A us trade war with China end US monopoly on global financial system


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
If the Trump administration puts sanctions on China, this would hurt America more because it just forces China and Russia and other countries to cooperate, says investor and financial commentator Jim Rogers. US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned on Tuesday that the US could impose economic sanctions on China if it does not implement the new sanctions regime against North Korea, saying that

‘A US trade war with China will end US monopoly on global financial system’

Kind of like warning number two of the day. Sooner or later this economy is going to go under. It won't matter who is President it's been coming for a long time. But while we stay a float American can become strong again because our Jobs will be here, the products can be made here etc, etc...................

Another interesting article.........

The Numbers Don't Lie: The Middle Class is Dead and It Is Not Coming Back
I notice that anytime there is a whiff that America will stand it's ground and fight for principle, American independence and security, there is some person, group or treasonous neo-communist who believes that ANYTHING America does to protect it's interest is bad news.

To hell with Communist China and their pals. Who in their right mind believes that trade at any costs is worth America being a second world nation open to exploitation by foreign governments?

Stand up to China and build closer relationships with those nations who have issues with China, including, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea.
When the US sneezes China gets pneumonia.....they are already so overextended and piling up debt, if we shut our ports to their crap for 6 months, they'd be finished. Hell, we could do it faster than that just by freezing out our banking system to them....what currency would they shift to...the euro?

I've said for years we should give the Fortune 500 (or whatever they call themselves these days) 12 months to return their overseas ventures to domestic production or face crippling tariffs and the seizure of Chinese products already here as contraband. Imagine what could happen in a year's time if our globalist bastards were forced to refurbish and reopen the thousands of American factories they closed chasing slave labor. Our economy would BOOM....we're talking 8-9% growth with millions of new jobs and taxpayers.....it's the only way, short of selling the slants Alaska, of ever paying down our absurd (thanks Barry) national debt.

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