A Whopping 14% of Americans think Trump will be a very good President.

'Whopping 14% of Americans think Trump will be a very good President'

THAT, the fact that Hillary had more popular votes, and $8 will get you a Latte at Starbucks...

34% who think Trump will be a good President.

An enviable starting position, low expectations.

All Trump has to do is put up 24 Christmas trees next year, instead of 26 like Obama did his first Christmas, and the rubes will crow his praises.

"He loves Jesus, but not ostentatiously!"
46% voted for him. What happened to his supporters? I thought his supporters were crazy about him.

Do Americans think Donald Trump will be a good president?
You siting the same polls that predicted he would lose?

Are there polls out there that allows liberals to punch in the results they want then the polls are found that match? It just seems like the polls you folks have been posting have nothing to do with reality and more to do with wishful thinking.
Economically, I think he'll be fine.

I dunno about For Policy. One of the strange things about the Obama years was that he correctly realized that certainly after 9-11 most Americans don't give a shti what happens in the mid-east. They're on their own. And if Israel wants to gas every one of them, we'd probably be ok with that too. So, what Russia does in Syria is not really an issue that moves many of us.

But they're a short boatride from Europe. And, Putin really does want to destabilize western democracies.

I don't really see Trump being much an improvement there.
I use to be one of those Americans that didn't care what happened in the middle east until I saw a President put that into action. Obama has caused so much harm with his hands off run scared position on world events.
America is or was the worlds leader now a rag tag economically broken nation like Russia is leading the way. And China is poking their finger in our chest. That is not good on any level.
I agree at least in part. I'm not interested in an Obama autopsy. I'm not sure there is a "good' course in Syria. I am sure that most of us really don't care what happens to arabs/Persians/Muslims .. so long as they stay the hell away from us.

JFK was a young guy, but he'd spent decades, and a good part of his health, pondering totalitarianism. Nixon was serious as well. Reagan lived and breathed it. HW did too. We've had 16 years of amateur hour. I'm not real optimistic that the adults are back.
With the inauguration a little over a month away, just over a third of Americans (34 percent) think President-elect Trump will be a good or very good president, and another 23 percent think he will be average

From your own link....you're lying

Nycrackhead thoroughly pwnd

Read the top line asshole:

Toplines for Thurs a.m. Poll | Politics Of The United States

right, 57% think he will be average to very good. You do know that 57% is more than half, right?

This is a perfect example of dishonest reporting. It isn't a lie, but it is constructed to provide in incomplete picture of the situation.

What you would expect from a hack liky NYcarbineer.
Well your dad is mostly right. But I think this time around many voters voted for Trump not just because they hated Hillary but because they hated congress, too.

Maybe Americans are starting to overcome their "mental defect?" On the other hand, maybe it's too late or maybe not enough. (I don't really see it.)

The Trump win was a vote against: Hillary, Obama, the DC establishment, the media, the democrats, liberalism, the lying pollsters, and the idiots in Hollywood.

The actual vote didn't go against Hillary Clinton.

We will never know for sure, but it doesn't matter. She lost according to the rules of the race, both candidates knew the rules and ran their campaigns as they thought they needed to to win. She lost. Whining about the PV doesn't change that. But keep it up if it makes you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel good

Still sticking to the retarded belief that Trump won the popular vote? Fuckinay, are you in diapers?

She may have won the PV, IT DOESN'T MATTER. Will you get that through your thick fuckin skull.

Yes it matters because it proves beyond any doubt how fucked up our system is.
SeeBS? More fake news.

This is the new RWnut white flag of surrender.

Trust in the mainstream media is at an all time low. They've become irrelevant,just like progressives and their policies.

Gallup poll: Public confidence in media falls to all-time low
Interesting. 32 percent have a "great deal" or "fair amount" of trust in the media.

34 percent think Trump will be a "very good" or "good" President.

So by your own measure, Trump is irrelevant. ;)
With the inauguration a little over a month away, just over a third of Americans (34 percent) think President-elect Trump will be a good or very good president, and another 23 percent think he will be average

From your own link....you're lying

Nycrackhead thoroughly pwnd

Read the top line asshole:

Toplines for Thurs a.m. Poll | Politics Of The United States

right, 57% think he will be average to very good. You do know that 57% is more than half, right?

This is a perfect example of dishonest reporting. It isn't a lie, but it is constructed to provide in incomplete picture of the situation.

What you would expect from a hack liky NYcarbineer.

The truth is your enemy. That's why people like you will never be happy.
SeeBS? More fake news.

This is the new RWnut white flag of surrender.

Trust in the mainstream media is at an all time low. They've become irrelevant,just like progressives and their policies.

Gallup poll: Public confidence in media falls to all-time low
Interesting. 32 percent have a "great deal" or "fair amount" of trust in the media.

34 percent think Trump will be a "very good" or "good" President.

So by your own measure, Trump is irrelevant. ;)

The recent drubbing given to dems all over the country says otherwise.

right, 57% think he will be average to very good. You do know that 57% is more than half, right?[/QUOTE]

This is a perfect example of dishonest reporting. It isn't a lie, but it is constructed to provide in incomplete picture of the situation.

What you would expect from a hack liky NYcarbineer.[/QUOTE]

The putz is like the MSM and uses word salad
With the inauguration a little over a month away, just over a third of Americans (34 percent) think President-elect Trump will be a good or very good president, and another 23 percent think he will be average

From your own link....you're lying

Nycrackhead thoroughly pwnd

Read the top line asshole:

Toplines for Thurs a.m. Poll | Politics Of The United States

right, 57% think he will be average to very good. You do know that 57% is more than half, right?

This is a perfect example of dishonest reporting. It isn't a lie, but it is constructed to provide in incomplete picture of the situation.

What you would expect from a hack liky NYcarbineer.

The truth is your enemy. That's why people like you will never be happy.

You idiots have been abusing the word truth along with all the "ist/ic/ism" words.

Your title was misleading, but again, cheap parlor tricks is all you have left.
Starting from low expectations is actually advantageous for Trump. He only has to get over a very low bar.

If Trump exceeds expectations, he will win the popular vote in 2020.

"He saved 300 jobs! WOW!!!!"

Trump is going to preside over a recession sooner or later. The RW head explosions will make USMB look like the 4th of July.
No. They will blame Obama. Trump is NEVER going to be able to do wrong, just as Obama was NEVER able to do right.

Book it.
just as Obama was NEVER able to do right.
Depends on who you talk to...

many on the Left claimed he could do no wrong.
Any way you look at it....Trump is not carrying in a mandate

He lost the popular vote, he polls at a 41% approval, he has lukewarm Republican support and total opposition from the Democrats

Trump has not built much political good will and is on a very short leash. He needs to hit a home run with the public early or he will find himself in a hole too deep to get out of
In the 4 weeks since the election, Trump has done more for American jobs than obozo and Bushie did in 16 years, and he is not even sworn in yet.
I don't know what drug you are imbibing which has caused you to suffer from this incredible hallucination, but you should probably get treatment for it.

But thanks for proving my point about low expectations leading to easily impressed rubes praising Trump over small potatoes. :D
The Trump win was a vote against: Hillary, Obama, the DC establishment, the media, the democrats, liberalism, the lying pollsters, and the idiots in Hollywood.

The actual vote didn't go against Hillary Clinton.

We will never know for sure, but it doesn't matter. She lost according to the rules of the race, both candidates knew the rules and ran their campaigns as they thought they needed to to win. She lost. Whining about the PV doesn't change that. But keep it up if it makes you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel good

Still sticking to the retarded belief that Trump won the popular vote? Fuckinay, are you in diapers?

She may have won the PV, IT DOESN'T MATTER. Will you get that through your thick fuckin skull.

Yes it matters because it proves beyond any doubt how fucked up our system is.


Let the 10-15 most populous states decide every election, screw the rest of the country.

The system works, you just don't like it when it does

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