Zone1 A White Person Has Declared That All White People Are Psychopaths

Your “scientific evidence” is based on subjective opinions on civilization and subjective interpretations of IQ. In addition you add in things that have no inherited component (such as rates of single parenting).
Whites and Orientals have historically created the most advanced civilizations. Negroes have always been known for looser attractions to marriage.
Your “scientific evidence” is based on subjective opinions on civilization and subjective interpretations of IQ. In addition you add in things that have no inherited component (such as rates of single parenting).
Single parenting isn’t “inherited,” but it seems to be much more acceptable to have babies out of wedlock in the black community - and that has led to all sorts of associated problems, such as poverty, low educational attainment, and high crime rates.

Blacks would find that most of the problems with the “underclass“ would disappear in a generation if the majority would just get married before having children. It’s not rocket science.
Well, I don't think she said all people are psychopaths.

She asks the definition of a psychopath. That definition seems to be "lacks empathy".
Why is she talking about empathy.

She's saying "whiteness" lacks empathy.

She says "Whiteness damages our humanity"

She says "We need white people to heal ourselves from this damage to our humanity, patriarchy, white supremacy has inflicted on us, become fully human again".

More or less, this is all she said.

She doesn't say "white people are psychopaths." She doesn't even come close. She uses the term "whiteness" and that "whiteness" for her seems to represent everything that comes from slavery and segregation, especially segregation.

With slavery you could own slaves, then they said "no more slaves" and these people, almost all of them white, decided "fuck this shit, we're not letting black people get ahead, ever", and THIS is what she's talking about.

Lemme guess....she's a spinster right?
Blacks would find that most of the problems with the “underclass“ would disappear in a generation if the majority would just get married before having children. It’s not rocket science.
I disagree with you on this and I agree with Professor Arthur Jensen that the problems of the underclass are mainly due to the fact that most of the underclass has IQ's below 75, and at that level they cannot be educated, and find minimum wage job difficult to perform.

The promiscuity blacks have always been known for - although it varies from one era to another - has evolved because there is no protection against African diseases. They strike randomly. People are more likely to have children who survive to adulthood if they have many children by several people of the opposite sex.
Well at least she hit the nail on the head about one white person. Just imagine if this was a white person saying this about black people. This story would be everywhere.

The woman doesn't have a clue about what she is talking about. She's claiming that whites are patriarchal. I hate to break this to her, but long before whites encountered Asians and African tribes, there was patriarchy. A few tribes in Africa had matriarchies, but they were the minority.
it aint wihite people gunning each other down every day in the dcaying democrat led cities every day
The only thing Democrats can do with crime ridden, black majority cities is to catch all the criminals, castrate them, and send them to slave labor camps.
The only thing Democrats can do with crime ridden, black majority cities is to catch all the criminals, castrate them, and send them to slave labor camps.
The problem is that Democrats are soft on crime because they want to keep blacks out of prison - in the name of “equitizing” the prison population.

For example, Neely should have been in prison, but the Democrats twisted and turned to keep the criminal (42 arrests, including violent ones) out of jail. If the Democrats has done their job, Penny wouldn’t have been in a position to protect himself and others from a deranged criminal issuing death threats - and wouldn’t be facing the possibility of 15 years in jail.
The problem is that Democrats are soft on crime because they want to keep blacks out of prison - in the name of “equitizing” the prison population.

For example, Neely should have been in prison, but the Democrats twisted and turned to keep the criminal (42 arrests, including violent ones) out of jail. If the Democrats has done their job, Penny wouldn’t have been in a position to protect himself and others from a deranged criminal issuing death threats - and wouldn’t be facing the possibility of 15 years in jail.
What you say is unfortunately true. I still vote Democrat out of habit, and because the GOP only cares about rich people.

Over the years I have become a Southern Democrat of the old school. I hate criminals and I want them to suffer. I want the rich to pay higher taxes. Franklin Roosevelt and his New Deal were popular among Southern Whites and white blue collar workers. The Democrat Party was foolish to alienate both groups.
One person said something. People say stuff all the time, often just seeking attention. So you give it to them.
and the left puts them in positions of power .. whether its a woke college professor or in DC the left elevates said white guilt idiots to the highest and most influential positions .. the left is waging a cultural war on America .

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