A whole new breed of white people

"When I was a kid, being white was all about expansion and pride. We ruled the world, and the last emotional response to this fact that would possibly occur to us would be guilt or shame.

Now, being white is all about retreat and apology."

Eh... I've never been proud of being white... or male. Or... Anything else I didn't have control over. So.... ... ... yeah.
I've never had an ounce of white guilt.
White people have been the masters of technology for the last several thousand years, which is the basis of modern civilization.
Other races may be jealous, envious, or even hate us.
But that's their problem, and doesn't mean squat to me. ... :cool:
Why in the hell would you be proud of something you did not accomplish? Another moron.

So you're saying that all those "proud" black people are "morons", because they're proud of something they did not accomplish? Or am I missing something here?

Just how long have you hated equality? Was that something you were born doing, or did you recently learn that?
Why in the hell would you be proud of something you did not accomplish? Another moron.

So you're saying that all those "proud" black people are "morons", because they're proud of something they did not accomplish? Or am I missing something here?

Just how long have you hated equality? Was that something you were born doing, or did you recently learn that?
Pride comes with accomplishment. I'm proud because I achieved a goal. I did something worthy of being proud. You are proud that you have a skin color is the same of being proud of having ten toes.
Why in the hell would you be proud of something you did not accomplish? Another moron.

So you're saying that all those "proud" black people are "morons", because they're proud of something they did not accomplish? Or am I missing something here?

Just how long have you hated equality? Was that something you were born doing, or did you recently learn that?
So you are assuming that a person can be proud that they are black, or proud that they are white and that means equality. That doesn't mean you should be proud of anything and we are all equal because we from the homo sapiens. Look it up, Einstein.
Its ok to be white ..even when the establishment and thier useful idiots say it ain't

conradesss Sq ass.jpg


From a gaber..
He aint wrong

There is no “White Knight” on a charging steed coming to save you. You will not “vote” for a hero who will magically repair a century of Marxist and Globalist corruption. Folks are desperately seeking some champion to make the demons stop hurting them, but there is no such person. Hoping for such is fantasy – and fantasy is a luxury for children and lunatics.

Go look in the mirror. See that fellow you see staring back at you? He’s the one who has to change all of this. He’s the one who will have to fight, suffer, die and kill to fix this – with no certainty of success, and every likelihood of doing so in vain.

These are the times we inhabit, hard times. It’s time to pick your side and be hard men.


Very good read and he is spot on. Some of us never had the white guilt, some like my parents did have a little but its gone now, some like a few of my relatives had a lot and its quickly disappearing now that they see what the future will hold. It's the same around the country.
This is not a new breed. A lot of whites have always been either guilty or not. Blacks dont need white guilt. Thats performative. Blacks want white to look at this thing they created called white supremacy that they were born into. They are swimming in it. Its not their fault they did not asked to be born into it, but white society continue to create it by default. Alot of right leaning whites feel that black folks and immigrants have cut them in line (especially poor southern whites). They believe the government caters to others before them. They are angry. But they never question why they should have the first position in line, subconsciouly... BECAUSE THEY ARE WHITE they feel they should. Unless you are a white nationalist its not subconscious lol.

I understand what the author is trying to say. But their have been angry white for decades, just ask the the 30 cities in 1919 (red Summer) where whites burned down black heighborhoods and killed hundreds of blacks. And that was just one year of riots by whites. Whites created something they dont know how to solve and they are getting angry that black folks and other brown people are getting angry and are standing up. As a white person just simply fight for the idea of what america should be. Be Anti-racist! Dont be fragile because people want equal rights. Equality for all actually takes the pressure off of white.
Its ok to be white ..even when the establishment and thier useful idiots say it ain't

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View attachment 362692

From a gaber..
He aint wrong

There is no “White Knight” on a charging steed coming to save you. You will not “vote” for a hero who will magically repair a century of Marxist and Globalist corruption. Folks are desperately seeking some champion to make the demons stop hurting them, but there is no such person. Hoping for such is fantasy – and fantasy is a luxury for children and lunatics.

Go look in the mirror. See that fellow you see staring back at you? He’s the one who has to change all of this. He’s the one who will have to fight, suffer, die and kill to fix this – with no certainty of success, and every likelihood of doing so in vain.

These are the times we inhabit, hard times. It’s time to pick your side and be hard men.

View attachment 362693
Thats funny fox continue to scare whites on the right. Oldest trick in the book. Lillian Smith was right, Rich white guy to poor white guy "you boss the N***** and I'll boss the money" Elites white politicians pumping anger and fear like they have always been for 400 years. Even convinced and paid poor whites to fight a civil war for them. Pettling the wages of white skin. Convincing poor white america that they have one common enemy, Blacks and Immigarnts lol. Poor southerner whites especially, have always voted against there own best interest as long as whiteness was the campaign mantra. The problem is, whiteness dont pay the bills or put food on the table.

Poor whites have more in common with poor blacks and immigrants than they ever will with Trump. Fox keeps playing old riot clips from June. Those looters took from the bigger messge racial equality! (which will never happen under the white supremast system) just some fool opportunists who sabotage the real messge. Besides the looting is nothing compared to red summer 1919. 30 riots by whites around the country burned black neighborhoods and killed hundreds of blacks, and thats just one year out of 400. And fox is scaring whites with some looting footage that pales in comparison lol (heart goes out to business owners affect though). You should always be proud to be white, I will always be proud to be black. But I WILL NOT stand for white supremacy. I want my kids to grow up healthy spart and strong and I want yours to do the same, in the idea of what this country was meant to be. But if anyone has a problem with me as a black man, and wish me harm... I have a problem with them and I will "fight, suffer, die and kill to fix it"
According to demographers, Euro Americans will cease to be the majority ethnicity in about 30 years.

Then, the numbers will continue a rapid decrease, as the numbers of ethnicity X remain proportionally stable and the numbers of ethnicity Y rapidly increase proportionally.

Here in Los Angeles, the latest estimate is that Euro Americans may be about 30% (we will have to wait for this year's census to be more accurate).

So the ethnic situation in this country will presumably play out the same way, In the 22nd century, the United States of America will be a predominately non-Euro American nation.

I assume the remaining Euro Americans will continue to do the best that they can under the circumstances, and some may emigrate. (Even today, hundreds of thousands live in Mexico because their retirement money goes farther.)


Some people feel that the United States will do just fine without a Euro American majority. Other people respectfully disagree. (I am in the latter camp.)
"When I was a kid, being white was all about expansion and pride. We ruled the world, and the last emotional response to this fact that would possibly occur to us would be guilt or shame.

Now, being white is all about retreat and apology."

Eh... I've never been proud of being white... or male. Or... Anything else I didn't have control over. So.... ... ... yeah.

Yeah, who says shit like that? I've NEVER heard anyone say shit like that, in my entire life.
Why in the hell would you be proud of something you did not accomplish? Another moron.

So you're saying that all those "proud" black people are "morons", because they're proud of something they did not accomplish? Or am I missing something here?

Just how long have you hated equality? Was that something you were born doing, or did you recently learn that?
So you are assuming that a person can be proud that they are black, or proud that they are white and that means equality. That doesn't mean you should be proud of anything and we are all equal because we from the homo sapiens. Look it up, Einstein.

Are you proud of your city?
Its ok to be white ..even when the establishment and thier useful idiots say it ain't

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From a gaber..
He aint wrong

There is no “White Knight” on a charging steed coming to save you. You will not “vote” for a hero who will magically repair a century of Marxist and Globalist corruption. Folks are desperately seeking some champion to make the demons stop hurting them, but there is no such person. Hoping for such is fantasy – and fantasy is a luxury for children and lunatics.

Go look in the mirror. See that fellow you see staring back at you? He’s the one who has to change all of this. He’s the one who will have to fight, suffer, die and kill to fix this – with no certainty of success, and every likelihood of doing so in vain.

These are the times we inhabit, hard times. It’s time to pick your side and be hard men.

View attachment 362693
Thats funny fox continue to scare whites on the right. Oldest trick in the book. Lillian Smith was right, Rich white guy to poor white guy "you boss the N***** and I'll boss the money" Elites white politicians pumping anger and fear like they have always been for 400 years. Even convinced and paid poor whites to fight a civil war for them. Pettling the wages of white skin. Convincing poor white america that they have one common enemy, Blacks and Immigarnts lol. .....

What a com;plete load of shit. YOu want to back any of that stupid shit up with, say an example is the last ten years?

Or you just want to keep talking shit?

Oh, and don't give me a gish gallop list of bullshit. ONe limited example, to make your case, so we can see how fucking bullshit your claim is.
Its ok to be white ..even when the establishment and thier useful idiots say it ain't

View attachment 362691

View attachment 362692

From a gaber..
He aint wrong

There is no “White Knight” on a charging steed coming to save you. You will not “vote” for a hero who will magically repair a century of Marxist and Globalist corruption. Folks are desperately seeking some champion to make the demons stop hurting them, but there is no such person. Hoping for such is fantasy – and fantasy is a luxury for children and lunatics.

Go look in the mirror. See that fellow you see staring back at you? He’s the one who has to change all of this. He’s the one who will have to fight, suffer, die and kill to fix this – with no certainty of success, and every likelihood of doing so in vain.

These are the times we inhabit, hard times. It’s time to pick your side and be hard men.

View attachment 362693
Thats funny fox continue to scare whites on the right. Oldest trick in the book. Lillian Smith was right, Rich white guy to poor white guy "you boss the N***** and I'll boss the money" Elites white politicians pumping anger and fear like they have always been for 400 years. Even convinced and paid poor whites to fight a civil war for them. Pettling the wages of white skin. Convincing poor white america that they have one common enemy, Blacks and Immigarnts lol. Poor southerner whites especially, have always voted against there own best interest as long as whiteness was the campaign mantra. The problem is, whiteness dont pay the bills or put food on the table.

Poor whites have more in common with poor blacks and immigrants than they ever will with Trump. Fox keeps playing old riot clips from June. Those looters took from the bigger messge racial equality! (which will never happen under the white supremast system) just some fool opportunists who sabotage the real messge. Besides the looting is nothing compared to red summer 1919. 30 riots by whites around the country burned black neighborhoods and killed hundreds of blacks, and thats just one year out of 400. And fox is scaring whites with some looting footage that pales in comparison lol (heart goes out to business owners affect though). You should always be proud to be white, I will always be proud to be black. But I WILL NOT stand for white supremacy. I want my kids to grow up healthy spart and strong and I want yours to do the same, in the idea of what this country was meant to be. But if anyone has a problem with me as a black man, and wish me harm... I have a problem with them and I will "fight, suffer, die and kill to fix it"
Who fucking cares what color you are ...what the hell does that have to do with anything ?

Move to fucking wakanda black hick
What is your outdated useless farm equipment ass doing to stop ******* from shooting 3 year old black kids in front of thier black mothers ?

What you doing about it boy ?

The random kkk moron sitting in his shack is the least of your left wing lecherous ass problems

How many ******* shot each other in Chicago this weekend ....got any food in Rhodesia?

Any concern about the slave markets of Lybia where black men and women are still in chains today ....not 250 years ago ...today ?

Say thank you to great white father that you were born here

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