ABC/Washington Post poll: Trump approval at 36%, matching all time low

So what polls go up and down always will as soon as someone on the right finds a poll that shows Trumps approval rating going up they will be posting about that and the left will be dismissing it.
Remember when right wingers in this board said black support for him was at an all-time high?
New poll further debunks the already debunked claim.
In this poll it is actually at an all time low.

Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, half favor impeachment (POLL)

no federal raise?
Disapproval at 65%.
Not good for midterms. President approval affects performance of his party.
Expect Trump to lose it on Twitter due to the bad news. Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, half favor impeachment (POLL)

Funny. Just a couple weeks ago, people were reporting Trump's polling at an all time high. Either the people GIVING the polls are full of crap or the people TAKING them. Ether way, anything that changes every 5 minutes is worthless in telling me how folks will actually vote in two years.
Remember when right wingers in this board said black support for him was at an all-time high?
New poll further debunks the already debunked claim.
In this poll it is actually at an all time low.

Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, half favor impeachment (POLL)

no federal raise?
Their error was 2%. Comment please.
The American people quit listening to the mainstream media a long time ago.
Remember when right wingers in this board said black support for him was at an all-time high?
New poll further debunks the already debunked claim.
In this poll it is actually at an all time low.

Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, half favor impeachment (POLL)

no federal raise?
Their error was 2%. Comment please.

Dude take your ignorant polls and stick them up your ass. Political Science 101, for any given poll one can find another poll saying something different. They actually teach that in schools....let me guess, you didn't go
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The dope posted the same poll earlier today.
I didn’t post the part about African-American support for Trump. You’re just butt hurt because you don’t like this result.

I don't believe your dumb ass poll, toad
Breaking: right wing nut Trump supporter doesn’t believe a result that is bad for Trump.

I don't believe in any polls, moron, I've stated that numerous times on this forum

Now shut the hell up ....ya left wing brown nosing moron
Remember when right wingers in this board said black support for him was at an all-time high?
New poll further debunks the already debunked claim.
In this poll it is actually at an all time low.

Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, half favor impeachment (POLL)

no federal raise?
Daniel is the kind of conservative that I like. Instead of pretending that blacks like Trump, he Argues that they don’t like him because of this federal raise denial.
It is time for conservatives to be honest like Daniel.
From the poll

Partisan divisions are 33-25-37 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents.

For landline respondents, interviewers ask to speak with the youngest male or youngest female at home. Cell-only respondents are screened for age eligibility (18+). Cell-only respondents are not offered compensation, but a reimbursement check is offered if use of minutes is raised as an objection. Cell sample respondents’ place of residence is checked and their Census region adjusted accordingly if necessary.

Methodologically, in all or nearly all cases we require a probability-based sample, with high levels of coverage of a credible sampling frame. Non-probability, self-selected or so-called “convenience” samples, including internet opt-in, e-mail, “blast fax,” call-in, street intercept and non-probability mail-in samples do not meet our standards for validity and reliability, and we recommend against reporting them.

We do accept some probability-based surveys that do not meet our own methodological standards – in terms of within-household respondent selection, for example – but may recommend cautious use of such data, with qualifying language. We recommend against reporting others, such as pre-recorded autodialed surveys, even when a random-digit dialed telephone sample is employed.
Remember when right wingers in this board said black support for him was at an all-time high?
New poll further debunks the already debunked claim.
In this poll it is actually at an all time low.

Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, half favor impeachment (POLL)

no federal raise?
Daniel is the kind of conservative that I like. Instead of pretending that blacks like Trump, he Argues that they don’t like him because of this federal raise denial.
It is time for conservatives to be honest like Daniel.

Oh look, a poll saying something different than yours....

The latest YouGov/Economist poll (May 6-8), one of a few that comprehensively breaks down support by ethnicity, has some frightening news for the Democratic Party.

While President Trump’s approval holds steady among registered voters at 41 percent, his support among blacks in this poll is striking. If it holds for 2020, it could be devastating for Democrats. Among African-Americans, 16 percent approve of Trump, 10 percent are not sure, and 75 percent disapprove.

Black Support For Trump Is Rising Into The Danger Zone For Democrats
Oh dear....another poll saying something different....this time from the

The Left and its henchmen in the old-guard media relentlessly insist that President Donald J. Trump is America’s racist-in-chief. This exhausted lie seems to fall on increasingly skeptical ears. And a surprising number of them are black.

An August 7 NAACP poll found that 21 percent of black registered voters approve of Trump’s job performance. Even more impressive, in Wednesday’s Rasmussen tracking survey, 36 percent of black voters gave the president thumbs-up, compared with 19 percent a year ago.
From the poll

Partisan divisions are 33-25-37 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents.

For landline respondents, interviewers ask to speak with the youngest male or youngest female at home. Cell-only respondents are screened for age eligibility (18+). Cell-only respondents are not offered compensation, but a reimbursement check is offered if use of minutes is raised as an objection. Cell sample respondents’ place of residence is checked and their Census region adjusted accordingly if necessary.

Methodologically, in all or nearly all cases we require a probability-based sample, with high levels of coverage of a credible sampling frame. Non-probability, self-selected or so-called “convenience” samples, including internet opt-in, e-mail, “blast fax,” call-in, street intercept and non-probability mail-in samples do not meet our standards for validity and reliability, and we recommend against reporting them.

We do accept some probability-based surveys that do not meet our own methodological standards – in terms of within-household respondent selection, for example – but may recommend cautious use of such data, with qualifying language. We recommend against reporting others, such as pre-recorded autodialed surveys, even when a random-digit dialed telephone sample is employed.
The pollster doesn’t choose the partisan division. The pollster control for gender, race, etc., and then the respondents state their party.

Are you pretending that there should be the same percentage of Republicans and Democrats in a poll?
Oh dear....another poll saying something different....this time from the

The Left and its henchmen in the old-guard media relentlessly insist that President Donald J. Trump is America’s racist-in-chief. This exhausted lie seems to fall on increasingly skeptical ears. And a surprising number of them are black.

An August 7 NAACP poll found that 21 percent of black registered voters approve of Trump’s job performance. Even more impressive, in Wednesday’s Rasmussen tracking survey, 36 percent of black voters gave the president thumbs-up, compared with 19 percent a year ago.
you didn’t show the NAACP trend. What was the approval in their previous poll.?
From the poll

Partisan divisions are 33-25-37 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents.

For landline respondents, interviewers ask to speak with the youngest male or youngest female at home. Cell-only respondents are screened for age eligibility (18+). Cell-only respondents are not offered compensation, but a reimbursement check is offered if use of minutes is raised as an objection. Cell sample respondents’ place of residence is checked and their Census region adjusted accordingly if necessary.

Methodologically, in all or nearly all cases we require a probability-based sample, with high levels of coverage of a credible sampling frame. Non-probability, self-selected or so-called “convenience” samples, including internet opt-in, e-mail, “blast fax,” call-in, street intercept and non-probability mail-in samples do not meet our standards for validity and reliability, and we recommend against reporting them.

We do accept some probability-based surveys that do not meet our own methodological standards – in terms of within-household respondent selection, for example – but may recommend cautious use of such data, with qualifying language. We recommend against reporting others, such as pre-recorded autodialed surveys, even when a random-digit dialed telephone sample is employed.
The pollster doesn’t choose the partisan division. The pollster control for gender, race, etc., and then the respondents state their party.

Are you pretending that there should be the same percentage of Republicans and Democrats in a poll?

For balanced demographics and honest results, yes.

Gee...let's see, if a polling company wants to make Trump look bad who would they poll? Not conservatives that's for sure. They can also target certain areas...say like San Francisco. Who do you think would poll better there?

It's all a huge manipulated game and you fall for it
Remember when right wingers in this board said black support for him was at an all-time high?
New poll further debunks the already debunked claim.
In this poll it is actually at an all time low.

Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, half favor impeachment (POLL)

no federal raise?
Daniel is the kind of conservative that I like. Instead of pretending that blacks like Trump, he Argues that they don’t like him because of this federal raise denial.
It is time for conservatives to be honest like Daniel.

Oh look, a poll saying something different than yours....

The latest YouGov/Economist poll (May 6-8), one of a few that comprehensively breaks down support by ethnicity, has some frightening news for the Democratic Party.

While President Trump’s approval holds steady among registered voters at 41 percent, his support among blacks in this poll is striking. If it holds for 2020, it could be devastating for Democrats. Among African-Americans, 16 percent approve of Trump, 10 percent are not sure, and 75 percent disapprove.

Black Support For Trump Is Rising Into The Danger Zone For Democrats
Show the trend for YouGov.
Remember when right wingers in this board said black support for him was at an all-time high?
New poll further debunks the already debunked claim.
In this poll it is actually at an all time low.

Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, half favor impeachment (POLL)

no federal raise?
Daniel is the kind of conservative that I like. Instead of pretending that blacks like Trump, he Argues that they don’t like him because of this federal raise denial.
It is time for conservatives to be honest like Daniel.

Oh look, a poll saying something different than yours....

The latest YouGov/Economist poll (May 6-8), one of a few that comprehensively breaks down support by ethnicity, has some frightening news for the Democratic Party.

While President Trump’s approval holds steady among registered voters at 41 percent, his support among blacks in this poll is striking. If it holds for 2020, it could be devastating for Democrats. Among African-Americans, 16 percent approve of Trump, 10 percent are not sure, and 75 percent disapprove.

Black Support For Trump Is Rising Into The Danger Zone For Democrats
Show the trend for YouGov.

I provided the your own homework leftist
From the poll

Partisan divisions are 33-25-37 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents.

For landline respondents, interviewers ask to speak with the youngest male or youngest female at home. Cell-only respondents are screened for age eligibility (18+). Cell-only respondents are not offered compensation, but a reimbursement check is offered if use of minutes is raised as an objection. Cell sample respondents’ place of residence is checked and their Census region adjusted accordingly if necessary.

Methodologically, in all or nearly all cases we require a probability-based sample, with high levels of coverage of a credible sampling frame. Non-probability, self-selected or so-called “convenience” samples, including internet opt-in, e-mail, “blast fax,” call-in, street intercept and non-probability mail-in samples do not meet our standards for validity and reliability, and we recommend against reporting them.

We do accept some probability-based surveys that do not meet our own methodological standards – in terms of within-household respondent selection, for example – but may recommend cautious use of such data, with qualifying language. We recommend against reporting others, such as pre-recorded autodialed surveys, even when a random-digit dialed telephone sample is employed.
The pollster doesn’t choose the partisan division. The pollster control for gender, race, etc., and then the respondents state their party.

Are you pretending that there should be the same percentage of Republicans and Democrats in a poll?

For balanced demographics and honest results, yes.

Gee...let's see, if a polling company wants to make Trump look bad who would they poll? Not conservatives that's for sure. They can also target certain areas...say like San Francisco. Who do you think would poll better there?

It's all a huge manipulated game and you fall for it
Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, half favor impeachment (POLL)
No you huge idiot. No pollster is so stupid that he just chooses the same percentage of Republicans as Democrats because he wants to make it even. How in the world do you know that there are the same amount of Republicans as there are Democrats in this country? I knew you were stupid but not this stupid.

Let me tell you how it’s done. The pollster controls for data in the census, and then respondents tell you what their party is.
Frasier is getting massacred on his own thread LOL...know why? He doesn't know how polling really works he just read headlines and screams YAY!!!!!!!!
From the poll

Partisan divisions are 33-25-37 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents.

For landline respondents, interviewers ask to speak with the youngest male or youngest female at home. Cell-only respondents are screened for age eligibility (18+). Cell-only respondents are not offered compensation, but a reimbursement check is offered if use of minutes is raised as an objection. Cell sample respondents’ place of residence is checked and their Census region adjusted accordingly if necessary.

Methodologically, in all or nearly all cases we require a probability-based sample, with high levels of coverage of a credible sampling frame. Non-probability, self-selected or so-called “convenience” samples, including internet opt-in, e-mail, “blast fax,” call-in, street intercept and non-probability mail-in samples do not meet our standards for validity and reliability, and we recommend against reporting them.

We do accept some probability-based surveys that do not meet our own methodological standards – in terms of within-household respondent selection, for example – but may recommend cautious use of such data, with qualifying language. We recommend against reporting others, such as pre-recorded autodialed surveys, even when a random-digit dialed telephone sample is employed.
The pollster doesn’t choose the partisan division. The pollster control for gender, race, etc., and then the respondents state their party.

Are you pretending that there should be the same percentage of Republicans and Democrats in a poll?

For balanced demographics and honest results, yes.

Gee...let's see, if a polling company wants to make Trump look bad who would they poll? Not conservatives that's for sure. They can also target certain areas...say like San Francisco. Who do you think would poll better there?

It's all a huge manipulated game and you fall for it
Trouble for Trump: Disapproval at a high, half favor impeachment (POLL)
No you huge idiot. No pollster is so stupid that he just chooses the same percentage of Republicans as Democrats because he wants to make it even. How in the world do you know that there are the same amount of Republicans as there are Democrats in this country? I knew you were stupid but not this stupid.

Dude you're an ill informed idiot and have zero clue what you're babbling incoherently about.

Have fun, you look like a clown
Frasier is getting massacred on his own thread LOL...know why? He doesn't know how polling really works he just read headlines and screams YAY!!!!!!!!
Trump supporter says that a Democrat is getting “massacred” by Trump supporters in a thread.

In related news, Democrat guy says that a Trump supporter is getting “pummeled” in a separate thread.


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