A year in jail for burning the flag?

I’m not sure we should consider those so opposed to our nation and it’s existence as just another political party. They aren’t trying to improve it. They want it destroyed.

I wouldn’t be for jail time. I would just have them rescind their citizen status and give them 30 days to move out.

So you want to destroy the freedoms this country stands for?
...it is protected under "free Speech" under the first amendment to the Constitution of The United States.

So if I get gallons of yellow paint and rollers and put down FUCK in front of the BLACK LIVES MATTER shit painted on many city streets, that would go without consequences? We are talking "hate crimes" for desecrating a disgusting symbol of capitulation to Black savagery on the civilized world. In fact anyone who touches a BLACK LIVES MATTER flag is considered a danger to society. The double standard is beyond hilarious, it is mental illness.
I see the portal to that other site that's not supposed to be mentioned has opened back up again.
Right, because you can find no other way of expressing yourself other than burning an American flag. Why not just admit it. You're anti-American.
I just turned you into a loon by expressing myself with words typed on a message board.

There's more than one way to express yourself. Most of us understand that.

You'll only defend freedom of expression that you agree with. You're anti-American.
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Legalized slavery was a law. Jim Crow laws were lawful. Laws can and sometimes should be changed.
Very true! And I personally don't like flag burning, but it will take a case making it's way back to the Supreme Court to change the protected status. Because of the previous decision, any law passed would automatically be Unconstitutional.
I just turned you into a loon by expressing myself with words typed on a message board.

There's more than one way to express yourself. Most of us understand that.

You'll only defend freedom of expression that you agree with. You're anti-American.

No, I defend freedom of expression that doesn't desecrate our flag, which is a symbol of our country and everybody in it. Anybody that does such a thing is anti-American. When you burn our flag, it means you hate America and the people of this great country, which in that case means you should renounce your citizenship and live somewhere else.

How is it we on the right can express ourselves without burning the American flag and some of the left can't? Is that kind of like Voter-ID or something? Only Republicans are smart enough to get one???
So if I get gallons of yellow paint and rollers and put down FUCK in front of the BLACK LIVES MATTER shit painted on many city streets, that would go without consequences? We are talking "hate crimes" for desecrating a disgusting symbol of capitulation to Black savagery on the civilized world. In fact anyone who touches a BLACK LIVES MATTER flag is considered a danger to society. The double standard is beyond hilarious, it is mental illness.
Would recommend late night, wearing mask, having reconned in advance for existing cameras. Stencils allow quicker more accurate work to avoid amateur results. We do not have any of that foolishness around here. Plan for multiple routes and means of egress. No fun to do something funny, if only to be caught in the act because of poor planning or situational awareness. If you get away with it, we will read of the results and laugh. If you don't get away with it, we will read of the results and laugh. Have fun. Try to grow up and get these kind of silly ideas out of your system without making yourself famous.
I get the hatred for those that disrespect our great nation but thats a very ridiculous notion. Ultimately it boils down to jailing political rivals.

I can see a misdemeanor fine for starting a fire if you are not on private property. Say up to 500 dollar fine or a week in jail. Fire is dangerous after all. But a year in jail? Come on with the crazy talk Trump.

Also I do not think it was appropriate for him to be using foul language at a rally that people took their children to. I get that passion is important but that can be achieved without that.

Other than that I think he had a good rally and his anecdotes were great for reving up the crowd.
He talks like an authoritarian, and is a poor example for children. But I still support him. You’re in a cult.


There are worse things than burning...
Seems to me that, whenever operating within a given system, the participants need to do so in good faith. There has to be a level of integrity and trust for all concerned, that they're going to play be a certain fundamental set of rules.

These people think they are LITERALLY in a "war". That gives them license to break that fundamental set of rules. The ends justifying the means.

So those fundamental rules have broken down. Can they return? I truly don't know.
Yes, you have identified a problem and the only solution is literally war.

When one side is following the "Rules for Radicals" playbook (which literally says "the ends justify the means" a.k.a. there are no rules), for all others to follow any fundamental rules is suicide.

No, I defend freedom of expression that doesn't desecrate our flag, which is a symbol of our country and everybody in it. Anybody that does such a thing is anti-American. When you burn our flag, it means you hate America and the people of this great country, which in that case means you should renounce your citizenship and live somewhere else.

How is it we on the right can express ourselves without burning the American flag and some of the left can't? Is that kind of like Voter-ID or something? Only Republicans are smart enough to get one???
There it is, my point exactly. Your "defense" of freedom of expression has political boundaries.

You're Anti-American.
I just turned you into a loon by expressing myself with words typed on a message board.

There's more than one way to express yourself. Most of us understand that.

You'll only defend freedom of expression that you agree with. You're anti-American.

Very dumb.

If you defend American freedoms, and attack the enemies of American freedoms, you are an American.

Now there is nothing wrong with burning American flag in the sense of freedom...

The real crime is hatred of freedom and America, the signaling of which is not to be accepted. The sooner we separate the true Americans from the communists the better. Bringing them in was a big big mistake fueled by democracy where idiots like Mac get to say how the nation should be run.
Yes, and I wish you would stop.

No one needs to accept the signaling of hatred towards freedoms.

That is what standing for American values is called. If you hate freedoms you go somewhere else.

I will never stop. You should stop with your anti-Americanism in America.
Here is how things are done in Israel:

"In 2016, Israel passed an amendment, meaning those convicted of burning an Israeli flag, or the flag of allied countries, face up to three years in prison."

So, burning an American flag in Israel nets up to three years. Yet we allow the hatred of America in our own country? Is this a serious position? I bet it is among America haters, but not among Americans.
No one needs to accept the signaling of hatred towards freedoms.

That is what standing for American values is called. If you hate freedoms you go somewhere else.

I will never stop. You should stop with your anti-Americanism in America.
Just like the Regressive Left: My freedom of expression ends where your feelings begin.

You two tribes are made for each other. Hypocritical authoritarians.
In most countries it is illegal to hate the country in this way.


- Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Crotia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Spain, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal. Russia, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, Uruguay.

Mac again screeches in with his stupidity. Yes, America is a nation that is hostile to the anti-American ideas. That is how we maintain freedoms and the superior American values.
Very dumb.

If you defend American freedoms, and attack the enemies of American freedoms, you are an American.

Now there is nothing wrong with burning American flag in the sense of freedom...

The real crime is hatred of freedom and America, the signaling of which is not to be accepted. The sooner we separate the true Americans from the communists the better. Bringing them in was a big big mistake fueled by democracy where idiots like Mac get to say how the nation should be run.

Which is why I have been suggesting for the longest time here that we need to divide the country. Conservatives on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to pick a side they can tolerate living on. It would solve almost 100% of our political and social problems we currently have.
Which is why I have been suggesting for the longest time here that we need to divide the country. Conservatives on one side, liberals on the other, and anybody in between would have to pick a side they can tolerate living on. It would solve almost 100% of our political and social problems we currently have.

Yes it would. Freedom on the one side, shithole/communism on the other.

Unfortunately, communists are not the live and let live types. Everyone must live their way, they are the ultimate anti-Americans.

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