Zone1 A truth from Jesus demonstrated how you must attempt to twist the Holy Scriptures to the point that they attempt to wrestle with the Holy Scriptures to your own destruction (2 Peter 3:16). When this is pointed out you are reduced to using the personal ad hominem attack as instructed by the god of this world. (2 Cor. 4:4)

Again, I will make it simple. When Jesus was teaching His followers how to pray, "Thy Kingdom Come".........(Matthew 6)......He later in the Gospel pointed out just when and how the Kingdom would come, "Verily I say unto you, THERE BE SOME STANDING HERE (where? at that time in the 1st century) WHICH SHALL NOT TASTE OF DEATH UNTIL THEY SEE THE SON OF MAN COMING IN HIS KINGDOM". -- Matthew 16:28 The Gospel of Matthew begins with John the Baptist declaring, "Repent for the KINGDOM OF GOD is near......" (near in the 1st century) Matthew 3:2.

Question? What man has lived over 2000 years (Some standing here) still awaiting on YOUR KINGDOM TO COME? You are suggesting that God failed to deliver His kingdom and Jesus lied about the time period in which the Kingdom would be established. All throughout the scriptures both John the Baptist and Jesus were teaching as truth........"The Kingdom of God is AT HAND (very close)" -- Mark 1:14-15.

The Kingdom that Christ constructed (Matthew 16)......a Kingdom that Jesus gave the Keys to that kingdom to Peter.....came to earth and was recorded as such in the Acts of the Apostles chapter 2. Peter exercised the use of those keys that would bind on earth what was bound in heaven -- Matthew 16:19 (meaning whatever Peter was directed to speak by the Holy Spirit of God would be bound and used as Doctrine both on earth and in heaven........the very first Gospel sermon was then preached by Peter in the newly established Kingdom of God, the Apostle Peter who declared...........

"Therefore let all the house of Israel (the Jews) know asuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36) Jesus had been appointed both Lord (ruler) and Christ (King) by God.

All the passages of scripture before Jesus was appointed by God as Lord and King speak of the Kingdom as coming in the near future (as pointed out in Mark 1:14-15, Matthew 3:2) all passages after the day of Pentecost where Peter preached the first Gospel sermon after the ascension of Jesus, in the clouds surrounded by angels of God (Acts 1:9), just as prophesied under the Old Law.......all scriptures after this day of Pentecost speaks of the Kingdom of God...i.e, the church as being here, established when Peter informed the People just how they could enter this Kingdom of God, using the Keys that Jesus had given him that people might enter the Kingdom, "Repent and be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost....." -- Acts 2:38

You see? You twist the Coming of the kingdom of God as some future event when Jesus would come and establish His Kingdom surrounded by angels in the cloulds.......when in reality the Kingdom of God was Established when Jesus Ascended into Heaven to sit at the right hand of God on king David's throne as King of Kings.....Read be enlighted.........the Kingdom was established, but Jesus was ascending into heaven........not descending to earth from heaven........

"And when He (Jesus) had spoken these things (concerning the establishment of the promised Kingdom of God made to restore Israel -- Acts 1:6).........while they (the apostles) beheld; He (Jesus) was taken up; and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they (the apostles) stood steadfastly looking toward heaven as He went up, two men (angels of God) stood by them in white apparel; which also said; Ye men of Galilee; why stand here gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus which is taken up from you in heaven, shall come again in like manner as ye have seen Him go....." -- Acts 1:9-11

When Jesus comes back "IN LIKE MANNER" as when He ascended........Jesus will come back to receive His Bride (the church) in the sky without ever touching foot on earth the sound of a trump (1 Cor. 15:52).........then comes the judgement after which the Kingdom of God is turned back to the Father from which all authority came in the first place (1 Cor. 15:24)

He was referring to Gods chosen ones as a whole-Some of you will not taste death, not to them personally. Prophecy is clear kingdom rule began here at Rev 6- he receives his crown. And the prophecy from Daniel= 2520 years from the time the last king was removed from Jerusalem= 607 bce--comes out to 1914, and at rev 6-peace will be taken from the earth also proves that date correct. This is called the presence- Matt 24:37--2Pet 3:4--1Cor 15:23
:no_text11: He was referring to Gods chosen ones as a whole-Some of you will not taste death, not to them personally. Prophecy is clear kingdom rule began here at Rev 6- he receives his crown. And the prophecy from Daniel= 2520 years from the time the last king was removed from Jerusalem= 607 bce--comes out to 1914, and at rev 6-peace will be taken from the earth also proves that date correct. This is called the presence- Matt 24:37--2Pet 3:4--1Cor 15:23
Yeah.........the scriptures declare that Jesus is talking only to God's chosen ones. Read the passage in context.....Jesus is speaking directly to His "Disciples". "The Jesus said to His DISCIPLES..........." Matthew 16:24-28

God is no respector of person (Acts 10:34, spoken by the Apostle Peter, and Romans 2:11, spoken by the Apsotle Paul).........what? He only speaks to certain Chosen Ones? Such as the Special KJW cult? You must inject personal PRIVIATE opinion into the scriptures which is strictly forbiden...............

"But know this first of all.........that no prophecy of scripture becomes a matter of someone's OWN INTERPRETATION, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." -- 2 Peter 1:20

It was the duty of the Holy Ghost inspired authors of the New Testament to speak as commanded by Christ Jesus, just as Jesus promised, that He would lead them into all truth after His death, resurrection and ascension.

"I have many more things to say to you (His Apostles) but you cannot bear them at the present (while Jesus was living), but when He, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH (Holy Spirit as was fallen on them in Acts 2), He will guide you into all truth; for He (the Holy Spirit) will not speak on His own, but whatever He hears (from Jesus), and He will disclose to you what is to come......." -- John 16:12-13

Peter was given the Keys to the Kingdom, with the command that what He binds on earth will be bound in Heaven (Mattew 16)......what? Has Peter waited over 2000 years to exercise the use of these Keys........or did the scriptures, inspired by the Holy Spirit sent by Jesus speak to Peter and guide him into all truth on the day of Pentecost after the Ascension of Jesus in the clouds acompanied by angels (Acts 1:9)......and allow Peter to open the door of the Kingdom of God as recorded in Acts 2:1-43? Peter told everyone how to enter the Kingdom of God, "Repent and be bapized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost........FOR THE REMISSION OF SIN." -- Acts 2:38

You are as Peter declared, " also in all his (Paul's) letters, speaking in them things hard to understand....which the unlearned and unstable (those teaching fables as truth) DISTORT (as hard as I looked I could see no scripture declaring that Jesus was addressing only a few chosen ones......that would not taste of inject Symbolism where the scriptures do not declare symbolism and then attempt to declare literalism upon an entire book........Revelation 1:1........that was "signified"/symbolized......... when you do this you wrest with the scriptures to YOUR OWN DESTRUCTION " -- 2 Peter 3:16

Proof that YOUR CULT is false? All the failed historical prophecies that have never come true.

Peter warned of cults such as this some 2000 years ago, when you deny the deity of Jesus you are preaching an antichrist doctrine, "But FALSE PROPHETS also appeared among the people........just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secrectly introduce destructive heresies, EVEN DENYING THE MASTER (Jesus) WHO BOUGHT THEM, BRINGING SWIFT DESTRUCION UPON THEMSELVES. Many will follow their indecent behavior, and because of them the way of truth will be maligned; in their greed (your cult began by having everyone give all they had to its leadership.......your cult began as Millerites in mid 1800s.......just like the cult of Branch Davidians in Texas led by David Koresh) they will expliot you with false words......" 2 Peter 2:1-2

Simple answer: Name "one" prophecy that has come to fulfillment by the advantist movement.
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Yeah.........the scriptures declare that Jesus is talking only to God's chosen ones. Read the passage in context.....Jesus is speaking directly to His "Disciples". "The Jesus said to His DISCIPLES..........." Matthew 16:24-28

God is no respector of person (Acts 10:34, spoken by the Apostle Peter, and Romans 2:11, spoken by the Apsotle Paul).........what? He only speaks to certain Chosen Ones? Such as the Special KJW cult? You must inject personal PRIVIATE opinion into the scriptures which is strictly forbiden...............

"But know this first of all.........that no prophecy of scripture becomes a matter of someone's OWN INTERPRETATION, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." -- 2 Peter 1:20

It was the duty of the Holy Ghost inspired authors of the New Testament to speak as commanded by Christ Jesus, just as Jesus promised, that He would lead them into all truth after His death, resurrection and ascension.

"I have many more things to say to you (His Apostles) but you cannot bear them at the present (while Jesus was living), but when He, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH (Holy Spirit as was fallen on them in Acts 2), He will guide you into all truth; for He (the Holy Spirit) will not speak on His own, but whatever He hears (from Jesus), and He will disclose to you what is to come......." -- John 16:12-13

Peter was given the Keys to the Kingdom, with the command that what He binds on earth will be bound in Heaven (Mattew 16)......what? Has Peter waited over 2000 years to exercise the use of these Keys........or did the scriptures, inspired by the Holy Spirit sent by Jesus speak to Peter and guide him into all truth on the day of Pentecost after the Ascension of Jesus in the clouds acompanied by angels (Acts 1:9)......and allow Peter to open the door of the Kingdom of God as recorded in Acts 2:1-43? Peter told everyone how to enter the Kingdom of God, "Repent and be bapized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost........FOR THE REMISSION OF SIN." -- Acts 2:38

You are as Peter declared, " also in all his (Paul's) letters, speaking in them things hard to understand....which the unlearned and unstable (those teaching fables as truth) DISTORT (as hard as I looked I could see no scripture declaring that Jesus was addressing only a few chosen ones......that would not taste of inject Symbolism where the scriptures do not declare symbolism and then attempt to declare literalism upon an entire book........Revelation 1:1........that was "signified"/symbolized......... when you do this you wrest with the scriptures to YOUR OWN DESTRUCTION " -- 2 Peter 3:16

Proof that YOUR CULT is false? All the failed historical prophecies that have never come true.

Peter warned of cults such as this some 2000 years ago, when you deny the deity of Jesus you are preaching an antichrist doctrine, "But FALSE PROPHETS also appeared among the people........just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secrectly introduce destructive heresies, EVEN DENYING THE MASTER (Jesus) WHO BOUGHT THEM, BRINGING SWIFT DESTRUCION UPON THEMSELVES. Many will follow their indecent behavior, and because of them the way of truth will be maligned; in their greed (your cult began by having everyone give all they had to its leadership.......your cult began as Millerites in mid 1800s.......just like the cult of Branch Davidians in Texas led by David Koresh) they will expliot you with false words......" 2 Peter 2:1-2

Simple answer: Name "one" prophecy that has come to fulfillment by the advantist movement.

There is alot of symbolism and some truths were hidden( Dan 12:4) until these last days.
Peter taught that the Father is Jesus' God-1Peter 1:3---reality= God does not have a God, thus you are twisting anything else Peter said.

Gods view of a cult is all that matters in the end= a house divided willnot stand--How many trinity based religions are there? 34,000 according to wikipedia. They fail this true mark 100%= 1Cor 1:10--Unity of thought( all of Gods 1 truth) no division---simple bible milk--My religion passes 1 Cor 1:10 with flying colors why do you think that is? And your religions cant seem to understand that simple bible milk.
Yeah.........the scriptures declare that Jesus is talking only to God's chosen ones. Read the passage in context.....Jesus is speaking directly to His "Disciples". "The Jesus said to His DISCIPLES..........." Matthew 16:24-28

God is no respector of person (Acts 10:34, spoken by the Apostle Peter, and Romans 2:11, spoken by the Apsotle Paul).........what? He only speaks to certain Chosen Ones? Such as the Special KJW cult? You must inject personal PRIVIATE opinion into the scriptures which is strictly forbiden...............

"But know this first of all.........that no prophecy of scripture becomes a matter of someone's OWN INTERPRETATION, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." -- 2 Peter 1:20

It was the duty of the Holy Ghost inspired authors of the New Testament to speak as commanded by Christ Jesus, just as Jesus promised, that He would lead them into all truth after His death, resurrection and ascension.

"I have many more things to say to you (His Apostles) but you cannot bear them at the present (while Jesus was living), but when He, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH (Holy Spirit as was fallen on them in Acts 2), He will guide you into all truth; for He (the Holy Spirit) will not speak on His own, but whatever He hears (from Jesus), and He will disclose to you what is to come......." -- John 16:12-13

Peter was given the Keys to the Kingdom, with the command that what He binds on earth will be bound in Heaven (Mattew 16)......what? Has Peter waited over 2000 years to exercise the use of these Keys........or did the scriptures, inspired by the Holy Spirit sent by Jesus speak to Peter and guide him into all truth on the day of Pentecost after the Ascension of Jesus in the clouds acompanied by angels (Acts 1:9)......and allow Peter to open the door of the Kingdom of God as recorded in Acts 2:1-43? Peter told everyone how to enter the Kingdom of God, "Repent and be bapized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost........FOR THE REMISSION OF SIN." -- Acts 2:38

You are as Peter declared, " also in all his (Paul's) letters, speaking in them things hard to understand....which the unlearned and unstable (those teaching fables as truth) DISTORT (as hard as I looked I could see no scripture declaring that Jesus was addressing only a few chosen ones......that would not taste of inject Symbolism where the scriptures do not declare symbolism and then attempt to declare literalism upon an entire book........Revelation 1:1........that was "signified"/symbolized......... when you do this you wrest with the scriptures to YOUR OWN DESTRUCTION " -- 2 Peter 3:16

Proof that YOUR CULT is false? All the failed historical prophecies that have never come true.

Peter warned of cults such as this some 2000 years ago, when you deny the deity of Jesus you are preaching an antichrist doctrine, "But FALSE PROPHETS also appeared among the people........just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secrectly introduce destructive heresies, EVEN DENYING THE MASTER (Jesus) WHO BOUGHT THEM, BRINGING SWIFT DESTRUCION UPON THEMSELVES. Many will follow their indecent behavior, and because of them the way of truth will be maligned; in their greed (your cult began by having everyone give all they had to its leadership.......your cult began as Millerites in mid 1800s.......just like the cult of Branch Davidians in Texas led by David Koresh) they will expliot you with false words......" 2 Peter 2:1-2

Simple answer: Name "one" prophecy that has come to fulfillment by the advantist movement.

C.T.Russell stated in 1879--Peace will be taken from the earth in 1914--He was 100% correct on that. He however did confuse the ride of the white horse at Rev 6 for Armageddon, it was actually the war in heaven. Armageddon is a true prophecy made by God, he erred by trying to put a date on it.
The prophecy in Daniel= 2520 years from the removal of the last king in Jerusalem will establish Gods kingdom in heaven = 607 bce+ 2520= 1914--Rev 6-And he received his crown-Jesus sat on his throne--It also says at Rev 6--And peace will be taken from the earth=ww1-Why-Because satan lost the war in heaven and was cast down to the earth, coming angry, knowing his time was short--filled mens hearts with hatred enough to slaughter millions of each other. After the war, millions upon millions died all over the earth from things mentioned of the other 3 riders.
So the question remains how come no other religions saw it coming from that bible prophecy? They had centuries before C.T.Russell to see it.
C.T.Russell stated in 1879--Peace will be taken from the earth in 1914--He was 100% correct on that. He however did confuse the ride of the white horse at Rev 6 for Armageddon, it was actually the war in heaven. Armageddon is a true prophecy made by God, he erred by trying to put a date on it.
The prophecy in Daniel= 2520 years from the removal of the last king in Jerusalem will establish Gods kingdom in heaven = 607 bce+ 2520= 1914--Rev 6-And he received his crown-Jesus sat on his throne--It also says at Rev 6--And peace will be taken from the earth=ww1-Why-Because satan lost the war in heaven and was cast down to the earth, coming angry, knowing his time was short--filled mens hearts with hatred enough to slaughter millions of each other. After the war, millions upon millions died all over the earth from things mentioned of the other 3 riders.
So the question remains how come no other religions saw it coming from that bible prophecy? They had centuries before C.T.Russell to see it. quote a personal opinion from 1879 and declare it true..... directly contradicting the inspired writing of the Apostle Peter in detailing that Scriptures/Prophecies are not for PRIVATE INTERPRETATION/OPINION.....they are self interpreted by the prophets who delivered them. (2 Peter 1:20)

Why are you reduced to the requirement of seeking sources that are external to the Holy Scriptures? Because YOUR CULT and all its propaganda laced reading materials are directly contradicted by the Inspired Record found in the Canon of the Holy Bible.......the "only" source required to debunk false doctrines.

"As we said before, so say I (The Apostle of Christ) now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you that than you have received (inspired record in the Word of God), LET HIM BE ACCURSED." -- Gal. 1:9 can you tell when a supposed prophet is not representing God's word?

"And if you say in your heart, How will we recognize the Word the Lord has not Spoken? When the prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, AND THE THING(S) DO NOT HAPPEN OR COME TRUE, THAT IS A THING THE LORD HAS NOT SPOKEN........." -- Deut. 18:21-22 :no_text11:

A historically recorded account of the FAILED PROPHECIES from the WATCHTOWER CULT can not be denied. Are the Witnesses "confirmed liars" when compared to the actual Word of God? Indeed History records at least 8 times prophecies made by the watchtower.......FAILED. FYI: Your cult worships God by a false name made by a mistranslation of the German Language into the Kings English in the middle ages. There is no God called Jehovah........its a name made by mistake of translation. The Lord God is simply "I AM"......just as decribed by the Christ Himself, "Before Abraham was.......I AM". -- John 8:58. When Moses asked the Lord to Identify Himself when the people asked who sent him......the Lord replied, "Tell them that I AM sent you." -- Ex. 3:14

Last edited: quote a personal opinion from 1879 and declare it true..... directly contradicting the inspired writing of the Apostle Peter in detailing that Scriptures/Prophecies are not for PRIVATE INTERPRETATION/OPINION.....they are self interpreted by the prophets who delivered them. (2 Peter 1:20)

Why are you reduced to the requirement of seeking sources that are external to the Holy Scriptures? Because YOUR CULT and all its propaganda laced reading materials are directly contradicted by the Inspired Record found in the Canon of the Holy Bible.......the "only" source required to debunk false doctrines.

"As we said before, so say I (The Apostle of Christ) now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you that than you have received (inspired record in the Word of God), LET HIM BE ACCURSED." -- Gal. 1:9 can you tell when a supposed prophet is not representing God's word?

"And if you say in your heart, How will we recognize the Word the Lord has not Spoken? When the prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, AND THE THING(S) DOES NOT HAPPEN OR COME TRUE, THAT IS A THING THE LORD HAS NOT SPOKEN........." -- Deut. 18:21-22 :no_text11:

A historically recorded account of the FAILED PROPHECIES from the WATCHTOWER CULT can not be denied. Are the Witnesses "confirmed liars" when compared to the actual Word of God? Indeed History records at least 8 times prophecies made by the watchtower.......FAILED.

there is a "WAR" in heaven? -----uhm. can we define HEAVEN?
there is a "WAR" in heaven? -----uhm. can we define HEAVEN?
There is a WAR IN HEAVEN? Just where did you read this querry in any post presented by ME? are addressing the wrong individual and wrong cult. I suggest you look to the false religion of Mormonism and its fairy tale Book of parroted from mistranslations of the King James Version of the Holy Scriptures by Joseph Smith in the 19th century.

Heaven? It depends upon on the context and subject matter presented in a particular passage of scripture. Heaven can indicate the sky above and its contents or it can indicate the abode of the heavenly hosts of scriptures depending upon the subject matter as defined by the surrounding text.
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there is a "WAR" in heaven? -----uhm. can we define HEAVEN?
Apocalyptic literature, written by John around the first century. In non-apocalyptic terms, a child of God (Jesus) was born by the people of God. Jesus was snatched up to heaven (his ascension) and the mother (all the people of God) fled to the wilderness because the Dragon/Satan (chaos on earth) sought to destroy the people of God (those who seek to create goodness here on earth).

Heaven is the spiritual realm of God. Satan is the Counsel for the Prosecution of the people of God. But John saw Satan as taking more authority on himself. Satan may have started out of being a tester of that which is good, but that grew into tempting people, which in turn grew into seducing people into what is not good. For this, Satan is seen as being thrown out of heaven and down to earth by the archangels. From here, people who die because they refuse the seduction of evil, are seen as martyrs and another conqueror of Satan.
Apocalyptic literature, written by John around the first century. In non-apocalyptic terms, a child of God (Jesus) was born by the people of God. Jesus was snatched up to heaven (his ascension) and the mother (all the people of God) fled to the wilderness because the Dragon/Satan (chaos on earth) sought to destroy the people of God (those who seek to create goodness here on earth).

Heaven is the spiritual realm of God. Satan is the Counsel for the Prosecution of the people of God. But John saw Satan as taking more authority on himself. Satan may have started out of being a tester of that which is good, but that grew into tempting people, which in turn grew into seducing people into what is not good. For this, Satan is seen as being thrown out of heaven and down to earth by the archangels. From here, people who die because they refuse the seduction of evil, are seen as martyrs and another conqueror of Sata

Apocalyptic literature, written by John around the first century. In non-apocalyptic terms, a child of God (Jesus) was born by the people of God. Jesus was snatched up to heaven (his ascension) and the mother (all the people of God) fled to the wilderness because the Dragon/Satan (chaos on earth) sought to destroy the people of God (those who seek to create goodness here on earth).

Heaven is the spiritual realm of God. Satan is the Counsel for the Prosecution of the people of God. But John saw Satan as taking more authority on himself. Satan may have started out of being a tester of that which is good, but that grew into tempting people, which in turn grew into seducing people into what is not good. For this, Satan is seen as being thrown out of heaven and down to earth by the archangels. From here, people who die because they refuse the seduction of evil, are seen as martyrs and another conqueror of Satan.
If you want to know about Satan and His rebellion against the authority of the Father.......allow the scriptures to tutor.

Its simple as explained by scripture. No one can serve 2 masters.........God and Man (the world and its ruler.....its god.....satan). Matthew 6:24

There is hardly any record about Satan and his beginning in scriptures but there are a few facts revealed about him in scripture. Unlike the Father God........Satan is not an omnipotent being like Jesus (1 John 4:4) Satan is in the World......unlike He that is within the Christian (Jesus). (2 Cor. 4:4) Satan is defined as the god (little g) of THIS, but he is not omnipresent.........existing both in heaven and on earth (he was cast from the heavenly realm to earth (Rev. 12:9)........nor is he an eternally existing creation (God created Satan along with everything else, and can destroy His creation Col. 1:15-17) .......Deut. 33:27.....explains the same as does the inspried apostle of Christ............we have our existence, our being, our lives WITHIN THE GOD OF CREATION (Acts 17:26-28) We are protected from the god of this world because we, as Christians have been called out from the world (1 John 2:15) decribes it best........we are agents of our own free will, we can decide to be protected within the confines of the kingdom of God (within God) or we can decide to enter the world again and worship the things therein where Satan reigns as the god of this world.

The very term saved.....litteraly means TO BE CALLED OUT FROM THE WORLD by becoming citizens of the kingdom of God....i.e, the kingdom of Christ........i.e., the church built by the Christ with He being the ROCK the foundation the chief cornerstone. (Matthew 16, Eph. 2:20)

The World....i.e., the realm of Satan holds only the authority that one freely grants to him. The greatest hold that Satan has in being the god of this world is DEATH, both physically and spiritually(to the unprotected)........its spiritual death that one needs to fear, not physical all things CREATED were created with an expiration include SATAN......the old dragon himself.

"And do not be afraid of those who kill the body.........but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destory both soul and body......" God protects those whom serve Him........every hair on one's head is counted as is every sparrow in the field (Matthew 10:28-29)

Its all about Spiritualism and the final destination of the Eternal Spirit that God Has given to all living creatures.......God's realm is a spiritual realm and to worship Him must worship IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH. (John 4:24)

Just as the Christ explained.........MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD.........ITS NOT FROM HERE (earth). John 18:36
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Apocalyptic literature, written by John around the first century. In non-apocalyptic terms, a child of God (Jesus) was born by the people of God. Jesus was snatched up to heaven (his ascension) and the mother (all the people of God) fled to the wilderness because the Dragon/Satan (chaos on earth) sought to destroy the people of God (those who seek to create goodness here on earth).

Heaven is the spiritual realm of God. Satan is the Counsel for the Prosecution of the people of God. But John saw Satan as taking more authority on himself. Satan may have started out of being a tester of that which is good, but that grew into tempting people, which in turn grew into seducing people into what is not good. For this, Satan is seen as being thrown out of heaven and down to earth by the archangels. From here, people who die because they refuse the seduction of evil, are seen as martyrs and another conqueror of Satan.
Apocalyptic literature, written by John around the first century. In non-apocalyptic terms, a child of God (Jesus) was born by the people of God. Jesus was snatched up to heaven (his ascension) and the mother (all the people of God) fled to the wilderness because the Dragon/Satan (chaos on earth) sought to destroy the people of God (those who seek to create goodness here on earth).

Heaven is the spiritual realm of God. Satan is the Counsel for the Prosecution of the people of God. But John saw Satan as taking more authority on himself. Satan may have started out of being a tester of that which is good, but that grew into tempting people, which in turn grew into seducing people into what is not good. For this, Satan is seen as being thrown out of heaven and down to earth by the archangels. From here, people who die because they refuse the seduction of evil, are seen as martyrs and another conqueror of Satan.
oh gee-----catholic have a MARY PULLED UP TO
HEAVEN holiday-----isn't that what happened to her?
oh gee-----catholic have a MARY PULLED UP TO
HEAVEN holiday-----isn't that what happened to her?
How do you get Mary out of John's apocalyptic account, let alone Mary being "pulled up to heaven"? I am not seeing it, not in John's account.
It's catholic dogma---you must have missed it
If you are getting this dogma from Revelation you missed quite a few classes and Bible studies. I am presenting John's account of the trials of first century Christianity, not twentieth century dogma of the Assumption of the mother of Jesus. Do some point to Revelation? Sure. But the entire Book of Revelation points to encompassing more than a single woman--that something being the Church or the entire people of God. That, too, is Catholic teaching.

John draws imagery from scripture he knew--Psalms, Song of Solomon, and perhaps some well-known Babylonian zodiac imagery of that time. Now if Matthew had written the account, I would have been looking for the overlay, but unlike Matthew, John favored apocalyptic literature over foreshadowing.
The Greek word used in Revelation translates-congregation. Jesus did not address a building, he addressed the inhabitants of that building. Rev is happening before your eyes. Yet the blind cannot see.

I thought everyone knew John of Patmos wasn't talking about buildings. Revelation is history.
If you are getting this dogma from Revelation you missed quite a few classes and Bible studies. I am presenting John's account of the trials of first century Christianity, not twentieth century dogma of the Assumption of the mother of Jesus. Do some point to Revelation? Sure. But the entire Book of Revelation points to encompassing more than a single woman--that something being the Church or the entire people of God. That, too, is Catholic teaching.

John draws imagery from scripture he knew--Psalms, Song of Solomon, and perhaps some well-known Babylonian zodiac imagery of that time. Now if Matthew had written the account, I would have been looking for the overlay, but unlike Matthew, John favored apocalyptic literature over foreshadowing.
ok but--SO? Poetic imagery is poetic imagery

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