Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

And how giving away sperm is the deciding factor.

as opposed to giving up the egg? Still don't see your quote where you've addressed this.. Gee, I didn't really bust your ass in mid swing on a fib, did I?
as opposed to giving up the egg? Still don't see your quote where you've addressed this.. Gee, I didn't really bust your ass in mid swing on a fib, did I?

Even though your question was a non-sequitur, I answered it once or twice but you didn't like the answer. You, on the other hand, can't even come up with an answer. And yet your entire rationale hangs on it. :rolleyes:
Even though your question was a non-sequitur, I answered it once or twice but you didn't like the answer. You, on the other hand, can't even come up with an answer. And yet your entire rationale hangs on it. :rolleyes:

quote yourself. post the exact post number. I dare you.

poor girl.. being all picked on by a big mean evil MAN..


And, if your "answer" is "it can never be equal, blah blah blah" then post that too so I can have another chuckle at your stupidity.
Nope. Not even as much as half, you know, like your great pregnancy compromise. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

was that supposed to make sense? Im sure this was actually funny and witty somehow if only you'd clean it up a bit and stop trying to rush yourself to post when you think Ravir is watching.
Hey Ravi,

What was the name of that Al Jazeera guy that kept reporting that Iraq was repelling the Americans right up until the fall of Baghdad? Was his nickname Shogun by any chance?
Hey Ravi,

What was the name of that Al Jazeera guy that kept reporting that Iraq was repelling the Americans right up until the fall of Bahgdad? Was his nickname Shogun by any chance?

dont forget to blow her a kiss to let her know you are for serious.

quote yourself. post the exact post number. I dare you.

poor girl.. being all picked on by a big mean evil MAN..


And, if your "answer" is "it can never be equal, blah blah blah" then post that too so I can have another chuckle at your stupidity.

awww....I don't think you're evil, just a bit of a chicken.
awww....I don't think you're evil, just a bit of a chicken.

gosh.. I dont see that you quoted yourself OR provided the post number..

indeed.. tell me all about which of us is chickenshit.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/t3N8Yar4NgI&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/t3N8Yar4NgI&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
I'm not your research monkey. Scroll up the thread and find it yourself. Or quit trying to weasel out of answering the question.

Your choice.
you are the one making the charge that YOU dared to provide and answer while I have not. We both know that you are full of shit. It really doesn't shock me that you expect your vagina to prove you correct instead of evidence.
I assure you that your opinion means a lot to me given your willingness to avoid the same questions returned to you.

I might go cry now.

sharp objects should be kept away from my veins for the next 3 hours.

Indeed, I can feel the tears welling up right this very second.

is that what one would find on your nightstand?

walking toward cougar-dom probably IS a reason to shed a few tears.
Are you sure? I figure you've gotta have something to wipe off your D cell romeo after the softball game.

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