A year in jail for burning the flag?

There it is, my point exactly. Your "defense" of freedom of expression has political boundaries.

You're Anti-American.

Freedom of speech stops when you yell FIRE in a movie theater. Your right to bear arms ends when you become a felon. How does affirmative action or hate crimes exist when we have a constitutional right of equal protections under the law?

So all our rights have limits except freedom of expression, and the ruling on that should be reversed. So tell me, if a lowlife burns an American flag, just what is he expressing exactly that can't be done with words?
Freedom of speech stops when you yell FIRE in a movie theater. Your right to bear arms ends when you become a felon. How does affirmative action or hate crimes exist when we have a constitutional right of equal protections under the law?

So all our rights have limits except freedom of expression, and the ruling on that should be reversed. So tell me, if a lowlife burns an American flag, just what is he expressing exactly that can't be done with words?
I'll trust the Constitution. You can trust whomever you want - talk radio, whatever.

I believe in the most AMERICAN of ALL values: Freedom of Expression. You don't have to.
Yes it would. Freedom on the one side, shithole/communism on the other.

Unfortunately, communists are not the live and let live types. Everyone must live their way, they are the ultimate anti-Americans.

I know it's a fantasy, but just think how great it would be to live without the leftist antics anymore. How perfect would life be? We divide the country, north to south, and then we have a national vote on who gets what side. I suggest the left gets the left side since that's where Mexico is, and they can let in all the third-worlders they want.

After we separate, we build a huge Trump wall so that liberals can't sneak in. Everybody lives happily ever after.
Freedom of speech stops when you yell FIRE in a movie theater. Your right to bear arms ends when you become a felon. How does affirmative action or hate crimes exist when we have a constitutional right of equal protections under the law?

So all our rights have limits except freedom of expression, and the ruling on that should be reversed. So tell me, if a lowlife burns an American flag, just what is he expressing exactly that can't be done with words?

Mac only ever plays word games and morally postures. There is no factual content to his message. His posts do NOT detail how to preserve America with its freedoms, while mine and every American's does.

Serious problem since no one but the herd living in its socially constructed reality could give a shit about what someone's "moral score" is.
I'll trust the Constitution. You can trust whomever you want - talk radio, whatever.

I believe in the most AMERICAN of ALL values: Freedom of Expression. You don't have to.

The Constitution doesn't say anything about burning the flag. Had our founders foreseen people in this country becoming so anti-American, I'm sure they would have forbade it. It's judges opinion that the Constitution permits flag burning, not the Constitution itself. And you avoided my question: when somebody burns the flag, what are they expressing exactly?
The Constitution doesn't say anything about burning the flag. Had our founders foreseen people in this country becoming so anti-American, I'm sure they would have forbade it. It's judges opinion that the Constitution permits flag burning, not the Constitution itself. And you avoided my question: when somebody burns the flag, what are they expressing exactly?

The first question of any system is how to preserve itself.

Now does America preserve itself by letting people commit inexplicably anti-American acts? No one believes this. The anti-Americans have to be chased away as in ANY self-preserving system.

Now Mac does not seem to care about American freedoms or the constitution when it comes to his proposals. Medicare for all provided by the federal government? So no, he is not serious. In fact, he probably hates American freedoms and sees this weakness of allowing haters to get away with their hate as favorable in destroying the nation/freedoms.
Frustration, rage. Just like KKK marchers screaming at a rally.

And I support their right to do that, too.

It just ain't that complicated.

I think you are wrong. You express frustration and rage at the polls, not with the American flag. They are burning the flag because they hate what it stands for: America, freedom, capitalism, military superiority, equality......

The only two groups of people renown for burning the American flag are leftists and middle-east terrorists. You are in good company.

However the act expresses stupidity. If you hated you wife, would you stay married? If you couldn't stand your job, would you stay at that company? If you hated the city or state you lived in, would you continue to live there?

Once again, we will be treated to the same threats by the left. If Trump wins, they are moving out of the country. The problem is they never do when Republicans win, just like flag burners who hate our country never leave either, but they should.
The first question of any system is how to preserve itself.

Now does America preserve itself by letting people commit inexplicably anti-American acts? No one believes this. The anti-Americans have to be chased away as in ANY self-preserving system.

Now Mac does not seem to care about American freedoms or the constitution when it comes to his proposals. Medicare for all provided by the federal government? So no, he is not serious. In fact, he probably hates American freedoms and sees this weakness of allowing haters to get away with their hate as favorable in destroying the nation/freedoms.

We will never be able to change Mac's or other leftists views, and we can't chase them away. Nobody else wants them. That's why my proposal to have two countries instead of one should be at least considered. Once the liberals have to move out of my city and state, my property value will double or perhaps triple. You won't be able to burn our flag here.
I think you are wrong. You express frustration and rage at the polls, not with the American flag. They are burning the flag because they hate what it stands for: America, freedom, capitalism, military superiority, equality......

The only two groups of people renown for burning the American flag are leftists and middle-east terrorists. You are in good company.

However the act expresses stupidity. If you hated you wife, would you stay married? If you couldn't stand your job, would you stay at that company? If you hated the city or state you lived in, would you continue to live there?

Once again, we will be treated to the same threats by the left. If Trump wins, they are moving out of the country. The problem is they never do when Republicans win, just like flag burners who hate our country never leave either, but they should.
This is how they choose to do it, and while I hate seeing the American flag burn, I'll support their right to do it.

And when I supported the right of racist nutters to speak on college campuses, I was called a racist by the Regressive Left.

It looks to me like Trumpsters & Regressive Lefties are authoritarian ideological fundamentalists who look for any excuse to shut down, punish and/or intimidate freedom of expression.
I get the hatred for those that disrespect our great nation but thats a very ridiculous notion. Ultimately it boils down to jailing political rivals.

I can see a misdemeanor fine for starting a fire if you are not on private property. Say up to 500 dollar fine or a week in jail. Fire is dangerous after all. But a year in jail? Come on with the crazy talk Trump.

Also I do not think it was appropriate for him to be using foul language at a rally that people took their children to. I get that passion is important but that can be achieved without that.

Other than that I think he had a good rally and his anecdotes were great for reving up the crowd.

You're not going to get your misdemeanor.

This has been a settled issue by the Supreme Court for decades.

No one can ever be put in prison or be fined for exercising their constitutional rights of freedom of speech and expression.

Why you people keep brining up such stupid things is beyond me.

We've got a lot of problems here in America, burning a flag just isn't one of them.

People haven't burned an American flag in years. People may as well start doing it since you people keep harping about it.
This is how they choose to do it, and while I hate seeing the American flag burn, I'll support their right to do it.

And when I supported the right of racist nutters to speak on college campuses, I was called a racist by the Regressive Left.

It looks to me like Trumpsters & Regressive Lefties are authoritarian ideological fundamentalists who look for any excuse to shut down, punish and/or intimidate freedom of expression.

If you don't like freedoms and America... there are plenty of other nations to choose from. Although, most of those are very "fundamentalist" about defending their flag.
You're not going to get your misdemeanor.

This has been a settled issue by the Supreme Court for decades.

No one can ever be put in prison or be fined for exercising their constitutional rights of freedom of speech and expression.

Why you people keep brining up such stupid things is beyond me.

We've got a lot of problems here in America, burning a flag just isn't one of them.

People haven't burned an American flag in years. People may as well start doing it since you people keep harping about it.

The fundamental problem in America is the hordes of unAmericans.

If you can't see how flag burnings are related, you need to have vision checked.
NO, no one should be sent to jail for burning the American flag.

Nowadays even many violent criminals are not sent to jail!

A flag burner should simply be ignored for the ignoramus that s/he is.

When s/he gets no attention, s/he will stop the nonsense.
If we don't stop them burning American flags, they will burn American citizens alive next time.
The fundamental problem in America is the hordes of unAmericans.

If you can't see how flag burnings are related, you need to have vision checked.

Yes you unAmerican people really should stop.

If you can't see that you are trying to denying people their constitutional rights you need to have your vision checked.

If you don't believe in freedom of speech and expression you aren't an American.

Since you want to criminalize freedom you aren't an American.
This is how they choose to do it, and while I hate seeing the American flag burn, I'll support their right to do it.

And when I supported the right of racist nutters to speak on college campuses, I was called a racist by the Regressive Left.

It looks to me like Trumpsters & Regressive Lefties are authoritarian ideological fundamentalists who look for any excuse to shut down, punish and/or intimidate freedom of expression.

Having the court overturn flag burning and then making a law against doing it is not stopping anybody's right from expression. You can express yourself a dozen other ways. You can walk around all day with a sign that says I HATE AMERICA and nobody will care.
Having the court overturn flag burning and then making a law against doing it is not stopping anybody's right from expression. You can express yourself a dozen other ways. You can walk around all day with a sign that says I HATE AMERICA and nobody will care.
Yes, and the Regressive Lefties tell me that Nazis don't have to be on a campus to speak.

You guys always have an excuse. I'd rather just be consistent and trust the Constitution.
Yes, and the Regressive Lefties tell me that Nazis don't have to be on a campus to speak.

You guys always have an excuse. I'd rather just be consistent and trust the Constitution.

And will you still trust the Constitution if this matter ends up back at the Supreme Court and they decide to say it's not freedom of expression?
Yes, and the Regressive Lefties tell me that Nazis don't have to be on a campus to speak.

You guys always have an excuse. I'd rather just be consistent and trust the Constitution.

If you were consistent you would admit that you don't believe in the constitution or American freedoms. That's probably why you don't believe in policies that aid in their preservation.

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