A Whopping 14% of Americans think Trump will be a very good President.

With the inauguration a little over a month away, just over a third of Americans (34 percent) think President-elect Trump will be a good or very good president, and another 23 percent think he will be average

From your own link....you're lying
Trump won because more people voted against Hillary than voted against Trump.

Simple as that.

My dad even said that's why he voted for Trump. He HATES Trump, but hates Clinton more. His exact words were, "I just don't want Hillary to win by a big margin." Like everyone else, he expected Clinton to win and figured his Trump vote was a protest vote.

It's the same mental defect in the voters which causes a Congress with single digit approval to have a 98 percent re-election rate.
With the inauguration a little over a month away, just over a third of Americans (34 percent) think President-elect Trump will be a good or very good president, and another 23 percent think he will be average

From your own link....you're lying

Nycrackhead thoroughly pwnd
Last I heard the number was 59%. Maybe the left only polls mental health facilities.
Economically, I think he'll be fine.

I dunno about For Policy. One of the strange things about the Obama years was that he correctly realized that certainly after 9-11 most Americans don't give a shti what happens in the mid-east. They're on their own. And if Israel wants to gas every one of them, we'd probably be ok with that too. So, what Russia does in Syria is not really an issue that moves many of us.

But they're a short boatride from Europe. And, Putin really does want to destabilize western democracies.

I don't really see Trump being much an improvement there.
Trump won because more people voted against Hillary than voted against Trump.

Simple as that.

My dad even said that's why he voted for Trump. He HATES Trump, but hates Clinton more. His exact words were, "I just don't want Hillary to win by a big margin." Like everyone else, he expected Clinton to win and figured his Trump vote was a protest vote.

It's the same mental defect in the voters which causes a Congress with single digit approval to have a 98 percent re-election rate.

So, people vote for candidates based on what margin they may win by?

With the inauguration a little over a month away, just over a third of Americans (34 percent) think President-elect Trump will be a good or very good president, and another 23 percent think he will be average

From your own link....you're lying
Wrongo. The topic title says 14 percent think Trump will be VERY good. And the poll bears that out.

If you add those who think he will be VERY good (14 percent) to those he think he will be good (20 percent), you get 34 percent.

Now watch Soggy think stating the FACTS makes me a liberal. :lol:

See, a person who identified as a "conservative" in my day used to be the smartest person in the room. Nowadays, a pseudocon claiming to be a conservative is likely to be the biggest idiot in the room.

46% voted for him. What happened to his supporters? I thought his supporters were crazy about him.

Do Americans think Donald Trump will be a good president?

Your own citation says 34%... are you drunk?

Learn to read Fathead.

"With the inauguration a little over a month away, just over a third of Americans (34 percent) think President-elect Trump will be a good or very good president"

Thread title:

A Whopping 14% of Americans think Trump will be a very good President.

Blow me.
Trump won because more people voted against Hillary than voted against Trump.

Simple as that.

My dad even said that's why he voted for Trump. He HATES Trump, but hates Clinton more. His exact words were, "I just don't want Hillary to win by a big margin." Like everyone else, he expected Clinton to win and figured his Trump vote was a protest vote.

It's the same mental defect in the voters which causes a Congress with single digit approval to have a 98 percent re-election rate.

In the 4 weeks since the election, Trump has done more for American jobs than obozo and Bushie did in 16 years, and he is not even sworn in yet.

You can whine all you want and make all the excuses you can dream up, but the truth is that the American voters made Trump the winner, not just because Hillary is a lying corrupt bitch, but because Trump offers something the voters wanted----------constitutional government, sanity on the SC, growth in American jobs, peace through strength, and a hard line on illegal immigration, trade, and our potential enemies.
With the inauguration a little over a month away, just over a third of Americans (34 percent) think President-elect Trump will be a good or very good president, and another 23 percent think he will be average

From your own link....you're lying
Wrongo. The topic title says 14 percent think Trump will be VERY good. And the poll bears that out.

If you add those who think he will be VERY good to those he think he will be good, you get 34 percent.

Now watch Soggy think stating the FACTS makes me a liberal. :lol:


She was homeschooled. Give her a break on her comical inability to read.
As a friend who hated Trump and voted for Johnson said, "This is not going to turn out well..."

I will be shocked if he makes it through four years in the WH.
Trump won because more people voted against Hillary than voted against Trump.

Simple as that.

Simple as that? Mrs. Clinton has nearly 3 million more popular votes than Trump, and that total rises daily as votes are still being counted.


People of reason, pay no attention to anything right-wingers say. They are obviously unbalanced, and are a danger to themselves and others.


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