A Whopping 14% of Americans think Trump will be a very good President.

Any way you look at it....Trump is not carrying in a mandate

He lost the popular vote, he polls at a 41% approval, he has lukewarm Republican support and total opposition from the Democrats

Trump has not built much political good will and is on a very short leash. He needs to hit a home run with the public early or he will find himself in a hole too deep to get out of
Neither is Hillary with her "popular vote", yet the LWers keep whining about it like Second Graders who lost a 100-yard dash.
With the inauguration a little over a month away, just over a third of Americans (34 percent) think President-elect Trump will be a good or very good president, and another 23 percent think he will be average

From your own link....you're lying

Nycrackhead thoroughly pwnd

Read the top line asshole:

Toplines for Thurs a.m. Poll | Politics Of The United States

right, 57% think he will be average to very good. You do know that 57% is more than half, right?

This is a perfect example of dishonest reporting. It isn't a lie, but it is constructed to provide in incomplete picture of the situation.

What you would expect from a hack liky NYcarbineer.

The truth is your enemy. That's why people like you will never be happy.
Any way you look at it....Trump is not carrying in a mandate

He lost the popular vote, he polls at a 41% approval, he has lukewarm Republican support and total opposition from the Democrats

Trump has not built much political good will and is on a very short leash. He needs to hit a home run with the public early or he will find himself in a hole too deep to get out of
Any way you look at it, leftist moonbats will spin like dervishes to try to tell themselves that their party -at national, state and local levels- isn't in the deepest of deep shit.
In the 4 weeks since the election, Trump has done more for American jobs than obozo and Bushie did in 16 years, and he is not even sworn in yet.
I don't know what drug you are imbibing which has caused you to suffer from this incredible hallucination, but you should probably get treatment for it.

But thanks for proving my point about low expectations leading to easily impressed rubes praising Trump over small potatoes. :D
It's called partisanship.

Trump will be better for growth at least shortterm, since he'll remove any constraints on capitalism.
In the 4 weeks since the election, Trump has done more for American jobs than obozo and Bushie did in 16 years, and he is not even sworn in yet.
And in two years from now you'll be claiming that the market crash of 2018 and the 8.4% unemployment rate was Obama's fault. You be fucked in the head, Fish!
Any way you look at it....Trump is not carrying in a mandate

He lost the popular vote, he polls at a 41% approval, he has lukewarm Republican support and total opposition from the Democrats

Trump has not built much political good will and is on a very short leash. He needs to hit a home run with the public early or he will find himself in a hole too deep to get out of
Neither is Hillary with her "popular vote", yet the LWers keep whining about it like Second Graders who lost a 100-yard dash.

Guess what? Trump won

Now he has to actually deliver on the thousands of promises he made to get elected

4% GDP, Cut the debt, Bring back coal production, Bring back jobs from China, Increase the Labor Participation Rate, Kill Obamacare and give us something better

The public has very limited patience and Trump will be expected to deliver. If he can't, that 41% approval will drop into the twenties
Economically, I think he'll be fine.

I dunno about For Policy. One of the strange things about the Obama years was that he correctly realized that certainly after 9-11 most Americans don't give a shti what happens in the mid-east. They're on their own. And if Israel wants to gas every one of them, we'd probably be ok with that too. So, what Russia does in Syria is not really an issue that moves many of us.

But they're a short boatride from Europe. And, Putin really does want to destabilize western democracies.

I don't really see Trump being much an improvement there.
I use to be one of those Americans that didn't care what happened in the middle east until I saw a President put that into action. Obama has caused so much harm with his hands off run scared position on world events.
America is or was the worlds leader now a rag tag economically broken nation like Russia is leading the way. And China is poking their finger in our chest. That is not good on any level.
I agree at least in part. I'm not interested in an Obama autopsy. I'm not sure there is a "good' course in Syria. I am sure that most of us really don't care what happens to arabs/Persians/Muslims .. so long as they stay the hell away from us.

JFK was a young guy, but he'd spent decades, and a good part of his health, pondering totalitarianism. Nixon was serious as well. Reagan lived and breathed it. HW did too. We've had 16 years of amateur hour. I'm not real optimistic that the adults are back.
The world runs smoother when a strong nation that is vested in Justice and freedom is in a leadership position. If we sit back and allow a Nation led by scoundrels to rule and influence the worlds events I fear for the future. I don't like it and you're correct about your concerns on whether adults have taken over the wheel. I'm not sure they have either but I know the last decade has been a disaster globally.
Guess what? Trump won

Now he has to actually deliver on the thousands of promises he made to get elected

4% GDP, Cut the debt, Bring back coal production, Bring back jobs from China, Increase the Labor Participation Rate, Kill Obamacare and give us something better

The public has very limited patience and Trump will be expected to deliver. If he can't, that 41% approval will drop into the twenties
Correct. We'll see what happens.
Guess what? Trump won

Now he has to actually deliver on the thousands of promises he made to get elected

4% GDP, Cut the debt, Bring back coal production, Bring back jobs from China, Increase the Labor Participation Rate, Kill Obamacare and give us something better

The public has very limited patience and Trump will be expected to deliver. If he can't, that 41% approval will drop into the twenties
Correct. We'll see what happens.

Yes, we will see what happens

Especially with Trump having to deliver his bag of toys with limited support from Congress, strong opposing party resistance and a public that for the most part, does not like him

Reagan was able to get his agenda done with wit, charm and a public that loved him

Trump has gotten by with lies and threats....it will not get him very far
Yes, we will see what happens

Especially with Trump having to deliver his bag of toys with limited support from Congress, strong opposing party resistance and a public that for the most part, does not like him

Reagan was able to get his agenda done with wit, charm and a public that loved him

Trump has gotten by with lies and threats....it will not get him very far
I think most Americans have reached such a point of distrust of their own government, they'd prefer it did nothing rather than accept more "help" like President Obama provided for 8 years. In short, they seem to prefer 4-8 years of Trump being able to get nothing done than Hillary sticking her finger up their asses.
I think most Americans have reached such a point of distrust of their own government, they'd prefer it did nothing rather than accept more "help" like President Obama provided for 8 years. In short, they seem to prefer 4-8 years of Trump being able to get nothing done than Hillary sticking her finger up their asses.
I don't think so, if they wanted nothing done, they would have voted for Gary Johnson.
I think most Americans have reached such a point of distrust of their own government, they'd prefer it did nothing rather than accept more "help" like President Obama provided for 8 years. In short, they seem to prefer 4-8 years of Trump being able to get nothing done than Hillary sticking her finger up their asses.
I don't think so, if they wanted nothing done, they would have voted for Gary Johnson.
Disagreed. If more voted for Johnson, Hillary would have won. It was close enough as it was.
Some people are actually waiting till he is President and see what he does before judging if he will be a good or bad President. Another one of those shocking but true facts that just blow some peoples mind.
Yes, we will see what happens

Especially with Trump having to deliver his bag of toys with limited support from Congress, strong opposing party resistance and a public that for the most part, does not like him

Reagan was able to get his agenda done with wit, charm and a public that loved him

Trump has gotten by with lies and threats....it will not get him very far
I think most Americans have reached such a point of distrust of their own government, they'd prefer it did nothing rather than accept more "help" like President Obama provided for 8 years. In short, they seem to prefer 4-8 years of Trump being able to get nothing done than Hillary sticking her finger up their asses.

You may have a point if status quo was what Trump ran on

Trump made bold promises of what he would deliver. He was a new kind of candidate, a successful businessman who knew how to get things done. A desperate public bought into it

Now Trump has to actually deliver and the public will not forget what they were promised

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