ABC Panel Erupts Into Chaos After Chris Christie Dismantles the Credibility of Jan. 6 Committee

The Republicans never assembled a lit of witnesses because they weren't allowed to choose their members attending the committee. Your statement is nonsensical.
You mean they weren't allowed to put Trump's lackeys like Jordan on the committee who would have done nothing but disrupt the proceedings, retard.
It's merely the fact when unemployment is high, it has nowhere else to go but down. Of course you will see more favorable results. DumBama had a 10% unemployment rate to deal with. It was going to go down no matter what he did, just like when we hit 15% unemployment under Trump, the only place it could go was down.

When we hit the 3,4,5% range on unemployment, of course job growth and job creation will slow down. So you trying to compare job creation or growth between DumBama and Trump is like comparing a smart car to a 747 airliner.

Don't try to bluff your way out of this...I asked about EMPLOYMENT not unemployment.

Monthly payrolls
Ray From Cleveland
Is that all you have, a stupid apples to oranges comparison? Okay, if you want to play that game, Trump was President during the largest employment gain in history. After we got hit with covid, unemployment jumped to nearly 15%.

View attachment 749564
They can't help but constantly create these false narratives because they've gone way to deep.

Bongino gets it right..

No one cross examined, makes it illegitimate

All those who were present and testified under oath told a consistent story.

No one has contradicted a single material element of their testimony.

There are no inconsistencies or contrary narratives for a cross examining attorney to use.

What is it you idiots find so hard to understand about this?
All those who were present and testified under oath told a consistent story
Unchallenged by cross examination! It’s like the prosecutor saying you did it and you can’t challenge any witness so they can say whatever they wrote

All those who were present and testified under oath told a consistent story.

No one has contradicted a single material element of their testimony.

There are no inconsistencies or contrary narratives for a cross examining attorney to use.

What is it you idiots find so hard to understand about this?
No cross means illegitimate
You mean they weren't allowed to put Trump's lackeys like Jordan on the committee who would have done nothing but disrupt the proceedings, retard.

He would have called Piglosi to the stand, that's why she refused to let the Republicans pick their own representatives. It's the Nazi way of the Democrat party.

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