A World Without Capitalism and Tradable Shares?

Just move to North Korea.
After you,

I must give credit where credit is due.

At least you are not trying to hide your commie leanings.

I have grave doubts about oligarchy and communism, but I'm reasonably certain rich people pose the greatest immediate threat to this country which, for all its many faults, is a much better champion of individual freedom than either Russia or China.

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Barricaded in their gated communities, the smarter among the uber-rich advocate a new 'stakeholder capitalism', even calling for higher taxes on their class.

"They recognize the best possible insurance policy in democracy and the redistributive state. Alas, at the same time, they fear that, as a class, it is in their nature to skimp on the insurance premium.":dunno:
I must give credit where credit is due.

At least you are not trying to hide your commie leanings.

I have grave doubts about oligarchy and communism, but I'm reasonably certain rich people pose the greatest immediate threat to this country which, for all its many faults, is a much better champion of individual freedom than either Russia or China.

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Barricaded in their gated communities, the smarter among the uber-rich advocate a new 'stakeholder capitalism', even calling for higher taxes on their class.

"They recognize the best possible insurance policy in democracy and the redistributive state. Alas, at the same time, they fear that, as a class, it is in their nature to skimp on the insurance premium.":dunno:

The great reset
You really are even more pathetic than I thought
And that shit only "worked" because the people were family/relatives, AND the Iroquois made slaves out of the surrounding tribes.

It does NOT work with completely unrelated strangers and no slave labor. But, nice try.
Unlike European and American capitalists, at least the Iroquois didn't create bond markets to capitalize their human rights abuses:

Slavery among Native Americans in the United States - Wikipedia

"Native American groups often enslaved war captives, whom they primarily used for small-scale labor.[2][3]

"Others, however, would stake themselves in gambling situations when they had nothing else, which would put them into servitude for a short time, or in some cases for life; captives were also sometimes tortured as part of religious rites, which sometimes involved ritual cannibalism.[2][7]

"During times of famine, some Native Americans would also temporarily sell their children to obtain food.[2]

"The ways in which captives were treated differed widely among Native American groups.

"Captives could be enslaved for life, killed, or adopted. In some cases, captives were only adopted after a period of slavery.

"For example, the Iroquoian peoples (not just the Iroquois tribes) often adopted captives, but for religious reasons there was a process, procedures, and many seasons when such adoptions were delayed until the proper spiritual times."

Principles of primitive communism enhanced by 21st century technology could produce a society with no need of government or money.

Imagine that.
Imagine a nation where, instead of a cabal of wealthy corporations, there was only one. And that corporation was your employer, your grocer, your landlord and your doctor - whether you like it or not. That's socialism. Oh, I almost forgot. You get to vote. Yay!
Imagine a society with no need of nations, corporations, or money where every basic need was met without exploitation.
Imagine a nation where, instead of a cabal of wealthy corporations, there was only one. And that corporation was your employer, your grocer, your landlord and your doctor - whether you like it or not. That's socialism. Oh, I almost forgot. You get to vote. Yay!
Imagine a society with no need of nations, corporations, or money where every basic need was met without exploitation.
Like Star Trek!

Can I be Vulcan? Spock was so cool.
Why didn't he have any choice?

Russia has 300 divisions, so beating 190 isn't much of an accomplishment, and the allies had a lot more than 12 divisions, moron.
Hitler was created by US and UK capitalists to invade Russia; are you saying he should've reneged on that agreement? Hitler also had an Eastern Front in case you're ignorant of that fact too:

Imperial Japanese Army - Wikipedia

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