Abortion and Capital Punishment

Abortion and Capital Punishment

  • I support abortion and oppose capital punishment.

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • I support capital punishment and oppose abortion.

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • I support both.

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • I support neither.

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
They are not analagous. One kills a fully developed human being. The other kills an undeveloped bundle of cells that is not yet a human being. Both are irrevocable. Capitol punishment, as research shows, does not deter crime. Abortion should be rare - and would be with proper sex education, insurance covered contraception, and easily available Plan B pills. Were abortion not legal, there would be, as there had been, many more Gosnells and women dead from "home remedies".

I'd put up an image link "partial birth abortion" again, but it's so graffic that I got banned last time.

So lets just say, I know and you know you're a fucking liar about killing off cells.
Do you support one, both, or neither?

Poll to follow.

If it really sucked to be in prison, I would be against the death penalty.

All moral humans are against abortion and would only use it in an emergency.
All moral humans? Go fuck yourself. Only people who dress up in drag and like to take black cock would say moral people.

Anyways I am pro for both. I also support assisted suicide.
A fetus, zygote and embryo is not defined as a "person" based upon any historical precedent so they have no Rights under the U.S. Constitution. The legal debate is between the "pro-choice" argument that supports the Constitutionally protected Rights of the woman which is opposed by the "radical" Evangelical Right progressive movement (anti-abortionists) that oppose the Constitutionally protected Rights of the woman.
A fetus, zygote and embryo is not defined as a "person" based upon any historical precedent so they have no Rights under the U.S. Constitution. The legal debate is between the "pro-choice" argument that supports the Constitutionally protected Rights of the woman which is opposed by the "radical" Evangelical Right progressive movement (anti-abortionists) that oppose the Constitutionally protected Rights of the woman.

So, where do you stand on these two issues? Morally, I mean.
Capital punishment is a deterrent. Abortion is barbaric. You know what my vote will be.

The death penalty does not deter people from killing. States with the death penalty have a higher murder rate than the States without.

link please

On October 29, the U.S. Justice Department released the annual FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2011, indicating that the national murder rate dropped 1.5% from 2010. This decline occurred at a time when the use of the death penalty is also decreasing nationally. The Northeast region, which uses the death penalty the least, had the lowest murder rate of the 4 geographic regions, and saw a 6.4% further decrease in its murder rate in 2011, the largest decrease of any region. By contrast, the South, which carries out more executions than any other region, had the highest murder rate. It saw a small decline from last year.

Deterrence: States Without the Death Penalty Have Had Consistently Lower Murder Rates | Death Penalty Information Center

The link is to a graph showing that States with the death penalty have a higher rate of murders than those without. The quote can be found in another section of the site.

Yes, its a site which is opposed to the death penalty, but the information appears to be accurate.
Stupid fuking poll. Isn't this the kind of stupid shit that the House of Reps does on an evey day basis. How's that working out for you rethugs?

Two things you rethugs can be sure of; you ain't overturning Roe V Wade and if you keep this stupid shit up, you will lose the House and never see the WH again.

But do carry on.

btw, what percentage of death row inmates are innocent? How many are poor and black? You do know that if you are white and have some money, death row is not a place you will visit. Unless you are like some of the white, 20 something gun nutters who commit mass murder. Even then, you will probably be declared insane and never get the death you deserve.

And of course, the abortion performed today may save the lives of many when the mass murderer isn't born.

How about you rethugs do this. Get all rethug women to sign a pledge that they will never in their lives have an abortion. Kinda like the no tax pledge of grover.

Then you can leave the rest of the women alone to make their own decisions about something that has been decided is legal. And is none of YOUR business.
A more appropriate question to ask would be,

if you think abortion is murder, do you support the death penalty for women who have abortions?
Stupid fuking poll. Isn't this the kind of stupid shit that the House of Reps does on an evey day basis. How's that working out for you rethugs?

Two things you rethugs can be sure of; you ain't overturning Roe V Wade and if you keep this stupid shit up, you will lose the House and never see the WH again.

But do carry on.

btw, what percentage of death row inmates are innocent? How many are poor and black? You do know that if you are white and have some money, death row is not a place you will visit. Unless you are like some of the white, 20 something gun nutters who commit mass murder. Even then, you will probably be declared insane and never get the death you deserve.

And of course, the abortion performed today may save the lives of many when the mass murderer isn't born.

How about you rethugs do this. Get all rethug women to sign a pledge that they will never in their lives have an abortion. Kinda like the no tax pledge of grover.

Then you can leave the rest of the women alone to make their own decisions about something that has been decided is legal. And is none of YOUR business.
Thank you for the irrational blather. We'll just put you down for "Supporting abortion/opposing capital punishment".
Do you support one, both, or neither?

Poll to follow.

False dicotomy.

Fallacious logic.

Typical Daveman.

And naturally, Joe's claims are yet again shown to be false and emotionally-driven.

The other poll respondents had no problem answering. There is no false dichotomy. There is no fallacious logic. The poll asks about support for two issues. There is no forced mutual exclusion, no "if you support one you CAN'T support the other". Every option is available.

The poll is anonymous, too. So you really have nothing to fear. Go ahead and answer.
Do you support one, both, or neither?

Poll to follow.

False dicotomy.

Fallacious logic.

Typical Daveman.

And naturally, Joe's claims are yet again shown to be false and emotionally-driven.

The other poll respondents had no problem answering. There is no false dichotomy. There is no fallacious logic. The poll asks about support for two issues. There is no forced mutual exclusion, no "if you support one you CAN'T support the other". Every option is available.

The poll is anonymous, too. So you really have nothing to fear. Go ahead and answer.

Why waste my time.

The problem is, your poll puts fetuses in the same category of real human beings on death row.

Fetuses aren't people.

I personally have no problem with the death penalty other than we can't seem to get it right. We send people to death row for crimes they didn't commit. A lot.

I personally don't think Abortion is anyone's business but the woman the fetus is in.

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