A year in jail for burning the flag?

My point is that if you went to one of these protests and did burn one of those flags, it's likely you would have gotten the shit beat out of you. That's the way some Americans feel about the US American flag. Do you think these terrorist groups of people care if you had the right to do it or not?
I don't care what they think.

Freedom of expression is our most important value. I won't have it destroyed by intolerant nutters.
They are waving the American flag in Hong Kong and burning it here.

Wake up fool, anyone who wants to kneel can pack up and leave for Uganda or Somolia any fn time and I will help them pack
You are welcome to come help me pack anytime you like, jackass
Probably not the right case to quote as he did "admit to stealing it from a church and admitted to the media that he took the flag from Ames United Church of Christ due to his animosity towards homosexuals."

You can burn that flag also. You can't steal it and then threaten to burn down a bar though.
My point is that if you went to one of these protests and did burn one of those flags, it's likely you would have gotten the shit beat out of you. That's the way some Americans feel about the US American flag. Do you think these terrorist groups of people care if you had the right to do it or not?
Do you think folks at a MAGA rally care about the right to speech?

What makes the difference between those two groups of activists? Is one righteous, the other criminal?
You are welcome to come help me pack anytime you like, jackass
You headed to Somalia or Uganda?
Do you think folks at a MAGA rally care about the right to speech?

What makes the difference between those two groups of activists? Is one righteous, the other criminal?

Yes, I do think that folks at MAGA rallies care about free speech. You can't be this blind. Let me fill you in on a little secret here:

You seldom if ever see conservatives protest a liberal speaker. Why? Because we want everybody to hear what you have to say. We'll even help. Can we pass out some flyers for you, turn up the PA a little higher, what????

We want you to yell at the top of your lungs how you want to get rid of ICE. We want you to scream how we only have 12 years to live because global warming is going to kill us all. We want you to explain to everybody how disarming law abiding citizens and empowering criminals is the way to solve crime. We want everybody to know that liberals think the best way to create jobs is to tax job creators to death. Currently we are praying that these lib Mayors and Governors actually defund their police departments, so we can see the bloody aftermath of their stupidity. We want you to tell the entire world what liberalism is all about.

On the other side, we have liberals constantly trying to stop conservative speakers. Why? Because conservatism is logic. Some of the few on your side with an open mind might hear one of our people and say "You know what? That makes a hell of a lot of sense!" So they protest conservative speakers, threaten destruction and death, and even threaten to withdraw from their colleges. Stop them at all costs because if they speak, we risk people leaving the plantation.
I don't care what they think.

Freedom of expression is our most important value. I won't have it destroyed by intolerant nutters.

Right, because you can find no other way of expressing yourself other than burning an American flag. Why not just admit it. You're anti-American.
I feel obliged to note that putting a blue line down the middle of a flag is also very bad etiquete.
A guy in Texas got something like 40 years for poisoning a tree. A guy convicted of murder the same week got something like 8 years. Sentencing is based on emotion
Yes, I do think that folks at MAGA rallies care about free speech. You can't be this blind. Let me fill you in on a little secret here:

You seldom if ever see conservatives protest a liberal speaker. Why? Because we want everybody to hear what you have to say. We'll even help. Can we pass out some flyers for you, turn up the PA a little higher, what????

We want you to yell at the top of your lungs how you want to get rid of ICE. We want you to scream how we only have 12 years to live because global warming is going to kill us all. We want you to explain to everybody how disarming law abiding citizens and empowering criminals is the way to solve crime. We want everybody to know that liberals think the best way to create jobs is to tax job creators to death. Currently we are praying that these lib Mayors and Governors actually defund their police departments, so we can see the bloody aftermath of their stupidity. We want you to tell the entire world what liberalism is all about.

On the other side, we have liberals constantly trying to stop conservative speakers. Why? Because conservatism is logic. Some of the few on your side with an open mind might hear one of our people and say "You know what? That makes a hell of a lot of sense!" So they protest conservative speakers, threaten destruction and death, and even threaten to withdraw from their colleges. Stop them at all costs because if they speak, we risk people leaving the plantation.
You might have heard from Liberals, but you're not listening. Usually when Liberals speak, there are cadres of police in riot gear to provoke violence.

What Liberals protest is Conservative policy. Policy that says immigrants are criminals. Their children are criminals. Their culture is criminality. And that goes for Blacks, Native Americans and any of 'the other' your lot can't stand. Gays, lesbians and transgender.

We protest policy that puts profit over environmental stewardship, above living wages and above safe, decent and sanitary housing and workplace conditions.

Your lot uses hyperbole like punctuation marks. According to your 'logic' the world will decay upon the inauguration of anyone with (D) behind their name. Your campaigns are set firmly on division, fear, suspicion and hatred. I have yet to see the sense in that.
You might have heard from Liberals, but you're not listening. Usually when Liberals speak, there are cadres of police in riot gear to provoke violence.

What Liberals protest is Conservative policy. Policy that says immigrants are criminals. Their children are criminals. Their culture is criminality. And that goes for Blacks, Native Americans and any of 'the other' your lot can't stand. Gays, lesbians and transgender.

We protest policy that puts profit over environmental stewardship, above living wages and above safe, decent and sanitary housing and workplace conditions.

Your lot uses hyperbole like punctuation marks. According to your 'logic' the world will decay upon the inauguration of anyone with (D) behind their name. Your campaigns are set firmly on division, fear, suspicion and hatred. I have yet to see the sense in that.

Wait a minute, when liberals speak, there are "cadres or police in riot gear?" When?

Yes, when people come here illegally, they are criminals. That's what we call people who break our laws. Those others you speak of have never done financially better than under Trump before the Wuhan virus. Republicans don't treat Americans who are not white like groups of retards. We believe that a rising tide lifts all boats, and President Trump has proven that. He didn't make any special policy for anybody. He made great policy for all, and most all have benefited.

The world will not decay under Democrat leadership, but our country will. All you have to do is look at what's going on in strong liberal cities today. Their leaders have enabled the destructors to take over, even to the point of taking over several blocks. We don't want that on a national level.
And now conservatives want to eliminate the First Amendment and have people shot for doing things that offend them.
I get the hatred for those that disrespect our great nation but thats a very ridiculous notion. Ultimately it boils down to jailing political rivals.

I can see a misdemeanor fine for starting a fire if you are not on private property. Say up to 500 dollar fine or a week in jail. Fire is dangerous after all. But a year in jail? Come on with the crazy talk Trump.

Also I do not think it was appropriate for him to be using foul language at a rally that people took their children to. I get that passion is important but that can be achieved without that.

Other than that I think he had a good rally and his anecdotes were great for reving up the crowd.
I’m not sure we should consider those so opposed to our nation and it’s existence as just another political party. They aren’t trying to improve it. They want it destroyed.

I wouldn’t be for jail time. I would just have them rescind their citizen status and give them 30 days to move out.

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