Anniston for Russell Crowe, Golden Globes)

Yael Stone is apparently involved with Future Energy Artists

One technology to watch for post-fire Australia may be cryogenic storage because it uses both waste heat and cold to enhance performance, while competing with existing lithium-ion technology.

Europe's First Cryogenic Storage Plant: Will It Solve the Challenge of Storing Renewable Energy?

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