A Very Simple Racial Question

So, you have two cities and you want them to meet three requirements.
Yeah, should not be that hard right? Picking Democrat run cities is easy....
Here it is in its entirety…

What do the top ten cities with the highest poverty rate all have in common?


Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn’t elected
a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.

Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing
the same thing over and over again and always
expecting different results.”

Read more at Democrats Run America s Ten Poorest Cities - Eagle Rising

Just one LONE major city in the north run by Negro's. Just one.
Miami has had many republican mayors and in fact has one right now. Why do you keep reposting lies?

Philadelphia is wrong too.
We're dealing here with a Mongoloid Idiot OP. Once again, Democrats run most cities, regardless what's going on in them. It's just how they've historically organized. For example, Charleston, which so peacefully dealt with its racial murders a few weeks ago. And on the other hand most states electing governors (and city suburbs like Ferguson) go Republican, because it's how they are historically organized.

Neither one means jack fucking squat about the economy of Detroit, which derives from the nature of the history of industrialization over time and how its affected by the corporations that drive it and have driven it over the last century ---- not what the fuck color its mayor is.

Classic classic classsic cum hoc fallacy. This thread has no business whatsoever being in a genuine debate forum. It belongs in the fucking Badlands or Flame Zone.
Philly has a gop mayor?

when did that happen?

1972-1980. His name was Oink Piggo.
Well, that's what we called him.
so it's been 25 years, that's kind of a long time.

I lived in Bensalem and worked in Philly, there's a lot of places that are just torn up.

funny story, went to do work near one of those areas, the customer was surprised to see me, well, surprised that I was white.
Yeah, should not be that hard right? Picking Democrat run cities is easy....
Here it is in its entirety…

What do the top ten cities with the highest poverty rate all have in common?


Detroit, MI (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn’t elected
a Republican mayor since 1961;

Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954;

Cincinnati, OH (3rd)… since 1984;

Cleveland, OH (4th)… since 1989;

Miami, FL (5th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

St. Louis, MO (6th)…. since 1949;

El Paso, TX (7th) has never had a Republican Mayor;

Milwaukee, WI (8th)… since 1908;

Philadelphia, PA (9th)… since 1952;

Newark, NJ (10th)… since 1907.

Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing
the same thing over and over again and always
expecting different results.”

Read more at Democrats Run America s Ten Poorest Cities - Eagle Rising

Just one LONE major city in the north run by Negro's. Just one.
Miami has had many republican mayors and in fact has one right now. Why do you keep reposting lies?

Philadelphia is wrong too.
We're dealing here with a Mongoloid Idiot OP. Once again, Democrats run most cities, regardless what's going on in them. It's just how they've historically organized. For example, Charleston, which so peacefully dealt with its racial murders a few weeks ago. And on the other hand most states electing governors (and city suburbs like Ferguson) go Republican, because it's how they are historically organized.

Neither one means jack fucking squat about the economy of Detroit, which derives from the nature of the history of industrialization over time and how its affected by the corporations that drive it and have driven it over the last century ---- not what the fuck color its mayor is.

Classic classic classsic cum hoc fallacy. This thread has no business whatsoever being in a genuine debate forum. It belongs in the fucking Badlands or Flame Zone.
Philly has a gop mayor?

when did that happen?

1972-1980. His name was Oink Piggo.
Well, that's what we called him.
so it's been 25 years, that's kind of a long time.

I lived in Bensalem and worked in Philly, there's a lot of places that are just torn up.

funny story, went to do work near one of those areas, the customer was surprised to see me, well, surprised that I was white.

I grew up in that area. Not Bensalem specifically, but the 'burbs.
I don't see places 'torn up' -- I left when Piggo died. Came back 15 or so years later, the city looked much better.

But I wouldn't in a million years attribute the before or the after to a political party, that was my point.
Race is but an illusion...​
...but culture isnt. The race is merely an indicator of someone who belongs to a violent culture. Change the culture and people will be able to let their guard down around you. You and your fellow black people will have to demonstrate good behavior for decades first though, so you might want to get started on that.
Race is but an illusion...​
...but culture isnt. The race is merely an indicator of someone who belongs to a violent culture. Change the culture and people will be able to let their guard down around you. You and your fellow black people will have to demonstrate good behavior for decades first though, so you might want to get started on that.

Just who in the wide world of Blue Fuck are you to sit in judgment about "you people will have to demonstrate good behavior"?

Holy shit, the arrogance...
Race is but an illusion...​
...but culture isnt. The race is merely an indicator of someone who belongs to a violent culture. Change the culture and people will be able to let their guard down around you. You and your fellow black people will have to demonstrate good behavior for decades first though, so you might want to get started on that.

Just who in the wide world of Blue Fuck are you to sit in judgment about "you people will have to demonstrate good behavior"?

Holy shit, the arrogance...
There is a reason black people are watched more closely in stores. Theres a reason cab drivers are reluctant to pick up black people. There's a reason Jesse Jackson is relieved when he discovers the person walking behind him at night is white. The black community has earned a bad reputation. It's a fact of life. Pretending it isn't true doesn't change reality. Yes, it will take DECADES of civilized behavior to change that reputation.
Race is but an illusion...​
...but culture isnt. The race is merely an indicator of someone who belongs to a violent culture. Change the culture and people will be able to let their guard down around you. You and your fellow black people will have to demonstrate good behavior for decades first though, so you might want to get started on that.

Just who in the wide world of Blue Fuck are you to sit in judgment about "you people will have to demonstrate good behavior"?

Holy shit, the arrogance...
There is a reason black people are watched more closely in stores. Theres a reason cab drivers are reluctant to pick up black people. There's a reason Jesse Jackson is relieved when he discovers the person walking behind him at night is white. The black community has earned a bad reputation. It's a fact of life. Pretending it isn't true doesn't change reality. Yes, it will take DECADES of civilized behavior to change that reputation.
No, the black community has NOT earned a bad reputation. Most black people are NOT criminals and you cant prove they are. Most are Christians, like those gunned down in Charleston a few weeks ago. Are you referring to them?

Here is a partial list of the ingredients for your crime stew:

1. Use arrests, not convictions to pad crime stats. Make sure to arrest more blacks than whites, even if they are exonerated later.

2. embellish black homicides while downplaying white on white homicides.

3. legislate harsher punishment for crack than for powdered cocaine because blacks tend to use crack more.

5. Never, or rarely spotlight black success and achievement.

6. Attack any remedy to overcome racial animus and discrimination aimed at blacks. Shout reverse racism anytime any sign of such remedy occurs.

7. Cheat blacks whenever possible. They can't count anyway.

There are more but I am tired.
Race is but an illusion...​
...but culture isnt. The race is merely an indicator of someone who belongs to a violent culture. Change the culture and people will be able to let their guard down around you. You and your fellow black people will have to demonstrate good behavior for decades first though, so you might want to get started on that.

Just who in the wide world of Blue Fuck are you to sit in judgment about "you people will have to demonstrate good behavior"?

Holy shit, the arrogance...
There is a reason black people are watched more closely in stores. Theres a reason cab drivers are reluctant to pick up black people. There's a reason Jesse Jackson is relieved when he discovers the person walking behind him at night is white. The black community has earned a bad reputation. It's a fact of life. Pretending it isn't true doesn't change reality. Yes, it will take DECADES of civilized behavior to change that reputation.
No, the black community has NOT earned a bad reputation. Most black people are NOT criminals and you cant prove they are. Most are Christians, like those gunned down in Charleston a few weeks ago. Are you referring to them?

Here is a partial list of the ingredients for your crime stew:

1. Use arrests, not convictions to pad crime stats. Make sure to arrest more blacks than whites, even if they are exonerated later.

2. embellish black homicides while downplaying white on white homicides.

3. legislate harsher punishment for crack than for powdered cocaine because blacks tend to use crack more.

5. Never, or rarely spotlight black success and achievement.

6. Attack any remedy to overcome racial animus and discrimination aimed at blacks. Shout reverse racism anytime any sign of such remedy occurs.

7. Cheat blacks whenever possible. They can't count anyway.

There are more but I am tired.
You can whine about it till the cows come home, but no one is going to buy into that horse shit. You are asking us to ignore reality and it simply isn't going to happen.
Race is but an illusion...​
...but culture isnt. The race is merely an indicator of someone who belongs to a violent culture. Change the culture and people will be able to let their guard down around you. You and your fellow black people will have to demonstrate good behavior for decades first though, so you might want to get started on that.

Just who in the wide world of Blue Fuck are you to sit in judgment about "you people will have to demonstrate good behavior"?

Holy shit, the arrogance...
There is a reason black people are watched more closely in stores. Theres a reason cab drivers are reluctant to pick up black people. There's a reason Jesse Jackson is relieved when he discovers the person walking behind him at night is white. The black community has earned a bad reputation. It's a fact of life. Pretending it isn't true doesn't change reality. Yes, it will take DECADES of civilized behavior to change that reputation.
No, the black community has NOT earned a bad reputation. Most black people are NOT criminals and you cant prove they are. Most are Christians, like those gunned down in Charleston a few weeks ago. Are you referring to them?

Here is a partial list of the ingredients for your crime stew:

1. Use arrests, not convictions to pad crime stats. Make sure to arrest more blacks than whites, even if they are exonerated later.

2. embellish black homicides while downplaying white on white homicides.

3. legislate harsher punishment for crack than for powdered cocaine because blacks tend to use crack more.

5. Never, or rarely spotlight black success and achievement.

6. Attack any remedy to overcome racial animus and discrimination aimed at blacks. Shout reverse racism anytime any sign of such remedy occurs.

7. Cheat blacks whenever possible. They can't count anyway.

There are more but I am tired.
You can whine about it till the cows come home, but no one is going to buy into that horse shit. You are asking us to ignore reality and it simply isn't going to happen.

Telling the truth is whining? Since when? Can you impugn my claim that most blacks are NOT criminals and are, instead, hard working Christians? First things first...let's get that one addressed before we move to something you made up!
Race is but an illusion...​
...but culture isnt. The race is merely an indicator of someone who belongs to a violent culture. Change the culture and people will be able to let their guard down around you. You and your fellow black people will have to demonstrate good behavior for decades first though, so you might want to get started on that.

Just who in the wide world of Blue Fuck are you to sit in judgment about "you people will have to demonstrate good behavior"?

Holy shit, the arrogance...
There is a reason black people are watched more closely in stores. Theres a reason cab drivers are reluctant to pick up black people. There's a reason Jesse Jackson is relieved when he discovers the person walking behind him at night is white. The black community has earned a bad reputation. It's a fact of life. Pretending it isn't true doesn't change reality. Yes, it will take DECADES of civilized behavior to change that reputation.


You completely fail to address the point.
The point had nothing to do with "them". It had to do with YOU.
Can someone name me ONE northern city run by Negro's that has..
1, Reduced Crime?
2, Increased Jobs?
3, Increased Property Values?

Looking forward to that list....
I guess youre saying every single city run by whites has done just that?
I am looking for one Negro run role model of a city. Got one?

Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it:

10 of the Richest Black Communities in America - Page 5 of 5 - Atlanta Blackstar

10. Uniondale, New York

Uniondale is a middle class predominately Black community in the suburbs of New York City. The average family income is $76,553, which makes the town one of the most flourishing African-American cities in the United States.

9. Hillcrest, New York

Hillcrest is another middle-class Black community in New York. The median family income is $76,960, securing Hillcrest a spot on the list as one of the most prosperous African-American communities in the United States.

8. Friendly, Maryland

Friendly is a upper-middle-class Black community in Prince George’s County, Md. Landing in at the eighth spot, Friendly’s average family income is $82,827, solidifying its place as an affluent African-American community in the United States.

7. Woodmore, Maryland

A suburban community in Prince George’s County, Maryland, Woodmore is an affluent African-American town with a median family income of $103,438. With a majority population of Black people, Woodmore is one of the wealthiest African-American communities in the United States.

Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it:

10 of the Richest Black Communities in America - Page 5 of 5 - Atlanta Blackstar

6. Kettering, Maryland

Kettering is also a thriving African-American community in Prince George’s County, Md. The average family income for this town is $107,008. Kettering has a population of 78.5% Black people, safely landing it on this list of the wealthiest African-American communities in the United States.

4. Mitchellville, Maryland

Mitchellville, too, is a upper-middle-class African-American community in Maryland. The average family income of this town is $118,022. Residents of Mitchellville take tremendous pride in their friendly community and beautiful homes. It offers its population access to excellent public schools, which boast high test performance and a graduation rate of more than 80 percent. Most students go on to pursue college degrees, and have easy access to prestigious nearby institutions such as Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University, and the U.S. Naval Academy.

3. Ladera Heights, California

Ladera Heights is an affluent Black prestigious community in California. The average family income is $132,824. Much of the area’s appeal stems from the stunning views of the Pacific Ocean available from many hillside houses, as well as its proximity to beaches and Hollywood.

2. Baldwin Hills, California

Baldwin Hills has a median family income of $157,033, which secures it as one of the richest Black communities in the United States. The community was given the nickname the Black Beverly Hills after African Americans began moving into the area, especially musicians and film actors.

1. View Park-Windsor Hills, California

View Park-Windsor Hills is an affluent Black community with an average family income of $159,168. View Park-Windsor Hills are part of a band of districts, from Culver City’s Fox Hills district on the west to the Los Angeles district of Leimert Park. The area is the single largest geographically middle- and upper-class Black community in the United States.
Yeah? So?......BTW these places are not "Black"..They are racially diverse......Jesus Christ.
...but culture isnt. The race is merely an indicator of someone who belongs to a violent culture. Change the culture and people will be able to let their guard down around you. You and your fellow black people will have to demonstrate good behavior for decades first though, so you might want to get started on that.

Just who in the wide world of Blue Fuck are you to sit in judgment about "you people will have to demonstrate good behavior"?

Holy shit, the arrogance...
There is a reason black people are watched more closely in stores. Theres a reason cab drivers are reluctant to pick up black people. There's a reason Jesse Jackson is relieved when he discovers the person walking behind him at night is white. The black community has earned a bad reputation. It's a fact of life. Pretending it isn't true doesn't change reality. Yes, it will take DECADES of civilized behavior to change that reputation.
No, the black community has NOT earned a bad reputation. Most black people are NOT criminals and you cant prove they are. Most are Christians, like those gunned down in Charleston a few weeks ago. Are you referring to them?

Here is a partial list of the ingredients for your crime stew:

1. Use arrests, not convictions to pad crime stats. Make sure to arrest more blacks than whites, even if they are exonerated later.

2. embellish black homicides while downplaying white on white homicides.

3. legislate harsher punishment for crack than for powdered cocaine because blacks tend to use crack more.

5. Never, or rarely spotlight black success and achievement.

6. Attack any remedy to overcome racial animus and discrimination aimed at blacks. Shout reverse racism anytime any sign of such remedy occurs.

7. Cheat blacks whenever possible. They can't count anyway.

There are more but I am tired.
You can whine about it till the cows come home, but no one is going to buy into that horse shit. You are asking us to ignore reality and it simply isn't going to happen.

Telling the truth is whining? Since when? Can you impugn my claim that most blacks are NOT criminals and are, instead, hard working Christians? First things first...let's get that one addressed before we move to something you made up!
no one said they weren't....I don't personally know anyone who thinks anything different....We tend to be slightly more enlightened than your blanket generalization of Whites.
Your problem is a viewpoint that no matter where you go, no matter with whom you come into contact, deep down in your tiny mind, all Caucasians are either outwardly racists or they are closet racists.....That is YOUR problem. Not mine.
It's called Google search. Thread still shows you to be a lazy whining ass Negro who won't do anything. You posting from one of those northern Negro mills like Baltimore?

I love exposing ugly fucking racists. It's fun.

When the aliens come and start eating us, they will spit you out, because you will taste way too bitter.
Hell, he IS an alien. Darkfury is a Mexican illegal who thinks he is White! Give them Spicks an inch and they'll take a yard! Now he has taken on the persona of a redneck
"Spicks"...You are so ignorant you cannot even get a racial epithet correct...
Your use of said epithet says you have become what you hate.
Can someone name me ONE northern city run by Negro's that has..
1, Reduced Crime?
2, Increased Jobs?
3, Increased Property Values?

Looking forward to that list....
I guess youre saying every single city run by whites has done just that?
I am looking for one Negro run role model of a city. Got one?

Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it:

10 of the Richest Black Communities in America - Page 5 of 5 - Atlanta Blackstar

10. Uniondale, New York

Uniondale is a middle class predominately Black community in the suburbs of New York City. The average family income is $76,553, which makes the town one of the most flourishing African-American cities in the United States.

9. Hillcrest, New York

Hillcrest is another middle-class Black community in New York. The median family income is $76,960, securing Hillcrest a spot on the list as one of the most prosperous African-American communities in the United States.

8. Friendly, Maryland

Friendly is a upper-middle-class Black community in Prince George’s County, Md. Landing in at the eighth spot, Friendly’s average family income is $82,827, solidifying its place as an affluent African-American community in the United States.

7. Woodmore, Maryland

A suburban community in Prince George’s County, Maryland, Woodmore is an affluent African-American town with a median family income of $103,438. With a majority population of Black people, Woodmore is one of the wealthiest African-American communities in the United States.

Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it:

10 of the Richest Black Communities in America - Page 5 of 5 - Atlanta Blackstar

6. Kettering, Maryland

Kettering is also a thriving African-American community in Prince George’s County, Md. The average family income for this town is $107,008. Kettering has a population of 78.5% Black people, safely landing it on this list of the wealthiest African-American communities in the United States.

4. Mitchellville, Maryland

Mitchellville, too, is a upper-middle-class African-American community in Maryland. The average family income of this town is $118,022. Residents of Mitchellville take tremendous pride in their friendly community and beautiful homes. It offers its population access to excellent public schools, which boast high test performance and a graduation rate of more than 80 percent. Most students go on to pursue college degrees, and have easy access to prestigious nearby institutions such as Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University, and the U.S. Naval Academy.

3. Ladera Heights, California

Ladera Heights is an affluent Black prestigious community in California. The average family income is $132,824. Much of the area’s appeal stems from the stunning views of the Pacific Ocean available from many hillside houses, as well as its proximity to beaches and Hollywood.

2. Baldwin Hills, California

Baldwin Hills has a median family income of $157,033, which secures it as one of the richest Black communities in the United States. The community was given the nickname the Black Beverly Hills after African Americans began moving into the area, especially musicians and film actors.

1. View Park-Windsor Hills, California

View Park-Windsor Hills is an affluent Black community with an average family income of $159,168. View Park-Windsor Hills are part of a band of districts, from Culver City’s Fox Hills district on the west to the Los Angeles district of Leimert Park. The area is the single largest geographically middle- and upper-class Black community in the United States.
Yeah? So?......BTW these places are not "Black"..They are racially diverse......Jesus Christ.

Aw bitch, some have a few white people floating around, just like some whites still live in the ghetto... stop reaching for straws and accept the facts, you been called and bitch slapped. :lol:
Can someone name me ONE northern city run by Negro's that has..
1, Reduced Crime?
2, Increased Jobs?
3, Increased Property Values?

Looking forward to that list....
I guess youre saying every single city run by whites has done just that?
I am looking for one Negro run role model of a city. Got one?

Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it:

10 of the Richest Black Communities in America - Page 5 of 5 - Atlanta Blackstar

10. Uniondale, New York

Uniondale is a middle class predominately Black community in the suburbs of New York City. The average family income is $76,553, which makes the town one of the most flourishing African-American cities in the United States.

9. Hillcrest, New York

Hillcrest is another middle-class Black community in New York. The median family income is $76,960, securing Hillcrest a spot on the list as one of the most prosperous African-American communities in the United States.

8. Friendly, Maryland

Friendly is a upper-middle-class Black community in Prince George’s County, Md. Landing in at the eighth spot, Friendly’s average family income is $82,827, solidifying its place as an affluent African-American community in the United States.

7. Woodmore, Maryland

A suburban community in Prince George’s County, Maryland, Woodmore is an affluent African-American town with a median family income of $103,438. With a majority population of Black people, Woodmore is one of the wealthiest African-American communities in the United States.

Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it:

10 of the Richest Black Communities in America - Page 5 of 5 - Atlanta Blackstar

6. Kettering, Maryland

Kettering is also a thriving African-American community in Prince George’s County, Md. The average family income for this town is $107,008. Kettering has a population of 78.5% Black people, safely landing it on this list of the wealthiest African-American communities in the United States.

4. Mitchellville, Maryland

Mitchellville, too, is a upper-middle-class African-American community in Maryland. The average family income of this town is $118,022. Residents of Mitchellville take tremendous pride in their friendly community and beautiful homes. It offers its population access to excellent public schools, which boast high test performance and a graduation rate of more than 80 percent. Most students go on to pursue college degrees, and have easy access to prestigious nearby institutions such as Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University, and the U.S. Naval Academy.

3. Ladera Heights, California

Ladera Heights is an affluent Black prestigious community in California. The average family income is $132,824. Much of the area’s appeal stems from the stunning views of the Pacific Ocean available from many hillside houses, as well as its proximity to beaches and Hollywood.

2. Baldwin Hills, California

Baldwin Hills has a median family income of $157,033, which secures it as one of the richest Black communities in the United States. The community was given the nickname the Black Beverly Hills after African Americans began moving into the area, especially musicians and film actors.

1. View Park-Windsor Hills, California

View Park-Windsor Hills is an affluent Black community with an average family income of $159,168. View Park-Windsor Hills are part of a band of districts, from Culver City’s Fox Hills district on the west to the Los Angeles district of Leimert Park. The area is the single largest geographically middle- and upper-class Black community in the United States.

Those are neighborhoods.
Hillcrest is not a municipality. It is a village in the Town of Clarkstown, NY A town in Rockland County.
Uniondale is a part of the Town of Hempstead. it is largely commercial/industrial.
I have no knowledge of the OP's website. Probably some fringe deal.
BTW, all of these are examples of what studies have concluded about blacks in the US. That they are the group most likely to self segregate.
Can someone name me ONE northern city run by Negro's that has..
1, Reduced Crime?
2, Increased Jobs?
3, Increased Property Values?

Looking forward to that list....
I guess youre saying every single city run by whites has done just that?
I am looking for one Negro run role model of a city. Got one?

Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it:

10 of the Richest Black Communities in America - Page 5 of 5 - Atlanta Blackstar

10. Uniondale, New York

Uniondale is a middle class predominately Black community in the suburbs of New York City. The average family income is $76,553, which makes the town one of the most flourishing African-American cities in the United States.

9. Hillcrest, New York

Hillcrest is another middle-class Black community in New York. The median family income is $76,960, securing Hillcrest a spot on the list as one of the most prosperous African-American communities in the United States.

8. Friendly, Maryland

Friendly is a upper-middle-class Black community in Prince George’s County, Md. Landing in at the eighth spot, Friendly’s average family income is $82,827, solidifying its place as an affluent African-American community in the United States.

7. Woodmore, Maryland

A suburban community in Prince George’s County, Maryland, Woodmore is an affluent African-American town with a median family income of $103,438. With a majority population of Black people, Woodmore is one of the wealthiest African-American communities in the United States.

Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it:

10 of the Richest Black Communities in America - Page 5 of 5 - Atlanta Blackstar

6. Kettering, Maryland

Kettering is also a thriving African-American community in Prince George’s County, Md. The average family income for this town is $107,008. Kettering has a population of 78.5% Black people, safely landing it on this list of the wealthiest African-American communities in the United States.

4. Mitchellville, Maryland

Mitchellville, too, is a upper-middle-class African-American community in Maryland. The average family income of this town is $118,022. Residents of Mitchellville take tremendous pride in their friendly community and beautiful homes. It offers its population access to excellent public schools, which boast high test performance and a graduation rate of more than 80 percent. Most students go on to pursue college degrees, and have easy access to prestigious nearby institutions such as Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University, and the U.S. Naval Academy.

3. Ladera Heights, California

Ladera Heights is an affluent Black prestigious community in California. The average family income is $132,824. Much of the area’s appeal stems from the stunning views of the Pacific Ocean available from many hillside houses, as well as its proximity to beaches and Hollywood.

2. Baldwin Hills, California

Baldwin Hills has a median family income of $157,033, which secures it as one of the richest Black communities in the United States. The community was given the nickname the Black Beverly Hills after African Americans began moving into the area, especially musicians and film actors.

1. View Park-Windsor Hills, California

View Park-Windsor Hills is an affluent Black community with an average family income of $159,168. View Park-Windsor Hills are part of a band of districts, from Culver City’s Fox Hills district on the west to the Los Angeles district of Leimert Park. The area is the single largest geographically middle- and upper-class Black community in the United States.

Those are neighborhoods.
Read #10 and think again!
LongIsland.com Site Map Links of LongIsland.com about it?...
Uniondale is a village which is part of a Town in NY.....Many years ago NY developed the system of Towns to consolidate governmental functions and services.
These towns are more or less made of up neighborhoods which are known in NY as Villages. They are incorporated for the purpose of having postal zip codes and defined boundaries. They have no autonomous government.
The question was asked name cities and other municipalities where blacks are the majority and crime is low.
I guess the OP was somewhat correct in that he was bale to find these postage stamp sized areas where his website states or considers "black"....So let him pat himself on the back.....Doesn't speak to the black on black crime and violence problems we see on the news every day.....How sad is it that a black person can post on a message forum and be so closed minded so as to not wish to be a voice of reason and discuss this issue rationally
Just who in the wide world of Blue Fuck are you to sit in judgment about "you people will have to demonstrate good behavior"?

Holy shit, the arrogance...
There is a reason black people are watched more closely in stores. Theres a reason cab drivers are reluctant to pick up black people. There's a reason Jesse Jackson is relieved when he discovers the person walking behind him at night is white. The black community has earned a bad reputation. It's a fact of life. Pretending it isn't true doesn't change reality. Yes, it will take DECADES of civilized behavior to change that reputation.
No, the black community has NOT earned a bad reputation. Most black people are NOT criminals and you cant prove they are. Most are Christians, like those gunned down in Charleston a few weeks ago. Are you referring to them?

Here is a partial list of the ingredients for your crime stew:

1. Use arrests, not convictions to pad crime stats. Make sure to arrest more blacks than whites, even if they are exonerated later.

2. embellish black homicides while downplaying white on white homicides.

3. legislate harsher punishment for crack than for powdered cocaine because blacks tend to use crack more.

5. Never, or rarely spotlight black success and achievement.

6. Attack any remedy to overcome racial animus and discrimination aimed at blacks. Shout reverse racism anytime any sign of such remedy occurs.

7. Cheat blacks whenever possible. They can't count anyway.

There are more but I am tired.
You can whine about it till the cows come home, but no one is going to buy into that horse shit. You are asking us to ignore reality and it simply isn't going to happen.

Telling the truth is whining? Since when? Can you impugn my claim that most blacks are NOT criminals and are, instead, hard working Christians? First things first...let's get that one addressed before we move to something you made up!
no one said they weren't....I don't personally know anyone who thinks anything different....We tend to be slightly more enlightened than your blanket generalization of Whites.
Your problem is a viewpoint that no matter where you go, no matter with whom you come into contact, deep down in your tiny mind, all Caucasians are either outwardly racists or they are closet racists.....That is YOUR problem. Not mine.

Well, I don't think all Caucasians are racists but the European types came up with the pseudo concept of race and placed whiteness at the top of the racial hierarchy. They take that illusion of "whiteness" with them every where they go. They even made Jesus, God and all of heaven white and have been using that image to conquer minds of peoples everywhere. They gave the autochthonous people the bible and the whites took the land! Race was the factor there too. Suggesting that Jesus might have been Black has caused me to be dispatched from a white church with undue haste!

That incident, the disparities of the justice system and the angst demonstrated by the white public at large against people who speak up for the general black population all justifies my viewpoint! you see it too so stop pretending you don't!
Can someone name me ONE northern city run by Negro's that has..
1, Reduced Crime?
2, Increased Jobs?
3, Increased Property Values?

Looking forward to that list....
I guess youre saying every single city run by whites has done just that?
I am looking for one Negro run role model of a city. Got one?

Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it:

10 of the Richest Black Communities in America - Page 5 of 5 - Atlanta Blackstar

10. Uniondale, New York

Uniondale is a middle class predominately Black community in the suburbs of New York City. The average family income is $76,553, which makes the town one of the most flourishing African-American cities in the United States.

9. Hillcrest, New York

Hillcrest is another middle-class Black community in New York. The median family income is $76,960, securing Hillcrest a spot on the list as one of the most prosperous African-American communities in the United States.

8. Friendly, Maryland

Friendly is a upper-middle-class Black community in Prince George’s County, Md. Landing in at the eighth spot, Friendly’s average family income is $82,827, solidifying its place as an affluent African-American community in the United States.

7. Woodmore, Maryland

A suburban community in Prince George’s County, Maryland, Woodmore is an affluent African-American town with a median family income of $103,438. With a majority population of Black people, Woodmore is one of the wealthiest African-American communities in the United States.

Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it:

10 of the Richest Black Communities in America - Page 5 of 5 - Atlanta Blackstar

6. Kettering, Maryland

Kettering is also a thriving African-American community in Prince George’s County, Md. The average family income for this town is $107,008. Kettering has a population of 78.5% Black people, safely landing it on this list of the wealthiest African-American communities in the United States.

4. Mitchellville, Maryland

Mitchellville, too, is a upper-middle-class African-American community in Maryland. The average family income of this town is $118,022. Residents of Mitchellville take tremendous pride in their friendly community and beautiful homes. It offers its population access to excellent public schools, which boast high test performance and a graduation rate of more than 80 percent. Most students go on to pursue college degrees, and have easy access to prestigious nearby institutions such as Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University, and the U.S. Naval Academy.

3. Ladera Heights, California

Ladera Heights is an affluent Black prestigious community in California. The average family income is $132,824. Much of the area’s appeal stems from the stunning views of the Pacific Ocean available from many hillside houses, as well as its proximity to beaches and Hollywood.

2. Baldwin Hills, California

Baldwin Hills has a median family income of $157,033, which secures it as one of the richest Black communities in the United States. The community was given the nickname the Black Beverly Hills after African Americans began moving into the area, especially musicians and film actors.

1. View Park-Windsor Hills, California

View Park-Windsor Hills is an affluent Black community with an average family income of $159,168. View Park-Windsor Hills are part of a band of districts, from Culver City’s Fox Hills district on the west to the Los Angeles district of Leimert Park. The area is the single largest geographically middle- and upper-class Black community in the United States.

Those are neighborhoods.
Hillcrest is not a municipality. It is a village in the Town of Clarkstown, NY A town in Rockland County.
Uniondale is a part of the Town of Hempstead. it is largely commercial/industrial.
I have no knowledge of the OP's website. Probably some fringe deal.
BTW, all of these are examples of what studies have concluded about blacks in the US. That they are the group most likely to self segregate.

have you forgotten what you asked for in your original post? All of these examples met the criteria and therefore gives me license to tear up your incendiary ultimatum to put up or STFU! I am now asking you to DO THE SAME...put up or STFU!
Race is but an illusion...​
...but culture isnt. The race is merely an indicator of someone who belongs to a violent culture. Change the culture and people will be able to let their guard down around you. You and your fellow black people will have to demonstrate good behavior for decades first though, so you might want to get started on that.

Just who in the wide world of Blue Fuck are you to sit in judgment about "you people will have to demonstrate good behavior"?

Holy shit, the arrogance...
Notwithstanding the OP's comments, but who DOES NOT make judgments?
Do you not think influential black people should show some kind of initiative to help black majority communities out of the vicious cycle of poverty and crime?
I guess youre saying every single city run by whites has done just that?
I am looking for one Negro run role model of a city. Got one?

Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it:

10 of the Richest Black Communities in America - Page 5 of 5 - Atlanta Blackstar

10. Uniondale, New York

Uniondale is a middle class predominately Black community in the suburbs of New York City. The average family income is $76,553, which makes the town one of the most flourishing African-American cities in the United States.

9. Hillcrest, New York

Hillcrest is another middle-class Black community in New York. The median family income is $76,960, securing Hillcrest a spot on the list as one of the most prosperous African-American communities in the United States.

8. Friendly, Maryland

Friendly is a upper-middle-class Black community in Prince George’s County, Md. Landing in at the eighth spot, Friendly’s average family income is $82,827, solidifying its place as an affluent African-American community in the United States.

7. Woodmore, Maryland

A suburban community in Prince George’s County, Maryland, Woodmore is an affluent African-American town with a median family income of $103,438. With a majority population of Black people, Woodmore is one of the wealthiest African-American communities in the United States.

Be careful of what you ask for, you just might get it:

10 of the Richest Black Communities in America - Page 5 of 5 - Atlanta Blackstar

6. Kettering, Maryland

Kettering is also a thriving African-American community in Prince George’s County, Md. The average family income for this town is $107,008. Kettering has a population of 78.5% Black people, safely landing it on this list of the wealthiest African-American communities in the United States.

4. Mitchellville, Maryland

Mitchellville, too, is a upper-middle-class African-American community in Maryland. The average family income of this town is $118,022. Residents of Mitchellville take tremendous pride in their friendly community and beautiful homes. It offers its population access to excellent public schools, which boast high test performance and a graduation rate of more than 80 percent. Most students go on to pursue college degrees, and have easy access to prestigious nearby institutions such as Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University, and the U.S. Naval Academy.

3. Ladera Heights, California

Ladera Heights is an affluent Black prestigious community in California. The average family income is $132,824. Much of the area’s appeal stems from the stunning views of the Pacific Ocean available from many hillside houses, as well as its proximity to beaches and Hollywood.

2. Baldwin Hills, California

Baldwin Hills has a median family income of $157,033, which secures it as one of the richest Black communities in the United States. The community was given the nickname the Black Beverly Hills after African Americans began moving into the area, especially musicians and film actors.

1. View Park-Windsor Hills, California

View Park-Windsor Hills is an affluent Black community with an average family income of $159,168. View Park-Windsor Hills are part of a band of districts, from Culver City’s Fox Hills district on the west to the Los Angeles district of Leimert Park. The area is the single largest geographically middle- and upper-class Black community in the United States.

Those are neighborhoods.
Read #10 and think again!
LongIsland.com Site Map Links of LongIsland.com about it?...
Uniondale is a village which is part of a Town in NY.....Many years ago NY developed the system of Towns to consolidate governmental functions and services.
These towns are more or less made of up neighborhoods which are known in NY as Villages. They are incorporated for the purpose of having postal zip codes and defined boundaries. They have no autonomous government.
The question was asked name cities and other municipalities where blacks are the majority and crime is low.
I guess the OP was somewhat correct in that he was bale to find these postage stamp sized areas where his website states or considers "black"....So let him pat himself on the back.....Doesn't speak to the black on black crime and violence problems we see on the news every day.....How sad is it that a black person can post on a message forum and be so closed minded so as to not wish to be a voice of reason and discuss this issue rationally
Awww, I feel yer pain.... You are really scrambling now.... Keep making a fool of yourself, I'll sit back and watch!

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