A Young Woman Stoned for Adultery

The reason why they do these horrible things to their own people is because they are stuck with these horrible religious beliefs that are drilled into their heads from a very young age, and this religion (Islam) has a LOT of violent interpretations, and a lot of these people agree with Sharia law, as this is what they know, and to deny that it is based upon their religious beliefs is beyond ignorant. THAT is the reason why their culture is stuck in the dark ages, because of their religious beliefs.

Dark ages it clearly is. But you're putting the cart before the horse. Islam didn't bring this shit in. And it hasn't ushered it out either. But the same is true in India among Hindus and Sikhs.

If you have a leak in your roof over "here" -- you can patch just that leak and ignore the rest of the rotting roof where it's originating -- and then await the next leak to do the same patch job again, somehow expecting longer-lasting results.

OR.... you can replace the roof itself that's generating "this" leak... and "that" leak... and "the next future" leak.

Which do you think is more effective?

Attack the disease, not the symptom.
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I don't know why you would bring in an isolated incident of murder by individuals. That doesn't really mean anything at all. Psychos exist.

It's a handy reference that I don't need to explain for you to recognize. The point being, the torturers of Matthew Shepard -- just for a random example --- clearly were not motivated by "Islam". Yet they were motivated by the same sentiment. That tells us that that sentiment is not coming from Islam. Rather it's a broader dynamic that also affects people within Islam, as it also affects, in identical ways, people without it.

The point is that Iran is a theocracy, which means they base their laws on their religious beliefs, and that includes their executions and methods and reasons behind them.

I haven't been posting about "Iran" or its laws. At all. Nor is the incident in the OP from Iran. This bit seems to be off topic.
You're a chicken shit who justifies rape and oppression. What the fuck would I care what you have to say about me?

I don't justify it. But if the people in that society aren't going to do anything about it, I'm just not seeing how it's my problem.

That defies previous rhetoric, but I don't need to make this thread about old stuff. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt; just like I'd hope you'd give me the benefit of the doubt that I'm against women having to live as low as dirt in these oppressive societies. This isn't about getting "brown" Americans killed. That's just f'ing stupid. I have the utmost respect for our men and women in uniform, generally speaking.
Sticks and stones were the first tools of war so they pre-date ANY religion. But as in the case described they are STILL a tool of war against women,children and Christians.

So the "color" argument is moot. Its the way they behave that SHOULD be addressed.
That defies previous rhetoric, but I don't need to make this thread about old stuff. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt; just like I'd hope you'd give me the benefit of the doubt that I'm against women having to live as low as dirt in these oppressive societies. This isn't about getting "brown" Americans killed. That's just f'ing stupid. I have the utmost respect for our men and women in uniform, generally speaking.

If you had respect for them, you wouldn't want to throw their lives away on ill-defined missions like trying to change other societies.

As a rule, I don't give Wingnuts the benefit of the doubt because most of you are too much of dupes of the rich to know what you are arguing for, half the time. You listen to shit on Hate Radio, waive the flag and bravely send someone else off to war.
That defies previous rhetoric, but I don't need to make this thread about old stuff. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt; just like I'd hope you'd give me the benefit of the doubt that I'm against women having to live as low as dirt in these oppressive societies. This isn't about getting "brown" Americans killed. That's just f'ing stupid. I have the utmost respect for our men and women in uniform, generally speaking.

If you had respect for them, you wouldn't want to throw their lives away on ill-defined missions like trying to change other societies.

As a rule, I don't give Wingnuts the benefit of the doubt because most of you are too much of dupes of the rich to know what you are arguing for, half the time. You listen to shit on Hate Radio, waive the flag and bravely send someone else off to war.

And when did I do this? And you want to talk about ill-defined; just what the hell is Obama doing in Afghanistan? Once Bush left office, you decided to stop spazzing about that. Convenient, eh?
And when did I do this? And you want to talk about ill-defined; just what the hell is Obama doing in Afghanistan? Once Bush left office, you decided to stop spazzing about that. Convenient, eh?

I've said many times here I think we need to pull out of Afghanistan immediately.

Many. Times.

But at least Obama did what Bush couldn't do. He killed Bin Laden.
And when did I do this? And you want to talk about ill-defined; just what the hell is Obama doing in Afghanistan? Once Bush left office, you decided to stop spazzing about that. Convenient, eh?

I've said many times here I think we need to pull out of Afghanistan immediately.

Many. Times.

But at least Obama did what Bush couldn't do. He killed Bin Laden.

And I've said many times that I'm not a Bush fan. Bush didn't kill OBL to keep the military complex in full swing; for that same reason neither did Obama for a while. The only reason he did is that he needed an election bump.
And when did I do this? And you want to talk about ill-defined; just what the hell is Obama doing in Afghanistan? Once Bush left office, you decided to stop spazzing about that. Convenient, eh?

I've said many times here I think we need to pull out of Afghanistan immediately.

Many. Times.

But at least Obama did what Bush couldn't do. He killed Bin Laden.

And I've said many times that I'm not a Bush fan. Bush didn't kill OBL to keep the military complex in full swing; for that same reason neither did Obama for a while. The only reason he did is that he needed an election bump.

In May? In a completely non-election year?

Are you saying The O'bama can't read a calendar?
And when did I do this? And you want to talk about ill-defined; just what the hell is Obama doing in Afghanistan? Once Bush left office, you decided to stop spazzing about that. Convenient, eh?

I've said many times here I think we need to pull out of Afghanistan immediately.

Many. Times.

But at least Obama did what Bush couldn't do. He killed Bin Laden.

And I've said many times that I'm not a Bush fan. Bush didn't kill OBL to keep the military complex in full swing; for that same reason neither did Obama for a while. The only reason he did is that he needed an election bump.
Of course you think the war on terror ended with the death of OBL. It explains much.
And when did I do this? And you want to talk about ill-defined; just what the hell is Obama doing in Afghanistan? Once Bush left office, you decided to stop spazzing about that. Convenient, eh?

I've said many times here I think we need to pull out of Afghanistan immediately.

Many. Times.

But at least Obama did what Bush couldn't do. He killed Bin Laden.

And I've said many times that I'm not a Bush fan. Bush didn't kill OBL to keep the military complex in full swing; for that same reason neither did Obama for a while. The only reason he did is that he needed an election bump.

In May? In a completely non-election year?

Are you saying The O'bama can't read a calendar?

Just before his campaign got underway; he needed the talking point. He certainly couldn't run on the myth that he saved us from a depression.
And when did I do this? And you want to talk about ill-defined; just what the hell is Obama doing in Afghanistan? Once Bush left office, you decided to stop spazzing about that. Convenient, eh?

I've said many times here I think we need to pull out of Afghanistan immediately.

Many. Times.

But at least Obama did what Bush couldn't do. He killed Bin Laden.

And I've said many times that I'm not a Bush fan. Bush didn't kill OBL to keep the military complex in full swing; for that same reason neither did Obama for a while. The only reason he did is that he needed an election bump.
Of course you think the war on terror ended with the death of OBL. It explains much.

I didn't say that, dude.
And when did I do this? And you want to talk about ill-defined; just what the hell is Obama doing in Afghanistan? Once Bush left office, you decided to stop spazzing about that. Convenient, eh?

I've said many times here I think we need to pull out of Afghanistan immediately.

Many. Times.

But at least Obama did what Bush couldn't do. He killed Bin Laden.

And I've said many times that I'm not a Bush fan. Bush didn't kill OBL to keep the military complex in full swing; for that same reason neither did Obama for a while. The only reason he did is that he needed an election bump.

In May? In a completely non-election year?

Are you saying The O'bama can't read a calendar?

Just before his campaign got underway; he needed the talking point. He certainly couldn't run on the myth that he saved us from a depression.

May of 2011 was a "campaign"?

Seems to me you could hardly pick a spot on the calendar farther away from a campaign. Mid-term was over and it wasn't even an election year.

Ever heard the term "October surprise"? Know why it's dated in October?
The reason why they do these horrible things to their own people is because they are stuck with these horrible religious beliefs that are drilled into their heads from a very young age, and this religion (Islam) has a LOT of violent interpretations, and a lot of these people agree with Sharia law, as this is what they know, and to deny that it is based upon their religious beliefs is beyond ignorant. THAT is the reason why their culture is stuck in the dark ages, because of their religious beliefs.

Dark ages it clearly is. But you're putting the cart before the horse. Islam didn't bring this shit in. And it hasn't ushered it out either. But the same is true in India among Hindus and Sikhs.

If you have a leak in your roof over "here" -- you can patch just that leak and ignore the rest of the rotting roof where it's originating -- and then await the next leak to do the same patch job again, somehow expecting longer-lasting results.

OR.... you can replace the roof itself that's generating "this" leak... and "that" leak... and "the next future" leak.

Which do you think is more effective?

Attack the disease, not the symptom.

The problem is isolated people being taught outdated ancient religious beliefs.
The reason why they do these horrible things to their own people is because they are stuck with these horrible religious beliefs that are drilled into their heads from a very young age, and this religion (Islam) has a LOT of violent interpretations, and a lot of these people agree with Sharia law, as this is what they know, and to deny that it is based upon their religious beliefs is beyond ignorant. THAT is the reason why their culture is stuck in the dark ages, because of their religious beliefs.

Dark ages it clearly is. But you're putting the cart before the horse. Islam didn't bring this shit in. And it hasn't ushered it out either. But the same is true in India among Hindus and Sikhs.

If you have a leak in your roof over "here" -- you can patch just that leak and ignore the rest of the rotting roof where it's originating -- and then await the next leak to do the same patch job again, somehow expecting longer-lasting results.

OR.... you can replace the roof itself that's generating "this" leak... and "that" leak... and "the next future" leak.

Which do you think is more effective?

Attack the disease, not the symptom.

The problem is isolated people being taught outdated ancient religious beliefs.

That has always been a problem.
And so, even more, has perpetuating ancient tribal customs that are even more outdated.
The reason why they do these horrible things to their own people is because they are stuck with these horrible religious beliefs that are drilled into their heads from a very young age, and this religion (Islam) has a LOT of violent interpretations, and a lot of these people agree with Sharia law, as this is what they know, and to deny that it is based upon their religious beliefs is beyond ignorant. THAT is the reason why their culture is stuck in the dark ages, because of their religious beliefs.

Dark ages it clearly is. But you're putting the cart before the horse. Islam didn't bring this shit in. And it hasn't ushered it out either. But the same is true in India among Hindus and Sikhs.

If you have a leak in your roof over "here" -- you can patch just that leak and ignore the rest of the rotting roof where it's originating -- and then await the next leak to do the same patch job again, somehow expecting longer-lasting results.

OR.... you can replace the roof itself that's generating "this" leak... and "that" leak... and "the next future" leak.

Which do you think is more effective?

Attack the disease, not the symptom.

The problem is isolated people being taught outdated ancient religious beliefs.

That has always been a problem.
And so, even more, has perpetuating ancient tribal customs that are even more outdated.

Sharia law is based on their religious beliefs. Sharia law is Islamic law.
The reason why they do these horrible things to their own people is because they are stuck with these horrible religious beliefs that are drilled into their heads from a very young age, and this religion (Islam) has a LOT of violent interpretations, and a lot of these people agree with Sharia law, as this is what they know, and to deny that it is based upon their religious beliefs is beyond ignorant. THAT is the reason why their culture is stuck in the dark ages, because of their religious beliefs.

Dark ages it clearly is. But you're putting the cart before the horse. Islam didn't bring this shit in. And it hasn't ushered it out either. But the same is true in India among Hindus and Sikhs.

If you have a leak in your roof over "here" -- you can patch just that leak and ignore the rest of the rotting roof where it's originating -- and then await the next leak to do the same patch job again, somehow expecting longer-lasting results.

OR.... you can replace the roof itself that's generating "this" leak... and "that" leak... and "the next future" leak.

Which do you think is more effective?

Attack the disease, not the symptom.

The problem is isolated people being taught outdated ancient religious beliefs.

That has always been a problem.
And so, even more, has perpetuating ancient tribal customs that are even more outdated.

Sharia law is based on their religious beliefs. Sharia law is Islamic law.

That it is.
We should also note that oil, coal, and natural gas are Colorado's chief mined products, followed by sand and gravel, gold, molybdenum and, to a lesser degree, copper, lead, silver, and zinc, granite and limestone.
The reason why they do these horrible things to their own people is because they are stuck with these horrible religious beliefs that are drilled into their heads from a very young age, and this religion (Islam) has a LOT of violent interpretations, and a lot of these people agree with Sharia law, as this is what they know, and to deny that it is based upon their religious beliefs is beyond ignorant. THAT is the reason why their culture is stuck in the dark ages, because of their religious beliefs.

Dark ages it clearly is. But you're putting the cart before the horse. Islam didn't bring this shit in. And it hasn't ushered it out either. But the same is true in India among Hindus and Sikhs.

If you have a leak in your roof over "here" -- you can patch just that leak and ignore the rest of the rotting roof where it's originating -- and then await the next leak to do the same patch job again, somehow expecting longer-lasting results.

OR.... you can replace the roof itself that's generating "this" leak... and "that" leak... and "the next future" leak.

Which do you think is more effective?

Attack the disease, not the symptom.

The problem is isolated people being taught outdated ancient religious beliefs.

That has always been a problem.
And so, even more, has perpetuating ancient tribal customs that are even more outdated.

Sharia law is based on their religious beliefs. Sharia law is Islamic law.

That it is.
We should also note that oil, coal, and natural gas are Colorado's chief mined products, followed by sand and gravel, gold, molybdenum and, to a lesser degree, copper, lead, silver, and zinc, granite and limestone.

Well, that is the belief that commands stonings and other such atrocities that we hear about happening in the ME. It's because of ignorance, isolation and crazy religious beliefs that are hammered into their heads from the time they are just babies by their crazy imams and their rogue governments and leaders that want to, of course, put the attention on anyone else but themselves as they plunder and steal from their own people and leave them in poverty and suffering.
Dark ages it clearly is. But you're putting the cart before the horse. Islam didn't bring this shit in. And it hasn't ushered it out either. But the same is true in India among Hindus and Sikhs.

If you have a leak in your roof over "here" -- you can patch just that leak and ignore the rest of the rotting roof where it's originating -- and then await the next leak to do the same patch job again, somehow expecting longer-lasting results.

OR.... you can replace the roof itself that's generating "this" leak... and "that" leak... and "the next future" leak.

Which do you think is more effective?

Attack the disease, not the symptom.

The problem is isolated people being taught outdated ancient religious beliefs.

That has always been a problem.
And so, even more, has perpetuating ancient tribal customs that are even more outdated.

Sharia law is based on their religious beliefs. Sharia law is Islamic law.

That it is.
We should also note that oil, coal, and natural gas are Colorado's chief mined products, followed by sand and gravel, gold, molybdenum and, to a lesser degree, copper, lead, silver, and zinc, granite and limestone.

Well, that is the belief that commands stonings and other such atrocities that we hear about happening in the ME. It's because of ignorance, isolation and crazy religious beliefs that are hammered into their heads from the time they are just babies by their crazy imams and their rogue governments and leaders that want to, of course, put the attention on anyone else but themselves as they plunder and steal from their own people and leave them in poverty and suffering.

And how does India do it without imams?

See? That won't go away.

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