ABC 538 goes live... Trump winning every swing state...

I'm a Canadian with no dog in your fight.

I relate the story the way I see it, and you shouldn't understand my words as being biased. Demonstrate at least medium intelligence or you will be ignored.
Yet you spare no opportunity to tell the dogs how to fight.

How about you deal with your own black-faced, illegitimate son of a commie dictator running your nation into the ground, before getting in the business of a neighbor who didn't ask for your advice?
Yet you spare no opportunity to tell the dogs how to fight.

How about you deal with your own black-faced, illegitimate son of a commie dictator running your nation into the ground, before getting in the business of a neighbor who didn't ask for your advice?
It's just too good to pass up right now hon. l
Maybe later?
So, with Trump up in all these polls, and the real number being 3 times higher, what will you say in Nov if he loses?

Will you admit the polls were wrong once again, or will you say a poll of 1000 people was correct and the election was stolen?
Is English your first language? vvv

Whatever Trump is leading by in these polls, you can likely double it.
Explains why Biden won’t take a harsh stand against the antisemitic Arabs who have taken over college campuses. He needs the votes of immigrants who hate Jews.
He's screwed either way.

If he supports Israel, he loses the Muslim vote.

If he throws Israel under the bus, he loses the Jewish vote.

His absolutely worst course is to appease the Antisemitist vote while supporting Israel behind the scenes.

It will fool no one and piss off everyone.
Whatever liberals strategy is, it is failing miserably. More proof that liberals have managed to destroy all faith in mainstream news and legacy media.

The Democrats have sacrificed so much credibility in their years long war against President Trump that I believe their party will catastrophically implode after Trump wins in November.

View attachment 939066

It's ALL a set up for "Stolllen Election" part 3.

Claim, we are so far ahead in the polls, then cry Stolllen Election when the results come in.

You clowns have ALREADY played this hand TWICE, now you're Prepping for round III.
It's ALL a set up for "Stolllen Election" part 3.

Claim, we are so far ahead in the polls, then cry Stolllen Election when the results come in.

You clowns have ALREADY played this hand TWICE, now you're Prepping for round III.
Two words... Russian Collision.

Pot, meet kettle.
The real trouble is, the rule of law is fkd until the Scotus is allowed to decide whether or not there is 'existing' law that can curtail a president's power to act illegally.

Personal business and official business as a president must remain undefined.

for real crimes applied equally to all, yes. For manufactured BS to eliminate, tarnish or slow the opposition ? Of course thats a big NO NO,
yes we do. Both suck donkey balls, both have proven they are not up for the job.

Yet here we are, stuck with the two of them.

Thanks to people like you

another eunuch tranny mouths off. Contributes nothing but pops off like 4th of July. A 0.001% problem group wanting 100% recognition and special treatments. Why would anyone listen to or grant privleges to a non-participant? Maybe the first ever to ignore?

Harpy is Electric-PeeKnobbs.
PeeKnobbs Is harpy-unplugged.
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He's screwed either way.

If he supports Israel, he loses the Muslim vote.

If he throws Israel under the bus, he loses the Jewish vote.

His absolutely worst course is to appease the Antisemitist vote while supporting Israel behind the scenes.

It will fool no one and piss off everyone.
Solomon was wise enough to know you can’t split the baby.
Still early, youngkers.

April 22, 2024

Election 2024​

Marist National Poll

Biden Edges Trump in Two-Way Presidential Contest; Opens Up Lead Among Definite Voters​

Despite a still close contest between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, Trump’s support among white voters and independents has splintered. Biden is doing better than he did in 2020 among white voters, and he has eliminated the advantage that Trump had among independents earlier this month. Biden has a three-percentage point edge over Trump among registered voters nationally. In addition to independents, Trump has lost some ground among those who have an unfavorable view of both Biden and Trump. Among those who definitely plan to vote in November, Biden holds a six-percentage point lead. Biden is up five-percentage points in a multi-candidate field.

2024 Presidential Election
If November's general election for president were held today, whom would you support if the candidates are: [If undecided: If you had to decide today, are you leaning more towards]:

Source: Marist Poll National Registered Voters. Interviews conducted April 16th through April 18th, 2024, n=1,047 MOE +/- 3.6 percentage points. Totals may not add to 100% due to rounding.
  • Three percentage points separate Biden (51%) and Trump (48%) among registered voters nationally, including those who are undecided yet leaning toward a candidate. Earlier this month, Biden received 50% to 48% for Trump. Among those who definitely plan to vote in November, Biden (53%) is +6 percentage points over Trump (47%).
  • Trump has lost support among independents and those who have an unfavorable opinion of both candidates. Trump (49%) and Biden (49%) now tie among independents. Trump held a 7-percentage point lead over Biden previously (52% for Trump to 45% for Biden). Among those who have an unfavorable opinion of both candidates, Biden (50%) and Trump (48%) are now competitive. Trump previously had a 15-percentage point advantage over Biden (54% for Trump to 39% for Biden) among these voters.
  • 67% of Trump supporters say they are voting for Trump because they are for him and not because they are against Biden (32%). Among Biden’s supporters, 55% back him because they believe in their candidate. 43% support him because they oppose Trump.
  • Biden (43%) is up by five percentage points against Trump (38%) among registered voters in a multi-candidate field that includes Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (14%), Cornel West (2%), and Jill Stein (2%). Biden was previously +2 percentage points over Trump (43% for Biden to 41% for Trump) in early April. Among those who definitely plan to vote, Biden (46%) is +7 percentage points against Trump (39%) in this multi-candidate field.
  • Trump’s support among independents is also down (30% from 38%) in a multi-candidate field. While Biden’s support is little changed (34% from 33%), Kennedy’s support among independents has inched up to 27% from 21%, previously.

Biden and Trump with Upside Down Favorable Ratings​

Biden and Trump continue to receive upside down favorable ratings. 42% of Americans have a positive opinion of Biden compared with 51% who have an unfavorable view of him. Trump’s favorable rating is 40% among U.S. residents. 53% have an unfavorable opinion of him.

Biden’s Approval Ratings Status Quo​

President Biden’s job approval rating is 43% among Americans, identical to earlier this month. 51% disapprove of the job Biden is doing in office. Looking at intensity, 19% of Americans strongly approve of Biden’s job performance compared with 38% who strongly disapprove.

Biden’s Approval Ratings on the Economy and War in the Middle East Underwater​

President Biden’s approval rating on the economy is upside down (42% approve to 54% disapprove). Biden’s approval score on his handling of the war between Israel and Hamas is even worse. 35% approve, down from 40% in November of 2023, and 57% now disapprove.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
...or what anyone else posts...or the news...or reality.

another Unick tranny mouths off. Contributes nothing but pops off like 4th of July. A0.001% problem group wanting 100% recognition and special treatments. Why would anyone listen to or grant privleges to a non-participant? Maybe the first ever to ignore?

Harpy is Electric-PeeKnobbs.
PeeKnobbs Is harpy unplugged.
It’s eunuch. Just saying.

Other than that, I have that particular poster on ignore. And I don’t ignore many - just the most obnoxious ones - so he must have been horrendous.
I'm a Canadian with no dog in your fight.
I relate the story the way I see it, and you shouldn't understand my words as being biased. Demonstrate at least medium intelligence or you will be ignored.
Good luck with that.

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