A Whopping 14% of Americans think Trump will be a very good President.

With the inauguration a little over a month away, just over a third of Americans (34 percent) think President-elect Trump will be a good or very good president, and another 23 percent think he will be average

From your own link....you're lying
Wrongo. The topic title says 14 percent think Trump will be VERY good. And the poll bears that out.

If you add those who think he will be VERY good (14 percent) to those he think he will be good (20 percent), you get 34 percent.

Now watch Soggy think stating the FACTS makes me a liberal. :lol:

See, a person who identified as a "conservative" in my day used to be the smartest person in the room. Nowadays, a pseudocon claiming to be a conservative is likely to be the biggest idiot in the room.


And if you add in average you get another 23%.

My guess is those numbers dive after he is sworn in.

NOBODY can be "good" when the country is looking to them to solve problems they can't solve (and people should be solving for themselves).

Look at congress...they are are rated terribly after all.......

And yet we re-elect them with veracity.

right, 57% think he will be average to very good. You do know that 57% is more than half, right?

This is a perfect example of dishonest reporting. It isn't a lie, but it is constructed to provide in incomplete picture of the situation.

What you would expect from a hack liky NYcarbineer.

The truth is your enemy. That's why people like you will never be happy.

The TRUTH is that you dem/libs cannot accept the truth.

The above from the guy who still insists Trump won the popular vote.
Neither is Hillary with her "popular vote", yet the LWers keep whining about it like Second Graders who lost a 100-yard dash.
There are many who will hope that America and Americans suffer for the next four years.

Such is partisan politics. Yuck.
Neither is Hillary with her "popular vote", yet the LWers keep whining about it like Second Graders who lost a 100-yard dash.
There are many who will hope that America and Americans suffer for the next four years.

Such is partisan politics. Yuck.
Sad but true. It goes to a deep level of partisanship where people put party politics against the best interests of the entire nation.

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