Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

Ahhh, the typical Shogun non-sequitur technique. A sure sign that he knows he has painted himself into a corner.

Just because no woman will have you isn't really a good reason to be a misogynist. In fact, there is no good reason whatsoever.

Just sayin...

How is it a non-sequiter to remind you of the full premise of my position instead of throwing half of it up against the wall of feminism and bitching about what doesn't stick?

Indeed, an ad hominem probably isn't indicateve of which of us painted themselves in a corner, eh?

just saying.
Now, that's not fair. They share responsibility at conception, they share responsibility down the line.

Nice try, Shogun. Men who screw around and get women pregnant who may not want to abort are still liable for cs. Therefore, it's probably a discussion that should be had before embarking on that drunken encounter.

MEN who screw around? Like I said, it's a mutual decision. And, if men who agree to fuck are hit up with child support despite not wanting to have the kid then so to should women be forced to carry a child to term if they don't want the pregnancy.

Consistency is a bitch like that. If you dont want to get pregnant then stop fucking virile men. Like i've said, THIS IS NOT 1957 where you are forced to fuck because of the norms of society. You DO have the same discretion when choosing to fuck as a man does.
How is it a non-sequiter to remind you of the full premise of my position...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The full premise is that you think men should have more rights than women when it comes to decisions about pregnancy & child support!!! Couldn't be any clearer. You attempt to disguise it in the name of "equality" but the intelligent among us see right through your woman hating ruse.

It is a FACT OF PRACTICAL REALITY that the man and woman CANNOT have equal say. Period. So you have to pick. Who's wishes trump who's?

I say the woman's wishes trump the man's because yes, she's the one in possession of the fetus. You say the man's wishes should trump the woman's (although you'll deny it with a bunch of bold words and emoticons), most likely because you hate women and haven't had any pussy since it had you.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
now you ARE acting like Baba.

How the hell can you force a man to give birth, Ravir?

You can't. And therein lies one of the inequities.

If men could get pregnant, I would never presume to tell them they must give birth. Nor would I tell another woman that she must give birth.

Tell me, how would you write the law that legalizes forcing women to give birth?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The full premise is that you think men should have more rights than women when it comes to decisions about pregnancy & child support!!! Couldn't be any clearer. You attempt to disguise it in the name of "equality" but the intelligent among us see right through your woman hating ruse.

It is a FACT OF PRACTICAL REALITY that the man and woman CANNOT have equal say. Period. So you have to pick. Who's wishes trump who's?

I say the woman's wishes trump the man's because yes, she's the one in possession of the fetus. You say the man's wishes should trump the woman's (although you'll deny it with a bunch of bold words and emoticons), most likely because you hate women and haven't had any pussy since it had you.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Mani, I have to apologize, you are much smarter than I ever give you credit for.

MEN who screw around? Like I said, it's a mutual decision. And, if men who agree to fuck are hit up with child support despite not wanting to have the kid then so to should women be forced to carry a child to term if they don't want the pregnancy.

Consistency is a bitch like that. If you dont want to get pregnant then stop fucking virile men. Like i've said, THIS IS NOT 1957 where you are forced to fuck because of the norms of society. You DO have the same discretion when choosing to fuck as a man does.

I agree with you there.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The full premise is that you think men should have more rights than women when it comes to decisions about pregnancy & child support!!! Couldn't be any clearer. You attempt to disguise it in the name of "equality" but the intelligent among us see right through your woman hating ruse.

It is a FACT OF PRACTICAL REALITY that the man and woman CANNOT have equal say. Period. So you have to pick. Who's wishes trump who's?

I say the woman's wishes trump the man's because yes, she's the one in possession of the fetus. You say the man's wishes should trump the woman's (although you'll deny it with a bunch of bold words and emoticons), most likely because you hate women and haven't had any pussy since it had you.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How do men have MORE rights again? Do you want to explain that or just wait for the gals among us to leap to your feat in some Eve Ensler support for all things vaginal? You know, SAYING that I am alowing men more rights than PROVING it may work in your minuscule grey matter but it really doesn't impress me all that much.

Men and women CANNOT have equal say, eh?


yea, insinuate that IM the sexist one here!


I don't really care if YOU think women should count more than a man but, i tellya, such really is the cherry on top of your charge that IM the one who is trying to weight one side of the gender scale here. Apparently, ad hominems make your case in your mind.. which, if you want to take this thread to that level I have no problem lampooning why you seem so desperate for female validation.. after all, you were probably that kid who hung around gals just to have female contact while knowing damn well that your objects of lust were busy fucking guys like me rather than your semi-gay pansy ass.

see, ad hominems really make a point stick, dont they?
Men and women CANNOT have equal say, eh?

On the decision to terminate or not, absolutely yes. Compromise is not possible. You either have the baby or you terminate. There's no in-between compromise. Therefore, if there is disagreement between the man and woman, one side wins and one side loses, every time. Hence, not equal say.

Once again you refuse to acknowledge a simple truth. How very Allie of you.
On the decision to terminate or not, absolutely yes. Compromise is not possible. You either have the baby or you terminate. There's no in-between compromise. Therefore, if there is disagreement between the man and woman, one side wins and one side loses, every time. Hence, not equal say.

Once again you refuse to acknowledge a simple truth. How very Allie of you.

but there ARE equal consequences according to which party wants to keep the baby... which is itself more fair than just saying, "nope, sorry, you have testicles so you don't count".

like I said, make me laugh again and insinuate that IM the one being sexist here.

and, as far as which of us is acting like ally? I'll direct you to the ad hominems and fancy footwork that you seem to think makes your point in this thread.
Here's the way it works.

Only whites can be racist.
Men can't have the same rights as women.

Other than that, we're all equal.
but there ARE equal consequences according to which party wants to keep the baby... which is itself more fair than just saying, "nope, sorry, you have testicles so you don't count".

like I said, make me laugh again and insinuate that IM the one being sexist here.

It's got nothing to do with the fact that you have testicles, doofus. Quit thinking in terms of men and women. If you were pregnant, you'd be the one making the decision.

Now, how exactly would you word this law?
It's got nothing to do with the fact that you have testicles, doofus. Quit thinking in terms of men and women. If you were pregnant, you'd be the one making the decision.

Now, how exactly would you word this law?

easy. I'd criminalize abortions conducted without consent of both parental parties.

If I were pregnant I'd realize that the baby is not made up of only my dna which, shocker, should give the father the same rights that you enjoy as the mother since, and correct me im wrong, by then I would have already made the same decision to FUCK as did my partner.

You really are making one helluva sexist position on this Ravir. Are you interested in equality or not? Only when it comes to making testicle bearers break away from their traditional roles or are you willing to give quarter on yours as well?
AllieBaba No, libs are not interested in equality.

You're out of your element, Donnie!

easy. I'd criminalize abortions conducted without consent of both parental parties.

If I were pregnant I'd realize that the baby is not made up of only my dna which, shocker, should give the father the same rights that you enjoy as the mother since, and correct me im wrong, by then I would have already made the same decision to FUCK as did my partner.

You really are making one helluva sexist position on this Ravir. Are you interested in equality or not? Only when it comes to making testicle bearers break away from their traditional roles or are you willing to give quarter on yours as well?

Nope. I believe everyone has the final say over their own body.

Good luck. You could just propose a constitutional amendment that defines the pregnant as chattel.

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