A War From One Side

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I proved Clinton a life-long racist and you rushed to announce you'd vote for him again.
Your cutting and pasting proves only that people on the fringe of society agree with you. Given the choice between two racists I guess other factors would be more important.
Just giving my $0.02. When PoliticalChic claims Clinton was a racist but ignores that the GOP and Trump are doing is sad. It is certainly not my perception of Clinton, it is not how Blacks generally perceive Clinton. It is only how she and the Right want us to perceive Clinton since it is they are guilty of what they accuse Clinton of.

I'm not claiming the Left is any better, just no worse so I will challenge you to provide at least one example of where the dems accuse everyone of what they are actually doing.

Russian collusion. Not Trump, CLINTON.
Russian collusion. Not Trump, CLINTON.
The links between Russians and Trump are too numerous to even bother to name and far outweigh anything Hillary did. She was a victim of the Russians, it was Trump who benefited from their actions. So, no, not an example.
Your cutting and pasting proves only that people on the fringe of society agree with you. Given the choice between two racists I guess other factors would be more important.

"Your cutting and pasting...."

You refer, of course, to documenting, linking and providing sources for the facts.

'Cut and paste' is a method of presentation. It is a well recognized and well accepted method on the college level, and has no bearing on the accuracy or truth of one's position.
The obvious...and correct ....conclusion is that you're attempting to combat my well-constructed posts with an assumed smear....but you don't know why is should be considered a smear....

...you're simply a fool with no concrete answer to the posts you hate....so you throw out a cliché you've heard, and hope it works.

Seems not to.
The links between Russians and Trump are too numerous to even bother to name and far outweigh anything Hillary did. She was a victim of the Russians, it was Trump who benefited from their actions. So, no, not an example.

You're lying again.

Anti-Russia Actions by Trump…things that have directly and indirectly effected Russia

1.Bombed Russian ally, Syria, hitting Russian facilities killing a number of Russian military

2.Pulled out of the Iran deal…a Russian signee

3.Pulled out of Paris Accords….a Russian signee

4.Sanctions against Russia…460 sanctions against individuals and entities

5.Expelled Russian diplomats

6.Gave Ukraine Javelin anti-tank missiles to use against Russian proxies…Obama sent mittens

7. Obama….more flexible, Hillary ‘reset button,’ wouldn’t give Poland defensive missiles, Uranium one deal….

8. At the NATO meeting, he warned Germany not to make huge energy deals enriching Russia….

9. Trump created an energy juggernaut in the United States….a body-blow to the Russian economy. Anyone pro-fracking is anti-Russia.

10. And, of course, you dunce, first and foremost.....

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.


12. Biden administration to waive sanctions for head of Nord Stream 2 pipeline

An ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin leads the company that is building the gas pipeline.

Now we know the reason for this:

"Hunter Biden received $3.5M wire transfer from Russian billionaire: Senate report

Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and the widow of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow, Senate Republicans revealed in their report on the younger Biden’s work in Ukraine.

Baturina is referenced in the 87-page report, which was released Wednesday, addressing her payment to Biden’s investment firm in early 2014.

“Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor,” it said in providing background on the businesswoman."


Selling-out America has become the cottage industry for Democrats.
"Your cutting and pasting...."

You refer, of course, to documenting, linking and providing sources for the facts.

'Cut and paste' is a method of presentation. It is a well recognized and well accepted method on the college level, and has no bearing on the accuracy or truth of one's position.
The obvious...and correct ....conclusion is that you're attempting to combat my well-constructed posts with an assumed smear....but you don't know why is should be considered a smear....

...you're simply a fool with no concrete answer to the posts you hate....so you throw out a cliché you've heard, and hope it works.

Seems not to.
I don't object to your cutting and pasting, what I object to is the low quality of the sources you choose. Stop using the lunatic fringe as your sources and you'll get more respect, at least from me. Extremists like you are what America doesn't need from either side.

Here is a review from a web site I first heard of from you on one of your sources, Breitbart:

You're lying again.

Anti-Russia Actions by Trump…things that have directly and indirectly effected Russia

1.Bombed Russian ally, Syria, hitting Russian facilities killing a number of Russian military

2.Pulled out of the Iran deal…a Russian signee

3.Pulled out of Paris Accords….a Russian signee

4.Sanctions against Russia…460 sanctions against individuals and entities

5.Expelled Russian diplomats

6.Gave Ukraine Javelin anti-tank missiles to use against Russian proxies…Obama sent mittens

7. Obama….more flexible, Hillary ‘reset button,’ wouldn’t give Poland defensive missiles, Uranium one deal….

8. At the NATO meeting, he warned Germany not to make huge energy deals enriching Russia….

9. Trump created an energy juggernaut in the United States….a body-blow to the Russian economy. Anyone pro-fracking is anti-Russia.
Is this the same man who:
  1. Took the word of Putin over US Intelligence agencies
  2. Asked Russia to hack Hillary's email
  3. Benefited greatly when Russia leaked hacked DNC emails
  4. His son took a meeting with a Russian agent specifically to get dirt on Hillary
  5. Had his chief of staff meet illegally with a top Russian and then lie about it.
12. Biden administration to waive sanctions for head of Nord Stream 2 pipeline
Did he do it for Putin for for Germany? (I thought we were talking about Hillary?)
I don't object to your cutting and pasting, what I object to is the low quality of the sources you choose. Stop using the lunatic fringe as your sources and you'll get more respect, at least from me. Extremists like you are what America doesn't need from either side.

Here is a review from a web site I first heard of from you on one of your sources, Breitbart:


Why try to hide your lies????

But....if you wish.....let's see the Democrat information fonts:

Is the NYTimes reliable?

After the Colorado shootings, Biden shed a tear, and then demanded background check laws…which….incidentally, Colorado already has.

But Biden doesn't want to wait to save American lives!!!!!

"He called on the Senate to quickly pass two House bills, passed earlier this year and first introduced after the 2018 mass shooting at a Parkland, Fla., high school, that extend background checks to private sellers and extend the time limit to conduct checks on purchasers.

Mr. Biden said it was wrong “to wait another minute, let alone an hour, to take common-sense steps that will save lives in the future.”


Biden Urges Action on Gun Control After 2 Mass Shootings in Less Than a Week

The president called for a ban on assault rifles and high-capacity ammunition magazines before flying to Ohio, where he had planned to promote the stimulus package. The Senate confirmed Shalanda D. Young as deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget and Dr. Vivek Murthy as the...

Have you seen the surge of immigrants at the border, due to Biden ringing the dinner bell?????

Latest statistics from the US Sentencing Commission [ Topic]

Non-Citizens Federal Crimes:

22% of Murders

18% of Fraud

33% of Money Laundering

29% of Drug Trafficking

72% of Drug Possession

Get it????
Non-Citizens are FAR more likely to commit crimes that Americans are.

And these are only federal statistics.

How about the LATimes.......reliable??
When viewing the statistics, pay special attention to the Democrat house organ, the LATimes, and the definitive statement they make with respect to the group the Democrats need in order to win any national election:

Last week, this lie in the LATimes:

“I met Elder at his studio in 2019, while reporting my biography of Trump’s senior advisor Stephen Miller. Elder told me he believes his Blackness gives some listeners “confidence” to hold and share similar views. He has repeatedly twisted crime statistics to portray Black people as more violent than whites — a theme for white supremacists. He blames Black communities’ struggles on an alleged lack of self-determination. (A David Duke talking point).” Column: How recall candidate Larry Elder mentored Trumpism's top acolytes

Today’s thread….the facts, the gospel, on criminality by race. And, as a by-product, more proof that Democrats lie about everything.

“324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years ...
https://americanfreepress.net › Archive
“Table 2 below shows the African/European and Latin/European ratios for the combined violent crimes. A separate table for murder follows presently.”


Charles Murray, "Facing Reality"

Democrats........they lie about everything.

Now.....how about you crawl back under the rock.
Is this the same man who:
  1. Took the word of Putin over US Intelligence agencies
  2. Asked Russia to hack Hillary's email
  3. Benefited greatly when Russia leaked hacked DNC emails
  4. His son took a meeting with a Russian agent specifically to get dirt on Hillary
  5. Had his chief of staff meet illegally with a top Russian and then lie about it.

Did he do it for Putin for for Germany? (I thought we were talking about Hillary?)

"... US Intelligence agencies.....

Tucker Carlson Outlines The Primary Threat to Our Nation, The Corrupt Intelligence Apparatus Which Includes The FBI


Which Of These Is Your Favorite FBI Moment?

a. Shooting dead a dog, a 14-year-old boy, and a woman holding her baby at Ruby Ridge?

b. Incinerating more than eighty men, women and children to death in Waco, Texas?

c. Blowing off a Phoenix agent’s warning about a lot of Muslims taking flight lessons two months before the 9/11 attacks?

d. Announcing that Hillary had done nothing wrong, before completing the investigation?

e. Clearing terrorist Omar Mateen shortly before he slaughtered fifty people at an Orlando nightclub?

f. Refusing to follow up on repeated warning about Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz?

g. The FBI bogus investigation and indictment of Republican Senator Ted Stevens, costing him the election….charges then thrown out because the FBI agents conspired to withhold and conceal evidence that could have resulted in a verdict of "not guilty.

h. The anthrax case, where the FBI obsessed on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill, hounding him for six years, finding zero evidence. “Mueller made his position known, saying, “I do not apologize for any aspect of this investigation,” and stated that the FBI had made no mistakes.” Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

i. Naming Richard Jewell as the FBI’s leading suspect in the Centennial Olympic Park bombing on July 27, 1996.

j. .....or illegally spying on American citizens, especially the elected President of the United States?

k. How about the at least 17 significant errors or omissions in the FISA applications all of which just happen to work against Trump and to the Deep State/Hillary election bid?

l. “Judge Rosemary Collyer, the presiding judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court,…. issued a rare public order on Tuesday rebuking the Federal Bureau of Investigation…” Secretive Surveillance Court Rebukes FBI Over Handling of Wiretapping of Trump Aide

m. “The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with” The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with

“…FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith is expected to plead guilty to charges that he falsified information on FISA warrant applications to spy on former members of the Trump campaign,…”

n. Railroading military hero and pro-American, General Flynn?

o. Hiding Hunter Biden's laptop until after the election, so voters didn't know the Bidens were on Communist China's payroll?

p. “FBI Never 'Found a Motive' for Scalise Shooting…by a violent liberal Bernie-loving wackjob with a history of anti-Republican rant— even after the shooter ascertained whether the people he was about to slaughter were Republicans.” Daily Dose of Downey: FBI Never 'Found a Motive' for Scalise Shooting; White Off Duty Cop Beaten in Racist Attack; Corrections Officer Trades Burger for Sex

q. “American gymnast and Olympian McKayla Maroney condemned the FBI on Wednesday for failing to act on her reports of sexual abuse against former USA gymnastics national team doctor Larry Nassar in the summer of 2015.” 'Not ever over': Gymnasts castigate FBI for its failures in Nassar case

r: Blowing off repeated warnings and evidence that the Tsarnaev brothers were involved with violent radicals.

s: Botching a sting operation that resulted in the Las Vegas massacre.

t; Deliberately hiding evidence of innocence of the men they allowed to rot and die in prison, in order to shield one of their mob snitch fluffers.

u: Cooking up a kidnapping conspiracy in Michigan, that had more operatives and informants than actual plotters.
"... US Intelligence agencies.....

Tucker Carlson Outlines The Primary Threat to Our Nation, The Corrupt Intelligence Apparatus Which Includes The FBI


Which Of These Is Your Favorite FBI Moment?

a. Shooting dead a dog, a 14-year-old boy, and a woman holding her baby at Ruby Ridge?

b. Incinerating more than eighty men, women and children to death in Waco, Texas?

c. Blowing off a Phoenix agent’s warning about a lot of Muslims taking flight lessons two months before the 9/11 attacks?

d. Announcing that Hillary had done nothing wrong, before completing the investigation?

e. Clearing terrorist Omar Mateen shortly before he slaughtered fifty people at an Orlando nightclub?

f. Refusing to follow up on repeated warning about Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz?

g. The FBI bogus investigation and indictment of Republican Senator Ted Stevens, costing him the election….charges then thrown out because the FBI agents conspired to withhold and conceal evidence that could have resulted in a verdict of "not guilty.

h. The anthrax case, where the FBI obsessed on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill, hounding him for six years, finding zero evidence. “Mueller made his position known, saying, “I do not apologize for any aspect of this investigation,” and stated that the FBI had made no mistakes.” Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

i. Naming Richard Jewell as the FBI’s leading suspect in the Centennial Olympic Park bombing on July 27, 1996.

j. .....or illegally spying on American citizens, especially the elected President of the United States?

k. How about the at least 17 significant errors or omissions in the FISA applications all of which just happen to work against Trump and to the Deep State/Hillary election bid?

l. “Judge Rosemary Collyer, the presiding judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court,…. issued a rare public order on Tuesday rebuking the Federal Bureau of Investigation…” Secretive Surveillance Court Rebukes FBI Over Handling of Wiretapping of Trump Aide

m. “The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with” The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with

“…FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith is expected to plead guilty to charges that he falsified information on FISA warrant applications to spy on former members of the Trump campaign,…”

n. Railroading military hero and pro-American, General Flynn?

o. Hiding Hunter Biden's laptop until after the election, so voters didn't know the Bidens were on Communist China's payroll?

p. “FBI Never 'Found a Motive' for Scalise Shooting…by a violent liberal Bernie-loving wackjob with a history of anti-Republican rant— even after the shooter ascertained whether the people he was about to slaughter were Republicans.” Daily Dose of Downey: FBI Never 'Found a Motive' for Scalise Shooting; White Off Duty Cop Beaten in Racist Attack; Corrections Officer Trades Burger for Sex

q. “American gymnast and Olympian McKayla Maroney condemned the FBI on Wednesday for failing to act on her reports of sexual abuse against former USA gymnastics national team doctor Larry Nassar in the summer of 2015.” 'Not ever over': Gymnasts castigate FBI for its failures in Nassar case

r: Blowing off repeated warnings and evidence that the Tsarnaev brothers were involved with violent radicals.

s: Botching a sting operation that resulted in the Las Vegas massacre.

t; Deliberately hiding evidence of innocence of the men they allowed to rot and die in prison, in order to shield one of their mob snitch fluffers.

u: Cooking up a kidnapping conspiracy in Michigan, that had more operatives and informants than actual plotters.
How many lives did the FBI save? How many things did they get right?
Here is the review of Breitbart:

Way better a source than Breitbart:



Way better a source than Breitbart:



I hope you've learned something here today.

They lie for the party.......

....very much as you do.
In order to convince you to worship the state, they begin by hiding the facts: science confirms the Bible.

1.In so very ways, the Left’s religion, Militant Secularism has been struggling to erase all traces of the religion that our Founders used as a guide, and the reason for the success of Western Civilization: the Judeo-Christian faith.
The Left follows the dictates of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx, rather than of Jefferson, Madison and Adams, with the substation of the worship of the state, and man, in place of God.

FDR chose KKKer Hugo Black as his first Supreme Court nominee, and Black inserted ‘separation of church and state’ into jurisprudence.

LBJ signed a law that removed the protections of the first amendment, free speech, from religious officials.

The schools have been secularized to punish any hint of religion, and the control of the means of dissemination of information marginalizes and mocks any hint of religion.

Pretty good tactics from their perspective.

2. What goes largely unrecognized is that science itself has come closer and closer to validating the Bible.

Dennis Prager writes: “In my lifetime alone, science went from positing a universe that always existed to positing a universe that had a beginning (the Big Bang). So, in just one generation [the Bible], in describing a beginning to the universe, went from conflicting with science to agreeing with science….[The Bible] should not violate essential truths (for example, it accurately depicts human beings as the last creation).”

Dr. Andrew Palmer, Oxford biologist, whose book, "The Genesis Enigma," states that the writer of the book of Genesis provides an uncannily similar synopsis of the events in the creation as compared to that accepted by modern science today.
Rather than ridicule the Bible, those very same secular, atheistic scientists have come around to accept the very order that the Old Testament claimed in Genesis was the course of creation.

3. Archeology in the Middle East confirms much of the Bible’s history. This week, a story in the Western Journal:

“Sodom and Gomorrah: Researchers May Have Found Evidence of God's Wrath in Middle Eastern City

In the book of Genesis, God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of their utter wickedness. … new research may provide tangible proof.

According to an article published in The Conversation, hundreds of researchers have been excavating an ancient Middle Eastern city now called Tall el-Hammam. … it was covered in about five feet of charcoal, ash and melted material. The location of Tall el-Hamman near the Dead Sea is very similar to the description of Sodom in Genesis.

“It’s possible that an oral description of the city’s destruction may have been handed down for generations until it was recorded as the story of Biblical Sodom,” the researchers said.”

An awful lot of coincidences.
Your "founderz"..."discovered" a fully populated land by getting a message: "bow down to me and these will all be yours"
They said : " bloody fucking hell matey,we're in "
You didn't answer the question.......effectively answering it.
I see you don't appreciate it when others do to you as you do to them although in case my answer was clear but let me spell it for you: the FBI is composed of fallible human beings but they do immensely more good than bad.

Or do you disagree?
"... US Intelligence agencies.....

Tucker Carlson Outlines The Primary Threat to Our Nation, The Corrupt Intelligence Apparatus Which Includes The FBI


Which Of These Is Your Favorite FBI Moment?

a. Shooting dead a dog, a 14-year-old boy, and a woman holding her baby at Ruby Ridge?

b. Incinerating more than eighty men, women and children to death in Waco, Texas?

c. Blowing off a Phoenix agent’s warning about a lot of Muslims taking flight lessons two months before the 9/11 attacks?

d. Announcing that Hillary had done nothing wrong, before completing the investigation?

e. Clearing terrorist Omar Mateen shortly before he slaughtered fifty people at an Orlando nightclub?

f. Refusing to follow up on repeated warning about Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz?

g. The FBI bogus investigation and indictment of Republican Senator Ted Stevens, costing him the election….charges then thrown out because the FBI agents conspired to withhold and conceal evidence that could have resulted in a verdict of "not guilty.

h. The anthrax case, where the FBI obsessed on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill, hounding him for six years, finding zero evidence. “Mueller made his position known, saying, “I do not apologize for any aspect of this investigation,” and stated that the FBI had made no mistakes.” Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

i. Naming Richard Jewell as the FBI’s leading suspect in the Centennial Olympic Park bombing on July 27, 1996.

j. .....or illegally spying on American citizens, especially the elected President of the United States?

k. How about the at least 17 significant errors or omissions in the FISA applications all of which just happen to work against Trump and to the Deep State/Hillary election bid?

l. “Judge Rosemary Collyer, the presiding judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court,…. issued a rare public order on Tuesday rebuking the Federal Bureau of Investigation…” Secretive Surveillance Court Rebukes FBI Over Handling of Wiretapping of Trump Aide

m. “The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with” The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with

“…FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith is expected to plead guilty to charges that he falsified information on FISA warrant applications to spy on former members of the Trump campaign,…”

n. Railroading military hero and pro-American, General Flynn?

o. Hiding Hunter Biden's laptop until after the election, so voters didn't know the Bidens were on Communist China's payroll?

p. “FBI Never 'Found a Motive' for Scalise Shooting…by a violent liberal Bernie-loving wackjob with a history of anti-Republican rant— even after the shooter ascertained whether the people he was about to slaughter were Republicans.” Daily Dose of Downey: FBI Never 'Found a Motive' for Scalise Shooting; White Off Duty Cop Beaten in Racist Attack; Corrections Officer Trades Burger for Sex

q. “American gymnast and Olympian McKayla Maroney condemned the FBI on Wednesday for failing to act on her reports of sexual abuse against former USA gymnastics national team doctor Larry Nassar in the summer of 2015.” 'Not ever over': Gymnasts castigate FBI for its failures in Nassar case

r: Blowing off repeated warnings and evidence that the Tsarnaev brothers were involved with violent radicals.

s: Botching a sting operation that resulted in the Las Vegas massacre.

t; Deliberately hiding evidence of innocence of the men they allowed to rot and die in prison, in order to shield one of their mob snitch fluffers.

u: Cooking up a kidnapping conspiracy in Michigan, that had more operatives and informants than actual plotters.
Your lies and slanders are falling apart. General Flynn? Really????
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