Aaaand, just when you thought liberal white women couldn't be dumber, Sally Field said.....

"Sally Field" is now "Liberal white women"? Uhhmmm.... isn't that a plural?

She must have gained a lot of weight? :dunno:

Composition Fallacies aside (where they belong) --- what's wrong with what she said?

You think women are powerless, ugly, destructive and deceitful?

You think "women" and "c-ts" are synonyms?

You think "Sally Field" is "all liberal white women"?

Me neither.

Try to address the point I actually made instead of trying to deflect off elsewhere. As for the etymology, I did that last week; if I find time I'll repost it, but for now consider the word "queen" and tell me why it's not an insult.
Words change meanings, cvnt.

Gay once meant happy, then it meant homo, now it means embarrassing. No matter it's origin, my cvnt.

Nope, you're conflating gay and ghey there, but you do bring up a salient example.

"Gay" used to be a slur lobbed against homosexuals. Then they adopted it, per your own 109 post. And that disarmed it. Perfect example.

Had they not done that, it may have retained slur power.

As I keep hammering into the denser crania among us, a term can only be an insult if both the sending and receiving party agree that it is. Once that agreement is broken, so is its power.

Words do change meanings, of course. Arguably that's what Sally Field is doing here. To some degree it's also what Sam Bee was doing and in fact what all these threads about it are doing, by simple exposure to the sunshine.

And that's a good thing.

It's no secret that I pepper my posts here with what's considered salty terminology. I do that because the more they're used, the less power they fucking retain. Lexicographical disarmament.
Then call women cvnts and get your eyes scratched out.

Fine by me, you silly cvnt.

Read your own post 109 and take your own advice.
It's recognized as such. Call women that word and watch them be flattered.

Apparently, "insult" is yet another concept that's too complicated for leftists, huh?

Apparently it's almost as too-complicated as "Composition Fallacy".

I couldn't say, since I'M not the one who's acting all bewildered about what an insult is.

I'm not in the least "bewildered". I know the whole etymology.

I don't pose these questions because I'm looking for an answer. I ask them so that the askees will ask themselves something they didn't think to ask themselves before.

That too deep?

From what I can tell, you know what you THINK the etymology is. You're pretty well-known for "knowing" a lot of things that are incorrect.

You pose these questions to imply that the question IS the answer. Don't bullshit me.

I know enough not to bullshit you. It wouldn't work.

And it doesn't work in the opposite direction, for the same reason. :)
Mount of Venus. Vajayjay, twat, cvnt, hooha, hoohoo. Am I missing any?

Never heard of "Vajayjay". That sounds like the name you get when you call tech support.

Although I have to say, half that list just looks like toddler terms.

Is that the answer? Some of us just can't grow up? :eusa_think:
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Pogo's argument about the c-word is highly speculative, making assumptions about things that are unknown. Cecilie1200's argument is presented using known definitions and usage of the word.
You think "women" and "c-ts" are synonyms?

You think "Sally Field" is "all liberal white women"?

Me neither.

Try to address the point I actually made instead of trying to deflect off elsewhere. As for the etymology, I did that last week; if I find time I'll repost it, but for now consider the word "queen" and tell me why it's not an insult.
Words change meanings, cvnt.

Gay once meant happy, then it meant homo, now it means embarrassing. No matter it's origin, my cvnt.

Nope, you're conflating gay and ghey there, but you do bring up a salient example.

"Gay" used to be a slur lobbed against homosexuals. Then they adopted it, per your own 109 post. And that disarmed it. Perfect example.

Had they not done that, it may have retained slur power.

As I keep hammering into the denser crania among us, a term can only be an insult if both the sending and receiving party agree that it is. Once that agreement is broken, so is its power.

Words do change meanings, of course. Arguably that's what Sally Field is doing here. To some degree it's also what Sam Bee was doing and in fact what all these threads about it are doing, by simple exposure to the sunshine.

And that's a good thing.

It's no secret that I pepper my posts here with what's considered salty terminology. I do that because the more they're used, the less power they fucking retain. Lexicographical disarmament.
Then call women cvnts and get your eyes scratched out.

Fine by me, you silly cvnt.

Read your own post 109 and take your own advice.
It was a sarcastic reference to the rat's nest logic of the dreaded N-word, you feckless cvnt.

But there is no sense in arguing. Use the word and get your eyes scratched out. When you're blind you can explain your attackers mistake in etymology.
“I like Samantha Bee a lot, but she is flat wrong to call Ivanka a c–t,” Field wrote. “C–ts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.” Sally Field


Liberal (left winger) white women.

Nothing dumber.
Leftards in the "party of women's rights" are now trying to say that calling someone a "****" is actually a complement. These people are truly mentally ill.

Please to go ahead and essplain to the class why it's a slur. You still have time to be the first, we only opened this question last week.

A word is a slur when the use of it is properly determined to be a slur by those who hear it. Words are used to convey thoughts to others, and have no other proper use. Calling a woman a **** is conveying the thought that she is nothing more than what she has between her legs.
“I like Samantha Bee a lot, but she is flat wrong to call Ivanka a c–t,” Field wrote. “C–ts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.” Sally Field


Liberal (left winger) white women.

Nothing dumber.

"Adulterers, Adulteresses, Whore-masters, Whores, Bawdes, Panders, Ruffians, Roarers, Drunkards, Prodigals, Cheaters, idle, infamous, base, profane, and godlesse persons, who hate all grace, all goodnesse, and make a mock of piety."
Henry Prynne on actors.
Pogo's argument about the c-word is highly speculative, making assumptions about things that are unknown. Cecilie1200's argument is presented using known definitions and usage of the word.

Want a road map, Newcomer? Watch this.

If you call somebody, say, "asshole" -- how is that an insult? It's an insult because you're suggesting they're an outlet of, or covered in, fecal matter. Waste material.

There's your reasoning for "asshole" being an insult.

If you call someone "moron" --- as Cecile just did to me --- it's an insult because she's disparaging my level of intelligence. Which is a bit ironic since she knows better and had admitted as much, but there you have the reason why "moron" is a insult.

Now if you call someone a "****" --- or, for that matter a "dick" -- the reason it's an insult is.............................?

See how this works? "Because you've always been told it is" is not sufficient here.
“I like Samantha Bee a lot, but she is flat wrong to call Ivanka a c–t,” Field wrote. “C–ts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.” Sally Field


Liberal (left winger) white women.

Nothing dumber.

"Sally Field" is now "Liberal white women"? Uhhmmm.... isn't that a plural?

She must have gained a lot of weight? :dunno:

Composition Fallacies aside (where they belong) --- what's wrong with what she said?

You think women are powerless, ugly, destructive and deceitful?

You think "women" and "c-ts" are synonyms?

You think "Sally Field" is "all liberal white women"?

Me neither.

Try to address the point I actually made instead of trying to deflect off elsewhere. As for the etymology, I did that last week; if I find time I'll repost it, but for now consider the word "queen" and tell me why it's not an insult.

I don't think the OP said she WAS "all liberal white women". I think YOU are deliberately trying to misinterpret and misunderstand what was said in order to derail the conversation into an utterly meaningless and pointless quibble about nothing.

The OP said "just when you thought liberal white women couldn't get dumber". Sally Fields is a liberal white woman, and she got dumber than I previously believed was possible for someone of that designation. So it's accurate. Move the fuck along.

NOPE. I'm afraid the fuck not. Had the OP said "just when you thought Sally Field couldn't get any dumber" THEN he'd be free of his Composition Fallacy.

But that's not what he said, is it.

C'mon don't let me down here --- I already know for a fact that you're intelligent enough to figure this out. Is that impression inaccurate?

Depends on whether or not you think "intelligent" is defined as "agreeing with Pogo". I can assure you that I don't, but then, I also understand the concept of an insult without having a diagram drawn for me.

Again, the OP said "liberal white women can't get dumber", and then gave an example of a liberal white woman doing just that. You can nitpick until the cows come home, but it won't change the facts, and it won't derail the conversation away from "attempting to define c-t as a compliment is fucking stupid". And I've already demonstrated that I'm plenty intelligent enough to know that's what you're trying to do.

We're done quibbling about this. If you want to rant and rage about how the entire thread is invalidated for whatever reason, feel free to do it by yourself, or leave the "invalidated" thread.

I have no intention of "considering" another word entirely as though it's somehow relevant to the topic. If you're not capable of using your Internet connection for something other than porn and HuffPo, I'll help you out, because I'm feeling generous.

The etymology of **** is a matter of debate,[6] but most sources consider the word to have derived from a Germanic word (Proto-Germanic *kuntō, stem *kuntōn-), which appeared as kunta in Old Norse. Scholars are uncertain of the origin of the Proto-Germanic form itself.[7] There are cognates in most Germanic languages, such as the Swedish, Faroese and Nynorsk kunta; West Frisian and Middle Low German kunte; Middle Dutch conte; Dutch kut and kont; Middle Low German kutte; Middle High German kotze ("prostitute"); German kott, and perhaps Old English cot. The etymology of the Proto-Germanic term is disputed. It may have arisen by Grimm's law operating on the Proto-Indo-European root *gen/gon"create, become" seen in gonads, genital, gamete, genetics, gene, or the Proto-Indo-European root *gʷneh₂/guneh₂ "woman" (Greek: gunê, seen in gynaecology). Relationships to similar-sounding words such as the Latin cunnus ("vulva"), and its derivatives French con, Spanish coño, and Portuguese cona, or in Persian kun (کون), have not been conclusively demonstrated. Other Latin words related to cunnus are cuneus ("wedge") and its derivative cunēre ("to fasten with a wedge", (figurative) "to squeeze in"), leading to English words such as cuneiform ("wedge-shaped"). In Middle English, **** appeared with many spellings, such as coynte, cunte and queynte, which did not always reflect the actual pronunciationof the word.

Not seeing "queen" in there. And it really doesn't matter if you think they sound similar, or derive from similar sources. Queen means one thing, and c-t means another. And frankly, even if you want to look farther back to when it was considered less vulgar than it is now, there's not a complimentary way to call a woman by ANY word that means "vagina", including "vagina". I don't think you're going to have much luck turning it into a positive term of empowerment to reduce a woman's sum total of existence to her genitals.

They do indeed derive from common roots, and it you can't be bothered to find my previous treatise I'll get to it eventually (thank me later) I have no need for "help" --- I already laid out a more comprehensive examination a week ago. Until we get to that, the question was why "****" is an insult, yet "queen" is not.

Also noted along the way was that the Swedish word for "woman" is kvinna.
Then there's the name "Gwen"....

As far as equating one's being to one's genitals, another side road we already went down while you were away, again without sufficient answer, was why it's at the same time OK to call a man a "dick". Feel free to try your hand at that, because nobody else could. But since you can't answer the fist question I don't hold a lot of expectoration for the second.

I CAN'T be bothered, because I assume your "previous treatise" is a giant steaming pile of dog dung. And I'll thank you not to waste everyone's time with it.

You can lay out examinations until the cows come home. Not gonna change the fact that there is no world where you are going to convince women to be complimented by a word meaning "vagina". Also not going to change the fact that you're going to be in pain of some sort before you get more than two words of your argument out.

Oh, and it's not "equating" it with genitals; that's what it means. And I don't give a fuck if you "went down that road" or not. That's what it means. If you want to try to make the argument that words don't really mean anything, then I'm going to have to ask what you think you're accomplishing by sitting here, posting all these meaningless collections of letters.

And it's NOT okay to call a man a dick. It's an insult. Is it as offensive an insult as c-t? Probably not. Doesn't mean it isn't still an insult.

Finally, I answered your question. You didn't bother to read the answer, judging by the fact that you "responded" with something that made almost no reference to what I said, but that doesn't mean I didn't answer.
Depends on whether or not you think "intelligent" is defined as "agreeing with Pogo". I

Wrongo. Find me any dictionary definition, anywhere, that includes the word "Pogo".

Again, the OP said "liberal white women can't get dumber", and then gave an example of a liberal white woman doing just that.

Which is EXACTLY what Composition Fallacy is. All he did was place his conclusion first.

Composition Fallacy is NEVER a valid argument, PERIOD.

I CAN'T be bothered, because I assume your "previous treatise" is a giant steaming pile of dog dung. And I'll thank you not to waste everyone's time with it.

The short form is :lalala:

Doesn't matter. On the theory that some other reader may find it of interest I'll regurgitate it when I get the time to go search for it (them). You can then ignore its points to your cold heart's content. I only sat down here to take a Zevia break from a lot of work I have to do.

And I don't recommend Zevia btw. It's got that Stevia aftertaste. :puke:

And it's NOT okay to call a man a dick. It's an insult. Is it as offensive an insult as c-t? Probably not.

You're almost getting warm here ---- **WHY** is it "not as offensive"? Whence cometh this degree scale?
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Pogo's argument about the c-word is highly speculative, making assumptions about things that are unknown. Cecilie1200's argument is presented using known definitions and usage of the word.

Want a road map, Newcomer? Watch this.

If you call somebody, say, "asshole" -- how is that an insult? It's an insult because you're suggesting they're an outlet of, or covered in, fecal matter. Waste material.

There's your reasoning for "asshole" being an insult.

If you call someone "moron" --- as Cecile just did to me --- it's an insult because she's disparaging my level of intelligence. Which is a bit ironic since she knows better and had admitted as much, but there you have the reason why "moron" is a insult.

Now if you call someone a "****" --- or, for that matter a "dick" -- the reason it's an insult is.............................?

See how this works? "Because you've always been told it is" is not sufficient here.

You would already have the answer, had you bothered to actually READ any of my posts, rather than just skimming the first sentence and then posting whatever it was you had already written, because you're apparently conversing with yourself.

Third time for the thinking-impaired: calling a human being a word - particularly a vulgar or crude word - for genitalia is an insult because it is intended to reduce their existence and identity as a person to basest component, particularly in a society where common decency has long held that it is crass and low-class to discuss sex and other personal acts.

Furthermore, I don't know anyone - including Sally Field - who actually applies that word to a person WITHOUT meaning it as an insult. She - and you - can argue otherwise until your faces turn blue. Don't care. Neither one of you has EVER called someone a c-t without intending it to be offensive, and intent and context are quite important in communication.

For the record, I can also assure you that if you call a woman a vagina, you're just about as likely to get slapped.

Now. Perhaps you can feel like you have accomplished something deep and scholarly and meaningful by demanding a detailed, illustrated explanation of something so painfully obvious my 3rd grader wouldn't have had to ask; I can't imagine why, but then, I'm not you.
Let me simplify for you, simpleton.

It's an insult.

It's always an insult.

It's arguably the worst, most unforgivable insult you can use to a woman.

Sally Fields may be trying to "reclaim" it - as though it has ever been anything BUT an insult - but it ain't gonna happen. I am willing to bet money that using it to a woman is always going to be viewed as justifiable cause for slapping you until your eyes switch sockets.

Once again -- I wouldn't purport to speak for Sally Fields' intentions, even though the theory is strong. But that's not my point. My point is to solicit any basis of reasoning --- other than circular --- for the premise "it's an insult" --- let alone "it's always an insult" (which is demonstrably false).

The question was, is now, and ever shall be, **WHY** it is "an insult". That that question cannot be answered is in fact, the answer.

I don't accept premises that cannot show their "why". No one should.

It's a moot point at this point, as the poster I directed that question to above, eventually grokked exactly what I was getting at, in post 109. You should read it.

Did you seriously just ask why an insult is an insult? What part of this concept escapes you?

See what I mean? I just noted (again) that the question has no answer, and you just demonstrated what I said.

No, I demonstrated that you're a frigging moron if you have to actually have the answer explained, and that sane people are flabbergasted when leftists try this whole "nothing has any real meaning" bullshit.

Look, Spanky, words have meanings. That's their entire purpose for existing. They have denotations and connotations (and if you don't know what THOSE are, look them the eff up). They are created specifically for the purpose of verbally symbolizing both of them.

The word "c-t" was created to mean "vagina" (its denotation) and to be used in rather crude circumstances (its connotation). The connotation of it as a vulgar, low-class word has been strengthened and reinforced greatly since the 19th century or so, in large part because most modern-day societies tend to view discussion of genitals to be impolite to start with. But there's also the fact that THAT particular word now very much DENOTES the lowest and most vulgar reference to a vagina that one can make. That usage is the word's purpose for existence in our society.

And again, I don't think you're ever going to successfully convince women at large that being referred to as their genital organ - by ANY name - is a compliment.

AGAIN Circular Reasoning. You can't answer the question.
I already know that.

Nope, nothing circular about saying, "this is what the word means".

The only circular reasoning here is you saying, "I already know that", and then immediately denying that you know it.
Pogo's argument about the c-word is highly speculative, making assumptions about things that are unknown. Cecilie1200's argument is presented using known definitions and usage of the word.

Want a road map, Newcomer? Watch this.

If you call somebody, say, "asshole" -- how is that an insult? It's an insult because you're suggesting they're an outlet of, or covered in, fecal matter. Waste material.

There's your reasoning for "asshole" being an insult.

If you call someone "moron" --- as Cecile just did to me --- it's an insult because she's disparaging my level of intelligence. Which is a bit ironic since she knows better and had admitted as much, but there you have the reason why "moron" is a insult.

Now if you call someone a "****" --- or, for that matter a "dick" -- the reason it's an insult is.............................?

See how this works? "Because you've always been told it is" is not sufficient here.

You would already have the answer, had you bothered to actually READ any of my posts, rather than just skimming the first sentence and then posting whatever it was you had already written, because you're apparently conversing with yourself.

Third time for the thinking-impaired: calling a human being a word - particularly a vulgar or crude word - for genitalia is an insult because it is intended to reduce their existence and identity as a person to basest component, particularly in a society where common decency has long held that it is crass and low-class to discuss sex and other personal acts.

Furthermore, I don't know anyone - including Sally Field - who actually applies that word to a person WITHOUT meaning it as an insult. She - and you - can argue otherwise until your faces turn blue. Don't care. Neither one of you has EVER called someone a c-t without intending it to be offensive, and intent and context are quite important in communication.

For the record, I can also assure you that if you call a woman a vagina, you're just about as likely to get slapped.

Now. Perhaps you can feel like you have accomplished something deep and scholarly and meaningful by demanding a detailed, illustrated explanation of something so painfully obvious my 3rd grader wouldn't have had to ask; I can't imagine why, but then, I'm not you.

You seem to have no clue what Circular Reasoning is, yet your every post depends on it like oxygen.

Again -- : "it is because it is" is not an answer. It's a cop-out. "It's painfully obvious" is not an answer. "Everybody knows" is not an answer. "Go try it and see what it gets you" is not an answer.

Zevia has been consumed, however reluctantly. I'm back to work. Aloha.
Depends on whether or not you think "intelligent" is defined as "agreeing with Pogo". I

Wrongo. Find me any dictionary definition, anywhere, that includes the word "Pogo".

Again, the OP said "liberal white women can't get dumber", and then gave an example of a liberal white woman doing just that.

Which is EXACTLY what Composition Fallacy is. All he did was place his conclusion first.

Composition Fallacy is NEVER a valid argument, PERIOD.

I CAN'T be bothered, because I assume your "previous treatise" is a giant steaming pile of dog dung. And I'll thank you not to waste everyone's time with it.

The short form is :lalala:

Doesn't matter. On the theory that some other reader may find it of interest I'll regurgitate it when I get the time to go search for it (them). You can then ignore its points to your cold heart's content. I only sat down here to take a Zevia break from a lot of work I have to do.

And I don't recommend Zevia btw. It's got that Stevia aftertaste. :puke:

And it's NOT okay to call a man a dick. It's an insult. Is it as offensive an insult as c-t? Probably not.

You're almost getting warm here ---- **WHY** is it "not as offensive"? Whence cometh this degree scale?

Because "dick" isn't as vulgar a word as "c-t". If I wanted to call a man something as insulting as "c-t" is to a woman, I'd call him something else. Degree scale comes from the same place the denotation and connotation did.
Now if you call someone a "****" --- or, for that matter a "dick" -- the reason it's an insult is.............................?

See how this works? "Because you've always been told it is" is not sufficient here.

Yeah, whatever, dickface.

See how that works? :04:


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