Aborted fetus = Lucky bastard?

:eusa_wall: :eusa_wall: :eusa_wall: :eusa_wall:

Give it a rest already would ya?

Seriously, he's not interested in considering the views of others.

yea.. whatever you say, dude.


indeed, NOTHING says respect for women QUITE like making jokes referring to their genitalia as a vast array of "humourous" pseudonyms.

snatch, ****, twat, BOX... yup.. Mani says it's all innocent until he says otherwise.

Hey, at least you were not trying to preserve your paternal rights.

Yet in another thread Shogun says,

"Thankfully, ****s like anguille have yet to ban words that hurt their widdle feewings... "

I'll give it a shot..... :)

the egg was never given to the man, even with sex...the egg never leaves the woman naturally in to the possesion of another....the "man" will never be "given" the egg, because the egg, CAN'T be given.....I repeat, it can't be given to the man...he NEVER has possession of it!

However the sperm, CAN be and is ''given'' by man....the women receive this "Giving" from the man and it stays with them, the women, not the man....until the ''giving'' dies, or on the very rare occaision, the ''giving'' gets a chance to get in to an egg that is rarely present.

So, bottom line logic.... is that the man gives his sperm to the woman, the woman does not give her egg to the man.



ps. this leaves out artificial insemination or test tube babies and other fertility methods and procedures.

Yet the egg IS an autonomous body until it attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. Weather or not it does a song and dance on the front room table is irrelevant since, by then, it's no longer "your body" any more than a turd moving through your lower intestine is. FURTHER, once it gets fertalized by sperm and becomes a zygote that consists of shared DNA then there is no serious arguement you can make that validates the claim that a FETUS is "YOUR" body.

sperm is no more "given" to a woman than an egg is "given" to a man since they both made the exact same zipper decision and BOTH chose to roll the proverbial dice. You did not recieve the sperm since YOU are not going to become a zygote, nay, your freely given EGG (remember, NOT your body anymore just like the sperm) RECEIVES the sperm and attaches itself to a HOST. It's not like there is wrapping paper involved. You don't just *poof* get to assume that a man is gracing you with his genetic material just because you brought the vag to catch it in.

Also, just so you know, "Posession" doesn't validate killing a human being. I've shown that the fetus is no more "your body" than is any other internal body that is on it's way OUT if given half a chance. If mothers were allowed to just kill anything within their reach then planned parenthood could invest in serving postpartum depression. But, thats really not the case is it?

For a couple people who were awfully cavalier about ending this thread yesterday Mani and Ravi really are free to exit stage left anytime they, ironically enough, CHOOSE to do so.
Yet in another thread Shogun says,

"Thankfully, ****s like anguille have yet to ban words that hurt their widdle feewings... though I'm sure such a ban would only indicate the will of a consumer market somehow."


I've banned words? Thats news to me. Maybe I just don't have my vaginal 3d glasses on strait. I was pointing out the irony of Mani's thread position despite his willingness to use derogatory terms in reference to female genitalia. It doesn't shock me that you cannot decipher as much. Reminds me of the LAST time I was quoted from another thread only to have to disappoint, and then laugh at, you insufferable harpies.
Yet the egg IS an autonomous body until it attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. Weather or not it does a song and dance on the front room table is irrelevant since, by then, it's no longer "your body" any more than a turd moving through your lower intestine is. FURTHER, once it gets fertalized by sperm and becomes a zygote that consists of shared DNA then there is no serious arguement you can make that validates the claim that a FETUS is "YOUR" body.

sperm is no more "given" to a woman than an egg is "given" to a man since they both made the exact same zipper decision and BOTH chose to roll the proverbial dice. You did not recieve the sperm since YOU are not going to become a zygote, nay, your freely given EGG (remember, NOT your body anymore just like the sperm) RECEIVES the sperm and attaches itself to a HOST. It's not like there is wrapping paper involved. You don't just *poof* get to assume that a man is gracing you with his genetic material just because you brought the vag to catch it in.

Also, just so you know, "Posession" doesn't validate killing a human being. I've shown that the fetus is no more "your body" than is any other internal body that is on it's way OUT if given half a chance. If mothers were allowed to just kill anything within their reach then planned parenthood could invest in serving postpartum depression. But, thats really not the case is it?

For a couple people who were awfully cavalier about ending this thread yesterday Mani and Ravi really are free to exit stage left anytime they, ironically enough, CHOOSE to do so.

Are you going to answer the question...???
I just did answer her question.

Besides, weren't you staging some big significant walk out on this thread yesterday? That seems to have lasted.

trust me, by this point I don't give a damn if you caught on or not. Given your automatic vag frenzy at the very idea of equality between the sexes I'd have an easier time conveying the great history of Germany's jews to Hitler's top 2% of the nazi regime.

Like I said, you made a big deal out of staging a walk out yesterday. enjoy the choice you made. Let's see if you can follow through without blaming a dude.
Yet the egg IS an autonomous body until it attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. Weather or not it does a song and dance on the front room table is irrelevant since, by then, it's no longer "your body" any more than a turd moving through your lower intestine is. FURTHER, once it gets fertalized by sperm and becomes a zygote that consists of shared DNA then there is no serious arguement you can make that validates the claim that a FETUS is "YOUR" body.

sperm is no more "given" to a woman than an egg is "given" to a man since they both made the exact same zipper decision and BOTH chose to roll the proverbial dice. You did not recieve the sperm since YOU are not going to become a zygote, nay, your freely given EGG (remember, NOT your body anymore just like the sperm) RECEIVES the sperm and attaches itself to a HOST. It's not like there is wrapping paper involved. You don't just *poof* get to assume that a man is gracing you with his genetic material just because you brought the vag to catch it in.

Also, just so you know, "Posession" doesn't validate killing a human being. I've shown that the fetus is no more "your body" than is any other internal body that is on it's way OUT if given half a chance. If mothers were allowed to just kill anything within their reach then planned parenthood could invest in serving postpartum depression. But, thats really not the case is it?

For a couple people who were awfully cavalier about ending this thread yesterday Mani and Ravi really are free to exit stage left anytime they, ironically enough, CHOOSE to do so.

First off, unlike the others arguing with you here, I do not believe the Fetus is my body, I believe it would host itself off of my body, but is a separate human growing....

I am just uncertain on when the human being achieves personhood, to where the gvt can legislate over....

And I am also, for religious reasons, uncertain on when the soul actually enters the body...many believe it is with the first breath, unless you are some profit or something.... some religions note the fetus being of lesser value than one that is born....but i really don't know the answer...

Either way, I think it is horrible that women abort or have to abort their children to be.... I think it is a horrible situation to be in to even THINK that you have to abort your own child for whatever panic state the women may be in....

I just am not certain that we should get involved in other people's lives for such an important to them and personal decision...every circumstance is different with each individual.... I would rather it that the government had stayed out of it completely....like most other medical decisions, this should have been kept between the doctor and the parents to be....

Then maybe the abortion CLINICS wouldn't have grown in to the business that they are....

im generally on the side of the .gov staying out of peoples affairs too. HELL, have you ever seen me argue for the rights of business owners and the fubar disaster that was kelo v new london? However, im not trying to rationalize killing human beings for the overcompensation of "womens rights". I expect the .gov to step in when some lunatic wants to kill me and I would extend the same to the fetus.

I am just uncertain on when the human being achieves personhood, to where the gvt can legislate over....

fair enough. This is why I make such a big deal over the fetal heartbeat line in the sand and giving the woman every option up to that point. I've explained my logic behind this specific point.

As far as the soul? I'm still in the camp that doesn't believe that it is anything more than a concept we have created because we are ignorant as to what happens after death. You'll see this same pattern with traditions, beliefs, dogmas, etc from the stone age forward. So, to me, this is not a relevant aspect of the debate. However, if I were to guess, why would a god implant a soul at any other point than conception?

Anyway, thank you for being more rational than the other dingdongs.
hey, isn't your E-honey giving you a lecture about your sexist vocab right this very minute?

a rich conversation in light of this thread, I might add.

well, your big momentous walk out sure lasted...

Say, shouldn't you be a bit consistent here and point out the nature of Mani's vocab? Or, much like the rest of your bullshit opinion, are your standards pliable enough to overlook such actual derogatory language?

btw, Care, you were correct.

I think your opinion was most sensible and fair. As fair as an unequal situation can ever be.
well, your big momentous walk out sure lasted...

Say, shouldn't you be a bit consistent here and point out the nature of Mani's vocab? Or, much like the rest of your bullshit opinion, are your standards pliable enough to overlook such actual derogatory language?


I explained about Mani before to you. Do you ever actually pay attention to what other people post?
unequal can ever be, eh?

Can I use that one about pay scale between men and women?

no, that would probably be sexist..

I explained about Mani before to you. Do you ever actually pay attention to what other people post?

of course, Ravi.

of course.

private joke. which means that he has your stamp of approval for all the snatch vocab he can fit into a single post.



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