Abortion and Slavery: Two Pods with the Same Pea?

Why do pro-life people care so much about babies while they are in the womb, but then don't care about them after they are born?
Do you really think that? Based on what evidence? Reality is that "pro-life" people tend to have (more) children, whereas "pro-choice" people do not. What does that tell you?
Do you really think that? Based on what evidence? Reality is that "pro-life" people tend to have (more) children, whereas "pro-choice" people do not. What does that tell you?
Pro-life people don't like to see women get abortions, yet they whine and complain about welfare/food stamps/ Section 8 benefits that the children may need if their Moms decide to keep them.
Why is that?
Pro-life people don't like to see women get abortions, yet they whine and complain about welfare/food stamps/ Section 8 benefits that the children may need if their Moms decide to keep them.
Why is that?
1. Do YOU like to see women get abortions? Regardless of how late in the pregnancy?
2. Rational people don't like to see dysfunctional welfare programs that encourage dependency.
3. The "choice" that women should make is whether to get pregnant in the first place. (Don't whine about the very small percentage of pregnancies that couldn't be avoided.)
4. Pro-life people are big advocates for adoption. Why aren't you?
5. Abortion is not family planning. It is family destruction.
If YOU choose to have a baby go right ahead. But, you can't force your beliefs on other women.

Simple as that.
There are many other ways to keep from becoming pregnant. You can use a condom, take birth control pills, or have an IUD inserted. If all else fails, I am sure that there would be people ready, willing, and able to adopt your baby!
Bob, I am assuming you are a man. Would you carry and give birth to a baby that you couldn't take care of? Would you ever allow anyone to tell you what to do with your body?
So why do men (and some women) think they can tell a woman what to do with their bodies?
The problem here is that the baby is not part of the woman's body. He(she) is inside the woman's body but not part of her body!
1 it can't have rights or a voice because it's murdered before it's able to aquire them. Once fertilized the egg is a baby it will just spend the next 16 to 20 years evolving into a adult and if you abort it after it's fertilized you killed a person that is just left alone would be a adult one day. Kill it day one, or kill it 11 months later, either way you killed a baby with no voice.

2 a parasite is something invading your body unwillingly. A woman chosing to use not protection willingly invited the child. Comparing a child to a tape worm is not a good comparison.

3 states can and do decide rights such as abortion right now. Texas banned abortions.

4 yes there are similarities as shown in the op. A similarity does not mean the exact thing. If a family doesn't want to go bankrupt with excess children then they shouldn't have children. It's that easy. I am 46 and never had kids because I didn't want them and I am responsible. So are a lot of other people I know.
Give the baby up for adoption!
Cecilie1200 I am not projecting at all, sweetie. I am just making an observation.
Women should have the right to control their own bodies the same way men control their bodies. It's all about control.
Why do pro-life people care so much about babies while they are in the womb, but then don't care about them after they are born?
You are wrong. I will give you an example. My church is pro-life. It also helps support a place where people can go to get infant formula, diapers, and other support for new mothers.
You are wrong. I will give you an example. My church is pro-life. It also helps support a place where people can go to get infant formula, diapers, and other support for new mothers.

They always trot this out as an assertion of fact. How do they know? Well, all their talking points told them so! Also, pro-lifers are often people who are not fans of increased welfare spending, and everyone "knows" that welfare is THE ONLY way to help people.
The problem here is that the baby is not part of the woman's body. He(she) is inside the woman's body but not part of her body!
If that were true the baby could live on it's own OUTSIDE of the woman's body. And we wouldn't be having this conversation.
SURPRIZE: The baby is connected to the Mom by it's umbilical cord.
The problem here is that the baby is not part of the woman's body. He(she) is inside the woman's body but not part of her body!
You are wrong. I will give you an example. My church is pro-life. It also helps support a place where people can go to get infant formula, diapers, and other support for new mothers.
Do you and your church continue to help the Mom thru the toddler, early childhood, teenage and early adult years?
Raising kids is hard, especially as a single parent.
If that were true the baby could live on it's own OUTSIDE of the woman's body. And we wouldn't be having this conversation.
SURPRIZE: The baby is connected to the Mom by it's umbilical cord.
Wrong! The umbilical cord supports the life of the baby until the baby is developed enough to support his (her) life independently, especially breathing.
Wrong! The umbilical cord supports the life of the baby until the baby is developed enough to support his (her) life independently, especially breathing.
EXACTLY! That is why the embryo/fetus cannot live independent of it's Mother. It doesn't start breathing until AFTER it is born.
Thank you for proving my point.
The purpose of the umbilical cord is to bring nutrients TO the baby from the Mother's body. And also to carry waste matter AWAY from the baby and deposit it in the amniotic fluid. Without the umbilical cord the embryo would never survive. So, of course it needs the Mother's body.
P.S. I am a retired nurse and I remember this from my Maternity classes.
I have said all I'm going to say on this abortion thread. I usually don't comment on the abortion issue at all. One thing I know: If abortion is made illegal again, look for poor women to start having unsafe, back alley abortions.
And of course, WEALTHY women will continue to have medically supervised abortions just like they always did. Even when abortion was illegal, wealthy women could still get them. That's how I know this abortion issue is all about CONTROL.
Thank you all. Have a nice day. Goodbye.
If that were true the baby could live on it's own OUTSIDE of the woman's body. And we wouldn't be having this conversation.
SURPRIZE: The baby is connected to the Mom by it's umbilical cord.

Gosh, it's so good to have medical experts like you come by and explain to us how modern medicine and embryology are wrong for not accepting your outdated and ignorant perceptions of reality from 100 years ago. Before you go, would you also like to advocate for the "cutting-edge" medicine of using leeches to cure everything?
Do you and your church continue to help the Mom thru the toddler, early childhood, teenage and early adult years?
Raising kids is hard, especially as a single parent.

Do you understand how laughable it is for you to make sweeping assertions that we "don't care about babies once they're born" when you manifestly haven't bothered to find out the answer to these questions?

It's almost like you think you're entitled to declare the parameters of debate and then demand that everyone else defend and justify themselves to you.

I have a better idea. YOU made the statement; why don't YOU prove to us that we "don't care after birth", and we just assume you're a lying meme parrot until you do so?
EXACTLY! That is why the embryo/fetus cannot live independent of it's Mother. It doesn't start breathing until AFTER it is born.
Thank you for proving my point.

What "point" do you think he made for you? That you're too ignorant to understand embryology? "All I know is the simplistic stuff I can see and understand, therefore THAT is all there is". Really?

An embryo/fetus cannot live independent of its Mother. So what? Neither can a newborn infant. And nowhere in the scientific definition of "life" does that requirement appear.

An embryo/fetus does not breathe in the way that he will after he is born. Again, so what? That doesn't appear in the scientific definition of "life" either.

You're the sort of person who triumphantly declares that "OBVIOUSLY, the sun goes around the Earth, because THAT'S WHAT I SEE EVERY DAY. You're so stupid to insist on a reality beyond what I'm seeing."

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