ABC Panel Erupts Into Chaos After Chris Christie Dismantles the Credibility of Jan. 6 Committee

He would have called Piglosi to the stand, that's why she refused to let the Republicans pick their own representatives. It's the Nazi way of the Democrat party.
Pelosi offered to McCarthy the option of picking alternate members of his party to sit on the committee. He refused & walked away. Try to get your facts straight before posting idiotic statements like you just did. Btw, Jordan was supeoned & was offered the oppurtunity to testify & tell his side of it. He refused because he's a coward with a big mouth.
Pelosi offered to McCarthy the option of picking alternate members of his party to sit on the committee. He refused & walked away. Try to get your facts straight before posting idiotic statements like you just did. Btw, Jordan was supeoned & was offered the oppurtunity to testify & tell his side of it. He refused because he's a coward with a big mouth.

The only alternative the pig would have accepted were TDS Republicans. She also refused to let Banks represent us too because he would have done the same thing. Look at who she picked for us; the first time in US congressional history when the Speaker refused to let the other side pick their own reps. Like I said, Nazis.
The only alternative the pig would have accepted were TDS Republicans. She also refused to let Banks represent us too because he would have done the same thing. Look at who she picked for us; the first time in US congressional history when the Speaker refused to let the other side pick their own reps. Like I said, Nazis.

You're a hysterical imbecile.
Now you're switching back to job creation? Make up your mind on what you want to discuss here already.

Employment is measured by additions or subtraction of monthly payroll data.

There are nominal numbers and "rates", you should make an effort to understand the difference.

And, for the love of..., don't fucking presume to try to school me on this.
The only alternative the pig would have accepted were TDS Republicans. She also refused to let Banks represent us too because he would have done the same thing. Look at who she picked for us; the first time in US congressional history when the Speaker refused to let the other side pick their own reps. Like I said, Nazis.
What you wanted was Trump lackeys. What you got was the truth but you're too much of a starry eyed moron to accept it.

Cheney & Kinzinger lost their House seats for standing up for what is right, which is something you Trump worshippers will never understand.
Christie lays it out. The committee is a kangaroo court:
Former Gov. Chris Christie created a firestorm on ABC News’ “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” on Sunday, with what he had to say about the Jan. 6 Committee. Christie pointed out that, to many Republicans, the Committee doesn’t have any credibility. That’s because they don’t have any real Republicans on the Committee to make any points against the Democratic narrative.
The January 6 committee was “resigned to having a credibility problem because of the membership of the committee and the way that was done,” Christie opened by saying.
“There are lots of Republicans across this country who just say, there’s nobody there to argue the other side. Kinzinger and Cheney don’t argue the other side to the extent that there is [sic] some arguments there,” Christie added before both anchor George Stephanopoulos and Brazile jumped down his throat.
That comment sparked outrage from host George Stephanopoulos and fellow panelist Donna Brazile, both of whom have been Democratic operatives.
Stephanopoulos claimed there was “no other side,” and Brazile demanded to know, “What is the other side?” Christie spoke about the ability to grill the witnesses, something they would normally have at a hearing, which is missing here. Instead, he said, accurately, it was a television production. Brazile just kept shouting at Christie and would barely let him get in a word edgewise.
When he finally got the chance to speak, Christie said, “There are lots of people inside the White House who now have convenient memories about things that didn’t have memories about them before.” But, the Trump team/Republicans weren’t given that option because that’s not allowed, to challenge the narrative. You’re not allowed to know that Trump spoke about acting “peacefully and patriotically” at his rally before the riot. You’re not allowed to question why Democrats didn’t conduct this like a normal hearing.
But this is the Democrats’ view in general. Trump is guilty of pushing an “insurrection”–because they say so. He isn’t entitled to a defense. It doesn’t matter what he said, or what evidence might rebut their presumptions. They don’t believe in the rule of law, just the rule of the narrative. That’s why everyone on the Committee — including the Republicans — was already solidly anti-Trump, picked for their bias. That’s why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in an unprecedented move, rejected members who were picked by the Republican side who might have questioned the Democrats.
The last person who should be talking about “credibility” is Donna Brazile. Can anyone forget how Brazile divulged debate questions to Clinton camp officials during the Democratic primaries in the 2016 race? Even the left excoriated her
But Christie accurately noted it’s because of that basic unfairness about the formation of the Committee, that most of America have turned the Committee off. They know it’s about trying to get Trump, not about the riot or the rule of law.
t’s very hard for Democrats to be able to make this a cutting issue, especially in the light of huge inflation, gas prices, crime in the streets, open borders, drug overdoses, those things are things that are affecting people’s everyday lives and they don’t see it that way,” Christie reasoned.

That’s the bottom line. Democrats are pushing issues that aren’t the top issues of concern to voters. They thought they would use Jan. 6 to smear Republicans. But people know it’s a biased show; it’s backfiring on them because voters don’t think they care about anything else, including the issues that are most important to Americans.
Prior to this the only thing Christie has dismantled is a buffet at The Sizzler.
What you wanted was Trump lackeys. What you got was the truth but you're too much of a starry eyed moron to accept it.

Cheney & Kinzinger lost their House seats for standing up for what is right, which is something you Trump worshippers will never understand.

Yes they did. They were TDS Republicans which were hand picked by Nazi Piglosi. As a Nazi herself, she would never allow Republicans to pick conservatives to represent their side.

Employment is measured by additions or subtraction of monthly payroll data.

There are nominal numbers and "rates", you should make an effort to understand the difference.

And, for the love of..., don't fucking presume to try to school me on this.

Employment is not measured by payroll, it's measured by the labor participation workforce rate. Unemployment is measured by surveys. If you are unemployed and looking for work, you count as being unemployed. If you are unemployed and answer you are not looking for work, you are not considered in the unemployment statistics.

Sorry I had to school you again.

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