Abortion and Guns and the conflicting/contradicting positions Lefty Dems take…Can you reconcile this?

Pro-life means just that.

You are either pro life for all life or you are not.

I'm going to bet that your song would sound different if your girlfriend wanted to abort a child but, as the father, you disagreed, or if the murderer of your mother were on death row.


I'm going to bet that your song would sound different if your girlfriend wanted to abort a child but, as the father, you disagreed, or if the murderer of your mother were on death row.


I was smart enough to never get a girl pregnant.

The only issue I have with capital punishment is that the standard of proof needs to be more than simply reasonable doubt. When it comes to death penalty cases IMO the evidence needs to be beyond a shadow of a doubt
I was smart enough to never get a girl pregnant.

The only issue I have with capital punishment is that the standard of proof needs to be more than simply reasonable doubt. When it comes to death penalty cases IMO the evidence needs to be beyond a shadow of a doubt

So, your usual non-response.

Great post.

Pro life and pro capital punishment are contradictory stances.
How do republicans reconcile them?

We recognize that the very lowest of subhuman criminal shit are not comparable or equivalent to an innocent child.

It is those of you who defend putting an innocent child to death, but not doing likewise to a convicted murderer, who have some explaining to do.
The only issue I have with capital punishment is that the standard of proof needs to be more than simply reasonable doubt. When it comes to death penalty cases IMO the evidence needs to be beyond a shadow of a doubt

So why are you opposed to applying any similar standard to the act of putting an innocent child to death? They don't even get a trial, an opportunity to prove their innocence, before they are executed. No due process of law at all.
We recognize that the very lowest of subhuman criminal shit are not comparable or equivalent to an innocent child.

It is those of you who defend putting an innocent child to death, but not doing likewise to a convicted murderer, who have some explaining to do.

I'm not defending anything.

IMO I have no right to tell anyone what they can or can;' do to their own bodies.

If you are in favor of capital punishment you are not pro life by definition.
So why are you opposed to applying any similar standard to the act of putting an innocent child to death? They don't even get a trial, an opportunity to prove their innocence, before they are executed. No due process of law at all.

Since abortion isn't murder in any state there is no need for due process.

Even in states where abortion is illegal , only the doctor will face charges.

So your analogy fails.
IMO I have no right to tell anyone what they can or can;' do to their own bodies.

If it was about what women do to their own bodies, then when a woman got an abortion she would die from it, and her innocent child would not.

If you are in favor of capital punishment you are not pro life by definition.

I don't really care whether I fit in with some semantic definition of any particular movement.

I recognize that the lowest of subhuman criminal shit should be put to death.

I also recognize that the most innocent and defenseless of human beings should not be put to death.

You have it backward. You value the lowest of subhuman criminal shit, more than you value the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings.
Libs on Abortion-
‘Give us rights…..Make it easier for us to terminate our own….OR ELSE!’
Libs on Guns-
‘Take our rights….Make it more difficult for us to kill our own….OR ELSE!’

I’m confused, please help me reconcile this.
Thank you in advance.
Speaking of reconciliation, magaturds thought they deserved to try and overturn the will of the voters because they worship an orange bag O' shit authoritarian con man and his lust for power. They don't do this and just walk away. This corruption and entitlement will never be forgotten nor forgiven. A pound of flesh will eventually be sought and taken from the cult.

In the current political environment, they suffer.

Someday, I'd love to help magaturds reconcile with their transgressions. I really would. With extreme prejudice, of course.

But not today. :dunno:
If it was about what women do to their own bodies, then when a woman got an abortion she would die from it, and her innocent child would not.

I don't really care whether I fit in with some semantic definition of any particular movement.

I recognize that the lowest of subhuman criminal shit should be put to death.

I also recognize that the most innocent and defenseless of human beings should not be put to death.

You have it backward. You value the lowest of subhuman criminal shit, more than you value the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings.

The fetus is attached to the woman's body. All an abortion does is sever that attachment.

And IMO life in prison is a good enough punishment for the worst of the worst.

Killing a murderer does not lessen the pain of those left behind there is no recompense in that death.
The fetus is attached to the woman's body. All an abortion does is sever that attachment.

Killing an innocent human being.

You cannot make that truth go away, no matter how you lie, how you spin. Abortion kills an innocent human being.

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