Abortion and Slavery: Two Pods with the Same Pea?

Slavery and abortion are in NO WAY SIMILAR.

Abortion involves a woman's right to determine the size of her family.

Slavery concerns a person's right to their personal freedom, and the fruits of their labour.

You keep trying to make stripping a woman of her right to choose her own family and her own destiny a noble thing and it's not noble at all. It's base and disgusting.

It is bizarre, the lengths to which your kind will go, to try to justify the cold-blooded killing of an innocent child.
A 12 week old developing fetus is not baby or a person. Slave babies were valuable property after the slave trade was banned.

Thank god science has freed women from the natural cycle and provided safe alternatives to being a chattel baby factory.

I don't think the OP actually required you to give us a live demonstration of your slave owner-like mentality, but thanks.
That is totally irrational.
The fact there can be some similarities in strategies does not mean there is a single similarity in substance or abstraction.

1. has absolutely nothing at all to do with it. And obvious a fetus can never have any rights or voice.

2, No one said a fetus was "property". The reality is that a fetus is a parasite that is harmful to a woman if she does not want a child.

3. Letting states decide inherent rights was proven to be totally corrupt, and the 14th amendment ended that forever.

4. There is no similarity between slavery and abortion. Slavery was to abuse rights in order to make a profit. Abortion is to prevent a family from being bankrupt by excess children.

In what way is it "obvious" that a fetus can never have any rights?

EVERYONE on the pro-abortion side says they're property. "My body, my choice" is (mistakenly) claiming that the fetus is nothing more than a part of a woman's body, to dispose of as she chooses. So is "It's a parasite", for that matter. (Oh, and no, a fetus is not "harmful" to a woman if she doesn't want a baby. That only works if you're a spoiled child who thinks you're entitled to never have anything happen that you don't want.)

If you're trying to make the argument that killing babies is an "inherent right", you're going to have to show your work. Freedom has a long, documented history of being viewed as an "inherent right" in this country; killing innocent humans, not so much.
Those who were for slavery were the wealthy elite, who are the right wing these days.
Party labels change over time, so are pointless.

Oh, yeah, Republicans are "the party of the wealthy elite" . . . which is why all of Hollywood and most big corporations are in bed with the Democrats. Not to mention 26 out of the 27 richest Congressional districts are represented by Democrats.

Yeah, Democrats are all about the poor.
A fetus is not a human being because it is not yet sentient.
And slavery could be appropriate as a means for criminals to pay back for a crime.

Please show me where "sentient" appears in any scientific definition of "What is a human being?"

And as I recall, one of the arguments made in favor of slavery was, "Black people are just dumb animals", so you're right on track to be living proof of the OP's point. Congratulations.
Slavery and abortion are in NO WAY SIMILAR.

Abortion involves a woman's right to determine the size of her family.

Slavery concerns a person's right to their personal freedom, and the fruits of their labour.

You keep trying to make stripping a woman of her right to choose her own family and her own destiny a noble thing and it's not noble at all. It's base and disgusting.

I just heard, "They aren't alike, because I like abortion and that makes it okay!"

Go away, shriveled little foreigner. Go talk about your own country, if you can find anything interesting to say about it.
Satan it seems works in strange ways. This isn't the hill to die on. We don't need more niggas. W. African Americans are vastly better than hood rats. Hell the blacks who made Harlem a thing we're Caribbean.
No, dunce. Because they're both causes championed by southern conservatives.

In other words, I was correct.

Thank you, you may return to your regularly-scheduled mindlessness now. If I need you to scream, "You're a RAAAAACIST . . . because you ARE!!!!" again, I'll let you know.
That is totally irrational.
The fact there can be some similarities in strategies does not mean there is a single similarity in substance or abstraction.

1. has absolutely nothing at all to do with it. And obvious a fetus can never have any rights or voice.

2, No one said a fetus was "property". The reality is that a fetus is a parasite that is harmful to a woman if she does not want a child.

3. Letting states decide inherent rights was proven to be totally corrupt, and the 14th amendment ended that forever.

4. There is no similarity between slavery and abortion. Slavery was to abuse rights in order to make a profit. Abortion is to prevent a family from being bankrupt by excess children.
Science is proving you wrong on abortion. Are you against Science now?

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