A Young Woman Stoned for Adultery

Since 1999. Some Muslim Lothario tried to seduce me into ISLAM. What a creepoid. There isn't anything these assholes won't stoop to. I realized THEN before 9/11, just how dehumanizing and vile Islam is.

I agee, it would be pretty vile and dehumanizing to seduce you. :puke3:

Talking to an imaginary friend here are we? :cuckoo:
By the way, POGO, try this snarky crap in a Muslim country. They will track you down and arrest you and hang you on a crane. Or stone you to death, because that's how tolerant Islam is.
Bye the way, POGO, try this snarky crap in a Muslim country. They will track you down and arrest you and hang you on a crane. Or stone you to death, because that's how tolerant Islam is.

Yuh huh, gawl-lee I'm shakin'.

Well I hope someday you find your way out of this prison to which you've condemned yourself.
Good luck.

Afghan officials said Rokhsahana (her image pixelated) was stoned to death about a week ago in a Taliban-controlled area just outside Firozkoh (AFP Photo/)​

The story of a young woman who was married against her will and then stoned to death after she was caught eloping with a man her own age is heart wrenching.

What would Jesus do?

It is written:

....he lifted himself up and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
John 8:7-11

Perhaps there is no greater picture of the love, mercy and forgiveness of God than in this particular story. Many theologians have speculated about what Jesus was writing on the ground. Was it the names of the men who were ready to stone her to death? Perhaps they had slept with her!

The Scriptures do not tell us. What we do know is that Jesus said to them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. Not one of those men cast that first stone. Jesus spoke the truth and the truth set them free. In an instant they knew they had no grounds to do what they were about to do.

What has happened to this young girl in Afghanistan is wrong. The motive for her execution was religious yet not of God. This is not God condemning a young woman to death for her sins but rather a group of misguided, religious zealots who are blind to their own wretched, naked, sinful condition.

My Pastor has a saying, "God fix me first". I believe if these men were to examine their own hearts and listen to their own conscience, they might realize they need God's help. I believe if they would remove the timber from their own eye they would be able to see clearly to remove the speck in someone else's eye.

I believe what this world needs more than anything right now, is the attitude of "God fix me first". Jesus said, Love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you, and persecute you.

As the conscience was the catalyst in each man dropping their stones and leaving the adulterous woman to obtain mercy from God, today the conscience is still our guide to doing what is right and obtaining mercy from God.

God alone is the judge of men. Our assistance is not required. What is required of us?

He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
Micah 6:8

The best prayer?
Begins with...... God fix me first.

Article based on news report from Yahoo News 11/3/2015
Afghan woman stoned to death for 'adultery'
And as expected the anti Christian Left shrug in approval of what Islam does.
Signing up for a military controlled by a tyrant is not a qualifier for speaking up. Nice try, deuche.

Oh, wait, you mean Obama? Man, you are delusional. Fact is, you are a chicken shit coward who talks a good game about brown people you don't give a fuck about except something to blame Obama for.

You're a chicken shit who justifies rape and oppression. What the fuck would I care what you have to say about me?
Since 1999. Some Muslim Lothario tried to seduce me into ISLAM. What a creepoid. There isn't anything these assholes won't stoop to. I realized THEN before 9/11, just how dehumanizing and vile Islam is.

Wow. That was more information than I needed...

So he tried to lure you away from your belief in Magic Sky Pixies with his belief in Magic Sky Pixies.
Bye the way, POGO, try this snarky crap in a Muslim country. They will track you down and arrest you and hang you on a crane. Or stone you to death, because that's how tolerant Islam is.

Yuh huh, gawl-lee I'm shakin'.

Well I hope someday you find your way out of this prison to which you've condemned yourself.
Good luck.

Well the point is, Pogo, that you keep saying it is not related to their religious beliefs, when it most certainly is related to their religious beliefs. The reason why they stone people and dole out these super harsh punishments is because they feel these people sinned in the eyes of their GOD, and THAT is what their holy books tell them to do with sinners.

Anybody home?
Bye the way, POGO, try this snarky crap in a Muslim country. They will track you down and arrest you and hang you on a crane. Or stone you to death, because that's how tolerant Islam is.

Yuh huh, gawl-lee I'm shakin'.

Well I hope someday you find your way out of this prison to which you've condemned yourself.
Good luck.

Well the point is, Pogo, that you keep saying it is not related to their religious beliefs, when it most certainly is related to their religious beliefs. The reason why they stone people and dole out these super harsh punishments is because they feel these people sinned in the eyes of their GOD, and THAT is what their holy books tell them to do with sinners.

Anybody home?

Religion can be brought into anything as a pretext, from ordering a pizza to writing this post. I'm not saying they don't do that. I said it doesn't derive from that.

In the same way Scott Roeder blowing away George Tiller or Eric Rudolph blowing up a lesbian bar may be ascribing their religions to what they do, but that doesn't mean "the Christians made me do it" and therefore we gotta wipe out Christianity.

Follow me?

Or perhaps in a way a better analogy --- you don't like the Easter bunny so you wipe out Christianism. Well guess what, it wasn't invented by Christianism so what was your point?

And again --- what I'm addressing here is the ancient social construct of 'honor' killing (HBV), not the technical instrument of "stoning" as a method of doing it. Nobody knows who started that particular method AFAIK. That seems to be geographical. The point being, if you don't know where something derives from, then you're never going to get anything done about it.

In other words if you could press a button and "delete" Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism in one fell swoop, you would not have impacted HBV at all. Because that's not what it's made of.
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Afghan officials said Rokhsahana (her image pixelated) was stoned to death about a week ago in a Taliban-controlled area just outside Firozkoh (AFP Photo/)​

The story of a young woman who was married against her will and then stoned to death after she was caught eloping with a man her own age is heart wrenching.

What would Jesus do?

It is written:

....he lifted himself up and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
John 8:7-11

Perhaps there is no greater picture of the love, mercy and forgiveness of God than in this particular story. Many theologians have speculated about what Jesus was writing on the ground. Was it the names of the men who were ready to stone her to death? Perhaps they had slept with her!

The Scriptures do not tell us. What we do know is that Jesus said to them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. Not one of those men cast that first stone. Jesus spoke the truth and the truth set them free. In an instant they knew they had no grounds to do what they were about to do.

What has happened to this young girl in Afghanistan is wrong. The motive for her execution was religious yet not of God. This is not God condemning a young woman to death for her sins but rather a group of misguided, religious zealots who are blind to their own wretched, naked, sinful condition.

My Pastor has a saying, "God fix me first". I believe if these men were to examine their own hearts and listen to their own conscience, they might realize they need God's help. I believe if they would remove the timber from their own eye they would be able to see clearly to remove the speck in someone else's eye.

I believe what this world needs more than anything right now, is the attitude of "God fix me first". Jesus said, Love your enemies, do good to them that hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you, and persecute you.

As the conscience was the catalyst in each man dropping their stones and leaving the adulterous woman to obtain mercy from God, today the conscience is still our guide to doing what is right and obtaining mercy from God.

God alone is the judge of men. Our assistance is not required. What is required of us?

He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
Micah 6:8

The best prayer?
Begins with...... God fix me first.

Article based on news report from Yahoo News 11/3/2015
Afghan woman stoned to death for 'adultery'
And as expected the anti Christian Left shrug in approval of what Islam does.

The Stoning Of Soraya. Netflix. Not streamed, gotta get the cd mailed to you. Based on a true story..just like the one in the OP. But Soraya was stoned because her husband wanted to marry a 13 year old and couldn't unless he could divorce his wife. Village said he had to have a good reason. So he and one of his friends in the village set her up. He would not support her or their children and stayed elsewhere...and when no money was available for food, she took a job with a man who lost his wife and needed a housekeeper. Then the set up was done and all he had to do was accuse her of sleeping with her employer. The employer said none of it was true, but nobody cared to listen to him. The friends of Sorayas husband got the villagers riled up that she was committing adultry and she was to be stoned as punishment. So..they did. And the husband also forced the children to throw stones as well. Until she was a bloody pulpy dead mess. After her death...he went to his wannabe child bride to marry her, but he took too long murdering his wife and she was married to someone else. So he murdered his wife for nothing.
The movie was explicit. Graphic. Horrifying to watch. And it happens all the time over there.

Fuck that shithole and all the scumbags in it.

That was a very good movie, and many should watch it.

It happen in Iran, and was based on a true story like you stated, and this is not uncommon in that region of the world, and is the sad part of life.

Also the custom is a very old tradition, but very few religions still practice it, and should not be practiced at all.

Honor killings no matter if done by a Muslim or a Albino Space Alien Chimp are from the old savage way of life, and we live in the 21st century and not 10,000 BC.

So as some of you argue that it is not a Muslim thingy please understand that some Muslims still use the old tradition, and it is sickening, and before you point out the evil ways of Christians and Jews please note that I am not oblivious to the evil past or present within all religions, and will not deny it either.

Just my opinion.
Bye the way, POGO, try this snarky crap in a Muslim country. They will track you down and arrest you and hang you on a crane. Or stone you to death, because that's how tolerant Islam is.

Yuh huh, gawl-lee I'm shakin'.

Well I hope someday you find your way out of this prison to which you've condemned yourself.
Good luck.

Well the point is, Pogo, that you keep saying it is not related to their religious beliefs, when it most certainly is related to their religious beliefs. The reason why they stone people and dole out these super harsh punishments is because they feel these people sinned in the eyes of their GOD, and THAT is what their holy books tell them to do with sinners.

Anybody home?

Religion can be brought into anything as a pretext, from ordering a pizza to writing this post. I'm not saying they don't do that. I said it doesn't derive from that.

In the same way Scott Roeder blowing away George Tiller or Eric Rudolph blowing up a lesbian bar may be ascribing their religions to what they do, but that doesn't mean "the Christians made me do it" and therefore we gotta wipe out Christianity.

Follow me?

Or perhaps in a way a better analogy --- you don't like the Easter bunny so you wipe out Christianism. Well guess what, it wasn't invented by Christianism so what was your point?

And again --- what I'm addressing here is the ancient social construct of 'honor' killing (HBV), not the technical instrument of "stoning" as a method of doing it. Nobody knows who started that particular method AFAIK. That seems to be geographical. The point being, if you don't know where something derives from, then you're never going to get anything done about it.

In other words if you could press a button and "delete" Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism in one fell swoop, you would not have impacted HBV at all. Because that's not what it's made of.

It definitely has to do with their religious beliefs. They stone and kill homosexuals because it allegedly is against their religious beliefs, as is adultery, etc. The point you ignore is how closely related religious beliefs and culture really are. They usually exist hand in hand, as I'm sure you know. Sharia law is based upon religious beliefs.
Bye the way, POGO, try this snarky crap in a Muslim country. They will track you down and arrest you and hang you on a crane. Or stone you to death, because that's how tolerant Islam is.

Yuh huh, gawl-lee I'm shakin'.

Well I hope someday you find your way out of this prison to which you've condemned yourself.
Good luck.

Well the point is, Pogo, that you keep saying it is not related to their religious beliefs, when it most certainly is related to their religious beliefs. The reason why they stone people and dole out these super harsh punishments is because they feel these people sinned in the eyes of their GOD, and THAT is what their holy books tell them to do with sinners.

Anybody home?

Religion can be brought into anything as a pretext, from ordering a pizza to writing this post. I'm not saying they don't do that. I said it doesn't derive from that.

In the same way Scott Roeder blowing away George Tiller or Eric Rudolph blowing up a lesbian bar may be ascribing their religions to what they do, but that doesn't mean "the Christians made me do it" and therefore we gotta wipe out Christianity.

Follow me?

Or perhaps in a way a better analogy --- you don't like the Easter bunny so you wipe out Christianism. Well guess what, it wasn't invented by Christianism so what was your point?

And again --- what I'm addressing here is the ancient social construct of 'honor' killing (HBV), not the technical instrument of "stoning" as a method of doing it. Nobody knows who started that particular method AFAIK. That seems to be geographical. The point being, if you don't know where something derives from, then you're never going to get anything done about it.

In other words if you could press a button and "delete" Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism in one fell swoop, you would not have impacted HBV at all. Because that's not what it's made of.

It definitely has to do with their religious beliefs. They stone and kill homosexuals because it allegedly is against their religious beliefs, as is adultery, etc. The point you ignore is how closely related religious beliefs and culture really are. They usually exist hand in hand, as I'm sure you know. Sharia law is based upon religious beliefs.

To the best of my understanding HBV doesn't address homosexuality; it's mainly concerned with controlling women, and the social class-status of marriages.

But social attitudes toward homosexuality certainly have to do with hyperpatriarchy, the same root, and the neuroses that brings. So again, targeting the root social cause is far more to the point than targeting a religion that is sometimes coincident, sometimes not. That is, you could certainly argue anti-homosexual rhetoric is commonly coincident with Islam; you could not argue that it's not commonly coincident with not-Islam. Therefore "Islam" cannot be the common root.
Bye the way, POGO, try this snarky crap in a Muslim country. They will track you down and arrest you and hang you on a crane. Or stone you to death, because that's how tolerant Islam is.

Yuh huh, gawl-lee I'm shakin'.

Well I hope someday you find your way out of this prison to which you've condemned yourself.
Good luck.

Well the point is, Pogo, that you keep saying it is not related to their religious beliefs, when it most certainly is related to their religious beliefs. The reason why they stone people and dole out these super harsh punishments is because they feel these people sinned in the eyes of their GOD, and THAT is what their holy books tell them to do with sinners.

Anybody home?

Religion can be brought into anything as a pretext, from ordering a pizza to writing this post. I'm not saying they don't do that. I said it doesn't derive from that.

In the same way Scott Roeder blowing away George Tiller or Eric Rudolph blowing up a lesbian bar may be ascribing their religions to what they do, but that doesn't mean "the Christians made me do it" and therefore we gotta wipe out Christianity.

Follow me?

Or perhaps in a way a better analogy --- you don't like the Easter bunny so you wipe out Christianism. Well guess what, it wasn't invented by Christianism so what was your point?

And again --- what I'm addressing here is the ancient social construct of 'honor' killing (HBV), not the technical instrument of "stoning" as a method of doing it. Nobody knows who started that particular method AFAIK. That seems to be geographical. The point being, if you don't know where something derives from, then you're never going to get anything done about it.

In other words if you could press a button and "delete" Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism in one fell swoop, you would not have impacted HBV at all. Because that's not what it's made of.

It definitely has to do with their religious beliefs. They stone and kill homosexuals because it allegedly is against their religious beliefs, as is adultery, etc. The point you ignore is how closely related religious beliefs and culture really are. They usually exist hand in hand, as I'm sure you know. Sharia law is based upon religious beliefs.

To the best of my understanding HBV doesn't address homosexuality; it's mainly concerned with controlling women, and the social class-status of marriages.

But social attitudes toward homosexuality certainly have to do with hyperpatriarchy, the same root, and the neuroses that brings. So again, targeting the root social cause is far more to the point than targeting a religion that is sometimes coincident, sometimes not.

They work together though. It's no coincidence.
Yuh huh, gawl-lee I'm shakin'.

Well I hope someday you find your way out of this prison to which you've condemned yourself.
Good luck.

Well the point is, Pogo, that you keep saying it is not related to their religious beliefs, when it most certainly is related to their religious beliefs. The reason why they stone people and dole out these super harsh punishments is because they feel these people sinned in the eyes of their GOD, and THAT is what their holy books tell them to do with sinners.

Anybody home?

Religion can be brought into anything as a pretext, from ordering a pizza to writing this post. I'm not saying they don't do that. I said it doesn't derive from that.

In the same way Scott Roeder blowing away George Tiller or Eric Rudolph blowing up a lesbian bar may be ascribing their religions to what they do, but that doesn't mean "the Christians made me do it" and therefore we gotta wipe out Christianity.

Follow me?

Or perhaps in a way a better analogy --- you don't like the Easter bunny so you wipe out Christianism. Well guess what, it wasn't invented by Christianism so what was your point?

And again --- what I'm addressing here is the ancient social construct of 'honor' killing (HBV), not the technical instrument of "stoning" as a method of doing it. Nobody knows who started that particular method AFAIK. That seems to be geographical. The point being, if you don't know where something derives from, then you're never going to get anything done about it.

In other words if you could press a button and "delete" Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism in one fell swoop, you would not have impacted HBV at all. Because that's not what it's made of.

It definitely has to do with their religious beliefs. They stone and kill homosexuals because it allegedly is against their religious beliefs, as is adultery, etc. The point you ignore is how closely related religious beliefs and culture really are. They usually exist hand in hand, as I'm sure you know. Sharia law is based upon religious beliefs.

To the best of my understanding HBV doesn't address homosexuality; it's mainly concerned with controlling women, and the social class-status of marriages.

But social attitudes toward homosexuality certainly have to do with hyperpatriarchy, the same root, and the neuroses that brings. So again, targeting the root social cause is far more to the point than targeting a religion that is sometimes coincident, sometimes not.

They work together though. It's no coincidence.

Then how do you explain Matthew Shepard? Laws on the books (here), past and present? They don't have Islam in common, but they do have certain gender attitudes in common. That's where it starts.

Just saying, it's always more effective to focus at a root cause, than to focus on incidentals it picks up along the way. I'm a strong believer in addressing the disease, not just the symptoms. Whack-a-mole is not a game that has a real point. The moles always win.
Well the point is, Pogo, that you keep saying it is not related to their religious beliefs, when it most certainly is related to their religious beliefs. The reason why they stone people and dole out these super harsh punishments is because they feel these people sinned in the eyes of their GOD, and THAT is what their holy books tell them to do with sinners.

Anybody home?

Religion can be brought into anything as a pretext, from ordering a pizza to writing this post. I'm not saying they don't do that. I said it doesn't derive from that.

In the same way Scott Roeder blowing away George Tiller or Eric Rudolph blowing up a lesbian bar may be ascribing their religions to what they do, but that doesn't mean "the Christians made me do it" and therefore we gotta wipe out Christianity.

Follow me?

Or perhaps in a way a better analogy --- you don't like the Easter bunny so you wipe out Christianism. Well guess what, it wasn't invented by Christianism so what was your point?

And again --- what I'm addressing here is the ancient social construct of 'honor' killing (HBV), not the technical instrument of "stoning" as a method of doing it. Nobody knows who started that particular method AFAIK. That seems to be geographical. The point being, if you don't know where something derives from, then you're never going to get anything done about it.

In other words if you could press a button and "delete" Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism in one fell swoop, you would not have impacted HBV at all. Because that's not what it's made of.

It definitely has to do with their religious beliefs. They stone and kill homosexuals because it allegedly is against their religious beliefs, as is adultery, etc. The point you ignore is how closely related religious beliefs and culture really are. They usually exist hand in hand, as I'm sure you know. Sharia law is based upon religious beliefs.

To the best of my understanding HBV doesn't address homosexuality; it's mainly concerned with controlling women, and the social class-status of marriages.

But social attitudes toward homosexuality certainly have to do with hyperpatriarchy, the same root, and the neuroses that brings. So again, targeting the root social cause is far more to the point than targeting a religion that is sometimes coincident, sometimes not.

They work together though. It's no coincidence.

Then how do you explain Matthew Shepard? Laws on the books (here), past and present? They don't have Islam in common, but they do have certain gender attitudes in common. That's where it starts.

Just saying, it's always more effective to focus at a root cause, than to focus on incidentals it picks up along the way.

I don't know why you would bring in an isolated incident of murder by individuals. That doesn't really mean anything at all. Psychos exist.

The point is that Iran is a theocracy, which means they base their laws on their religious beliefs, and that includes their executions and methods and reasons behind them.
The reason why they do these horrible things to their own people is because they are stuck with these horrible religious beliefs that are drilled into their heads from a very young age, and this religion (Islam) has a LOT of violent interpretations, and a lot of these people agree with Sharia law, as this is what they know, and to deny that it is based upon their religious beliefs is beyond ignorant. THAT is the reason why their culture is stuck in the dark ages, because of their religious beliefs.

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