Aaron Schock says he will resign from Congress

"There's already a thread on this. Learn the rules, retarded person."

I bet if it had been a Democrat you wouldn't be saying that.

If it were a Democrat there would have been 20 threads on it. If it were a totally false exercise in rightwing propaganda,

like Benghazi,

there would have been 200 threads on it.

Only a desperate shitbird would compare the murder of 4 Americans to the resignation of a Congressman.
The real comparison, to my mind, would be a Democrat guilty of the same sorts of offenses. Charlie Rangel violated a range of ethics rules, such as House gift rules and failure to report income and assets.

He, of course, was a Democrat, so did not step down.
Corrupt republicans always resign. Corrupt democrats brag about it. Case in point a former legendary Pa. congressman John Murtha (the king of pork) who once quipped "if i'm corrupt it's because I bring taxpayer dollars to my district".
Urban legend, son; however, you are right that John was an arrogant SOB.
Aaron Schock resigns after new questions about mileage expenses

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/aaron-schock-resigns-116153.html#ixzz3UkNttxE9

"Schock’s resignation marks a swift downfall of one of the GOP’s most promising young stars and prolific fundraisers. The former state legislator was elected to Congress in 2008 and shot through the ranks of the House GOP, at one point gracing the cover of Men’s Health magazine. He was a fresh face in a party eager to update its image.

But as his prominence grew, Schock adopted an expensive lifestyle — staying in luxury hotels, dining at pricey restaurants, flying on private jets. Mounting questions about how he paid for it eventually caught up with him."

When will it end?

Throw all the corrupt politicians in jail.
Term limits, now.
Shrink government by 50%.

Congress would be emptied out,
no millionaires would be interested in running for office
and let's start the shrinkage with your cutting out your SS.

Congress would be emptied out


no millionaires would be interested in running for office

Make government small enough, no one will want to buy it either.

and let's start the shrinkage with your cutting out your SS.

Glad we agree, privatizing Social Security is my top priority!
"There's already a thread on this. Learn the rules, retarded person."

I bet if it had been a Democrat you wouldn't be saying that.

If it were a Democrat there would have been 20 threads on it. If it were a totally false exercise in rightwing propaganda,

like Benghazi,

there would have been 200 threads on it.

You don't get much sleazier than Charlie Rangel...so remind again when it was that Goodtime Charlie resigned? Oh...that's right...he hasn't!
"There's already a thread on this. Learn the rules, retarded person."

I bet if it had been a Democrat you wouldn't be saying that.

If it were a Democrat there would have been 20 threads on it. If it were a totally false exercise in rightwing propaganda,

like Benghazi,

there would have been 200 threads on it.

Only a desperate shitbird would compare the murder of 4 Americans to the resignation of a Congressman.

If a Republican had been Secty of State in 2012 after the attack on Benghazi there would be NO threads on Benghazi.

Because a Republican wouldn't have done what Hilary did...stupid posit, NoTea...
The homes from the far right and the far left, America haters all, keep posting. No wonder our country is in dire straits.
Aaron Schock resigns after new questions about mileage expenses

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/aaron-schock-resigns-116153.html#ixzz3UkNttxE9

"Schock’s resignation marks a swift downfall of one of the GOP’s most promising young stars and prolific fundraisers. The former state legislator was elected to Congress in 2008 and shot through the ranks of the House GOP, at one point gracing the cover of Men’s Health magazine. He was a fresh face in a party eager to update its image.

But as his prominence grew, Schock adopted an expensive lifestyle — staying in luxury hotels, dining at pricey restaurants, flying on private jets. Mounting questions about how he paid for it eventually caught up with him."

When will it end?

At least he resigned.
Rep. Charlie Rangel should have done the same, but he is still a Representative because the people who vote Democrat did not raise their voices to have him resign.
"There's already a thread on this. Learn the rules, retarded person."

I bet if it had been a Democrat you wouldn't be saying that.

If it were a Democrat there would have been 20 threads on it. If it were a totally false exercise in rightwing propaganda,

like Benghazi,

there would have been 200 threads on it.

Only a desperate shitbird would compare the murder of 4 Americans to the resignation of a Congressman.

If a Republican had been Secty of State in 2012 after the attack on Benghazi there would be NO threads on Benghazi.

Because a Republican wouldn't have done what Hilary did...stupid posit, NoTea...

They would most likely all still be alive if a Republican had been in charge.
I bet if it had been a Democrat you wouldn't be saying that.

If it were a Democrat there would have been 20 threads on it. If it were a totally false exercise in rightwing propaganda,

like Benghazi,

there would have been 200 threads on it.

Only a desperate shitbird would compare the murder of 4 Americans to the resignation of a Congressman.

If a Republican had been Secty of State in 2012 after the attack on Benghazi there would be NO threads on Benghazi.

If a Republican had been Sec of State in 2012 there would not have been an attack on Benghazi. We would have closed the consulate or manned it with adequate Marines to discourage any attack.
You, unfortunately, are wrong.

You are a Democrat, EVERYONE who doesn't believe like you do is "far right".
You could almost set your watch w/ the frequency of crony Repubs getting busted for the very thing those retards run against. Hypocrisy of the highest order :thup:
You are a conservative loon, which everyone knows, Antares, so let it run down your chin, while I, a mainstream Republican, will always laugh at you. :lol:
John Boehner Screws Over The American People By Blocking A 2 000 Middle Class Tax Cut

House Democrats introduced a new proposal that would give middle class families a $2,000 tax cut that was immediately shot down by Speaker Of The House John Boehner, because Republicans have no interest in helping the middle class.

The Washington Post described the Democratic plan as a step towards addressing income inequality:...

What this statement meant in terms of legislative action is that Speaker Boehner is not going to allow the Democratic proposal to be brought to the House floor for a vote. Throughout his time as Speaker, John Boehner has killed legislation that he opposes by not allowing it to come to the floor for a vote.

Boehner’s position that tax cuts add to the deficit apparently only applies to tax cuts for the middle class because it was only last month that Speaker Boehner supported a $440 billion tax cut for corporations. John Boehner is fond of referring to the House as the People’s House, but it clear that the people the Speaker is referring to aren’t working folks or middle class Americans.
"There's already a thread on this. Learn the rules, retarded person."

I bet if it had been a Democrat you wouldn't be saying that.

If it were a Democrat there would have been 20 threads on it. If it were a totally false exercise in rightwing propaganda,

like Benghazi,

there would have been 200 threads on it.

Only a desperate shitbird would compare the murder of 4 Americans to the resignation of a Congressman.

4000 Americans were murdered by Bush in Iraq. How many threads does that merit? 800,000?

"There's already a thread on this. Learn the rules, retarded person."

I bet if it had been a Democrat you wouldn't be saying that.

If it were a Democrat there would have been 20 threads on it. If it were a totally false exercise in rightwing propaganda,

like Benghazi,

there would have been 200 threads on it.

Only a desperate shitbird would compare the murder of 4 Americans to the resignation of a Congressman.

If a Republican had been Secty of State in 2012 after the attack on Benghazi there would be NO threads on Benghazi.

Because a Republican wouldn't have done what Hilary did...stupid posit, NoTea...

John Boehner Screws Over The American People By Blocking A 2 000 Middle Class Tax Cut

House Democrats introduced a new proposal that would give middle class families a $2,000 tax cut that was immediately shot down by Speaker Of The House John Boehner, because Republicans have no interest in helping the middle class.

The Washington Post described the Democratic plan as a step towards addressing income inequality:...

What this statement meant in terms of legislative action is that Speaker Boehner is not going to allow the Democratic proposal to be brought to the House floor for a vote. Throughout his time as Speaker, John Boehner has killed legislation that he opposes by not allowing it to come to the floor for a vote.

Boehner’s position that tax cuts add to the deficit apparently only applies to tax cuts for the middle class because it was only last month that Speaker Boehner supported a $440 billion tax cut for corporations. John Boehner is fond of referring to the House as the People’s House, but it clear that the people the Speaker is referring to aren’t working folks or middle class Americans.

Boehner just loves to to tell his story, about how he was born in a log cabin he built after planting and cutting down the trees. But, yeah, to him and the rest of the Repubs, the job of the working class is to support the 1%.

Its a very basic difference between right and left.

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