Aaand, now time for more lib blatant hypocrisy. Liberals comparing Trump to orangutan.

I don't think he looks much like an orangutan, there are other species which look more like him, but I won't post them in respect for the primates.
Well, he does resemble a orangutan.
Iā€™m not seeing a problem here :dunno:

And Rosanne thought Valerie Jarrett resembled the character from Planet of the Apes. So, I think that those who have accused people like you of being hypocrites were correct..

I have a box if you need one.
Youā€™re the one crying because celebrities canā€™t get away with calling black people apes

Strange. I don't think I cried a bit because it doesn't affect me or my belief system. YOU however, seem all torn up because you've shown yourself to be a hypocrite. So, dab your eyes and stop being such an ass.
Call a man's daughter a 'Feckless C u n t' on national tv, Democrat comrades give you an award. Can't make this crazy chit up...

Sam Bee To Win Award For ā€˜Advancing Social Changeā€™ After Calling Ivanka ā€˜Feckless C**tā€™

The day after Roseanne Barr was fired by ABC for sending an offensive tweet about former Barack Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett, liberal comedian/activist Samantha Bee launched her own offensive attack against a presidential adviser. This time it was Ivanka Trump, with Bee calling her a ā€œfeckless c**tā€ on her show last night over President Trumpā€™s stance on illegal immigration. Tonight, Bee is scheduled to receive an award from the Television Academy for ā€œadvancing social change.ā€ Were it not for double standards...

She also implied incest between Ivanka and her father because thatā€™s what passes for funny these days with leftists...

Sam Bee To Win Award For ā€˜Advancing Social Changeā€™ After Calling Ivanka ā€˜Feckless C**tā€™

Ivanka is in the public eye. She's not a protected species just like Chelsea never was.

Her posting a photo of her and a child, didn't warrant being called a 'Feckless C u n t.' Shame on you for defending Bee. She's a very bad person.

Is that why she called her that name? I doubt that.

Ivanka is a victim of incest.

So you call a victim of incest a 'Feckless C u n t' on national tv? Yeah, you should probably STFU now. You sound so damn ignorant.
Truth Hertz? In the UK and Commonwealth not such a bad word... Be e is from Canada. Many t-shirts saying she's a c*** about Hillary were worn By deplorables... At any rate racism is worse bigly...

As were Obama supporters having ā€œPalin is a ****ā€, T-shirts, they were deplorables also.
Truth Hertz? In the UK and Commonwealth not such a bad word... Be e is from Canada. Many t-shirts saying she's a c*** about Hillary were worn By deplorables... At any rate racism is worse bigly...

Who do you think you're kiddin? If a Republican called Obama's daughter a 'Feckless C u n t' on national tv, you'd calling for their head on a platter 24/7. Try puttin politics aside for a sec, and be an honorable human being.
When you guys start being honorable we will.

True you donā€™t go after kids unless they work for the administration then the gloves are off. He didnā€™t have to hire her.

But feckless **** was going too far. But sheā€™s just a comedian. Remember you guys never wanted to give the daily show credit for being News? Now youā€™re treating it as anything other than what it was which is a liberal comedy show.

Sam b didnā€™t offend her viewers. Rosanne offended a lot of people who watch her show. ABC has the right to fire her and USA has the right to stick with Sam b.

What are you going to do continue to not watch her show?

Yeah, now you're just being a disingenuous hypocrite. If a Republican had called Obama's daughter a 'Feckless C u n t' in national tv, i'm positive you'd have a completely different take. Stop trying to defend the indefensible. Be a human being.
Comparing a 14 year old or whatever 2 a multi-millionaire probably corrupt top advisor of the president causing so much harm is ridiculous, as is comparing a truthful joke blatant racism. The word she used is not taken so seriously in the British Commonwealth. Sam is from Canada and has learned a lesson. Poor Roseanne watched Fox for too long and probably has not, the poor brainwashed dingbat.

Stop defending the indefensible. Join the human race.
Fake outrage

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