Zone1 A White Person Has Declared That All White People Are Psychopaths

Double standards again.

One person in Central Park said something about a black man, and it was national news. Look how racist people are!! We had a black poster start an entire thread on the topic.

But when someone makes broad sweeping, bigoted comments about whites, it’s “eh….one person said something.”

Double standards from the libs: tolerate racism against whites, but raise the roof if It’s against blacks. Libs are creating two classes of people in this country.
“You can be bitter, or you can get better. You can’t be both.”
And I think a white person has the right to criticize blacks people, especially when blacks tend to be less intelligent than blacks, and more prone to commit crimes and have illegitimate children which they expect the welfare system to support.
Intelligence isn’t race based. Individuals are intelligent or not, it’s not because of their skin color.
Intelligence isn’t race based. Individuals are intelligent or not, it’s not because of their skin color.
Skin color does not cause IQ. Nevertheless, skin dolor correlates with IQ. People with light skin tend to be smarter than people with dark skin.
Skin color does not cause IQ. Nevertheless, skin dolor correlates with IQ. People with light skin tend to be smarter than people with dark skin.
It may correlate with their environment. There are plenty of unintelligent white people.
This statement is a lie.
By every objective, measurable criteria Negroes tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites and Orientals. They have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate, and an illegitimacy rate that is two and a half the times the white rate. How are whites responsible for these?
By every objective, measurable criteria Negroes tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites and Orientals. They have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate, and an illegitimacy rate that is two and a half the times the white rate. How are whites responsible for these?
That is untrue.
That is untrue.
That’s it? No long rant condemning what Hector said? You expressed more disdain for ME when I spoke positively about Tim Scott! Called me a virtue-signaler. I can’t even say a positive thing about someone who is black without you’re coming after me with long paragraphs of contempt.

Of course, Hector isn’t Jewish.
No, "Liberal" Woke media gives it to them. That's part of the reason that idiots like her go public with this nonsense.
I don’t see the media giving her attention. She hasn’t been in the news. It seems more like you guys are scouring social media to find the most outrageous people.
I don’t see the media giving her attention. She hasn’t been in the news. It seems more like you guys are scouring social media to find the most outrageous people.
Mostly because if someone actually watches and tries to understand what she's saying, she's not saying all white people are psychopaths, pretty simply really.
That’s it? No long rant condemning what Hector said? You expressed more disdain for ME when I spoke positively about Tim Scott! Called me a virtue-signaler. I can’t even say a positive thing about someone who is black without you’re coming after me with long paragraphs of contempt.

Of course, Hector isn’t Jewish.
Calm down. Get a grip.

Hector is well aware of what I think about his positions from prior debates. But he does deserve some credit, he doesn’t whine about it.

….and of course you threw in the (because) “I’m Jewish” bit. I don’t care if you are Jewish. You are just using it deflect from criticism of the positions you have supported.
Calm down. Get a grip.

Hector is well aware of what I think about his positions from prior debates. But he does deserve some credit, he doesn’t whine about it.

….and of course you threw in the (because) “I’m Jewish” bit. I don’t care if you are Jewish. You are just using it deflect from criticism of the positions you have supported.
Nope. Just pointing out your bias.
If you think about what she said, she's not saying you think she says.
I've had the misfortune to meet lots of Liberal academic dip shits like her over the years. They are a hive collective of White guilt, apologism, and Trump hate. I don't spend one second trying to understand what a Liberal academic says.
By every objective, measurable criteria Negroes tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites and Orientals. They have a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate, and an illegitimacy rate that is two and a half the times the white rate. How are whites responsible for these?
Yes, what you state are facts:

1. The average IQ of blacks is 85, while the average IQ for whites is 100. Asians and Jews average in the 110 - 115 range.

2. The violent crime rate among blacks is substantially higher than that among whites.

3. The illegitimacy rate among blacks is more than double that of whites, and it correlates to poverty, which in turn correlates to crime rates.
I've had the misfortune to meet lots of Liberal academic dip shits like her over the years. They are a hive collective of White guilt, apologism, and Trump hate. I don't spend one second trying to understand what a Liberal academic says.

So you spend no time trying to understand, but you put a lot of effort into telling them they're wrong.
They might be wrong, but what this woman is saying is probably a lot different to what you think.
I wrote a post explaining it, you could check it out, or you could just be ignorant about it.

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