ABC News: Zimmermann will walk!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
George Zimmerman Probably Won't Be Convicted of Murder or Manslaughter -- Here's Why - ABC News

Well, unless you have the IQ of a small soap dish, this should come as no surprise. Ive seen threads about the guys hands, the guy ignoring the dispatcher, the guy following Martin, head injuries being superficial...........

Nobody cares.

The case the prosecution brought was laughable.....and then when you put a bunch of dummies up on the stand, of course you are going to get creamed.

If Im Zimmerman, I walk out of court after the verdict is announced wearing this over my suit jacket.>>>

Along with a bullet proof vest......and the Jurors will have to go under the Witness Protection program! That's pretty sad huh? We know when Z walks, there's going to be protests, deadly protests.... :(
I guess the glove didn't fit!

You knew it was a slam dunk for the defense when that that idiot was testifying that she heard the grass blowing in the wind over the cell phone!! Holy Mother of God.......when I saw that, I thought of the jurors thinking, "Who is this crack monkey?"

The thread is instructive in that it can help talk the hordes of the PC sheep on here off the ledge......those that base all of their judgments on pure emotions while embracing the tragic view.
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I guess the glove didn't fit!

You knew it was a slam dunk for the defense when that that idiot was testifying that she heard the grass blowing in the wind over the cell phone!! Holy Mother of God.......when I saw that, I thought of the jurors thinking, "Who is this crack monkey?"

Crack monkey! Hilarious! I love it! That'll totally distract from the fact that someone is DEAD now! Let's go with it!
The case WAS a slam dunk for the prosecution right up until the prosecution blew it.

And, it was such a promising start - the excellent opening statement followed by a totally idiotic knock knock joke.

Oh well. I still say he's dead man walking.
Well, lets face it, the PC whores are feeling pretty fucking stupid now that major media outlets are getting out front here creating more of course they are saying, "oh no's, another Zimmerman thread!!"
Unless you are a dumbass, he should walk
Should have never been an arrest!
Having to appease to the minorities... Fuckin sickening
Affirmative action for murder, now? LOL
I'm sure we can expect Jesse Jackson Sr and Al Sharpton to be ready to instigate trouble between local Blacks and local Hispanics (Whites too, maybe, for grins-and-giggles) on Verdict Day.
The case WAS a slam dunk for the prosecution right up until the prosecution blew it...
Trouble is, the Prosecution blew it ages ago, when they failed to charge Zimmermann for so long after the incident, and then went after him half-heartedly...

Making it look like they only charged him to pacify the Black Community and the Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton Traveling Rabble-Rousing Road Show...

Thereby making it look like the prelude to a Kangaroo Court...

This case was doomed - thanks to the incompetency and intransigence of the local DA's office - long before it ever opened in-court.
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I'm sure we can expect Jesse Jackson Sr and Al Sharpton to be ready to instigate trouble between local Blacks and local Hispanics (Whites too, maybe, for grins-and-giggles) on Verdict Day.

Heres the thing......most blacks think Zimmerman is a white guy thanks to the media.:coffee:


Why do so many whites and hispanics agree that Zimmerman is a killer?
I'm sure we can expect Jesse Jackson Sr and Al Sharpton to be ready to instigate trouble between local Blacks and local Hispanics (Whites too, maybe, for grins-and-giggles) on Verdict Day.

Heres the thing......most blacks think Zimmerman is a white guy thanks to the media.:coffee:


Why do so many whites and hispanics agree that Zimmerman is a killer?

s0n....and Obama is president. What can I say.......theres a lot of fucking stupid people out there these days.

And anyway.....a huge majority of white people think Zimmerman is NOT guilty.
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The case WAS a slam dunk for the prosecution right up until the prosecution blew it.

And, it was such a promising start - the excellent opening statement followed by a totally idiotic knock knock joke.

Oh well. I still say he's dead man walking.

This case was never a "slam dunk" for the prosecution, and they blew it from the beginning. You know how witch hunts go.

Oh well, you just prove you hatred and malice towards someone, wanting him to die and all. Pretty disgusting.
I'm sure we can expect Jesse Jackson Sr and Al Sharpton to be ready to instigate trouble between local Blacks and local Hispanics (Whites too, maybe, for grins-and-giggles) on Verdict Day.

Heres the thing......most blacks think Zimmerman is a white guy thanks to the media.:coffee:
That... and the name Zimmermann... not exactly your average Latino or Hispanic surname...
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