A Whopping 14% of Americans think Trump will be a very good President.

I think most Americans have reached such a point of distrust of their own government, they'd prefer it did nothing rather than accept more "help" like President Obama provided for 8 years. In short, they seem to prefer 4-8 years of Trump being able to get nothing done than Hillary sticking her finger up their asses.
I don't think so, if they wanted nothing done, they would have voted for Gary Johnson.
Disagreed. If more voted for Johnson, Hillary would have won. It was close enough as it was.
You're probably right, but I don't think people voted for Trump to get nothing done.
You're probably right, but I don't think people voted for Trump to get nothing done.
Obviously there were a variety of reasons, and I do agree voters hope he will do the country good. My main point is that more people voted against Hillary than voted for Trump. That those voters would be happy if Trump did nothing rather than have Hillary in office as Obama Part III.
A CBS News Poll? , aren't they the same drippy kunts that showed hiLIARy with a 12 point lead over Trump with less than 2 weeks to go?


46% voted for him. What happened to his supporters? I thought his supporters were crazy about him.

Do Americans think Donald Trump will be a good president?
Sorry, CBS?

Nice try.

Yeah.. gotta remember... that's a poll of CBS moonbats.
Yup.....Democrats live off of poll results

They "want" to believe........

And by only a thin 50 - 44% margin, Americans think he'll do what's best for the country,

as opposed to what's best for himself, his family, his businesses.
46% voted for him. What happened to his supporters? I thought his supporters were crazy about him.

Do Americans think Donald Trump will be a good president?

Because polls never lie.

The national polls got the election right within 2 points.

National polls don't mean jack. The polls for all the battleground states were way off. All the projections were wrong, all based off polls.
You're probably right, but I don't think people voted for Trump to get nothing done.
Obviously there were a variety of reasons, and I do agree voters hope he will do the country good. My main point is that more people voted against Hillary than voted for Trump. That those voters would be happy if Trump did nothing rather than have Hillary in office as Obama Part III.
Strange, I think quite the opposite: I think Trump's supporters mostly voted for him, and most of Hillary's voters voted against Trump.

The opposite may be true as well, but to a lesser extent.
And by only a thin 50 - 44% margin, Americans think he'll do what's best for the country,

as opposed to what's best for himself, his family, his businesses.
46% voted for him. What happened to his supporters? I thought his supporters were crazy about him.

Do Americans think Donald Trump will be a good president?

Because polls never lie.

The national polls got the election right within 2 points.

National polls don't mean jack. The polls for all the battleground states were way off. All the projections were wrong, all based off polls.
Nope.......the Russians hacked the election.
Nope.......the Russians hacked the election.
A LW lie.....or at least a gross exaggeration of reality as you well know. ;)

The LWers are so butthurt over Hillary's loss they are taking a simple fact, the Russians did hack emails and release them to influence the election, and blowing it up into the LW lie "the Russians hacked the election". We're going to hear this bullshit for at least four fucking years and probably a lot longer just like we've listened to the LW lie "Bush lied" for 13 years.
Nope.......the Russians hacked the election.
A LW lie.....or at least a gross exaggeration of reality as you well know. ;)

The LWers are so butthurt over Hillary's loss they are taking a simple fact, the Russians did hack emails and release them to influence the election, and blowing it up into the LW lie "the Russians hacked the election". We're going to hear this bullshit for at least four fucking years and probably a lot longer just like we've listened to the LW lie "Bush lied" for 13 years.
Turns out even that was a lie. The NSA would know exactly who did it, when they did it, how much information was downloaded, and which IP address did it. The truth is a Hillary insider with access to her emails copied them and hand delivered them to WIKILEAKS. Somebody with a grudge. It wasnt Russia. This whole thing is a total fabrication.
Nope.......the Russians hacked the election.
A LW lie.....or at least a gross exaggeration of reality as you well know. ;)

The LWers are so butthurt over Hillary's loss they are taking a simple fact, the Russians did hack emails and release them to influence the election, and blowing it up into the LW lie "the Russians hacked the election". We're going to hear this bullshit for at least four fucking years and probably a lot longer just like we've listened to the LW lie "Bush lied" for 13 years.
Turns out even that was a lie. The NSA would know exactly who did it, when they did it, how much information was downloaded, and which IP address did it. The truth is a Hillary insider with access to her emails copied them and hand delivered them to WIKILEAKS. Somebody with a grudge. It wasnt Russia. This whole thing is a total fabrication.
Let's come back to this sometime next year and see if you still think the same. :D
The Trump win was a vote against: Hillary, Obama, the DC establishment, the media, the democrats, liberalism, the lying pollsters, and the idiots in Hollywood.

The actual vote didn't go against Hillary Clinton.

We will never know for sure, but it doesn't matter. She lost according to the rules of the race, both candidates knew the rules and ran their campaigns as they thought they needed to to win. She lost. Whining about the PV doesn't change that. But keep it up if it makes you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel good

Still sticking to the retarded belief that Trump won the popular vote? Fuckinay, are you in diapers?

She may have won the PV, IT DOESN'T MATTER. Will you get that through your thick fuckin skull.

Yes it matters because it proves beyond any doubt how fucked up our system is.

Then change it. Get congress to pass a constitutional amendment and get it ratified by 38 states---------until you do that our system is the electoral college. Both candidates knew the rules going in, Trump won by those rules, Hillary lost by those rules.

Grow the fuck up and deal with the fact that your ran a bad candidate and she lost. Trump will be the next president. Hillary Clinton will NEVER be anything but a corrupt, lying, cheating bitch.
With the inauguration a little over a month away, just over a third of Americans (34 percent) think President-elect Trump will be a good or very good president, and another 23 percent think he will be average

From your own link....you're lying

Nycrackhead thoroughly pwnd

Read the top line asshole:

Toplines for Thurs a.m. Poll | Politics Of The United States

right, 57% think he will be average to very good. You do know that 57% is more than half, right?

This is a perfect example of dishonest reporting. It isn't a lie, but it is constructed to provide in incomplete picture of the situation.

What you would expect from a hack liky NYcarbineer.

The truth is your enemy. That's why people like you will never be happy.

The TRUTH is that you dem/libs cannot accept the truth.

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