Zone1 A White Person Has Declared That All White People Are Psychopaths

It’s primarily a Karen thing. These loopy white-women go over the deep end and blame all white people for their own racism. It’s Robin DiAngelo, it’s Peggy McIntosh, its whoever this crazy lady is. Saddly there is a subsection of society that latches on to these ideas as an avenue to atone for their own racism. It’s like Ibram X. Kendi‘s ultimatum, you are either “racist” or you are “anti-racist”. In other words, you agree with us or you will be accused of being a racist.
Yes, what you state are facts:

1. The average IQ of blacks is 85, while the average IQ for whites is 100. Asians and Jews average in the 110 - 115 range.

2. The violent crime rate among blacks is substantially higher than that among whites.

3. The illegitimacy rate among blacks is more than double that of whites, and it correlates to poverty, which in turn correlates to crime rates.


Black crime:

Black illegitimacy:

There are whites who are stupid, promiscuous criminals.

There are Negroes who are intelligent, monogamous and law abiding.

In neither case are they typical of their race.

Cold climates have selected genetically for intelligence and monogamy.

Civilizations have selected genetically for intelligence and obedience to the law.

Blacks who are intelligent, law abiding, and monogamous deserve respect and consideration. They have probably been ostracized by other blacks for acting white.
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Black crime:

Black illegitimacy:

There are whites who are stupid, promiscuous criminals.

There are Negroes who are intelligent, monogamous and law abiding.

In neither case are they typical of their race.

Cold climates have selected genetically for intelligence and monogamy.

Civilizations have selected genetically for intelligence and obedience to the law.

Blacks who are intelligent, law abiding, and monogamous deserve respect and consideration. They have probably been ostracized by other blacks for acting white.
Yes. Look at the hostile reaction to blacks like Tim Scott - who rose from poverty in the South to become a U.S. Senator. He proves that with the right values, responsible choices, hard work, and motivation, blacks can move into the middle class (and above).

Blacks are FURIOUS when other blacks prove that racism, to whatever extent it exists, does not hold them down IF they exhibit positive traits and make wise choices in life.

(That‘s also why there is such hostility to Jews - a persecuted people who overcome bigotry, time and time again, to lead successful lives and contribute to society far in excess of their numbers.)
Yes, what you state are facts:

1. The average IQ of blacks is 85, while the average IQ for whites is 100. Asians and Jews average in the 110 - 115 range.

2. The violent crime rate among blacks is substantially higher than that among whites.

3. The illegitimacy rate among blacks is more than double that of whites, and it correlates to poverty, which in turn correlates to crime rates.
Fact: IQ tests are flawed as is much of the research attempting to prove “racial IQ”.

People who use them in a racial comparison usually do so for racist purposes: trying to prove one race is inferior to another.
View attachment 797455

Black crime:

Black illegitimacy:

There are whites who are stupid, promiscuous criminals.

There are Negroes who are intelligent, monogamous and law abiding.

In neither case are they typical of their race.

Cold climates have selected genetically for intelligence and monogamy.

Civilizations have selected genetically for intelligence and obedience to the law.

Blacks who are intelligent, law abiding, and monogamous deserve respect and consideration. They have probably been ostracized by other blacks for acting white.

Human origins are a linchpin in the “whites are smart, blacks are stupid” hypothesis. The reasoning, according to Lynn and others, is that, although the first people came from Africa, they migrated north and when they encountered these climates they became more intelligent to cope with the cold weather and the planning that surviving winter required.

But a cave in the Blombos Nature Reserve on the Southern Cape coast tells a different story: scientists have found tools, paints and artwork dating back between 70 000 and 100 000 years, showing our first known record of modern human behaviour.

This innovation, planning and creativity predates the records found in more northerly climates, rather than these characteristics only appearing in humans after a migration north.
Yes. Look at the hostile reaction to blacks like Tim Scott - who rose from poverty in the South to become a U.S. Senator. He proves that with the right values, responsible choices, hard work, and motivation, blacks can move into the middle class (and above).

Blacks are FURIOUS when other blacks prove that racism, to whatever extent it exists, does not hold them down IF they exhibit positive traits and make wise choices in life.

(That‘s also why there is such hostility to Jews - a persecuted people who overcome bigotry, time and time again, to lead successful lives and contribute to society far in excess of their numbers.)

Do agree with Hector?

His statement:

“There are whites who are stupid, promiscuous criminals.

There are Negroes who are intelligent, monogamous and law abiding.

In neither case are they typical of their race.”
Fact: IQ tests are flawed as is much of the research attempting to prove “racial IQ”.

People who use them in a racial comparison usually do so for racist purposes: trying to prove one race is inferior to another.
Plenty of research during the century IQ tests have been used that demonstrate that they do what they are supposed to do: they accurately predict academic and economic success.

Moreover, the tests demonstrate what was known about the different races long before the IQ tests were developed: the different races differ significantly in average intelligence. Those who thought the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty would close race gaps in average intelligence and criminal and sexual behavior have been disappointed.

The reason this remains controversial is because those whose egalitarian hopes have been disappointed have not admitted that they were mistaken; they have suppressed the discussion.
Do agree with Hector?

His statement:

“There are whites who are stupid, promiscuous criminals.

There are Negroes who are intelligent, monogamous and law abiding.

In neither case are they typical of their race.”
I notice you barely had a word of criticism for what Hector said…..instead you zoom right in on me. You are just too obvious.

Human origins are a linchpin in the “whites are smart, blacks are stupid” hypothesis. The reasoning, according to Lynn and others, is that, although the first people came from Africa, they migrated north and when they encountered these climates they became more intelligent to cope with the cold weather and the planning that surviving winter required.

But a cave in the Blombos Nature Reserve on the Southern Cape coast tells a different story: scientists have found tools, paints and artwork dating back between 70 000 and 100 000 years, showing our first known record of modern human behaviour.

This innovation, planning and creativity predates the records found in more northerly climates, rather than these characteristics only appearing in humans after a migration north.
What was discovered in that cave does not mitigate what was obvious before and after the discovery: by every objective, measurable criterion the races differ significantly in average intelligence.

Cold climates selected for higher intelligence. So did civilization. In civilizations intelligent men usually become more prosperous than unintelligent men. Until recently they had more children who survived and reproduced.

Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. Because of welfare systems and other factors those with IQ's below 100 are more prolific than people with IQ's above 100. While this is happening computer technology and automation are eliminating jobs those with IQ's below 100 are able to learn.
I did. Now, are you going to answer the question…or dodge again?
No, that position is too extreme.

Now that I answered your question, you answer mine: why do you zoom in on ME,” ven though my positions are more mild than many whom you barely give a mild rebuke to?

We know why. I am a member of a long-persecuted minority that has succeeded despite horrific bigotry, and you can’t stand that. Kills the liberal narrative that blacks have a higher poverty and crime rate because of racism.
What was discovered in that cave does not mitigate what was obvious before and after the discovery: by every objective, measurable criterion the races differ significantly in average intelligence.

Cold climates selected for higher intelligence. So did civilization. In civilizations intelligent men usually become more prosperous than unintelligent men. Until recently they had more children who survived and reproduced.

Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. Because of welfare systems and other factors those with IQ's below 100 are more prolific than people with IQ's above 100. While this is happening computer technology and automation are eliminating jobs those with IQ's below 100 are able to learn.
I noticed even as a teen that, with a few exceptions, that the closer you got to the equator, the dumber and less advanced the people. It‘s true in North America, in South America, in Europe.
Plenty of research during the century IQ tests have been used that demonstrate that they do what they are supposed to do: they accurately predict academic and economic success.

So-called “race scientists” (racists by another name) ignore key things about IQ tests. IQ is fluid, not static. Environmental factors and education can change it over time. IQ tests are culturally biased and influenced by a person’s education level. IQ tests also only measure one type of intelligence, a small part of the entire spectrum that is intelligence.

Moreover, the tests demonstrate what was known about the different races long before the IQ tests were developed: the different races differ significantly in average intelligence. Those who thought the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty would close race gaps in average intelligence and criminal and sexual behavior have been disappointed.

The only people who “know” this are racists, there just isn’t any other to put it. You oversimplify complex issues into one: inferior races.

The reason this remains controversial is because those whose egalitarian hopes have been disappointed have not admitted that they were mistaken; they have suppressed the discussion.
You are discussing it are you not?
So-called “race scientists” (racists by another name) ignore key things about IQ tests. IQ is fluid, not static. Environmental factors and education can change it over time. IQ tests are culturally biased and influenced by a person’s education level. IQ tests also only measure one type of intelligence, a small part of the entire spectrum that is intelligence.
That is not true at all. IQ tests were designed for whites. It soon became obvious that Orientals usually performed better on the tests than whites. It has remained obvious.

Race scientists are discovering that beliefs long suspected to be true are scientifically valid.
No, that position is too extreme.

Thank you for answering.

Now that I answered your question, you answer mine: why do you zoom in on ME,” ven though my positions are more mild than many whom you barely give a mild rebuke to?

I choose to ignore most people and don’t have time or desire to answer those that are just crude racists.

We know why. I am a member of a long-persecuted minority that has succeeded despite horrific bigotry, and you can’t stand that. Kills the liberal narrative that blacks have a higher poverty and crime rate because of racism.

You have a mouse in your pocket? Who’s “we”?
And…this is exactly why I “zero in” on you. You are full of contradictions. Because you ARE a member of a minority that has suffered horrible persecution, but instead of coming out of that with empathy for others who have gone through or are going through similar, you buy into racist tropes (like IQ), are angered because you feel they are portrayed out of proportion to their population and stuff like that. Then, if anyone calls you on it, you accuse them of doing it because you are Jewish. You get upset if someone calls you a racist and then turn around and call someone anti-semitic.
The only people who “know” this are racists, there just isn’t any other to put it. You oversimplify complex issues into one: inferior races.

You are discussing it are you not?
There is plenty of scientific evidence that the races differ in characteristics that must be widespread in a population if that population is to thrive.

The U.S. Message Board allows discussions that are forbidden elsewhere, as long as the discussions are polite.
That is not true at all. IQ tests were designed for whites. It soon became obvious that Orientals usually performed better on the tests than whites. It has remained obvious.

Race scientists are discovering that beliefs long suspected to be true are scientifically valid.
There is no science to them.
There is plenty of scientific evidence that the races differ in characteristics that must be widespread in a population if that population is to thrive.

The U.S. Message Board allows discussions that are forbidden elsewhere, as long as the discussions are polite.
Your “scientific evidence” is based on subjective opinions on civilization and subjective interpretations of IQ. In addition you add in things that have no inherited component (such as rates of single parenting).
Thank you for answering.

You‘re welcome.
I choose to ignore most people and don’t have time or desire to answer those that are just crude racists.

But you always make time for me.

You have a mouse in your pocket? Who’s “we”?
And…this is exactly why I “zero in” on you. You are full of contradictions. Because you ARE a member of a minority that has suffered horrible persecution, but instead of coming out of that with empathy for others who have gone through or are going through similar, you buy into racist tropes (like IQ), are angered because you feel they are portrayed out of proportion to their population and stuff like that. Then, if anyone calls you on it, you accuse them of doing it because you are Jewish. You get upset if someone calls you a racist and then turn around and call someone anti-semitic.

No, I am pointing out the overrepresentation of blacks in advertising - it’s EXTREME - because it is an example of companies making race-based decisions. I am opposed to racism.

And empathy? Empathy accomplishes nothing. What does work is setting an example - and stating it so it isn’t missed - that with the right values, choices, and traits, members of a persecuted minority can not only succeed, but succeed above average.

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