A World Without Capitalism and Tradable Shares?

Like Star Trek!

Can I be Vulcan? Spock was so cool
Aiming a little high, aren't you?

Practice on BP.
I must give credit where credit is due.

At least you are not trying to hide your commie leanings.

I have grave doubts about oligarchy and communism, but I'm reasonably certain rich people pose the greatest immediate threat to this country which, for all its many faults, is a much better champion of individual freedom than either Russia or China.

Opinion | A world without capitalism is not too hard to envision

"Barricaded in their gated communities, the smarter among the uber-rich advocate a new 'stakeholder capitalism', even calling for higher taxes on their class.

"They recognize the best possible insurance policy in democracy and the redistributive state. Alas, at the same time, they fear that, as a class, it is in their nature to skimp on the insurance premium.":dunno:

They recognize the best possible insurance policy in democracy and the redistributive state.

Nah, you can buy your own shares......start saving.
I find that response rather ironic. You claim that capitalism only advances by exploiting people. Are you even remotely aware of how many millions on millions of people were enslaved and starved to death, in order for the Soviets to advance their country? Gulag Archipelago
I'm aware the very last thing in the world Stalin needed in 1945 was a Cold War with a continental superpower whose homeland's infrastructure was untouched by the negative effects of WWII. It was Truman who prevented free elections in Greece and Korea at that time because communist candidates would have won in landslides (since capitalists will always collaborate with FASCISTS to preserve their sacred bottom line)

As far as Gulags are concerned...

Jim Crow laws - Wikipedia
Imagine a nation where, instead of a cabal of wealthy corporations, there was only one. And that corporation was your employer, your grocer, your landlord and your doctor - whether you like it or not. That's socialism. Oh, I almost forgot. You get to vote. Yay!
Imagine a society with no need of nations, corporations, or money where every basic need was met without exploitation.

You are 12 aren't you?
And yeah, they won WW2, but certainly not because of socialism, more like in spite of it. Did you not read how they were sending soldiers to the front, sometimes without proper arms?
Superior numbers won the Eastern Front without a few capitalists getting rich from selling guns. Socialism brought a backward, agrarian, authoritarian feudal state to superpower status in one generation; where has that ever happened elsewhere before or since?
No. I don't think so. It might have spread across Europe, But I doubt it would have made it to the US.
Socialism was a much different animal in the US a century ago before decades of mindless red scares convinced many productive Americans to support rich parasites.

"Yet it was not always this way. Oklahoma, now the reddest of red states, used to be 'red' in a much different way.

"While the state will undoubtedly go for Mitt Romney in November this year, one hundred years ago Oklahoma voters gave 16% of their vote to Eugene V. Debs – the Socialist candidate in the 1912 presidential election.

"By 1914, the Socialist Party of Oklahoma possessed 984 chapters with a sum of 12,000 registered members – the most in any state."

History of a Red State: Oklahoma, Hotbed of U.S. Socialism
Imagine a nation where, instead of a cabal of wealthy corporations, there was only one. And that corporation was your employer, your grocer, your landlord and your doctor - whether you like it or not. That's socialism. Oh, I almost forgot. You get to vote. Yay!
Imagine a society with no need of nations, corporations, or money where every basic need was met without exploitation.

You are 12 aren't you?

And that's just his IQ.
And yeah, they won WW2, but certainly not because of socialism, more like in spite of it. Did you not read how they were sending soldiers to the front, sometimes without proper arms?
Superior numbers won the Eastern Front without a few capitalists getting rich from selling guns. Socialism brought a backward, agrarian, authoritarian feudal state to superpower status in one generation; where has that ever happened elsewhere before or since?

Yeah, superior numbers won.......

Yes. That's my point. They threw bodies at the enemy, without training, equipment, or support. The best estimates I've read are over 14 Million conscripted soldiers were slaughtered by sending them in waves at the enemy.

They even had execution squads behind the front lines, to slaughter anyone who dared to run.

If they had capitalists getting rich selling the Russian Troops guns and equipment, they wouldn't had to lead tens of millions of men into mass slaughter.

Is that really the system you think is better? Really?
What's wrong with Corporations and other voluntary groups of citizens being allowed to stand up to the All-Powerful king or government?
Today corporations with their doctrine of a "Divine Right of Capital" remind me more of hereditary royalty than any group of citizens demanding their freedom. What happens when these private tyrannies become better funded than states?
Who is More Powerful – Countries or Companies?


"Notable Stats

  • "The 10 most profitable companies combined would be the third wealthiest country, with a higher GDP than Japan.
  • Saudi Aramco, the world’s richest company, is more profitable than Italy, Brazil, Canada and Russia.
  • The UK’s richest corporations have a larger market cap than Belgium, Sweden and Thailand.
  • Apple’s CEO takes home the highest salary at £96.6 million. It would take the average Apple employee 784 years to make his yearly salary."

I like how your graph largely shows nations with really bad, and far more socialist economic systems.

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