Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

Nope. I believe everyone has the final say over their own body.

Good luck. You could just propose a constitutional amendment that defines the pregnant as chattel.

I could also propose a constitutional amendment that keeps you from using an abortion as birth control. OR, one that requires the mutual consent of both contributors to the DNA of the child. You are not helpless here.. No one makes you fuck anyone. Don't like the idea of *GASP* having to share the rights with the guy who is half of the fetus? Then go ride your D cell romeo or learn how to suck a good dick. The "it's my body" line falls short since the fetus is, in fact, NOT your body.

It's sad that you think equal rights amounts to making women akin to cattle. Clearly, you are not prepared to give women the same conviction of responsibility that you wantonly whip a man with after the fact.
I could also propose a constitutional amendment that keeps you from using an abortion as birth control. OR, one that requires the mutual consent of both contributors to the DNA of the child. You are not helpless here.. No one makes you fuck anyone. Don't like the idea of *GASP* having to share the rights with the guy who is half of the fetus? Then go ride your D cell romeo or learn how to suck a good dick. The "it's my body" line falls short since the fetus is, in fact, NOT your body.

It's sad that you think equal rights amounts to making women akin to cattle. Clearly, you are not prepared to give women the same conviction of responsibility that you wantonly whip a man with after the fact.

Again, I would feel the same way if the situation were reversed. You can fling all the insults you wish but you haven't convinced me in the least that you are allowed to define life or that you are allowed to force someone else to give birth.
Again, I would feel the same way if the situation were reversed. You can fling all the insults you wish but you haven't convinced me in the least that you are allowed to define life or that you are allowed to force someone else to give birth.

I don't really need to convince you since no one in the medical community will support your notion that a developing fetus, the product of two sets of genes, is YOUR body. If you want to act like life is one giant vagina monologue then so be it. However, like I keep telling you, this is the equality that you wanted so enjoy having to give as much as you take in the redistribution of gender roles.

If you don't like it then don't go out fucking virile men while thinking that you can get an abortion rather than be responsible for your sexual behaviour. You have No problem making a man pay for 18 years because he chose to fuck but just cannot grasp that a woman might discover reporocussions for the SAME damn decision?

I don't really need to convince you since no one in the medical community will support your notion that a developing fetus, the product of two sets of genes, is YOUR body.


Can you provide a link to back that statement up?

You have No problem making a man pay for 18 years because he chose to fuck but just cannot grasp that a woman might discover reporocussions for the SAME damn decision?

I'm sorry you feel that supporting a child is PAYING FOR 18 YEARS. That's quite a chip on your selfish shoulder.

fwiw, I don't personally believe in abortion and I doubt there are any circumstances in which I'd have one. But it is my choice and no one else's.
It's amazing that insisting that a baby be allowed a chance to live is considered "defining life" whereas taking the life of the same baby isn't considered "taking life".
Can you provide a link to back that statement up?

I'm sorry you feel that supporting a child is PAYING FOR 18 YEARS. That's quite a chip on your selfish shoulder.

fwiw, I don't personally believe in abortion and I doubt there are any circumstances in which I'd have one. But it is my choice and no one else's.

really> do you need a sex ed brushup? how is a zygote that consists of half of your DNA "your body" again?

indeed, lecture me on the chip on my shoulder after you figure out how a developing unborn child is not "your" body and you figure out what equality really means outside of the tired feminist rhetoric.
A simple "I can't provide a credible link" would have sufficed.

If you give me one of your kidneys, is it not part of my body even though it still contains your DNA? Or does it suddenly become a living, breathing little Shogun?


I can't figure out why you keep bringing up this feminist crap. It's got nothing to do with feminism.
A simple "I can't provide a credible link" would have sufficed.

If you give me one of your kidneys, is it not part of my body even though it still contains your DNA? Or does it suddenly become a living, breathing little Shogun?


I can't figure out why you keep bringing up this feminist crap. It's got nothing to do with feminism.

Ultimately, what it comes down to is who has the final say. And someone has to. And no one gets to have veto power over another adult's body if that adult is sane and capable of making decisions.
Ultimately, what it comes down to is who has the final say. And someone has to. And no one gets to have veto power over another adult's body if that adult is sane and capable of making decisions.

Yes. It's amazing that Shogun has these horrific blind spots. He'd have made an excellent fundamentalist of any religious persuasion.
I think it fair to say Shogie has very strong opinions...nay...unshakeable opinions.

Yep. I seriously do hope that if he ever has sex in fairness he should make his opinions known ahead of time. Personally, I'd run screaming from him for this reason alone.
Yep. I seriously do hope that if he ever has sex in fairness he should make his opinions known ahead of time. Personally, I'd run screaming from him for this reason alone.

I hear and agree.... although maybe if he were getting some he wouldn't be so pissed off at the world. :eusa_angel:

(Sorry, Shogie...couldn't resist).
Men have a "say" in the process Shogun, and if you believe that the Zygote is the beginning of life for a separate human being then the "say" for the man, is when he chooses to have sex without a condom imo....after that point it is the woman that has the "say", primarily because it is her that has to host the child for 9 months and it is her health that could be affected by the pregnancy, such has high blood pressure, an ectopic pregnancy, a premature birth, a stillborn, constipation, back aches, cessarean section, bloating, morning sickness, missing work etc....

If the roles were reversed you'd be damn certain that if the man had to go through all of this that he would be making the decisions at that point too.

I happen to agree with you that life for a human being begins at conception, and under most circumstances the man does have a "say" in what the woman chooses to do....if the father said let's get married and raise our child together, I'd bet my bottom dollar that in most of our abortion cases, the mother to be would say "I do".... This is not happening in the black community, where most of our abortions disproportionately take place, from what i have read...

And not just with the black community, but with the white community too....I would bet that in MOST cases the guy does not give two hoots and is praying the woman has the abortion.... :(

What? There have only been a handful of men, maybe 5 of them, that have earnestly persued their right as the father and tried to legally get a say...that doesn't sound like alot when you are talking millions of abortions since roe v wade...not some big irrate movement of men to me...?

It's amazing that insisting that a baby be allowed a chance to live is considered "defining life" whereas taking the life of the same baby isn't considered "taking life".

Because science has not been able to prove when exactly that group of conjugated cells has consciousness (a soul)...making it human.

At the fertilized egg stage, I don't believe there is a soul and you want to believe that there is.

As the egg forms cellular groupings, I don't believe it has a soul, and you want to.

At what stage of development (from zygote to fetus) does it become a human baby with consciousness (i.e. a soul)?

To me it is illogical to assume that a group of conjugated cells or a fertilized egg is human, has a functioning brain, or consciousness.

To you it seems that you cannot fathom the idea that maybe, just maybe, the fetus may not be human for a few weeks. I know your sensibilities on this are fragile and your assumptions are based on the fear of a wrathful God.

But until science can prove otherwise, this debate is open and both sides are left with assumptions.

This I can say as a fact. If you truly believe that God made you as laid out in the Bible...then you must realize that he or she has bestowed on us free will to choose a life of sin, piousness or moderate existence. We choose to sin or not, is that not your belief?

If we choose to sin and God has given us this free will, who are you to say one way or another whether or not someone should be allowed to have an abortion? If you feel as strongly as you say, what have you done to ensure a loving home for all unwanted children of the world?

I have stated that for my wife and I, we do not go the abortion route. The thought is appalling to us. But we support every woman's right to choose.

Do you have children AllieBaba?
I think it's fair to say that Shogun's opinoins seem to keep changing.


Check it out. Sorry Dude....:cool:

a zygote is not a body. Sure, there is genetic code from a mother and father and it won't match the genetic code of the mother BUT a zygote is still enither a body, a fetus or a viable living organism. It's a cluster of cells no more worthy of such nomenclature than semen on a cum rag or the product of a 28 day cycle.
I think it's fair to say that Shogun's opinoins seem to keep changing.


Check it out. Sorry Dude....:cool:

No heartbeat, no nervous system, no brain function, no person. When the pro lifers can use science, instead of dogma, to prove that jebus comes down off of his cloud and inserts a soul into the cell cluster of a zygote then we'll talk....

Perhaps "jebus" came down off his cloud and appeared to Shogun.

By the way, it's also merely YOUR opinion that a cluster of cells is the same thing as a fucking pre-teen adolescent. I've got medicine behind MY logic. What do you have besides the misunderstanding of the bible and your own goofy ignorance on biology?


No, a zygote has not more "right" to live than sperm on a cum rag. An abortion of a ZYGOTE is no more murder than is menstruation. Acting like chicken little screaming that the sky is falling won't make your position any less stupid.

Does he get this confused often? At least he's consistently charming. :rofl:

They exist as HUMANS??


I'll read the rest of it later. Great find, Benny.
No, because it hasn't had an opportunity to be saved.

It takes more than being human to get to heaven. You have to actually have had the opportunity to choose Christ...and then you have to actually choose him.

Nice try. Though tasteless and pointless.

Wrong, but since you are the expert on everything I might as well not even engage in debate on why you are blatantly wrong.
I think it's more like....Shogun's playing with all of you. :clap2: :clap2:

Well done my friend, well done.

At least he's consistently charming.

I will give him that.

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