A War From One Side

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Trump's rally at Perry Georgia.

"We won at the Arizona forensic audit yesterday at a level that you wouldn't believe," Trump told the crowd in Perry, Georgia. "They had headlines that Biden wins in Arizona, when they know it's not true. He didn't win in Arizona. He lost in Arizona based on the forensic audit."

You should read the report before you post inaccurate claims....

“Arizona audit flags thousands of suspect ballots, kicking issue to state's attorney general

“The more than 50,000 ballots flagged by auditors for more investigation involved concerns ranging from people voting from addresses from which they had already moved to residents voting twice. The total in question was nearly five times the 10,400 vote margin that separated the two presidential candidates, giving Donald Trump's troops fresh reason to call for more scrutiny.

Nearly half of the votes flagged as suspicious — 23,344 — fell into a category called "ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election." They included 15,035 who moved within the county before the registration deadline, 6,591 who moved to another state before the registration deadline and 1,718 who moved to a different county before the registration deadline.

"Mail in ballots were cast under voter registration IDs for people that may not have received their ballots by mail because they had moved, and no one with the same last name remained at the address," the report said.

The report noted the impacted ballots may have benefited Biden: 39.5% were from registered Democrats, 33% were Republicans, 26.5% were independents, and 1% came from Libertarians.

The review also flagged a large number of voters who potentially voted in Maricopa and at least one other county in the state. It said 5,295 voters cast ballots in Maricopa and at least one other county using "the same first, middle, last name and birth year."

The final review also flagged a large anomaly in which there were 9,041 more ballots shown as returned in the official early voting file from individuals than were shown in the records of ballots that were mailed out. "In most of these instances an individual was sent one ballot but had two ballots received on different dates," the auditors noted, saying possible explanations ranged from data entry errors to fraud.”

You should read the report before you post inaccurate claims....

“Arizona audit flags thousands of suspect ballots, kicking issue to state's attorney general

“The more than 50,000 ballots flagged by auditors for more investigation involved concerns ranging from people voting from addresses from which they had already moved to residents voting twice. The total in question was nearly five times the 10,400 vote margin that separated the two presidential candidates, giving Donald Trump's troops fresh reason to call for more scrutiny.

Nearly half of the votes flagged as suspicious — 23,344 — fell into a category called "ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election." They included 15,035 who moved within the county before the registration deadline, 6,591 who moved to another state before the registration deadline and 1,718 who moved to a different county before the registration deadline.

"Mail in ballots were cast under voter registration IDs for people that may not have received their ballots by mail because they had moved, and no one with the same last name remained at the address," the report said.

The report noted the impacted ballots may have benefited Biden: 39.5% were from registered Democrats, 33% were Republicans, 26.5% were independents, and 1% came from Libertarians.

The review also flagged a large number of voters who potentially voted in Maricopa and at least one other county in the state. It said 5,295 voters cast ballots in Maricopa and at least one other county using "the same first, middle, last name and birth year."

The final review also flagged a large anomaly in which there were 9,041 more ballots shown as returned in the official early voting file from individuals than were shown in the records of ballots that were mailed out. "In most of these instances an individual was sent one ballot but had two ballots received on different dates," the auditors noted, saying possible explanations ranged from data entry errors to fraud.”


Watch this, windbag: The state media, and you, lie about everything.

"Ignore the MSM: Here’s What the 2020 Maricopa County Election Audit Actually Says

“…according to the state-certified results, Joe Biden barely won the state by a 10,457-vote margin. The tiny margin of victory in the state-certified results means that these discrepancies are very troubling. There were 42,727 impacted ballots ranked as “high” or “critical” severity—that’s four times the certified margin of victory. If you include “medium” severity discrepancies, there were 53,214 impacted ballots—more than five times the certified margin of victory. Overall, there were 57,734 impacted ballots.” Ignore the MSM: Here’s What the 2020 Maricopa County Election Audit Actually Says

“… the audit proved as controversial as the disputed presidential election.

In official results in November, Biden got 1.67 million votes in Arizona, or 49.4%, to win the state’s 11 electoral votes with just over 10,000 votes more than Trump out of more than 3.3 million cast. Trump got 1.66 million votes in Arizona, or 49.1%, according to the official results.

The audit found a total of 34,448 duplicate ballots cast by 17,126 unique voters. But Maricopa County reported no duplicate ballots in its canvass report.

Trump’s follow-up statement later Friday focused on fraudulent votes, which he said were at least four times larger than the margin of Biden’s victory.

“The Fake News is lying about the Arizona audit report! The leaked report conclusively shows there were enough fraudulent votes, mystery votes, and fake votes to change the outcome of the election 4 or 5 times over,” Trump said in the public statement, adding:

The number includes 23,344 mail-in ballots, despite the person no longer living at that address. Phantom voters! The official canvass does not even match who voted, off by 11,592—more than the entire Presidential Election margin.

Voters who voted in multiple counties totaled 10,342, and 2,382 ballots came from people who no longer lived in Maricopa County. There were also 2,592 ‘more duplicate ballots than original ballots.’ Just those fraudulent ballots alone total 50,252, and is fraud many more times than the so-called margin of ‘victory,’ which was only 10,457.

In addition, election data appears to have been intentionally deleted, and ballot images were ‘corrupt or missing.’ This is not even the whole state of Arizona, but only Maricopa County. It would only get worse!”

6 Takeaways From Findings of Arizona Election Audit
I'm gonna guess you're this sort of 'Christian.'

View attachment 544062

Biden's a Kermit Gosnell Catholic.

Biden.....a Catholic?
"Catholic Priest: Joe Biden “Claims to be a Catholic But Throws the Teachings Out the Window”

Catholic Priest: Joe Biden “Claims to be a Catholic But Throws the Teachings Out the Window”
Joe Biden is facing continued criticism from Catholic leaders for touting his Catholic faith but not really living it. The presumed Democrat presidential nom

"It’s official, the main Democrat platform going into the 2020 election is Infanticide.
According to the Washington Post: ‘Joe Biden asked for a pen. Then he reversed a position he’d held for four decades’.
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s U-Turn on the Hyde Amendment on Thursday makes the coast clear: All 24 main contenders in the DNC primary race are, down to the last one, solidly pro-abortion."

Biden Says His Infanticide U-Turn Republicans’ Fault
Biden Says His Infanticide U-Turn Republicans’ Fault, infanticide, Hyde Amendment

He's unfamiliar with the term 'psalmist.'

Show me where Jesus said every folktale told among the Hebrews was infallibly correct and will be translated by God’s hand accurately via monks. I’ve committed to believing Jesus’ miracles. Do you believe we have an accurate translation of Jonah living in a fish belly?
Show me where Jesus said every folktale told among the Hebrews was infallibly correct and will be translated by God’s hand accurately via monks. I’ve committed to believing Jesus’ miracles. Do you believe we have an accurate translation of Jonah living in a fish belly?

I see why you'd like to change the subject.

I embarrassed you again, huh?

6. The author of the article summarizes:

“The Bible describes the devastation of an urban center near the Dead Sea – stones and fire fell from the sky, more than one city was destroyed, thick smoke rose from the fires and city inhabitants were killed. Could this be an ancient eyewitness account?”

It surely is possible the story could have been handed down for generations. It’s also possible that the Biblical story is an accurate account of exactly what happened to those sinful cities.

As Christians, we believe the Word of God is completely infallible whether we see physical evidence or not. But sometimes God chooses to reveal himself in tangible ways, and that may be exactly what happened to these researchers.”
Sodom and Gomorrah: Researchers May Have Found Evidence of God's Wrath in Middle Eastern City

7. If physicists had not agreed with the Big Bang concept, or if the order of events of creation did not correspond with Genesis, or if archeology produced very different facts from Bible accounts….

…..can you image the headlines?

Militant Secularists control nearly all of the dissemination of information.

And fools continue to believe them.
Hey, I know facts to you are like mosquitos, mere annoyances, you don't even bother to refute them, you just ignore them.

Must be a reason you're rather change the subject than admit you genuflect when you mention Satan.
8. Perhaps the major reason to attack the biblical versions that include Sodom and Gomorrah is that it supposedly has God killing gays, that homosexuality is the reason Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed.
As any religious belief must be attack by Leftism, homosexuality is one of their sacraments. For whatever reason, the Left demands the normalization of such practices.

This is the line that offends: Genesis 18.20 Then the Lord said, “The outrage of Sodom and Gomorrah is so great, and their sin so grave!

..... the Old Testament version of events is not about homosexuality, but about sexual attack.

Reading on, we get a hint as to what sort the people of Sodom were….and it appears that it is not homosexuality that is the cause for destruction of the city.

Lot, who had moved to the town, has two visitors. He tells them to stay inside his home, and they can leave early in the morning. “Lot’s suggestion the visitors leave early may have been due to his fear of what the citizens of Sodom might do to the visitors once they saw them.”

19.4 They had not yet lain down, when the townspeople, the men of Sodom, young and old—all the people to the last man—gathered about the house.

19.5 And they shouted to Lot and said to him, “Where are the men who came to you tonight?

Is it that the people of Sodom were homosexual???
“The sin that characterized Sodom’s evil society was cruelty to strangers. In this instance, they intended to rape Lot’s visitors.

19.5 "Bring them out to us, that we may be intimate with them.”

It is clear from the text that men having sex with other men in their own homes is not the cause for Sodom’s destruction….rather, it is acts that would be punished even in our most Liberal precincts: homosexual rape.

It is evident that the extreme sins of Sodom are not homosexuality as such, but the criminal way it is used in this chapter of Genesis.

Shouldn't Leftists be incensed about this violent attack rather than be offended by the punishment of the guilty???
9. There are a great number of important lessons about life, in the Bible, and this is the case in the Genesis story of Sodom and Gomorrah....and, no, it is not simply an indictment of homosexuality.
What is missed in this story is that it is about justice, and human’s having the ability to engage in debate with God.

.Now we find a lesson about justice, and about mercy in the chapter.

Abraham has a feeling about what is about to happen to Sodom due to their sins….and he asks: “Then Abraham drew near and said, “Will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked?”

Now, Abraham pins God down about punishing any innocent folks:

18.24 What if there should be fifty innocent within the city; will You then wipe out the place and not forgive it for the sake of the innocent fifty who are in it?

18.26 And the Lord answered, “If I find within the city of Sodom fifty innocent ones, I will forgive the whole place for their sake.”

18.28 What if the fifty innocent should lack five? Will You destroy the whole city for want of the five?”

18.28 (cont.) And He answered, “I will not destroy if I find forty-five there.”
18.29 But he spoke to Him again, and said, “What if forty should be found there?” And He answered, “I will not do it, for the sake of the forty.”

Abraham kept lowering the number of innocent people. And God kept agreeing.

18.30 And he said, “Let not my Lord be angry if I go on: What if thirty should be

found there?” And He answered, “I will not do it if I find thirty there.”

18.31 And he said, “I venture again to speak to my Lord: What if twenty should be found there?” And He answered, “I will not destroy, for the sake of the twenty.”

18.32 And he said, “Let not my Lord be angry if I speak out this last time: What if ten should be found there?” And He answered, “I will not destroy, for the sake of the ten.”

Here, then, is a clear example of the guidance provided by the Bible to Western Civilization.

Now I see what they say about Jewish lawyers!
Must be a reason you're rather change the subject than admit you genuflect when you mention Satan.
I'm not the one who believes in Satan, you are. If anyone here is his devotee it would be the one who does his work for him by sowing dissention.
9. There are a great number of important lessons about life, in the Bible, and this is the case in the Genesis story of Sodom and Gomorrah....and, no, it is not simply an indictment of homosexuality.
What is missed in this story is that it is about justice, and human’s having the ability to engage in debate with God.

.Now we find a lesson about justice, and about mercy in the chapter.

Abraham has a feeling about what is about to happen to Sodom due to their sins….and he asks: “Then Abraham drew near and said, “Will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked?”

Now, Abraham pins God down about punishing any innocent folks:

18.24 What if there should be fifty innocent within the city; will You then wipe out the place and not forgive it for the sake of the innocent fifty who are in it?

18.26 And the Lord answered, “If I find within the city of Sodom fifty innocent ones, I will forgive the whole place for their sake.”

18.28 What if the fifty innocent should lack five? Will You destroy the whole city for want of the five?”

18.28 (cont.) And He answered, “I will not destroy if I find forty-five there.”
18.29 But he spoke to Him again, and said, “What if forty should be found there?” And He answered, “I will not do it, for the sake of the forty.”

Abraham kept lowering the number of innocent people. And God kept agreeing.

18.30 And he said, “Let not my Lord be angry if I go on: What if thirty should be

found there?” And He answered, “I will not do it if I find thirty there.”

18.31 And he said, “I venture again to speak to my Lord: What if twenty should be found there?” And He answered, “I will not destroy, for the sake of the twenty.”

18.32 And he said, “Let not my Lord be angry if I speak out this last time: What if ten should be found there?” And He answered, “I will not destroy, for the sake of the ten.”

Here, then, is a clear example of the guidance provided by the Bible to Western Civilization.

Now I see what they say about Jewish lawyers!
Does anyone really take this literally? It is obviously a parable about God's justice and mercy. If God really chose to destroy a whole city, how many children would be among his victims? Certainly any town would have at least 10 young INNOCENT children.
Does anyone really take this literally? It is obviously a parable about God's justice and mercy. If God really chose to destroy a whole city, how many children would be among his victims? Certainly any town would have at least 10 young INNOCENT children.
Like children raised by Hamas.
If the children had been spared who would have adopted them?
Like children raised by Hamas.
If the children had been spared who would have adopted them?
Good point and that is how God works: punish the innocent to punish guilty. Can't say I'm a fan of the plan and it's hard to believe an all-powerful deity had no other options. Shows a lack of imagination I think.
I'm not the one who believes in Satan, you are. If anyone here is his devotee it would be the one who does his work for him by sowing dissention.

Believe it???

Worse: you work for, empower Satan's party.
Does anyone really take this literally? It is obviously a parable about God's justice and mercy. If God really chose to destroy a whole city, how many children would be among his victims? Certainly any town would have at least 10 young INNOCENT children.

Let's check:

3. Archeology in the Middle East confirms much of the Bible’s history. This week, a story in the Western Journal:

“Sodom and Gomorrah: Researchers May Have Found Evidence of God's Wrath in Middle Eastern City

In the book of Genesis, God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of their utter wickedness. … new research may provide tangible proof.

According to an article published in The Conversation, hundreds of researchers have been excavating an ancient Middle Eastern city now called Tall el-Hammam. … it was covered in about five feet of charcoal, ash and melted material. The location of Tall el-Hamman near the Dead Sea is very similar to the description of Sodom in Genesis.

“It’s possible that an oral description of the city’s destruction may have been handed down for generations until it was recorded as the story of Biblical Sodom,” the researchers said.” Sodom and Gomorrah: Researchers May Have Found Evidence of God's Wrath in Middle Eastern City
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