A Whole Lot of Hypocrisy to Go Around Today

From many of you on both sides of the aisle. Those of you expressing outrage over today's events at the Capitol (as you should be) said very little or, in a 180, actively encouraged the violence and destruction that took place by BLM and ANTIFA six months ago when they were rampaging through America's streets, ultimately resulting in the deaths of 17 people.

Conversely, many of you who rightfully criticized those riots are now openly expressing support for the reckless display going on today. You are cheering on attacks on our cops, who you guys claim to support (and many of which probably voted for Trump), and so far one person has died.

As I've been saying for a long time, the right and left are merely two sides of the same coin.
With all due respect Taz, I have seen this comparison all day. It is a false comparison. The rioting that took place six months ago dealt with the destruction of personal property. Yes, it was crime, and many of us, including Joe Biden, condemned it.

However, what happened today was an assault on the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic. It was not just property damage, this riot or assault was a dagger aimed at the heart of our democratic institutions. It was an incitement by a president of the United Staes to overturn a full and fair election.

There is no comparison between the two and it is intellectual dishonesty by anyone to make such a comparison.
You are such a lying sack of bs. The demrats for the most part said nothing about the summer riots and there were some deaths as well.
With all due respect Taz, I have seen this comparison all day. It is a false comparison. The rioting that took place six months ago dealt with the destruction of personal property.

I suppose you could consider the lives of those 17 people as their own personal properties. By all means, obfuscate away.
Of course what happened with the riots was a awful and should have been condemned. Those that engaged in such conduct should be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowable at law.

All I am saying, was that today’s riots were political In nature and aimed at the heart of our democratic institutions. These domestic terrorists that stormed the Capitol building today need to be held accountable.

If you think the past riots were not political in nature you are batshit. They are the iconification of Orange Man Bad riots.

They were also manufactured by the media and the left. The current protests are not manufactured - the nation is going downhill rapidly and has been for quite a while - just like the entire West. While the banana republic style blatant election theft is a concern, in the end that's hardly the primary driver behind the protests.
You Trumpist have turned our nation into a banana republic. Look at these lies you spew. You are so delusional you can;t tell fact from fiction. What we saw today was pure third world bullshit. We have more in common with Cameroon then Gwemany. Thank you Norma and thank you Trump. You have destroyed our nation.

We aren't the ones stealing elections on broad daylight and refusing to investigate any part of it.

We are also not the ones whose literal policy position is to import the banana republics here.
Your post is an out and out lie. As I said you are either a victim of false information and lies or a purveyor of lies to support a corrupt authoritarian wannabe.

False information, while you on the other threads boast about how the courts refuse to hold a fair trial regarding any of the concerns, such as the fact that the signature rejection rate is statistically impossible while at the same time it is well known that signature checks were not conducted based on illegal confidential agreement. At a time when the election was conducted using methods that are banned in large parts of civilized world, this indeed is a joke. Indeed, even Brazil managed to have a secure election that was over in one night, while we could not.

Such big false information that you can't have a trial to prove your case.

And that's why, the building got stormed.

Signature rejection rate is statistically impossible. There is no such thing as "statistically impossible", especially in a court of law. I mean the chance might be so improbable that it is not worth considering, but that does not make it impossible. So there is your first giveaway, that you are a stupid Trump parrot, repeating statements that are meaningless like "statistically impossible". "Illegal confidential agreement", there is another flag, I mean might as well tatoo "DUMBASS" on your head. "Conducting using methods that are banned in large parts of the civilized world", What the hell are you talking about, vote by mail? Absentee votes? I mean let's just be honest, you are too stupid to construct a sentence that complicated, it had to come from some right wind propaganda outfit, hell, they probably provided you a copy and paste link.

Nope, you Trump supporters need to crawl in a damn hole and die. There is no place for you in this "new America". Maybe you can all ban together and form your own nation. Find a damn boat, make sure to take enough beer, and sail the fuck away.

These idiots refuse to understand basic language. Let me make it simple to you, it was impossible and warrants an investigation. A court did the investigation and found 11% signatures did not match. Meanwhile morons like you are preventing every attempt to investigate the matter - so Americans need to take the matter to our own hands. And further when the irregularities are found, a judge does not get to make bullshit rules about how the votes need not be thrown out. Illegitimate votes NEED TO BE THROWN OUT.

I hope now even a moron can understand what I said.

No it does not warrant an investigation, not without some real actionable intelligence, something more than "statistically impossible". I mean producing a copy of that "confidential agreement" would be cool. Maybe someone to provide a legal document attesting to that confidential agreement could help. Otherwise "everybody knows" is about as helpful as "statistically impossible".

Your last sentence is a real hoot. No judge gets to make bullshit rules about the votes that need to be thrown out, but illegitimate votes need to be thrown out. Wow dumbass, who gets to decide which votes are illegitimate, You? I mean who better than a judge? I mean wow, but you guys are the ost ignorant group of people i have ever been exposed to.

11% of signatures found not to match.

It's clear, no amount of evidence will satisfy you. Again for people who ponder when using violent means is legitimate, consider personalities like this running the show. When an issue is not even given the light of the day, because there would not to be fool proof case before even considering the evidence... well don't be surprised when we take back our capitol building.

You haven't submitted any evidence. What eleven percent? What state? Which counties? Who did the analysis? What was the criteria? Honestly, that would be enough evidence to warrant at least a trial, so where was that "proof" submitted to the court? Be specific, case number and evidence identification. It would be a public record if it was submitted.

And no, a case does not have to be foolproof. It just has to have something more than a "statistically impossible" chance of succeeding, otherwise a summary judgement motion by the opposing counsel is going to get the case dismissed. That is the way our legal system has worked for, oh, I don't know, OVER TWO HUNDRED YEARS.

I have stated it a bunch of times. The fact you haven't heard of this by now just means you are clueless ignoramus. Yet you claim with such utter certainty that there was no fraud. How can you not find fraud when your entire persona is a fraud?

(For the rest of people: www.hereistheevidence.com)
With all due respect Taz, I have seen this comparison all day. It is a false comparison. The rioting that took place six months ago dealt with the destruction of personal property.

I suppose you could consider the lives of those 17 people as their own personal properties. By all means, obfuscate away.
Of course what happened with the riots was a awful and should have been condemned. Those that engaged in such conduct should be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowable at law.

All I am saying, was that today’s riots were political In nature and aimed at the heart of our democratic institutions. These domestic terrorists that stormed the Capitol building today need to be held accountable.

If you think the past riots were not political in nature you are batshit. They are the iconification of Orange Man Bad riots.

They were also manufactured by the media and the left. The current protests are not manufactured - the nation is going downhill rapidly and has been for quite a while - just like the entire West. While the banana republic style blatant election theft is a concern, in the end that's hardly the primary driver behind the protests.
You Trumpist have turned our nation into a banana republic. Look at these lies you spew. You are so delusional you can;t tell fact from fiction. What we saw today was pure third world bullshit. We have more in common with Cameroon then Gwemany. Thank you Norma and thank you Trump. You have destroyed our nation.

We aren't the ones stealing elections on broad daylight and refusing to investigate any part of it.

We are also not the ones whose literal policy position is to import the banana republics here.
Your post is an out and out lie. As I said you are either a victim of false information and lies or a purveyor of lies to support a corrupt authoritarian wannabe.

False information, while you on the other threads boast about how the courts refuse to hold a fair trial regarding any of the concerns, such as the fact that the signature rejection rate is statistically impossible while at the same time it is well known that signature checks were not conducted based on illegal confidential agreement. At a time when the election was conducted using methods that are banned in large parts of civilized world, this indeed is a joke. Indeed, even Brazil managed to have a secure election that was over in one night, while we could not.

Such big false information that you can't have a trial to prove your case.

And that's why, the building got stormed.

Signature rejection rate is statistically impossible. There is no such thing as "statistically impossible", especially in a court of law. I mean the chance might be so improbable that it is not worth considering, but that does not make it impossible. So there is your first giveaway, that you are a stupid Trump parrot, repeating statements that are meaningless like "statistically impossible". "Illegal confidential agreement", there is another flag, I mean might as well tatoo "DUMBASS" on your head. "Conducting using methods that are banned in large parts of the civilized world", What the hell are you talking about, vote by mail? Absentee votes? I mean let's just be honest, you are too stupid to construct a sentence that complicated, it had to come from some right wind propaganda outfit, hell, they probably provided you a copy and paste link.

Nope, you Trump supporters need to crawl in a damn hole and die. There is no place for you in this "new America". Maybe you can all ban together and form your own nation. Find a damn boat, make sure to take enough beer, and sail the fuck away.

These idiots refuse to understand basic language. Let me make it simple to you, it was impossible and warrants an investigation. A court did the investigation and found 11% signatures did not match. Meanwhile morons like you are preventing every attempt to investigate the matter - so Americans need to take the matter to our own hands. And further when the irregularities are found, a judge does not get to make bullshit rules about how the votes need not be thrown out. Illegitimate votes NEED TO BE THROWN OUT.

I hope now even a moron can understand what I said.

No it does not warrant an investigation, not without some real actionable intelligence, something more than "statistically impossible". I mean producing a copy of that "confidential agreement" would be cool. Maybe someone to provide a legal document attesting to that confidential agreement could help. Otherwise "everybody knows" is about as helpful as "statistically impossible".

Your last sentence is a real hoot. No judge gets to make bullshit rules about the votes that need to be thrown out, but illegitimate votes need to be thrown out. Wow dumbass, who gets to decide which votes are illegitimate, You? I mean who better than a judge? I mean wow, but you guys are the ost ignorant group of people i have ever been exposed to.

11% of signatures found not to match.

It's clear, no amount of evidence will satisfy you. Again for people who ponder when using violent means is legitimate, consider personalities like this running the show. When an issue is not even given the light of the day, because there would not to be fool proof case before even considering the evidence... well don't be surprised when we take back our capitol building.

You haven't submitted any evidence. What eleven percent? What state? Which counties? Who did the analysis? What was the criteria? Honestly, that would be enough evidence to warrant at least a trial, so where was that "proof" submitted to the court? Be specific, case number and evidence identification. It would be a public record if it was submitted.

And no, a case does not have to be foolproof. It just has to have something more than a "statistically impossible" chance of succeeding, otherwise a summary judgement motion by the opposing counsel is going to get the case dismissed. That is the way our legal system has worked for, oh, I don't know, OVER TWO HUNDRED YEARS.

I have stated it a bunch of times. The fact you haven't heard of this by now just means you are clueless ignoramus. Yet you claim with such utter certainty that there was no fraud. How can you not find fraud when your entire persona is a fraud?

(For the rest of people: www.hereistheevidence.com)

Wow, like that is the first time I saw that website. LOL. Took just a few minutes, found this.

Large Discrepancies between Qualified Voter File (AV Module) and 2020 Election Results in Wayne County, Michigan - Potentially Disqualifying Approximately 204,000 Absentee Votes. - DataScience - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Took all of fifteen seconds to find the reason to dismiss. That one example was just a blatant attempt at removing 204,000 votes, most, if not all, legitimately cast. To dismiss them, not because they could prove the votes were fraudulent, but because the court could not prove they weren't. I mean wow, are you so simple minded that you believe the burden of proof requires a side to prove a negative? I mean actually, it does, in one very specific incident. But this is not one of them.
With all due respect Taz, I have seen this comparison all day. It is a false comparison. The rioting that took place six months ago dealt with the destruction of personal property.

I suppose you could consider the lives of those 17 people as their own personal properties. By all means, obfuscate away.
Of course what happened with the riots was a awful and should have been condemned. Those that engaged in such conduct should be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowable at law.

All I am saying, was that today’s riots were political In nature and aimed at the heart of our democratic institutions. These domestic terrorists that stormed the Capitol building today need to be held accountable.

If you think the past riots were not political in nature you are batshit. They are the iconification of Orange Man Bad riots.

They were also manufactured by the media and the left. The current protests are not manufactured - the nation is going downhill rapidly and has been for quite a while - just like the entire West. While the banana republic style blatant election theft is a concern, in the end that's hardly the primary driver behind the protests.
You Trumpist have turned our nation into a banana republic. Look at these lies you spew. You are so delusional you can;t tell fact from fiction. What we saw today was pure third world bullshit. We have more in common with Cameroon then Gwemany. Thank you Norma and thank you Trump. You have destroyed our nation.

We aren't the ones stealing elections on broad daylight and refusing to investigate any part of it.

We are also not the ones whose literal policy position is to import the banana republics here.
Your post is an out and out lie. As I said you are either a victim of false information and lies or a purveyor of lies to support a corrupt authoritarian wannabe.

False information, while you on the other threads boast about how the courts refuse to hold a fair trial regarding any of the concerns, such as the fact that the signature rejection rate is statistically impossible while at the same time it is well known that signature checks were not conducted based on illegal confidential agreement. At a time when the election was conducted using methods that are banned in large parts of civilized world, this indeed is a joke. Indeed, even Brazil managed to have a secure election that was over in one night, while we could not.

Such big false information that you can't have a trial to prove your case.

And that's why, the building got stormed.

Signature rejection rate is statistically impossible. There is no such thing as "statistically impossible", especially in a court of law. I mean the chance might be so improbable that it is not worth considering, but that does not make it impossible. So there is your first giveaway, that you are a stupid Trump parrot, repeating statements that are meaningless like "statistically impossible". "Illegal confidential agreement", there is another flag, I mean might as well tatoo "DUMBASS" on your head. "Conducting using methods that are banned in large parts of the civilized world", What the hell are you talking about, vote by mail? Absentee votes? I mean let's just be honest, you are too stupid to construct a sentence that complicated, it had to come from some right wind propaganda outfit, hell, they probably provided you a copy and paste link.

Nope, you Trump supporters need to crawl in a damn hole and die. There is no place for you in this "new America". Maybe you can all ban together and form your own nation. Find a damn boat, make sure to take enough beer, and sail the fuck away.

These idiots refuse to understand basic language. Let me make it simple to you, it was impossible and warrants an investigation. A court did the investigation and found 11% signatures did not match. Meanwhile morons like you are preventing every attempt to investigate the matter - so Americans need to take the matter to our own hands. And further when the irregularities are found, a judge does not get to make bullshit rules about how the votes need not be thrown out. Illegitimate votes NEED TO BE THROWN OUT.

I hope now even a moron can understand what I said.

No it does not warrant an investigation, not without some real actionable intelligence, something more than "statistically impossible". I mean producing a copy of that "confidential agreement" would be cool. Maybe someone to provide a legal document attesting to that confidential agreement could help. Otherwise "everybody knows" is about as helpful as "statistically impossible".

Your last sentence is a real hoot. No judge gets to make bullshit rules about the votes that need to be thrown out, but illegitimate votes need to be thrown out. Wow dumbass, who gets to decide which votes are illegitimate, You? I mean who better than a judge? I mean wow, but you guys are the ost ignorant group of people i have ever been exposed to.

11% of signatures found not to match.

It's clear, no amount of evidence will satisfy you. Again for people who ponder when using violent means is legitimate, consider personalities like this running the show. When an issue is not even given the light of the day, because there would not to be fool proof case before even considering the evidence... well don't be surprised when we take back our capitol building.

You haven't submitted any evidence. What eleven percent? What state? Which counties? Who did the analysis? What was the criteria? Honestly, that would be enough evidence to warrant at least a trial, so where was that "proof" submitted to the court? Be specific, case number and evidence identification. It would be a public record if it was submitted.

And no, a case does not have to be foolproof. It just has to have something more than a "statistically impossible" chance of succeeding, otherwise a summary judgement motion by the opposing counsel is going to get the case dismissed. That is the way our legal system has worked for, oh, I don't know, OVER TWO HUNDRED YEARS.

I have stated it a bunch of times. The fact you haven't heard of this by now just means you are clueless ignoramus. Yet you claim with such utter certainty that there was no fraud. How can you not find fraud when your entire persona is a fraud?

(For the rest of people: www.hereistheevidence.com)

Wow, like that is the first time I saw that website. LOL. Took just a few minutes, found this.

Large Discrepancies between Qualified Voter File (AV Module) and 2020 Election Results in Wayne County, Michigan - Potentially Disqualifying Approximately 204,000 Absentee Votes. - DataScience - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Took all of fifteen seconds to find the reason to dismiss. That one example was just a blatant attempt at removing 204,000 votes, most, if not all, legitimately cast. To dismiss them, not because they could prove the votes were fraudulent, but because the court could not prove they weren't. I mean wow, are you so simple minded that you believe the burden of proof requires a side to prove a negative? I mean actually, it does, in one very specific incident. But this is not one of them.

The relevance of this is exactly zero, dodging the issue of signatures seems to be your way of dealing with the discrepancy until the end.

The fact that 11% of the signatures did not match is a PROVEN FACT. As is the fact that the acceptance rate is not what we have seen in any previous elections - by a long shot. As is the fact that checks were removed based on illegal confidential agreement. Come back when you are ready to deal with it or go away.

So tired of these beta males who constantly try to improve their status online but fall flat on their faces. If you are trying to improve your status online and failing - it's insurmountably low. I can certainly see why their life depends on free shit. One thing when a 20 year old attempts something so profoundly stupid - a other when it's a 60 year old. That is truly disgusting - you should immediately demand someone to teach you how to not be a low status idiot.
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From many of you on both sides of the aisle. Those of you expressing outrage over today's events at the Capitol (as you should be) said very little or, in a 180, actively encouraged the violence and destruction that took place by BLM and ANTIFA six months ago when they were rampaging through America's streets, ultimately resulting in the deaths of 17 people.

Conversely, many of you who rightfully criticized those riots are now openly expressing support for the reckless display going on today. You are cheering on attacks on our cops, who you guys claim to support (and many of which probably voted for Trump), and so far one person has died.

As I've been saying for a long time, the right and left are merely two sides of the same coin.
I, too, denounce the tactics used today. However, I noticed, as you do, that there was no public outcry when the same thing was practiced by BLM/Antifa. Wonder how much graffiti is still left painted on streets of this country by BLM. I also abhor the democrats in congress using this as a political cudgel when they said nothing about the aforementioned. If you want peace in America--the country better be put before party and the sooner Piglosi, Good-for-Nothing, and Pedo Joe figure that out, the sooner the country will unite.
From many of you on both sides of the aisle. Those of you expressing outrage over today's events at the Capitol (as you should be) said very little or, in a 180, actively encouraged the violence and destruction that took place by BLM and ANTIFA six months ago when they were rampaging through America's streets, ultimately resulting in the deaths of 17 people.

Conversely, many of you who rightfully criticized those riots are now openly expressing support for the reckless display going on today. You are cheering on attacks on our cops, who you guys claim to support (and many of which probably voted for Trump), and so far one person has died.

As I've been saying for a long time, the right and left are merely two sides of the same coin.
Rs don't attack cops...ever.
With all due respect Taz, I have seen this comparison all day. It is a false comparison. The rioting that took place six months ago dealt with the destruction of personal property.

I suppose you could consider the lives of those 17 people as their own personal properties. By all means, obfuscate away.
Of course what happened with the riots was a awful and should have been condemned. Those that engaged in such conduct should be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowable at law.

All I am saying, was that today’s riots were political In nature and aimed at the heart of our democratic institutions. These domestic terrorists that stormed the Capitol building today need to be held accountable.

If you think the past riots were not political in nature you are batshit. They are the iconification of Orange Man Bad riots.

They were also manufactured by the media and the left. The current protests are not manufactured - the nation is going downhill rapidly and has been for quite a while - just like the entire West. While the banana republic style blatant election theft is a concern, in the end that's hardly the primary driver behind the protests.
You Trumpist have turned our nation into a banana republic. Look at these lies you spew. You are so delusional you can‘t tell fact from fiction. What we saw today was pure third world bullshit. We have more in common with Cameroon then Germany. Thank you Norman and thank you Trump. You have destroyed our nation.
Like Mexico? Dems did it and you ain't seen third world like after Pedo Joe and Kameltoe open the borders.
From many of you on both sides of the aisle. Those of you expressing outrage over today's events at the Capitol (as you should be) said very little or, in a 180, actively encouraged the violence and destruction that took place by BLM and ANTIFA six months ago when they were rampaging through America's streets, ultimately resulting in the deaths of 17 people.

Conversely, many of you who rightfully criticized those riots are now openly expressing support for the reckless display going on today. You are cheering on attacks on our cops, who you guys claim to support (and many of which probably voted for Trump), and so far one person has died.

As I've been saying for a long time, the right and left are merely two sides of the same coin.
I, too, denounce the tactics used today. However, I noticed, as you do, that there was no public outcry when the same thing was practiced by BLM/Antifa. Wonder how much graffiti is still left painted on streets of this country by BLM. I also abhor the democrats in congress using this as a political cudgel when they said nothing about the aforementioned. If you want peace in America--the country better be put before party and the sooner Piglosi, Good-for-Nothing, and Pedo Joe figure that out, the sooner the country will unite.

After burning of cities it's quite clear they don't want peace in America.

I am not so sure how long peace can last in an illegitimate system that is turning the entire country into a 3rd world banana republic.
From many of you on both sides of the aisle. Those of you expressing outrage over today's events at the Capitol (as you should be) said very little or, in a 180, actively encouraged the violence and destruction that took place by BLM and ANTIFA six months ago when they were rampaging through America's streets, ultimately resulting in the deaths of 17 people.

Conversely, many of you who rightfully criticized those riots are now openly expressing support for the reckless display going on today. You are cheering on attacks on our cops, who you guys claim to support (and many of which probably voted for Trump), and so far one person has died.

As I've been saying for a long time, the right and left are merely two sides of the same coin.

Oh I agree but I sure don't condone what the Trump supporters did today. I can understand why they did what they did but I sure don't condone it.
From many of you on both sides of the aisle. Those of you expressing outrage over today's events at the Capitol (as you should be) said very little or, in a 180, actively encouraged the violence and destruction that took place by BLM and ANTIFA six months ago when they were rampaging through America's streets, ultimately resulting in the deaths of 17 people.

Conversely, many of you who rightfully criticized those riots are now openly expressing support for the reckless display going on today. You are cheering on attacks on our cops, who you guys claim to support (and many of which probably voted for Trump), and so far one person has died.

As I've been saying for a long time, the right and left are merely two sides of the same coin.
With all due respect Taz, I have seen this comparison all day. It is a false comparison. The rioting that took place six months ago dealt with the destruction of personal property. Yes, it was crime, and many of us, including Joe Biden, condemned it.

However, what happened today was an assault on the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic. It was not just property damage, this riot or assault was a dagger aimed at the heart of our democratic institutions. It was an incitement by a president of the United Staes to overturn a full and fair election.

There is no comparison between the two and it is intellectual dishonesty by anyone to make such a comparison.
Your party cheated and Biden will forever be an illegitimate president.
I condemned the attacks on private property. Not on govt property though. Thats who the beef is with. Not private citizens selling motor oil and apple pies.
With all due respect Taz, I have seen this comparison all day. It is a false comparison. The rioting that took place six months ago dealt with the destruction of personal property.

I suppose you could consider the lives of those 17 people as their own personal properties. By all means, obfuscate away.
Of course what happened with the riots was a awful and should have been condemned. Those that engaged in such conduct should be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowable at law.

All I am saying, was that today’s riots were political In nature and aimed at the heart of our democratic institutions. These domestic terrorists that stormed the Capitol building today need to be held accountable.

If you think the past riots were not political in nature you are batshit. They are the iconification of Orange Man Bad riots.

They were also manufactured by the media and the left. The current protests are not manufactured - the nation is going downhill rapidly and has been for quite a while - just like the entire West. While the banana republic style blatant election theft is a concern, in the end that's hardly the primary driver behind the protests.
You Trumpist have turned our nation into a banana republic. Look at these lies you spew. You are so delusional you can;t tell fact from fiction. What we saw today was pure third world bullshit. We have more in common with Cameroon then Gwemany. Thank you Norma and thank you Trump. You have destroyed our nation.

We aren't the ones stealing elections on broad daylight and refusing to investigate any part of it.

We are also not the ones whose literal policy position is to import the banana republics here.
Your post is an out and out lie. As I said you are either a victim of false information and lies or a purveyor of lies to support a corrupt authoritarian wannabe.

False information, while you on the other threads boast about how the courts refuse to hold a fair trial regarding any of the concerns, such as the fact that the signature rejection rate is statistically impossible while at the same time it is well known that signature checks were not conducted based on illegal confidential agreement. At a time when the election was conducted using methods that are banned in large parts of civilized world, this indeed is a joke. Indeed, even Brazil managed to have a secure election that was over in one night, while we could not.

Such big false information that you can't have a trial to prove your case.

And that's why, the building got stormed.

Signature rejection rate is statistically impossible. There is no such thing as "statistically impossible", especially in a court of law. I mean the chance might be so improbable that it is not worth considering, but that does not make it impossible. So there is your first giveaway, that you are a stupid Trump parrot, repeating statements that are meaningless like "statistically impossible". "Illegal confidential agreement", there is another flag, I mean might as well tatoo "DUMBASS" on your head. "Conducting using methods that are banned in large parts of the civilized world", What the hell are you talking about, vote by mail? Absentee votes? I mean let's just be honest, you are too stupid to construct a sentence that complicated, it had to come from some right wind propaganda outfit, hell, they probably provided you a copy and paste link.

Nope, you Trump supporters need to crawl in a damn hole and die. There is no place for you in this "new America". Maybe you can all ban together and form your own nation. Find a damn boat, make sure to take enough beer, and sail the fuck away.

These idiots refuse to understand basic language. Let me make it simple to you, it was impossible and warrants an investigation. A court did the investigation and found 11% signatures did not match. Meanwhile morons like you are preventing every attempt to investigate the matter - so Americans need to take the matter to our own hands. And further when the irregularities are found, a judge does not get to make bullshit rules about how the votes need not be thrown out. Illegitimate votes NEED TO BE THROWN OUT.

I hope now even a moron can understand what I said.

No it does not warrant an investigation, not without some real actionable intelligence, something more than "statistically impossible". I mean producing a copy of that "confidential agreement" would be cool. Maybe someone to provide a legal document attesting to that confidential agreement could help. Otherwise "everybody knows" is about as helpful as "statistically impossible".

Your last sentence is a real hoot. No judge gets to make bullshit rules about the votes that need to be thrown out, but illegitimate votes need to be thrown out. Wow dumbass, who gets to decide which votes are illegitimate, You? I mean who better than a judge? I mean wow, but you guys are the ost ignorant group of people i have ever been exposed to.

11% of signatures found not to match.

It's clear, no amount of evidence will satisfy you. Again for people who ponder when using violent means is legitimate, consider personalities like this running the show. When an issue is not even given the light of the day, because there would not to be fool proof case before even considering the evidence... well don't be surprised when we take back our capitol building.

You haven't submitted any evidence. What eleven percent? What state? Which counties? Who did the analysis? What was the criteria? Honestly, that would be enough evidence to warrant at least a trial, so where was that "proof" submitted to the court? Be specific, case number and evidence identification. It would be a public record if it was submitted.

And no, a case does not have to be foolproof. It just has to have something more than a "statistically impossible" chance of succeeding, otherwise a summary judgement motion by the opposing counsel is going to get the case dismissed. That is the way our legal system has worked for, oh, I don't know, OVER TWO HUNDRED YEARS.

I have stated it a bunch of times. The fact you haven't heard of this by now just means you are clueless ignoramus. Yet you claim with such utter certainty that there was no fraud. How can you not find fraud when your entire persona is a fraud?

(For the rest of people: www.hereistheevidence.com)

Wow, like that is the first time I saw that website. LOL. Took just a few minutes, found this.

Large Discrepancies between Qualified Voter File (AV Module) and 2020 Election Results in Wayne County, Michigan - Potentially Disqualifying Approximately 204,000 Absentee Votes. - DataScience - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Took all of fifteen seconds to find the reason to dismiss. That one example was just a blatant attempt at removing 204,000 votes, most, if not all, legitimately cast. To dismiss them, not because they could prove the votes were fraudulent, but because the court could not prove they weren't. I mean wow, are you so simple minded that you believe the burden of proof requires a side to prove a negative? I mean actually, it does, in one very specific incident. But this is not one of them.

The relevance of this is exactly zero, dodging the issue of signatures seems to be your way of dealing with the discrepancy until the end.

The fact that 11% of the signatures did not match is a PROVEN FACT. As is the fact that the acceptance rate is not what we have seen in any previous elections - by a long shot. As is the fact that checks were removed based on illegal confidential agreement. Come back when you are ready to deal with it or go away.

So tired of these beta males who constantly try to improve their status online but fall flat on their faces. If you are trying to improve your status online and failing - it's insurmountably low. I can certainly see why their life depends on free shit. One thing when a 20 year old attempts something so profoundly stupid - a other when it's a 60 year old. That is truly disgusting - you should immediately demand someone to teach you how to not be a low status idiot.

Piss off you punk ass shit. I found where you got your eleven percent. Eleven percent of a "statistical significant" sample of Arizona mail-in ballots had signatures that did not match, according to a democrat expert. How big was the sample? We don't know. Who was the expert? We don't know. Is eleven percent out of the ordinary? We don't know, matching signatures is a sketchy art, does your signature always look the same? Oh wait, I guess an X is always an X. Finally, where was the sample drawn from?

So then what happens is you take that eleven percent and apply it to all ballots in those close states. That makes no damn sense. And it ignores the fact that Georgia audited 15,000 mail in ballots from Cobb County, a statistically significant sample, and found an error rate of .01%. That is zero point one PERCENT. Actually, it was 2 out of 15,000. And that audit was ran by Republicans.

And what "illegal confidential agreement"? That sounds like total bullshit to me. I am going to have to see a copy of it, with signatures. And you go with your attacks on "beta males". Do you think you are some kind of "Alpha Male"? You are too damn gullible to be an Alpha. But let me give you Alpha. I have six kids, three sons and three daughters, one disabled and five college graduates, two with Phd's and one with an MBA. My wife is 14 years my junior and is a direct descendent of Scottish royalty. I can confidently say, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. And the best mother ever.

I have led sales teams in three different industries that have been ranked among the top ten nationally within their industry. I make it rain. At home, at work, I flat make it rain. So I got your huckleberry, post up the confidential agreement or shut up.
BLM was not involved in any overt act to overthrow the government.

Trumpfist, including their Dear Leader and his pettifogger Giuliani, in fact did call for "trial by combat"

From many of you on both sides of the aisle. Those of you expressing outrage over today's events at the Capitol (as you should be) said very little or, in a 180, actively encouraged the violence and destruction that took place by BLM and ANTIFA six months ago when they were rampaging through America's streets, ultimately resulting in the deaths of 17 people.

Conversely, many of you who rightfully criticized those riots are now openly expressing support for the reckless display going on today. You are cheering on attacks on our cops, who you guys claim to support (and many of which probably voted for Trump), and so far one person has died.

As I've been saying for a long time, the right and left are merely two sides of the same coin.
With all due respect Taz, I have seen this comparison all day. It is a false comparison. The rioting that took place six months ago dealt with the destruction of personal property. Yes, it was crime, and many of us, including Joe Biden, condemned it.

However, what happened today was an assault on the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic. It was not just property damage, this riot or assault was a dagger aimed at the heart of our democratic institutions. It was an incitement by a president of the United Staes to overturn a full and fair election.

There is no comparison between the two and it is intellectual dishonesty by anyone to make such a comparison.

but biden stealing the election wasn't?
From many of you on both sides of the aisle. Those of you expressing outrage over today's events at the Capitol (as you should be) said very little or, in a 180, actively encouraged the violence and destruction that took place by BLM and ANTIFA six months ago when they were rampaging through America's streets, ultimately resulting in the deaths of 17 people.

Conversely, many of you who rightfully criticized those riots are now openly expressing support for the reckless display going on today. You are cheering on attacks on our cops, who you guys claim to support (and many of which probably voted for Trump), and so far one person has died.

As I've been saying for a long time, the right and left are merely two sides of the same coin.

No matter what anyone says violence works
The left understands this all to well
Hell the ScotFUS refused to hear anything about election fraud ...one of the reasons given !! They were afraid of violent left wing reaction .

Thiers no denying it

Time tested good ol fashioned naked brutal violence ....

Wake me when the people who just wanted to be left alone flip that switch

From many of you on both sides of the aisle. Those of you expressing outrage over today's events at the Capitol (as you should be) said very little or, in a 180, actively encouraged the violence and destruction that took place by BLM and ANTIFA six months ago when they were rampaging through America's streets, ultimately resulting in the deaths of 17 people.

Conversely, many of you who rightfully criticized those riots are now openly expressing support for the reckless display going on today. You are cheering on attacks on our cops, who you guys claim to support (and many of which probably voted for Trump), and so far one person has died.

As I've been saying for a long time, the right and left are merely two sides of the same coin.

Yep looting a TV from Target is the same thing as threatening the physical safety of a in-session law making body.

They were in no danger....Trump supporters don't beat or kill people...that is what the democrat party brown shirts do...you moron.

Yet one is in jail for murder....

Nope......Rittenhouse shot 3 felons who violently attacked him.....I know you are a blind fool.....but the truth is the truth.

Enjoy the world you have helped create...........
From many of you on both sides of the aisle. Those of you expressing outrage over today's events at the Capitol (as you should be) said very little or, in a 180, actively encouraged the violence and destruction that took place by BLM and ANTIFA six months ago when they were rampaging through America's streets, ultimately resulting in the deaths of 17 people.

Conversely, many of you who rightfully criticized those riots are now openly expressing support for the reckless display going on today. You are cheering on attacks on our cops, who you guys claim to support (and many of which probably voted for Trump), and so far one person has died.

As I've been saying for a long time, the right and left are merely two sides of the same coin.

Yep looting a TV from Target is the same thing as threatening the physical safety of a in-session law making body.

They were in no danger....Trump supporters don't beat or kill people...that is what the democrat party brown shirts do...you moron.

Yet one is in jail for murder....

Nope......Rittenhouse shot 3 felons who violently attacked him.....I know you are a blind fool.....but the truth is the truth.

Enjoy the world you have helped create...........

LOL...Wrong murderer. Keep trying shit brains.
With all due respect Taz, I have seen this comparison all day. It is a false comparison. The rioting that took place six months ago dealt with the destruction of personal property.

I suppose you could consider the lives of those 17 people as their own personal properties. By all means, obfuscate away.
Of course what happened with the riots was a awful and should have been condemned. Those that engaged in such conduct should be prosecuted to the fullest extent allowable at law.

All I am saying, was that today’s riots were political In nature and aimed at the heart of our democratic institutions. These domestic terrorists that stormed the Capitol building today need to be held accountable.

If you think the past riots were not political in nature you are batshit. They are the iconification of Orange Man Bad riots.

They were also manufactured by the media and the left. The current protests are not manufactured - the nation is going downhill rapidly and has been for quite a while - just like the entire West. While the banana republic style blatant election theft is a concern, in the end that's hardly the primary driver behind the protests.
You Trumpist have turned our nation into a banana republic. Look at these lies you spew. You are so delusional you can;t tell fact from fiction. What we saw today was pure third world bullshit. We have more in common with Cameroon then Gwemany. Thank you Norma and thank you Trump. You have destroyed our nation.

We aren't the ones stealing elections on broad daylight and refusing to investigate any part of it.

We are also not the ones whose literal policy position is to import the banana republics here.
Your post is an out and out lie. As I said you are either a victim of false information and lies or a purveyor of lies to support a corrupt authoritarian wannabe.

‘’oh come on. Sit back and enjoy your Divided States of America. You worked tirelessly the last four years to get it and get it you Did Nice work demon rats.
From many of you on both sides of the aisle. Those of you expressing outrage over today's events at the Capitol (as you should be) said very little or, in a 180, actively encouraged the violence and destruction that took place by BLM and ANTIFA six months ago when they were rampaging through America's streets, ultimately resulting in the deaths of 17 people.

Conversely, many of you who rightfully criticized those riots are now openly expressing support for the reckless display going on today. You are cheering on attacks on our cops, who you guys claim to support (and many of which probably voted for Trump), and so far one person has died.

As I've been saying for a long time, the right and left are merely two sides of the same coin.

Yep looting a TV from Target is the same thing as threatening the physical safety of a in-session law making body.
Threatened the safety???
A bunch of people broke in and.... walked around taking pictures. I believe some podiums were broken, and a couple windows. There was no violence that I’m aware of.
Let’s be real clear... the people you like to scrape goat and use as the boogie man, the eked conservatives of this country you call “right wing nut jobs” and all the rest, we don’t go around killing people and beating people. And let’s get something else clear... if we decided to act like that your precious members of house and senate would be fucked. No amount of capital police would have held off a couple thousand armed people storming the place.
Funny, I didn’t see any weapons in any pics. Oh, people had cutesy shit “building a gallows”. Does anyone think people could go in unarmed, walk out with politicians and start hanging them leisurely without being stopped? Don’t be rediculois.
If violence was the intent, those people would have been armed and it would have been a blood bath.

It was a political statement. You can disagree with it, call it anti-American, think the people are retards and scumbags and whatever, but let’s at least be honest. It was political speech, not an insurrection.

Some of you are Fucking drama queens, hypocrite, and liars.

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