A Young Woman Stoned for Adultery

We have a Constitution that protects us from that kind of religious bullshit. THAT is just one reason why it is so important to keep bogus religious beliefs OUT of our government operations!

Nice but you're living in the past.

We HAD a Constitution.......

Back when we had a president rather than an emperor.
Try again and read for meaning

forget it , alex------Pogo will INSIST forever that muslims are primitives
and their legal system has no meaning

And once AGAIN I haven't been talking about "legal systems"; I've been describing an ancient tribal custom. One that is outside both legal systems and religions.

I'll keep repeating that until it sinks in.

And to describe an entire worldwide religion as "primitives" would be a whole bag full of fallacies. I didn't do that either.

the LEGAL SYSTEM of islam is called SHARIAH LAW. In shariah courts---females who commit adultery-----are ordered to be executed by stoning. You have claimed on this very thread-----that stoning women accused of adultery to
death is simply ---primitive cultural tribal custom and has nothing to do with
shariah law which is the DIVINE AND ETERNAL LAW OF ISLAM as per koranic
scholars over the past ---approximately 1200 years. You like to lie.

Ummm.... no. I have claimed, and proven, on this very thread and others before it, that HBV is an ancient tribal custom. I know you're obsessed with the whole "stoning" thing but that's not relevant.

HBV is HBV. In India it's usually done by burning. You know, like the Church used to do with witches (although the Church certainly didn't invent burning either). Beheading has been another method. When Henry VIII used that on Anne Boleyn it was in a twisted way a kind of "mercy" ----- he could have burned her according to prevailing custom of the time. It's always brutal, and it's almost always women on the receiving end. That's why I call it "hyperpatriarchy".

All I've noted about "stoning" per se is that it also predates Islam, and I documented that too.

Why are you so desperate to deflect from HBV onto "stoning"? It's a bit too early in the day to get stoned.

I referred to the OP----- you have a fixation on a silly bit of sophistry that you
imagine justifies the filth you support----to wit---shariah law which you have decided
to claim is "not Islamic" Got that fellow posters? SHARIAH LAW is not Islamic ------it is something called "hyperpatriarchy" He also claims that
women are burned to death by court order in India -----because of "hyperpatriarchy"

Who the fuck are you talking about? Who's "he"? I said nothing about Sharia being "not Islamic". And as far as I know the only poster who brought up HBV in India was me. And I specifically said it's NOT by "court order".

And I'm sure I'm the only one to bring that up because you clowns trying to make it into "Islam" would find the long legacy of Hindus and Sikhs doing it very inconvenient to that myth.
I see I am going to have to spoon feed you, typical tactic by the person who loses the argument.

"The penal laws of Islam are called Hudud in the Hadith and Fiqh. This word is the plural of Hadd, which means prevention, hindrance, restraint, prohibition, and hence a restrictive ordinance or statute of God, respecting things lawful and unlawful.

Punishments are divided into two classes, one of which is called Hadd and the other Ta'zir. The Hadd is a measure of punishment defined by the Qur'an and the Sunnah. In Ta'zir, the court, is allowed to use its discretion in regard to the form and measure in which such punishment is to be inflicted.

Punishments by way of Hadd are of the following forms: death by stoning, amputation of a limb or limbs, flogging by one hundred or eighty strokes."

Clear enough Chuckles?

Again -- unlinked. Meanwhile your text here does say "The Hadd is a measure of punishment defined by the Qur'an and the Sunnah"

-- and my original question, was, and still is --- where does the Qur'an sanction HBV?

Know what I've gotten in response to that question?


I mean, it's good music and all that. But it's not an answer.
I posted the link and that was from the same source, you are nothing but a liar and a fraud.

You have once again gotten caught blowing smoke instead of actually discussing the issue.

You have lost once again it seems every time I discuss something with you lose and try to turn it around.

BTW here is the link ONCE AGAIN.
Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement

and that link says no such thing. It doesn't even MENTION HBV. At all.

You lose.
Try again and read for meaning

forget it , alex------Pogo will INSIST forever that muslims are primitives
and their legal system has no meaning
Thanks Rosie, I have seen him like this before.
forget it , alex------Pogo will INSIST forever that muslims are primitives
and their legal system has no meaning

And once AGAIN I haven't been talking about "legal systems"; I've been describing an ancient tribal custom. One that is outside both legal systems and religions.

I'll keep repeating that until it sinks in.

And to describe an entire worldwide religion as "primitives" would be a whole bag full of fallacies. I didn't do that either.

the LEGAL SYSTEM of islam is called SHARIAH LAW. In shariah courts---females who commit adultery-----are ordered to be executed by stoning. You have claimed on this very thread-----that stoning women accused of adultery to
death is simply ---primitive cultural tribal custom and has nothing to do with
shariah law which is the DIVINE AND ETERNAL LAW OF ISLAM as per koranic
scholars over the past ---approximately 1200 years. You like to lie.

Ummm.... no. I have claimed, and proven, on this very thread and others before it, that HBV is an ancient tribal custom. I know you're obsessed with the whole "stoning" thing but that's not relevant.

HBV is HBV. In India it's usually done by burning. You know, like the Church used to do with witches (although the Church certainly didn't invent burning either). Beheading has been another method. When Henry VIII used that on Anne Boleyn it was in a twisted way a kind of "mercy" ----- he could have burned her according to prevailing custom of the time. It's always brutal, and it's almost always women on the receiving end. That's why I call it "hyperpatriarchy".

All I've noted about "stoning" per se is that it also predates Islam, and I documented that too.

Why are you so desperate to deflect from HBV onto "stoning"? It's a bit too early in the day to get stoned.

I referred to the OP----- you have a fixation on a silly bit of sophistry that you
imagine justifies the filth you support----to wit---shariah law which you have decided
to claim is "not Islamic" Got that fellow posters? SHARIAH LAW is not Islamic ------it is something called "hyperpatriarchy" He also claims that
women are burned to death by court order in India -----because of "hyperpatriarchy"

Who the fuck are you talking about? Who's "he"? I said nothing about Sharia being "not Islamic". And as far as I know the only poster who brought up HBV in India was me. And I specifically said it's NOT by "court order".

And I'm sure I'm the only one to bring that up because you clowns trying to make it into "Islam" would find the long legacy of Hindus and Sikhs doing it very inconvenient to that myth.

what is HBV?? You keep using the abbreviation. I thought it related to honor killing but now I am not sure. It is an abbreviation for Hepatitis B virus I do not use it-----for me hepatitis is HEP---either A B or C. The OP described a case of court ordered execution of a young woman for adultery in a shariah court. .
The complicating and mitigating issue was that she had been forced into a young marriage and then -------went off with a young man she actually loved. You have
REPEATEDLY stated "show me the verse in the koran"-----to what were you referring and why do you make the statement "show me the verse in the koran"----
I do not read Arabic and I am not a koranic scholar. I know details of shariah law------lots. I learned lots about it from muslims and later on from my husband and his relatives. He was born in a DHIMMI----(also an aspect of the Islamic legal
system) in a shariah shit hole. Relatives older than he is remember (or remembered) the filth,, very well.. I did read the koran in English translation
but do not style myself a SCHOLAR of the koran because of that fact------I leave that to the Qadis (judges in shariah courts)
Altruism; you comprehend it zero percent.

I understand bullshit perfectly well. You don't give a fuck about slutty women getting stoned in Afghanistan and you don't care about Devil Worshipping Yazidis being slaughter in Iraq.

Your concerns are...

1) Ripping on Obama because he's not throwing American blood and Treasure at the problem like Bush did.
2) Being a tool of big oil wanting us to do 1).

Not to worry, I'm sure there's no chance of you ever signing up to put an end to these things. Let some poor brown kid from the Ghetto come back in a body bag for your "Altruism".

You're off the rails, dude. I speak up for those whom can't speak for themselves. I'd cower like the sniveling bitch you are.
As I suspected -- an "honor killing". It's an ancient tribal custom enacted for social control that predates Islam, Christianism, Sikhism, Hinduism and every other religion where it still takes place. It's fucked up, it's primitive, it's based on archconservative hyperpatriarchy --- but it's got nothing to do with religion. It has to do with women scaring the shit out of men so they get violent about it. The last quoted sentence underscores that.

Not religious. Just as the Gospel event cited in the OP would have had nothing to do with Judaism. It dates back thousands of years to nomadic tribes jealous of their possessions.

You're welcome.

Give me a break. This thing has Islam fingerprints all over it. Who gives a sh** what you think the origin of this "custom" is.
The custom is older than Islam. So logically...

So, logically what? Islam is justified? I love how Pogo tried to support your flimsy post with gay levity, too.
Sahih Muslim Book 17 Hadith 4192
'Ubada b. as-Samit reported that whenever Allah's Apostle (Peace be upon him) received revelation, he felt its rigour and the complexion of his face changed. One day revelation descended upon him, he felt the same rigour. When it was over and he felt relief, he said: Take from me. Verily Allah has ordained a way for them (the women who commit fornication),: (When) a married man (commits adultery) with a married woman, and an unmarried male with an unmarried woman, then in case of married (persons) there is (a punishment) of one hundred lashes and then stoning (to death). And in case of unmarried persons, (the punishment) is one hundred lashes and exile for one year."

Muslim Book of Legal Punishments #4192
Muslim 1690 c
Sahih Muslim Vol. 4, Book 17, Hadith 4192

Sahih Muslim Book Number 17 Hadith Number 4192 - Muflihun
And once AGAIN I haven't been talking about "legal systems"; I've been describing an ancient tribal custom. One that is outside both legal systems and religions.

I'll keep repeating that until it sinks in.

And to describe an entire worldwide religion as "primitives" would be a whole bag full of fallacies. I didn't do that either.

the LEGAL SYSTEM of islam is called SHARIAH LAW. In shariah courts---females who commit adultery-----are ordered to be executed by stoning. You have claimed on this very thread-----that stoning women accused of adultery to
death is simply ---primitive cultural tribal custom and has nothing to do with
shariah law which is the DIVINE AND ETERNAL LAW OF ISLAM as per koranic
scholars over the past ---approximately 1200 years. You like to lie.

Ummm.... no. I have claimed, and proven, on this very thread and others before it, that HBV is an ancient tribal custom. I know you're obsessed with the whole "stoning" thing but that's not relevant.

HBV is HBV. In India it's usually done by burning. You know, like the Church used to do with witches (although the Church certainly didn't invent burning either). Beheading has been another method. When Henry VIII used that on Anne Boleyn it was in a twisted way a kind of "mercy" ----- he could have burned her according to prevailing custom of the time. It's always brutal, and it's almost always women on the receiving end. That's why I call it "hyperpatriarchy".

All I've noted about "stoning" per se is that it also predates Islam, and I documented that too.

Why are you so desperate to deflect from HBV onto "stoning"? It's a bit too early in the day to get stoned.

I referred to the OP----- you have a fixation on a silly bit of sophistry that you
imagine justifies the filth you support----to wit---shariah law which you have decided
to claim is "not Islamic" Got that fellow posters? SHARIAH LAW is not Islamic ------it is something called "hyperpatriarchy" He also claims that
women are burned to death by court order in India -----because of "hyperpatriarchy"

Who the fuck are you talking about? Who's "he"? I said nothing about Sharia being "not Islamic". And as far as I know the only poster who brought up HBV in India was me. And I specifically said it's NOT by "court order".

And I'm sure I'm the only one to bring that up because you clowns trying to make it into "Islam" would find the long legacy of Hindus and Sikhs doing it very inconvenient to that myth.

what is HBV?? You keep using the abbreviation. I thought it related to honor killing but now I am not sure. It is an abbreviation for Hepatitis B virus I do not use it-----for me hepatitis is HEP---either A B or C. The OP described a case of court ordered execution of a young woman for adultery in a shariah court. .
The complicating and mitigating issue was that she had been forced into a young marriage and then -------went off with a young man she actually loved. You have
REPEATEDLY stated "show me the verse in the koran"-----to what were you referring and why do you make the statement "show me the verse in the koran"----
I do not read Arabic and I am not a koranic scholar. I know details of shariah law------lots. I learned lots about it from muslims and later on from my husband and his relatives. He was born in a DHIMMI----(also an aspect of the Islamic legal
system) in a shariah shit hole. Relatives older than he is remember (or remembered) the filth,, very well.. I did read the koran in English translation
but do not style myself a SCHOLAR of the koran because of that fact------I leave that to the Qadis (judges in shariah courts)

You might try actually reading the thread. HBV is what I've been posting about since the first post I made here -- even before there was any link to any story -- the one Gasbag insisted I shouldn't see--- I suspected that the event referred to in the OP was about HBV. And sure enough --- it was.

Again, "HBV" = "Honor-Based Violence". For someone who doesn't know what the abbreviation means you sure ain't shy about declaring where it comes from.
Altruism; you comprehend it zero percent.

I understand bullshit perfectly well. You don't give a fuck about slutty women getting stoned in Afghanistan and you don't care about Devil Worshipping Yazidis being slaughter in Iraq.

Your concerns are...

1) Ripping on Obama because he's not throwing American blood and Treasure at the problem like Bush did.
2) Being a tool of big oil wanting us to do 1).

Not to worry, I'm sure there's no chance of you ever signing up to put an end to these things. Let some poor brown kid from the Ghetto come back in a body bag for your "Altruism".

You're off the rails, dude. I speak up for those whom can't speak for themselves. I'd cower like the sniveling bitch you are.
the LEGAL SYSTEM of islam is called SHARIAH LAW. In shariah courts---females who commit adultery-----are ordered to be executed by stoning. You have claimed on this very thread-----that stoning women accused of adultery to
death is simply ---primitive cultural tribal custom and has nothing to do with
shariah law which is the DIVINE AND ETERNAL LAW OF ISLAM as per koranic
scholars over the past ---approximately 1200 years. You like to lie.

Ummm.... no. I have claimed, and proven, on this very thread and others before it, that HBV is an ancient tribal custom. I know you're obsessed with the whole "stoning" thing but that's not relevant.

HBV is HBV. In India it's usually done by burning. You know, like the Church used to do with witches (although the Church certainly didn't invent burning either). Beheading has been another method. When Henry VIII used that on Anne Boleyn it was in a twisted way a kind of "mercy" ----- he could have burned her according to prevailing custom of the time. It's always brutal, and it's almost always women on the receiving end. That's why I call it "hyperpatriarchy".

All I've noted about "stoning" per se is that it also predates Islam, and I documented that too.

Why are you so desperate to deflect from HBV onto "stoning"? It's a bit too early in the day to get stoned.

I referred to the OP----- you have a fixation on a silly bit of sophistry that you
imagine justifies the filth you support----to wit---shariah law which you have decided
to claim is "not Islamic" Got that fellow posters? SHARIAH LAW is not Islamic ------it is something called "hyperpatriarchy" He also claims that
women are burned to death by court order in India -----because of "hyperpatriarchy"

Who the fuck are you talking about? Who's "he"? I said nothing about Sharia being "not Islamic". And as far as I know the only poster who brought up HBV in India was me. And I specifically said it's NOT by "court order".

And I'm sure I'm the only one to bring that up because you clowns trying to make it into "Islam" would find the long legacy of Hindus and Sikhs doing it very inconvenient to that myth.

what is HBV?? You keep using the abbreviation. I thought it related to honor killing but now I am not sure. It is an abbreviation for Hepatitis B virus I do not use it-----for me hepatitis is HEP---either A B or C. The OP described a case of court ordered execution of a young woman for adultery in a shariah court. .
The complicating and mitigating issue was that she had been forced into a young marriage and then -------went off with a young man she actually loved. You have
REPEATEDLY stated "show me the verse in the koran"-----to what were you referring and why do you make the statement "show me the verse in the koran"----
I do not read Arabic and I am not a koranic scholar. I know details of shariah law------lots. I learned lots about it from muslims and later on from my husband and his relatives. He was born in a DHIMMI----(also an aspect of the Islamic legal
system) in a shariah shit hole. Relatives older than he is remember (or remembered) the filth,, very well.. I did read the koran in English translation
but do not style myself a SCHOLAR of the koran because of that fact------I leave that to the Qadis (judges in shariah courts)

You might try actually reading the thread. HBV is what I've been posting about since the first post I made here -- even before there was any link to any story -- the one Gasbag insisted I shouldn't see--- I suspected that the event referred to in the OP was about HBV. And sure enough --- it was.

Again, "HBV" = "Honor-Based Violence". For someone who doesn't know what the abbreviation means you sure ain't shy about declaring where it comes from.

oh ok well---why are you ascribing this case to 'honor based violence'???
in Islamic law executing for adultery is not "honor based violence"------it is
penalty for crime. The thread has nothing to do with "honor based violence" if
one considers the thread to be based on the OP. Where did I claim to state
where the abbreviation "comes from"? it was obvious to me that you were
not talking about Hepatitis. You did clarify a bit-------according to you ----
SHARIAH COURTS are not real courts-----they are primitive macho man
machines. Do not let your impression of Shariah law be known in a mosque---
someone might be inspired to slit your throat. I have known lots of muslims----
mostly not observant-----but even non observant muslims are proud of that
disgusting legal system
Altruism; you comprehend it zero percent.

I understand bullshit perfectly well. You don't give a fuck about slutty women getting stoned in Afghanistan and you don't care about Devil Worshipping Yazidis being slaughter in Iraq.

Your concerns are...

1) Ripping on Obama because he's not throwing American blood and Treasure at the problem like Bush did.
2) Being a tool of big oil wanting us to do 1).

Not to worry, I'm sure there's no chance of you ever signing up to put an end to these things. Let some poor brown kid from the Ghetto come back in a body bag for your "Altruism".

You're off the rails, dude. I speak up for those whom can't speak for themselves. I'd cower like the sniveling bitch you are.
Ummm.... no. I have claimed, and proven, on this very thread and others before it, that HBV is an ancient tribal custom. I know you're obsessed with the whole "stoning" thing but that's not relevant.

HBV is HBV. In India it's usually done by burning. You know, like the Church used to do with witches (although the Church certainly didn't invent burning either). Beheading has been another method. When Henry VIII used that on Anne Boleyn it was in a twisted way a kind of "mercy" ----- he could have burned her according to prevailing custom of the time. It's always brutal, and it's almost always women on the receiving end. That's why I call it "hyperpatriarchy".

All I've noted about "stoning" per se is that it also predates Islam, and I documented that too.

Why are you so desperate to deflect from HBV onto "stoning"? It's a bit too early in the day to get stoned.

I referred to the OP----- you have a fixation on a silly bit of sophistry that you
imagine justifies the filth you support----to wit---shariah law which you have decided
to claim is "not Islamic" Got that fellow posters? SHARIAH LAW is not Islamic ------it is something called "hyperpatriarchy" He also claims that
women are burned to death by court order in India -----because of "hyperpatriarchy"

Who the fuck are you talking about? Who's "he"? I said nothing about Sharia being "not Islamic". And as far as I know the only poster who brought up HBV in India was me. And I specifically said it's NOT by "court order".

And I'm sure I'm the only one to bring that up because you clowns trying to make it into "Islam" would find the long legacy of Hindus and Sikhs doing it very inconvenient to that myth.

what is HBV?? You keep using the abbreviation. I thought it related to honor killing but now I am not sure. It is an abbreviation for Hepatitis B virus I do not use it-----for me hepatitis is HEP---either A B or C. The OP described a case of court ordered execution of a young woman for adultery in a shariah court. .
The complicating and mitigating issue was that she had been forced into a young marriage and then -------went off with a young man she actually loved. You have
REPEATEDLY stated "show me the verse in the koran"-----to what were you referring and why do you make the statement "show me the verse in the koran"----
I do not read Arabic and I am not a koranic scholar. I know details of shariah law------lots. I learned lots about it from muslims and later on from my husband and his relatives. He was born in a DHIMMI----(also an aspect of the Islamic legal
system) in a shariah shit hole. Relatives older than he is remember (or remembered) the filth,, very well.. I did read the koran in English translation
but do not style myself a SCHOLAR of the koran because of that fact------I leave that to the Qadis (judges in shariah courts)

You might try actually reading the thread. HBV is what I've been posting about since the first post I made here -- even before there was any link to any story -- the one Gasbag insisted I shouldn't see--- I suspected that the event referred to in the OP was about HBV. And sure enough --- it was.

Again, "HBV" = "Honor-Based Violence". For someone who doesn't know what the abbreviation means you sure ain't shy about declaring where it comes from.

oh ok well---why are you ascribing this case to 'honor based violence'???
in Islamic law executing for adultery is not "honor based violence"------it is
penalty for crime. The thread has nothing to do with "honor based violence" if
one considers the thread to be based on the OP. Where did I claim to state
where the abbreviation "comes from"? it was obvious to me that you were
not talking about Hepatitis. You did clarify a bit-------according to you ----
SHARIAH COURTS are not real courts-----they are primitive macho man
machines. Do not let your impression of Shariah law be known in a mosque---
someone might be inspired to slit your throat. I have known lots of muslims----
mostly not observant-----but even non observant muslims are proud of that
disgusting legal system

Kindly stop putting words in my mouth. I've said nothing about "Sharia courts" or what they are. I've described HBV as a cultural artifact from a tribal level. I keep using that adjective and you keep hearing "Sharia courts" or some other shit. You just ain't listening. :eusa_hand:
As I suspected -- an "honor killing". It's an ancient tribal custom enacted for social control that predates Islam, Christianism, Sikhism, Hinduism and every other religion where it still takes place. It's fucked up, it's primitive, it's based on archconservative hyperpatriarchy --- but it's got nothing to do with religion. It has to do with women scaring the shit out of men so they get violent about it. The last quoted sentence underscores that.

Not religious. Just as the Gospel event cited in the OP would have had nothing to do with Judaism. It dates back thousands of years to nomadic tribes jealous of their possessions.

You're welcome.

Give me a break. This thing has Islam fingerprints all over it. Who gives a sh** what you think the origin of this "custom" is.
The custom is older than Islam. So logically...

So, logically what? Islam is justified? I love how Pogo tried to support your flimsy post with gay levity, too.

I took his post to be a lead-in reference to the Life of Brian witch scene, and ran with it.

So suck me.

Without that connection the obvious meaning is that since the custom PREDATES Islam......... then.... Islam cannot have invented it.

Just as we know Louie Chevrolet didn't invent the wheel because we have records of horse carriages and chariots.

But we already made that point, so I went with the comedy.

That's not the argument (who invented stoning) (nor have I argued it either), and you know it. Like I said at the outset, this is what you want it to be, so that you can avoid talking about thee real issue (barbaric Islam) for which this thread was created.
As I suspected -- an "honor killing". It's an ancient tribal custom enacted for social control that predates Islam, Christianism, Sikhism, Hinduism and every other religion where it still takes place. It's fucked up, it's primitive, it's based on archconservative hyperpatriarchy --- but it's got nothing to do with religion. It has to do with women scaring the shit out of men so they get violent about it. The last quoted sentence underscores that.

Not religious. Just as the Gospel event cited in the OP would have had nothing to do with Judaism. It dates back thousands of years to nomadic tribes jealous of their possessions.

You're welcome.

Give me a break. This thing has Islam fingerprints all over it. Who gives a sh** what you think the origin of this "custom" is.
The custom is older than Islam. So logically...

So, logically what? Islam is justified? I love how Pogo tried to support your flimsy post with gay levity, too.

I took his post to be a lead-in reference to the Life of Brian witch scene, and ran with it.

So suck me.

Without that connection the obvious meaning is that since the custom PREDATES Islam......... then.... Islam cannot have invented it.

Just as we know Louie Chevrolet didn't invent the wheel because we have records of horse carriages and chariots.

But we already made that point, so I went with the comedy.

That's not the argument (who invented stoning) (nor have I argued it either), and you know it. Like I said at the outset, this is what you want it to be, so that you can avoid talking about thee real issue (barbaric Islam) for which this thread was created.

Bull Fucking Shit. YOU were the first asshat to try to divert this off to the specific practice of stoning. Post 35.

And no I don't believe that was the purpose of this thread at all. The actual purpose was lost long ago; all of this great tangent was merely a correction that you and the mythmongers went ballistic on.

Go read the OP.

As an illogical defense to the modern Barbaric Islam custom of stoning women for (alleged) sex, you've consistently attempted to argue the origin of stoning as a defense for barbaric Islam. You've done it in countless other threads; you've done it immediately in this thread. I don't even indulge your dead on arrival argument other than to say this is what you're doing. You are a hack that is afraid of serious discussion on this matter. And you'll attempt to divert future threads like this in the same manner just like hacks do.

As an illogical defense to the modern Barbaric Islam custom of stoning women for (alleged) sex, you've consistently attempted to argue the origin of stoning as a defense for barbaric Islam. You've done it in countless other threads; you've done it immediately in this thread. I don't even indulge your dead on arrival argument other than to say this is what you're doing. You are a hack that is afraid of serious discussion on this matter. And you'll attempt to divert future threads like this in the same manner just like hacks do.

Again, you're a liar. I've never argued what the origin of stoning is. I don't even know that info.
Altruism; you comprehend it zero percent.

I understand bullshit perfectly well. You don't give a fuck about slutty women getting stoned in Afghanistan and you don't care about Devil Worshipping Yazidis being slaughter in Iraq.

Your concerns are...

1) Ripping on Obama because he's not throwing American blood and Treasure at the problem like Bush did.
2) Being a tool of big oil wanting us to do 1).

Not to worry, I'm sure there's no chance of you ever signing up to put an end to these things. Let some poor brown kid from the Ghetto come back in a body bag for your "Altruism".

You're off the rails, dude. I speak up for those whom can't speak for themselves. I'd cower like the sniveling bitch you are.
I referred to the OP----- you have a fixation on a silly bit of sophistry that you
imagine justifies the filth you support----to wit---shariah law which you have decided
to claim is "not Islamic" Got that fellow posters? SHARIAH LAW is not Islamic ------it is something called "hyperpatriarchy" He also claims that
women are burned to death by court order in India -----because of "hyperpatriarchy"

Who the fuck are you talking about? Who's "he"? I said nothing about Sharia being "not Islamic". And as far as I know the only poster who brought up HBV in India was me. And I specifically said it's NOT by "court order".

And I'm sure I'm the only one to bring that up because you clowns trying to make it into "Islam" would find the long legacy of Hindus and Sikhs doing it very inconvenient to that myth.

what is HBV?? You keep using the abbreviation. I thought it related to honor killing but now I am not sure. It is an abbreviation for Hepatitis B virus I do not use it-----for me hepatitis is HEP---either A B or C. The OP described a case of court ordered execution of a young woman for adultery in a shariah court. .
The complicating and mitigating issue was that she had been forced into a young marriage and then -------went off with a young man she actually loved. You have
REPEATEDLY stated "show me the verse in the koran"-----to what were you referring and why do you make the statement "show me the verse in the koran"----
I do not read Arabic and I am not a koranic scholar. I know details of shariah law------lots. I learned lots about it from muslims and later on from my husband and his relatives. He was born in a DHIMMI----(also an aspect of the Islamic legal
system) in a shariah shit hole. Relatives older than he is remember (or remembered) the filth,, very well.. I did read the koran in English translation
but do not style myself a SCHOLAR of the koran because of that fact------I leave that to the Qadis (judges in shariah courts)

You might try actually reading the thread. HBV is what I've been posting about since the first post I made here -- even before there was any link to any story -- the one Gasbag insisted I shouldn't see--- I suspected that the event referred to in the OP was about HBV. And sure enough --- it was.

Again, "HBV" = "Honor-Based Violence". For someone who doesn't know what the abbreviation means you sure ain't shy about declaring where it comes from.

oh ok well---why are you ascribing this case to 'honor based violence'???
in Islamic law executing for adultery is not "honor based violence"------it is
penalty for crime. The thread has nothing to do with "honor based violence" if
one considers the thread to be based on the OP. Where did I claim to state
where the abbreviation "comes from"? it was obvious to me that you were
not talking about Hepatitis. You did clarify a bit-------according to you ----
SHARIAH COURTS are not real courts-----they are primitive macho man
machines. Do not let your impression of Shariah law be known in a mosque---
someone might be inspired to slit your throat. I have known lots of muslims----
mostly not observant-----but even non observant muslims are proud of that
disgusting legal system

Kindly stop putting words in my mouth. I've said nothing about "Sharia courts" or what they are. I've described HBV as a cultural artifact from a tribal level. I keep using that adjective and you keep hearing "Sharia courts" or some other shit. You just ain't listening. :eusa_hand:

oh how do you relate "HBV" to the actual topic of the thread which was
determined by the OP?

As an illogical defense to the modern Barbaric Islam custom of stoning women for (alleged) sex, you've consistently attempted to argue the origin of stoning as a defense for barbaric Islam. You've done it in countless other threads; you've done it immediately in this thread. I don't even indulge your dead on arrival argument other than to say this is what you're doing. You are a hack that is afraid of serious discussion on this matter. And you'll attempt to divert future threads like this in the same manner just like hacks do.

Again, you're a liar. I've never argued what the origin of stoning is. I don't even know that info.

Don't play semantics, son; or trifle with the word liar for that matter. You blather on about how stoning pre-dates Islam at every chance. Now then, step into 2015 and deal with reality (for which this thread was created). We don't care about your meandering history lessons.
You're off the rails, dude. I speak up for those whom can't speak for themselves. I'd cower like the sniveling bitch you are.

Yeah, so you are signing up to go fight ISIL tomorrow, then?

Because frankly, your talk is cheap.

You see, I honestly don't give a fuck about people getting stoned in the Islamic world. They know what the rules of their societies are. It's not my problem.
I've always wanted to widen my helmet business to sell more to them, my newest model fits under the burka seamlessly. Also we need to send them real baseballs this time.
You're off the rails, dude. I speak up for those whom can't speak for themselves. I'd not cower like the sniveling bitch you are.

Yeah, so you are signing up to go fight ISIL tomorrow, then?

Because frankly, your talk is cheap.

You see, I honestly don't give a fuck about people getting stoned in the Islamic world. They know what the rules of their societies are. It's not my problem.

Signing up for a military controlled by a tyrant is not a qualifier for speaking up. Nice try, deuche.

As an illogical defense to the modern Barbaric Islam custom of stoning women for (alleged) sex, you've consistently attempted to argue the origin of stoning as a defense for barbaric Islam. You've done it in countless other threads; you've done it immediately in this thread. I don't even indulge your dead on arrival argument other than to say this is what you're doing. You are a hack that is afraid of serious discussion on this matter. And you'll attempt to divert future threads like this in the same manner just like hacks do.

Again, you're a liar. I've never argued what the origin of stoning is. I don't even know that info.

Don't play semantics, son; or trifle with the word liar for that matter. You blather on about how stoning pre-dates Islam at every chance. Now then, step into 2015 and deal with reality (for which this thread was created). We don't care about your meandering history lessons.

Once again son ---- WHO posted this?

you've consistently attempted to argue the origin of stoning as a defense for barbaric Islam.

Is that my name on that post??

I have never, here or anywhere else, posted on "the origin of stoning". I don't know what that origin is, I doubt anyone does, and I'm quite positive you don't. I don't post on shit I know nothing about. Therein lieth the difference between us.

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