Abortion and Slavery: Two Pods with the Same Pea?

A comparison of abortion to slavery is certainly not a new idea, but a reminder of what our nation was dealing with 160 years ago is pertinent to the biggest moral issue we are dealing with today. In terms of which side is making what arguments, the parallels are stunning:

1. The anti-slavery and anti-abortion advocates both argued on behalf of persons without any rights or voices.

2. The pro-slavery and pro-abortion advocates argue that these persons are merely property which may be disposed of at the whim of their owners.

3. The anti-slavery and anti-abortion advocates were willing to compromise be allowing individual States to decide these matters.

4. The pro-slavery and pro-abortion advocates wanted to prevent any States from limiting their property rights to dispose of these persons.

Do you see a common pattern here? Which side values human lives over property rights and which does not? Where do you stand?
Abortion was also legal.
The purpose of the umbilical cord is to bring nutrients TO the baby from the Mother's body. And also to carry waste matter AWAY from the baby and deposit it in the amniotic fluid. Without the umbilical cord the embryo would never survive. So, of course it needs the Mother's body.
P.S. I am a retired nurse and I remember this from my Maternity classes.

Ahhh, I knew THIS leftist talking point was going to come up. "Well, I claim this unverifiable offline expertise, so I WIN!!!"

We already knew you had no support for your points other than, "This IS true, it IS, you HAVE to accept it!" You didn't have to demonstrate.
If that were true the baby could live on it's own OUTSIDE of the woman's body. And we wouldn't be having this conversation.
SURPRIZE: The baby is connected to the Mom by it's umbilical cord.
You keep digging as deeper hole for yourself but don't even know it. Fetal Viability outside of the woman's body was a key distinction in the Roe v. Wade decision which you worship.

SURPRISE: The "baby" is connected to the placenta, which receives nourishment from the "Mom." Both come out intact during delivery.
You keep digging as deeper hole for yourself but don't even know it. Fetal Viability outside of the woman's body was a key distinction in the Roe v. Wade decision which you worship.

SURPRISE: The "baby" is connected to the placenta, which receives nourishment from the "Mom." Both come out intact during delivery.
Placenta and umbilical cord are basically the same thing. :-/
Please, jwoodie. You are not up to debating with me. Run along now.
Have a nice day.
Friendly advice: When you have time read up on pregnancy and childbirth.
Placenta and umbilical cord are basically the same thing. :-/
Please, jwoodie. You are not up to debating with me. Run along now.
Have a nice day.
Friendly advice: When you have time read up on pregnancy and childbirth.
The umbilical cord connects the baby to the placenta. Are word games the best you can come up with?
If that were true the baby could live on it's own OUTSIDE of the woman's body. And we wouldn't be having this conversation.
SURPRIZE: The baby is connected to the Mom by it's umbilical cord.

And on what are you basing this assertion that "Not part of the woman's body" necessitates "living on its (fixed your shitty grammar for you, you're welcome) own outside the woman's body"? You seem to spend an awful lot of time trying to impose your personal, sadly-ignorant perceptions onto reality as requirements. We're right back to "The sun MUST go around the Earth, because that's what it looks like to me!" Just exactly how primitive ARE you, anyway?

I definitely think you should stop bragging about how you were a nurse, lest your woefully-lacking knowledge of everything lead people to start thinking of the medical professions as a collection of drooling halfwits who can't be trusted to tie their own shoes.
Do you and your church continue to help the Mom thru the toddler, early childhood, teenage and early adult years?
Raising kids is hard, especially as a single parent.

You continue to think that you get to make an assertion about other people, offer no substantiation for it, and then demand that other people defend themselves to you. Who appointed you Torquemada, to fire questions at him about, "Well, are you doing ENOUGH to suit me?!"

The point, Ms. Self-Righteous-About-Evil, is that YOU asserted that pro-lifers "don't care about babies after they're born". He proved you wrong. Discussion over, and we're waiting for your abject apology of making false accusations.
Once fertilized the egg is a baby

Nah, it starts out as one cell with a unique combination of DNA from both parents. It still has to attach to it's host to grow into a baby. Many fertilized eggs do not attach to the womb and never grow beyond a few cells.
I have said all I'm going to say on this abortion thread. I usually don't comment on the abortion issue at all. One thing I know: If abortion is made illegal again, look for poor women to start having unsafe, back alley abortions.
And of course, WEALTHY women will continue to have medically supervised abortions just like they always did. Even when abortion was illegal, wealthy women could still get them. That's how I know this abortion issue is all about CONTROL.
Thank you all. Have a nice day. Goodbye.

I just heard, "I thought I was going to come in here and declare my beliefs as facts and be applauded. Instead, people DARE to disagree and demand that I prove shit, so I'm going to run away and try to pretend that I'm really making a principled withdrawal."

Please don't let us hinder your cowardly flight, Useless.
A comparison of abortion to slavery is certainly not a new idea, but a reminder of what our nation was dealing with 160 years ago is pertinent to the biggest moral issue we are dealing with today. In terms of which side is making what arguments, the parallels are stunning:

1. The anti-slavery and anti-abortion advocates both argued on behalf of persons without any rights or voices.

2. The pro-slavery and pro-abortion advocates argue that these persons are merely property which may be disposed of at the whim of their owners.

3. The anti-slavery and anti-abortion advocates were willing to compromise be allowing individual States to decide these matters.

4. The pro-slavery and pro-abortion advocates wanted to prevent any States from limiting their property rights to dispose of these persons.

Do you see a common pattern here? Which side values human lives over property rights and which does not? Where do you stand?
like a zygot is gonna mow my lawn? Not.
Placenta and umbilical cord are basically the same thing. :-/
Please, jwoodie. You are not up to debating with me. Run along now.
Have a nice day.
Friendly advice: When you have time read up on pregnancy and childbirth.

Why are you still here? Weren't you just flouncing away in a huff?

Seems like everything out of your blowhole is a lie.
Cecilie1200 If you keep humping my leg, I'll let you clean my toilet with your tongue OK? :)

That's two posts after your "I'm leaving now because you don't deserve me" announcement. At what point are you actually going to "punish" us with the loss of your vapid presence?

Are you hoping we'll wail, "Noooo!!! Please don't go!!!"? Or are you just hoping you'll somehow get the last word?

Neither's happening, so just get lost. Buh-bye, noxious vapor.
Cecilie1200 Wait. Let me go use my toilet first (#2 )then you can lick it. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Now---I'll put you on IGNORE. LOL!

"I just can't stop talking, but it's so awful to hear anyone but myself, so I'll take THIS cowardly way out!"

I'm sure this is just as "honest" as everything else you've spewed. And I'm very sure it's just as irrelevant and meaningless.

Move along, poltroon. Your cringing surrender is taking far too long.
Cecilie1200 My word, woman. You are humping my leg so hard it's beginning to turn sore and red. Lighten up! LOL!

Yup, I knew it. "I'm leaving. No, I'm just going to ignore you. No, I'm really going to leave now."

And here you still fucking are.

Isn't there a "shout your proud baby-killing" rally where your intellectual equals might actually want you?

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