A US Army sgt in an anti-sexual-assault program pimped female soldiers at Fort Hood


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
Sgt. 1st Class Gregory McQueen was part of the US Army’s Sexual Harassment and Assault Response/Prevention (SHARP) unit at Fort Hood. At the same time, he was trying to get a prostitution ring off the ground.

He didn't get far. Investigators caught on to what he was doing before he could get the pimping operation up and running. But many at Fort Hood and in the Army were shocked by the allegations, the San Antonion Express-News reports.

McQueen reportedly planned "sex parties" for high-ranking officers at Fort Hood and recruited subordinate female soldiers to the fledgling prostitution ring.

Read more: Army sergeant Gregory McQueen ran prostitution ring at Ft. Hood - Business Insider

The army is too big, too bureaucratic, and too corrupt from the top down for any of this to be a surprise.
As disgusting as this story is, it's old news. My best friend in the navy told me wild tales about hanky panky for cash on a couple of ships he was on.
The point is, ever since women were allowed in the military, there have been shenanigans like this going on.
Another thing is, military bases can be very lonely places for some personnel.
The part of this story that's irritating to me is how the females are made out to be some kind of victims when the fact of the matter is, they put themselves into position to exploit themselves AND to be exploited. There were no "sudden" revelations about what they were getting into, these aren't little doe-eyed innocent teeny boppers out having fun... They're female soldiers that are fully aware of everything that's going on around them.
Wow. Whats with all of our military members committing crimes? They took an oath to "serve and protect" this nation and they can follow the law themselves?

I bet most military members do this stuff.

Right liberals?
The article has a picture of the wannabe pimp sergeant.

Wondering about his race?

Most likely you already guessed it. .... :lol:

I assume all military sgts are committing corruption and crime too.
Wow. Whats with all of our military members committing crimes? They took an oath to "serve and protect" this nation and they can follow the law themselves?

I bet most military members do this stuff.

Right liberals?

Some of us just joined for the training, the adventure, and to experience the rush & sensation of taking human life, without caring at all about "protecting you" or "fighting for peace and freedom". "Fighting for your freedoms" is just a concept civilians are programmed with to brainwash you into believing that war is just. Such indoctrination has obviously proved effective lol

The military is an epic experience nonetheless

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Wow. Whats with all of our military members committing crimes? They took an oath to "serve and protect" this nation and they can follow the law themselves?

I bet most military members do this stuff.

Right liberals?

Some just join for the training, the adventure, and to experience the rush & sensation of taking human life, without caring at all about "protecting you" or "fighting for peace and freedom" lol. "Fighting for your freedoms" is just a concept civilians are made to believe to brainwash you into believing that war is just. Such indoctrination has obviously proved effective lol

The military is an epic experience nonetheless

I was being sarcastic dumbass.

If you think for a half second that the womderful lifestyle we live in America isnt in large part due to our military and past military action...then you're a full retard.
I was being sarcastic dumbass.

If you think for a half second that the womderful lifestyle we live in America isnt in large part due to our military and past military action...then you're a full retard.

Shut up & kneel like the bitch you are & continue worshipping us lol

I was being sarcastic dumbass.

If you think for a half second that the womderful lifestyle we live in America isnt in large part due to our military and past military action...then you're a full retard.

Shut up & kneel like the bitch you are & continue worshipping us lol

Haha sure thing tough guy. Little wannabe anarchists like you are such cowards in real life.

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