Aaaand here she is. Harris and the PASSAGE OF TIME.

Is that the best defense of your illiterate pick for leader that you have. Incompetent.
Any time some dippy Dimtard makes a fool of herself all Dimtards think anyone who laughs at their dipshittery wants to sleep with them.

If anyone even thought about dipping their wick in that science experiment cesspool she calls a crotch they would likely catch something terminal.
I can’t wait for her to take over for Joe.
The adults are back in charge!

"The significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time...there is such great significance to the passage of time."

That stupid bitch is so full of shit. Like everyone else in this administration, they don't have a clue. They're winging it. They're making it all up as they go along, and are consistently making the wrong decisions.

Like I said from day one, I hope the Biden administration fails, and they are doing just that.

It has seen these types of speeches before. The usage of a key phrase or binding word, which an entire speech is built around.

"I have a dream", "a thousand points of light".

However it lacks the mental wattage to actually formulate anything near those examples.

Which makes me wonder, how did it ever get through law school?

You can't suck EVERYONE off...can you?
That stupid bitch is so full of shit. Like everyone else in this administration, they don't have a clue. They're winging it. They're making it all up as they go along, and are consistently making the wrong decisions.

Like I said from day one, I hope the Biden administration fails, and they are doing just that.
You see, words are words, and if we use words the words can be a word. But if you don’t use words, the words lose their meaning, so then they become words without words, and it’s important we always have words with words.
You see, words are words, and if we use words the words can be a word. But if you don’t use words, the words lose their meaning, so then they become words without words, and it’s important we always have words with words.

So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for.

read the posts by her supporters here on this forum. Its the same word salad bullshit with no meaning or any relevance to the topic at hand.

its like they all went to school to learn how to do this shit!!!!!!!
She is literally in possession of an IQ in the upper 70's, to very low 80's, its horrifying this cretin is 2nd to the obscenely corrupt geriatric psychopath, she must be removed from office, a case can be made that this is specifically what the 25th amendment was intended for, it is entirely untenable she was appointed to so high a position, let alone next in line to the presidency, she cannot open her mouth without making a laughingstock of herself.... :banana:


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