Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

Not from you if you after admitting that you are HIV positive.

sheesh. Didn't I already mention that I am a child of the 90s and well versed in personal responsibility? I'm sure the concept sounds like misogyny to you but...
Save it for later on in your life when you find out that being a cougar isn't what Desperate Housewives made it out to be.

I'm pretty sure the next box he comes in contact with will be his first.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

nice.. an actual misogynist statement using a play on the word Box.

I'm sure your lil e-girlfriend will pass right over that one.
you mean as opposed to alluding to personal genitalia and sexual behaviour?

yes, I should probably take notes from a mastermind like yourself.
you mean as opposed to alluding to personal genitalia and sexual behaviour?

Yes, exactly. You sound like a middle schooler.
you mean as opposed to alluding to personal genitalia and sexual behaviour?

Yes, exactly. You sound like a middle schooler.

and IM the one making comments about sexual behaviour and genitalia too, arent I?


no wonder you hang out at the mall.
I've got me "find stupid" radar working today and it seems to want to follow you around the forum.
nice.. an actual misogynist statement using a play on the word Box.

I'm sure your lil e-girlfriend will pass right over that one.

I don't think you know what misogynist means.

If you did, you wouldn't have made such and ignorant statement...I would hope.
I don't think you know what misogynist means.

If you did, you wouldn't have made such and ignorant statement...I would hope.

riiiiiiiiigt... because clearly men preserving their parental rights = misogyny..

but using a derogatory innuendo for pussy gets ani defranco's seal of approval.

riiiiiiiiigt... because clearly men preserving their parental rights = misogyny..

but using a derogatory innuendo for pussy gets ani defranco's seal of approval.


Thanks for the confirmation.

But even you don't deserve the cross of ignorance you bear so I'm gonna be a sport and help you out.

Main Entry: mi·sog·y·ny
Pronunciation: \mə-ˈsä-jə-nē\
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek misogynia, from misein to hate + gynē woman — more at queen
Date: circa 1656
: a hatred of women

Inferring that a wisecrack sexual word play on the word box indicates hatred of women is an artard leap in logic even by the standard you've set for yourself.

yea.. whatever you say, dude.


indeed, NOTHING says respect for women QUITE like making jokes referring to their genitalia as a vast array of "humourous" pseudonyms.

snatch, ****, twat, BOX... yup.. Mani says it's all innocent until he says otherwise.

Hey, at least you were not trying to preserve your paternal rights.

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