A Whopping 14% of Americans think Trump will be a very good President.

Starting from low expectations is actually advantageous for Trump. He only has to get over a very low bar.

If Trump exceeds expectations, he will win the popular vote in 2020.

"He saved 300 jobs! WOW!!!!"

Trump is going to preside over a recession sooner or later. The RW head explosions will make USMB look like the 4th of July.
No. They will blame Obama. Trump is NEVER going to be able to do wrong, just as Obama was NEVER able to do right.

Book it.
Economically, I think he'll be fine.

I dunno about For Policy. One of the strange things about the Obama years was that he correctly realized that certainly after 9-11 most Americans don't give a shti what happens in the mid-east. They're on their own. And if Israel wants to gas every one of them, we'd probably be ok with that too. So, what Russia does in Syria is not really an issue that moves many of us.

But they're a short boatride from Europe. And, Putin really does want to destabilize western democracies.

I don't really see Trump being much an improvement there.
I use to be one of those Americans that didn't care what happened in the middle east until I saw a President put that into action. Obama has caused so much harm with his hands off run scared position on world events.
America is or was the worlds leader now a rag tag economically broken nation like Russia is leading the way. And China is poking their finger in our chest. That is not good on any level.

correct, the damage that Obama has done to this country (intentionally) will take many years to undo.

And yet you can't name what that damage is.
Trump won because more people voted against Hillary than voted against Trump.

Simple as that.

My dad even said that's why he voted for Trump. He HATES Trump, but hates Clinton more. His exact words were, "I just don't want Hillary to win by a big margin." Like everyone else, he expected Clinton to win and figured his Trump vote was a protest vote.

It's the same mental defect in the voters which causes a Congress with single digit approval to have a 98 percent re-election rate.

Well your dad is mostly right. But I think this time around many voters voted for Trump not just because they hated Hillary but because they hated congress, too.

Maybe Americans are starting to overcome their "mental defect?" On the other hand, maybe it's too late or maybe not enough. (I don't really see it.)

The Trump win was a vote against: Hillary, Obama, the DC establishment, the media, the democrats, liberalism, the lying pollsters, and the idiots in Hollywood.

The actual vote didn't go against Hillary Clinton.
So, people vote for candidates based on what margin they may win by?

Let me put it in terms even a tard like yourself can understand: A significant number of people vote for the "lesser of two evils". That is how Trump won.

that's true in every presidential election,

That was not true in 1984.

Or 1964.

so you think people were not voting against Mondale and Goldwater? Of course they were.
Not in as significant numbers as they voted against Clinton.

obviously not, but you said it didn't happen in those elections, you were spinning, or lying, or making shit up, or all three.
Trump won because more people voted against Hillary than voted against Trump.

Simple as that.

My dad even said that's why he voted for Trump. He HATES Trump, but hates Clinton more. His exact words were, "I just don't want Hillary to win by a big margin." Like everyone else, he expected Clinton to win and figured his Trump vote was a protest vote.

It's the same mental defect in the voters which causes a Congress with single digit approval to have a 98 percent re-election rate.

In the 4 weeks since the election, Trump has done more for American jobs than obozo and Bushie did in 16 years, and he is not even sworn in yet.

You can whine all you want and make all the excuses you can dream up, but the truth is that the American voters made Trump the winner, not just because Hillary is a lying corrupt bitch, but because Trump offers something the voters wanted----------constitutional government, sanity on the SC, growth in American jobs, peace through strength, and a hard line on illegal immigration, trade, and our potential enemies.

Trump has done nothing.

He's pretty much got all low-life piece of shits running scared and paranoid...hahaha
Your un-American African Muslim nut-less pussy did nothing but roll the red carpet out for bottom feeders...the free for all has ended. It's time to act right!
Let me put it in terms even a tard like yourself can understand: A significant number of people vote for the "lesser of two evils". That is how Trump won.

that's true in every presidential election,

That was not true in 1984.

Or 1964.

so you think people were not voting against Mondale and Goldwater? Of course they were.
Not in as significant numbers as they voted against Clinton.

obviously not, but you said it didn't happen in those elections, you were spinning, or lying, or making shit up, or all three.
I said it happened in SIGNIFICANT numbers for this election. You said that was true for every election.

Nope. When Reagan won 49 states, that was not because a significant number voted against Mondale. It was because the voters voted for GOOD, not a lesser evil.
Trump won because more people voted against Hillary than voted against Trump.

Simple as that.

My dad even said that's why he voted for Trump. He HATES Trump, but hates Clinton more. His exact words were, "I just don't want Hillary to win by a big margin." Like everyone else, he expected Clinton to win and figured his Trump vote was a protest vote.

It's the same mental defect in the voters which causes a Congress with single digit approval to have a 98 percent re-election rate.

Well your dad is mostly right. But I think this time around many voters voted for Trump not just because they hated Hillary but because they hated congress, too.

Maybe Americans are starting to overcome their "mental defect?" On the other hand, maybe it's too late or maybe not enough. (I don't really see it.)

The Trump win was a vote against: Hillary, Obama, the DC establishment, the media, the democrats, liberalism, the lying pollsters, and the idiots in Hollywood.

The actual vote didn't go against Hillary Clinton.

We will never know for sure, but it doesn't matter. She lost according to the rules of the race, both candidates knew the rules and ran their campaigns as they thought they needed to to win. She lost. Whining about the PV doesn't change that. But keep it up if it makes you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel good
Trump won because more people voted against Hillary than voted against Trump.

Simple as that.

My dad even said that's why he voted for Trump. He HATES Trump, but hates Clinton more. His exact words were, "I just don't want Hillary to win by a big margin." Like everyone else, he expected Clinton to win and figured his Trump vote was a protest vote.

It's the same mental defect in the voters which causes a Congress with single digit approval to have a 98 percent re-election rate.

Well your dad is mostly right. But I think this time around many voters voted for Trump not just because they hated Hillary but because they hated congress, too.

Maybe Americans are starting to overcome their "mental defect?" On the other hand, maybe it's too late or maybe not enough. (I don't really see it.)

The Trump win was a vote against: Hillary, Obama, the DC establishment, the media, the democrats, liberalism, the lying pollsters, and the idiots in Hollywood.

The actual vote didn't go against Hillary Clinton.

We will never know for sure, but it doesn't matter. She lost according to the rules of the race, both candidates knew the rules and ran their campaigns as they thought they needed to to win. She lost. Whining about the PV doesn't change that. But keep it up if it makes you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel good

Still sticking to the retarded belief that Trump won the popular vote? Fuckinay, are you in diapers?
that's true in every presidential election,

That was not true in 1984.

Or 1964.

so you think people were not voting against Mondale and Goldwater? Of course they were.
Not in as significant numbers as they voted against Clinton.

obviously not, but you said it didn't happen in those elections, you were spinning, or lying, or making shit up, or all three.
I said it happened in SIGNIFICANT numbers for this election. You said that was true for every election.

Nope. When Reagan won 49 states, that was not because a significant number voted against Mondale.

kinda depends on the definition of "significant" doesn't it? Move along, I am not interested in splitting hairs with you.
Did lefties even glance at the political map after Trump was elected? Aside from the blue dots in "sanctuary states" the whole Country went red. My guess is that the criminal enterprise known as the "mainstream media" is polling illegal aliens, anger management meetings and mental health facilities these days or just making up the numbers like they did during the campaign.
theres still a gender gap ....

leaving the "Good Ol Boy RW'r Club" and moving to the "0 To Bitch in 60 seconds Club" scared the shit out of more people than it didn't, and they stayed home and watched NCIS reruns.
46% voted for him. What happened to his supporters? I thought his supporters were crazy about him.

Do Americans think Donald Trump will be a good president?

Sounds like the same fools who predicted Hillary would win in a landslide.

CBSnews had Clinton winning by 4 points. She's slightly over 2 with more votes to count.

Trump won because more people voted against Hillary than voted against Trump.

Simple as that.

My dad even said that's why he voted for Trump. He HATES Trump, but hates Clinton more. His exact words were, "I just don't want Hillary to win by a big margin." Like everyone else, he expected Clinton to win and figured his Trump vote was a protest vote.

It's the same mental defect in the voters which causes a Congress with single digit approval to have a 98 percent re-election rate.

Well your dad is mostly right. But I think this time around many voters voted for Trump not just because they hated Hillary but because they hated congress, too.

Maybe Americans are starting to overcome their "mental defect?" On the other hand, maybe it's too late or maybe not enough. (I don't really see it.)

The Trump win was a vote against: Hillary, Obama, the DC establishment, the media, the democrats, liberalism, the lying pollsters, and the idiots in Hollywood.

The actual vote didn't go against Hillary Clinton.

We will never know for sure, but it doesn't matter. She lost according to the rules of the race, both candidates knew the rules and ran their campaigns as they thought they needed to to win. She lost. Whining about the PV doesn't change that. But keep it up if it makes you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel good

Still sticking to the retarded belief that Trump won the popular vote? Fuckinay, are you in diapers?

She may have won the PV, IT DOESN'T MATTER. Will you get that through your thick fuckin skull.

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