Abortion and Slavery: Two Pods with the Same Pea?

That is totally irrational.
The fact there can be some similarities in strategies does not mean there is a single similarity in substance or abstraction.

1. has absolutely nothing at all to do with it. And obvious a fetus can never have any rights or voice.

2, No one said a fetus was "property". The reality is that a fetus is a parasite that is harmful to a woman if she does not want a child.

3. Letting states decide inherent rights was proven to be totally corrupt, and the 14th amendment ended that forever.

4. There is no similarity between slavery and abortion. Slavery was to abuse rights in order to make a profit. Abortion is to prevent a family from being bankrupt by excess children.
Well said. Thank you.
In what way is it "obvious" that a fetus can never have any rights?

EVERYONE on the pro-abortion side says they're property. "My body, my choice" is (mistakenly) claiming that the fetus is nothing more than a part of a woman's body, to dispose of as she chooses. So is "It's a parasite", for that matter. (Oh, and no, a fetus is not "harmful" to a woman if she doesn't want a baby. That only works if you're a spoiled child who thinks you're entitled to never have anything happen that you don't want.)

If you're trying to make the argument that killing babies is an "inherent right", you're going to have to show your work. Freedom has a long, documented history of being viewed as an "inherent right" in this country; killing innocent humans, not so much.
If YOU choose to have a baby go right ahead. But, you can't force your beliefs on other women.

Simple as that.
You're OK with forcing your beliefs on an innocent child, to the degree of allowing that child to be murdered in cold blood.
Bob, I am assuming you are a man. Would you carry and give birth to a baby that you couldn't take care of? Would you ever allow anyone to tell you what to do with your body?
So why do men (and some women) think they can tell a woman what to do with their bodies?
That sounds like it is a baby after 12 weeks. But you don't believe that, do you?
Most abortion occur around this time. The bun is about half baked. Or about half way to the point of viability.
I don't think the OP actually required you to give us a live demonstration of your slave owner-like mentality, but thanks.

Abortion is not like slavery they are as different as night and day. Slaves were forced to procreate for the profit of the Southern aristocrats. They were forced to bring their babies into perpetual slavery. Like women throughout history, they didn't not much choice. Science has freed them from that.
That is totally irrational.
The fact there can be some similarities in strategies does not mean there is a single similarity in substance or abstraction.

1. has absolutely nothing at all to do with it. And obvious a fetus can never have any rights or voice.

2, No one said a fetus was "property". The reality is that a fetus is a parasite that is harmful to a woman if she does not want a child.

3. Letting states decide inherent rights was proven to be totally corrupt, and the 14th amendment ended that forever.

4. There is no similarity between slavery and abortion. Slavery was to abuse rights in order to make a profit. Abortion is to prevent a family from being bankrupt by excess children.

1 it can't have rights or a voice because it's murdered before it's able to aquire them. Once fertilized the egg is a baby it will just spend the next 16 to 20 years evolving into a adult and if you abort it after it's fertilized you killed a person that is just left alone would be a adult one day. Kill it day one, or kill it 11 months later, either way you killed a baby with no voice.

2 a parasite is something invading your body unwillingly. A woman chosing to use not protection willingly invited the child. Comparing a child to a tape worm is not a good comparison.

3 states can and do decide rights such as abortion right now. Texas banned abortions.

4 yes there are similarities as shown in the op. A similarity does not mean the exact thing. If a family doesn't want to go bankrupt with excess children then they shouldn't have children. It's that easy. I am 46 and never had kids because I didn't want them and I am responsible. So are a lot of other people I know.
Bob, I am assuming you are a man. Would you carry and give birth to a baby that you couldn't take care of? Would you ever allow anyone to tell you what to do with your body?
So why do men (and some women) think they can tell a woman what to do with their bodies?

Are you suggesting that I would murder an innocent child in cold blood in order to evade responsibility for him?

If this was really about a woman's right to control her own body, then she'd be the one to die from an abortion, instead of her child.
If men were the ones who carried and gave birth to babies, do you think attitudes towards abortion would be different?
I do. If men gave birth to babies, they wouldn't allow ANYONE to control their bodies.
Just another mindless slug trying to squirm away from having to answer basic questions about abortion.
If men were the ones who carried and gave birth to babies, do you think attitudes towards abortion would be different?
I do. If men gave birth to babies, they wouldn't allow ANYONE to control their bodies.

Ahhh, the obligatory misandry. Can't forget that.

If men carried and gave birth to babies, they would be women. You DO realize that the various physical differences between men and women are connected to the reproductive functions we each serve, and exist because of that connection, right?

What this really is is just you pissing and moaning about your dislike of being female, and your resentment at not being a man. "THEY get to live this way, and I want to do it, too! How DARE Nature stick me with these realities instead of the endless fun of being the other sex!"

Whatever, sweetie. Not all of us look at our reproductive role as a horrible burden we're desperately trying to shed. Please don't project your issues onto the rest of us via public policy.
If YOU choose to have a baby go right ahead. But, you can't force your beliefs on other women.

Simple as that.

Yeah, and if I choose not to murder my husband for the insurance company, then I can go right ahead and let him live. But I can't force my beliefs on other women who might really need the cash.

"Simple" is definitely one word I might choose to describe that sort of "logic", but it's probably not the first one I'd go with.
Bob, I am assuming you are a man. Would you carry and give birth to a baby that you couldn't take care of? Would you ever allow anyone to tell you what to do with your body?
So why do men (and some women) think they can tell a woman what to do with their bodies?

"You have a penis! You're getting to live the life I envy, so don't you dare tell me to stop hating being female!"

Sure, sweetie. Save it for your group therapy session, which you appear to have mistaken this message thread for.
A comparison of abortion to slavery is certainly not a new idea, but a reminder of what our nation was dealing with 160 years ago is pertinent to the biggest moral issue we are dealing with today. In terms of which side is making what arguments, the parallels are stunning:

1. The anti-slavery and anti-abortion advocates both argued on behalf of persons without any rights or voices.

2. The pro-slavery and pro-abortion advocates argue that these persons are merely property which may be disposed of at the whim of their owners.

3. The anti-slavery and anti-abortion advocates were willing to compromise be allowing individual States to decide these matters.

4. The pro-slavery and pro-abortion advocates wanted to prevent any States from limiting their property rights to dispose of these persons.

Do you see a common pattern here? Which side values human lives over property rights and which does not? Where do you stand?
Lol I love the unintentional irony here. If you wanted to make this about slavery, you could argue that not allowing women to do what they want with their own bodies is a form of slavery.
Cecilie1200 I am not projecting at all, sweetie. I am just making an observation.
Women should have the right to control their own bodies the same way men control their bodies. It's all about control.
Why do pro-life people care so much about babies while they are in the womb, but then don't care about them after they are born?
Yeah, and if I choose not to murder my husband for the insurance company, then I can go right ahead and let him live. But I can't force my beliefs on other women who might really need the cash.

"Simple" is definitely one word I might choose to describe that sort of "logic", but it's probably not the first one I'd go with.
Please don't murder your husband :-\ Let him live. I'm sure he is a nice man.
"You have a penis! You're getting to live the life I envy, so don't you dare tell me to stop hating being female!"

Sure, sweetie. Save it for your group therapy session, which you appear to have mistaken this message thread for.
How do you know I don't have a penis?
Why do you continue to call me "sweetie"? Is that your attempt to be condescending? It isn't a good look. Just so you know.

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