ABC moderators slammed for their pathetic bias.

It's not the first time Democrats CHEATED rigging the debate with Dem shill moderators. That POS Dem moderator in the Romney/Obama debate did the exact same thing. Jumped into the debate, claimed Romney was incorrect, fact checked him in the moment. Romney lost all momentum from there on. Within an hour of the debate the POS Dem shill moderator was proven WRONG!

Look, Democrats CHEAT it's who they are. Honestly we should strip them of their citizenship and send them into exile far away.
ABC now worried when Trump wins they will be shut out of the White House due to ongoing litigation and last night's performance.

They should
Just as in football, only the losers whine about the Refs after a game is over.

Good that you all can admit Trump lost the debate.
Liberal hacks shouldn't be moderators. These two are two of the biggest hacks out there.

Tough shit. Trump was again his own worst enemy. Couldn't stay on message. Couldn't keep his composure.
I don't blame the moderators for losing their patience with him. The guy just kept on with the lies and conspiracy theories.
Back to crowd size...again??? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Tough shit. Trump was again his own worst enemy. Couldn't stay on message. Couldn't keep his composure.
I don't blame the moderators for losing their patience with him. The guy just kept on with the lies and conspiracy theories.
Back to crowd size...again??? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Kommiela lied her ass off, dodged every question, and not a peep out of the hacks.
Kommiela lied her ass off, dodged every question, and not a peep out of the hacks.
She gave politician answers. Which is what I expect in a debate. She lied once. Four or five more were answers that needed context.
On the other hand, Trump couldn't stop lying for the entire debate. And couldn't stay on message. Or keep his composure.
He should have been called out for his miserable performance in June because it was a lot of the same crap, but Biden's performance overshadowed it.
Just as in football, only the losers whine about the Refs after a game is over.

Good that you all can admit Trump lost the debate.

Except not many football teams are willing to even PLAY if they know beforehand that the entire ref squad hates them.

Oh yea, if they have a bias, the NFL won't let them be refs.

Wish the news would do the same.

Let the next debate be on Fox.

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