A warning to you Trumpers

What are the charges?
Telling Trumpers to stop with the death threats and violence warnings made by the Trumpers to the MI state election officials?
Yeah, she should get 10-20 for that.
You're putting this within your own biased context.
I didn't feel hate coming from her.
I heard disgust.
And you Trump fuckers are disgusting.
The answers you seek are within the previous 8 pages, so knock yourself out.
"Make them pay" is a hateful threat, not a reaction from disgust.
Oh, and Im sorry if you were sexually molested when you were a child.
May I suggest you seek help ?
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Ya know, blacks weren't the only ones starting fires, don't ya? There was 'Umbrella Man,' a white supremacist who was trying to frame rioters. And there were white rioters also starting fires.

Funny, but I don't recall too many white folk looting, and the fires I saw being started were being started by negroes...

There's simply no excuse for racism. Especially, as in your case, even if it's invented in your mind and not rooted in reality.

But it is reality.

Tell me that negro hordes weren't sacking our cities this year? If you can tell me that you might have a point...

I've agreed with many of your posts but I had no idea until now what a piece of shit racist you are.

Well, if I'm a racist, and if you're honest with yourself, you have to consider the fact that what I've said has resonated with you; you've found value and truth in what I've said. What does that say about you, that you could so easily be in agreement with someone who, according to you, is a racist piece of shit? You either share my views, or you're stupid enough to be duped.

Which is it?

And, for the record, I draw a distinction between blacks and negroes (or whatever "N word" you'd like to use). I have a dear friend; known him almost 50 years, named Arthur. He's raised his son by himself, often working double shifts as an EMT on Long Island to put his son through college. His son is now a fine young man, and quite a successful sports agent with Octagon.

They both happen to be black, but I never see that. They're wonderful people and I'm proud to call them my friends.

And then you get guys like this. I give you Chavauris Deshaun Maree:

View attachment 427397

That's his mugshot from last night, arrested for battery and resisting a police officer.

See, ol' Chavauris here would be a negro. He has few, if any, redeeming qualities and he's the type of person who society would be better of without. He's popped up on the police log before, and he'll pop up on the police log again. It's only a matter of time before they lock this boy up and toss the key.

So, yeah, there are definite differences between a blacks and negroes...

As far as Cynthia Johnson, what she said was horrible and she should be condemned for it, which I myself did condemn her for making her disgusting threats. And I don't know if a racist like you is even capable of comprehending this or not -- but her skin color has nothing to do with it. Only her vile words do.

Her skin color is the very reason for her vile words, simply because she views Trump, and those who support him, as racists. Now, with the election of Biden and his whore VP, Johnson feels empowered to speak her mind...
Well stated.
I never posted this because of color. I posted because you could feel the hate.
My mother was raised by a poor black woman, and because of that my mother taught us to never say that we hate another human. She said there might be something about them you dont like, but never say you hate them.
Well I certainly dont like what Cynthia had to say in that video, regardless of color.

You're putting this within your own biased context.
I didn't feel hate coming from her.
I heard disgust.
And you Trump fuckers are disgusting.
She didn't lose her positions on committees because she was disgusted. People like you are the problem in this country.
but her skin color has nothing to do with it. Only her vile words do.

I agree with you. Skin color shouldn't have anything to do with hiring practices either(picking a VP), but sadly because of Democrats, gender and race are always front and center.
Oh, for fuck's sake, are you rightards ever not idiots??

Threatening others is not at all illegal.
What is illegal is using threats in order to force criminal behavior, like extortion.
The entire legal system is based on using threats to prevent criminal behavior, and it is never illegal to make threats against criminal behavior, by anyone.
Im not on any social media platforms like FB, Twitter, or Parler.
So my question(s); is this floating around out there on social media ?
If so, then shouldnt she be arrested ? I mean being a State Representative, is this acceptable to openly threaten others, coming from people in these positions ?

Apparently it is acceptible from that direction. Hell FB shut down info about Stop the Steal on the grounds that it incited violense after months of postings that encouraged riots!
Im not on any social media platforms like FB, Twitter, or Parler.
So my question(s); is this floating around out there on social media ?
If so, then shouldnt she be arrested ? I mean being a State Representative, is this acceptable to openly threaten others, coming from people in these positions ?

Soldiers. That's funny.
Send your 'soldiers' down my way twisted sister....please.
Im not on any social media platforms like FB, Twitter, or Parler.
So my question(s); is this floating around out there on social media ?
If so, then shouldnt she be arrested ? I mean being a State Representative, is this acceptable to openly threaten others, coming from people in these positions ?

Absolutely not, She has by word of mouth condoned the physical attack on people of conservative values.

Woopty fuck. Arizona Republicans are asking if you are willing to die for Trump. An entire party.I say if you are willing to die for that date piece of trash then get on with it.
Woopty fuck. Arizona Republicans are asking if you are willing to die for Trump. An entire party.I say if you are willing to die for that date piece of trash then get on with it.
Good puppy.
Now back to your crate....it's
past your bedtime.
Blah,blahblah. Take some time to think of that one? What a retort. Lol. Go die for Trump buddy I am sure it will be worth it and we lose one more idiot.
This should be universally condemned:

"And for those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it. Do it right. Be in order. Make them pay.”
Evidently you missed that "be careful, walk lightly, we ain't playing" part...might want to turn up the hearing aid.
How are those threatening words?

She's encouraging folks to be careful, that's a good thing.

Sure, her tone may have been a bit on the unpleasant side, but that's about it.

You folks are nothing but a bunch of butthurt snowflakes.

Don't let a woman get your panties in a twist.

lol...so, you support threatening those who voted for Trump eh? I noticed you liked FFI’s threat as well...So, tell us you shitbird, what is it you’d like to see happen to your fellow American?

Yet You condone hundreds of threats by Trump and his cult. Hypocracy is thy name.

Oh bull....cite one direct threat like this.
Im not on any social media platforms like FB, Twitter, or Parler.
So my question(s); is this floating around out there on social media ?
If so, then shouldnt she be arrested ? I mean being a State Representative, is this acceptable to openly threaten others, coming from people in these positions ?

Video was removed for violating YouTube's terms of service.
Im not on any social media platforms like FB, Twitter, or Parler.
So my question(s); is this floating around out there on social media ?
If so, then shouldnt she be arrested ? I mean being a State Representative, is this acceptable to openly threaten others, coming from people in these positions ?

Video was removed for violating YouTube's terms of service.
Thats good and Im sure its only because of the pressure that was being applied to them.
I guess they wanted to make sure it stayed up long enough and circulate out there, as to be sure and spread that hate.
From what Ive read on here and the news, FB doesnt have a problem censoring conservatives in the blink of an eye.

We are not children. (I am 83)

We all know that nothing substantial will happen to her.

I have no doubt that the bigwigs told her something like: "Listen, we have to strip you of your chairwomanship until this kerfuffle dies down. Then you'll get it back."

That distinguished representative of the people is one of our nation's untouchables, and she knows it.
Thats good and Im sure its only because of the pressure that was being applied to them.
I guess they wanted to make sure it stayed up long enough and circulate out there, as to be sure and spread that hate.
From what Ive read on here and the news, FB doesnt have a problem censoring conservatives in the blink of an eye.

This wasn't facebook, it was YouTube. YouTube censors a whole lot of things. They censor items with film clips, even though fair use says that you can use film clips.

So this woman said stuff that was over the top, it violated YouTubes terms of use, and it was deleted.

The problem with FB, YouTube and Twitter is that they have millions of users and only a few hundred people to review content. So if something isn't reported, it usually doesn't get taken down.
Thats good and Im sure its only because of the pressure that was being applied to them.
I guess they wanted to make sure it stayed up long enough and circulate out there, as to be sure and spread that hate.
From what Ive read on here and the news, FB doesnt have a problem censoring conservatives in the blink of an eye.

This wasn't facebook, it was YouTube. YouTube censors a whole lot of things. They censor items with film clips, even though fair use says that you can use film clips.

So this woman said stuff that was over the top, it violated YouTubes terms of use, and it was deleted.

The problem with FB, YouTube and Twitter is that they have millions of users and only a few hundred people to review content. So if something isn't reported, it usually doesn't get taken down.
Yes you are correct. I dont know why I had FB on my mind when responding, but my statement remains about FB and how they treat conservatives.
Furthermore, this censoring seems to be applied to conservatives on FB, Twitter, YouTube, and probably Google.
This needs to change.
Yes you are correct. I dont know why I had FB on my mind when responding, but my statement remains about FB and how they treat conservatives.
Furthermore, this censoring seems to be applied to conservatives on FB, Twitter, YouTube, and probably Google.
This needs to change.

Or Conservatives can start their own Social Media Platforms...

the ironic thing is that liberals are the ones advocating breaking up facebook...

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