A year in jail for burning the flag?

Yes you unAmerican people really should stop.

If you can't see that you are trying to denying people their constitutional rights you need to have your vision checked.

If you don't believe in freedom of speech and expression you aren't an American.

Since you want to criminalize freedom you aren't an American.

Look! Socialist is here to tell us what is American!
If you were consistent you would admit that you don't believe in the constitution or American freedoms. That's probably why you don't believe in policies that aid in their preservation.
Okay, got it.

Ol' Mac constantly, consistently, and passionately defends freedom of expression across the political spectrum.

That means ol' Mac is against American freedoms.

Got it. Makes perfect sense to me.

This president still doesn't get it and neither do you. It is awful symbolism, but it is protected under "free Speech" under the first amendment to the Constitution of The United States. The president took an oath, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." He does not support the oath he took. He does not support the Constitution, and neither do you.
But, and most people overlook this, "and will to the best of my ability."

You can make a very strong argument that he does not have the mental ability to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States," which gives him an out. He is just too dumb to protect the Constitution, much less to be President of the United States.
Okay, got it.

Ol' Mac constantly, consistently, and passionately defends freedom of expression across the political spectrum.

That means ol' Mac is against American freedoms.

Got it. Makes perfect sense to me.


You are so delusional that you believe that posturing is the same as defending freedoms. Again, going after people who want to destroy freedoms is how freedom is maintained. If you can't see that, you are a moron.
I'm against banning flag burning, and or putting people in jail for it.

I would just rather see them get the shit kicked out of them.
In most countries it is illegal to hate the country in this way.


- Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Crotia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Spain, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal. Russia, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, Uruguay.

I suggest you move there then.

It's legal here.
I'm a libertarian. I believe in property rights.

If someone burns their own flag in accordance with the fire and safety laws, it should be 100% legal.

If someone steals someone else's flag and burns it, they should be prosecuted for theft and destruction of property.
Personally, a year in jail for burning the American flag is ok with me.

But that's just me.:dunno:
Right, we know, you are a far right wing fascist.

Must be sad being you.....suffering from TDS clouds your mind...... do yourself a favor and go take your medicine.:itsok:
Gee, I hope I do it in a way of which you nauseating fascists dummies approve, so I remain a free man.

Sure, sure. Now please take your medicine! :itsok:
Personally, a year in jail for burning the American flag is ok with me.

But that's just me.:dunno:
Right, we know, you are a far right wing fascist.

Must be sad being you.....suffering from TDS clouds your mind...... do yourself a favor and go take your medicine.:itsok:
Gee, I hope I do it in a way of which you nauseating fascists dummies approve, so I remain a free man.

Sure, sure. Now please take your medicine! :itsok:
Skye, you seem to have the mind of a child. A child with very poor morality.
Personally, a year in jail for burning the American flag is ok with me.

But that's just me.:dunno:
Right, we know, you are a far right wing fascist.

Must be sad being you.....suffering from TDS clouds your mind...... do yourself a favor and go take your medicine.:itsok:
Gee, I hope I do it in a way of which you nauseating fascists dummies approve, so I remain a free man.

Sure, sure. Now please take your medicine! :itsok:
Skye, you seem to have the mind of a child. A child with very poor morality.

Take your medicine and bye.
This president still doesn't get it and neither do you. It is awful symbolism, but it is protected under "free Speech" under the first amendment to the Constitution of The United States. The president took an oath, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." He does not support the oath he took. He does not support the Constitution, and neither do you.

what part of it do he and I not support? Funny that you support the lies and hate from the left wing media as free speech, but not when it comes from the president or his supporters, double standards do not apply.

If not for double standards, Liberals would have no standards at all.

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